101 Ways to Meet Your Angels (21 page)

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When your focused thoughts, feelings, and emotions are charged with energy or vibration, and it acts as a magnet that attracts into your life exactly what you’re focused on.

Life purpose

When you’ve found a way to express yourself that feels meaningful and significant to you. It’s fulfilling and you feel passionate about it.


A materialized form that was created from a thought or a prayer.


To engage in reflection, prayer, or contemplation.


Someone who communicates with deceased loved ones to deliver messages of healing and love.


An extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention into human affairs or an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment.

Nature Angels

The angels of Mother Nature; the fairies.

Near-death experience

When someone is close to death, or they are pronounced clinically dead, and they have an experience of life after death.

New Testament

The second part of the Christian Bible that includes the book of Acts and Revelation and the canonical Gospels and Epistles.

Old Testament

The first part of the Christian Bible including the books of the Jewish canon of scripture.


The angels in the second triad of the hierarchy. These angels are the defenders and protectors of the world. They keep track of human history, and they are the organizers of world religions.


When you receive visions or information about a future event.


The angels in the lowest tier of the hierarchy. They are the protectors of politics and religion.


Being successful and thriving in financial respects.

Quantum physics

A science that deals with the effects of invisible energy.

It studies the fundamental nature of the universe, and it describes the universe as very different from the world we see with the naked eye.

Sacred Space

A place of retreat where you can step away from the hectic activities of your everyday life and experience peace and relaxation.


The highest order of God’s angelic servants who sit closest to the throne of God.


A confirmation from your angels.

Spiritual toolbox

A place in your mind where you hold all your spiritual teachings.


Your personal and private relationship and connection with the divine.


A coincidental occurrence of two or more events that have no relevance to one another, but when the occurrence takes place, it has great meaning to the person who is witnessing or experiencing it.

Third eye

The spiritual eye that receives intuitive information and spiritual visions. This energy center is located behind the forehead and between the eyes.


The angels in the first tier of the hierarchy; they bring God’s justice to earth. They create and send positive energy to the earth and all its inhabitants.


A characteristic emanation, aura, or spirit that infuses or vitalizes someone or something, and it can be instinctively sensed or experienced.


The angels in the second tier of the hierarchy. They are known as the “miracle angels.” They are sent to earth to bestow grace and valor.

Wish list

A list of desires and intentions you would like to manifest into physical form.

Appendix C


Berkowitz, Rita and Deborah S. Romaine.
Empowering Your Life with the Angels.
Royersford, PA: Alpha. 2004.

Foundation of Inner Peace.
A Course in Miracles
. New York: The Penguin Group, 1996.

Hicks, Esther and Jerry.
Ask and It Is Given.
Carlsbad, CA: Hay House Inc. 2004.

Grabhorn, Lynn.
Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting
. Charlotte, VA: Hampton Roads, 2003.

Gregg, Susan.
Encyclopedia of Angels
. Beverly MA: Fair Winds Press, 2008.

Griswold, Trudy and Mark, Barbara.
. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995.

Paolino, Karen.
The Everything® Guide to Angels.
Avon, MA: F+W Media, 2009.

Paolino, Karen.
What Would Love Do? Transform your Fears into Miracles of Love.
Abington, MA: Heaven on Earth, 2006

Stratton, Elisabeth.
Seeds of Light
Healing Meditations for Body and Soul
. New York: Fireside, 1997.

Virtue, Doreen and Brown, Lynnette.
Angel Numbers
. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House Inc. 2005.

Virtue, Doreen.
Archangels & Ascended Masters
. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House Inc. 2003.

Virtue, Doreen.
Fairies 101
. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House Inc. 2007.

Virtue, Doreen.
Healing with the Angels.
Carlsbad, CA: Hay House Inc. 2006.

Virtue, Doreen.
How to Hear the Angels.
Carlsbad, CA: Hay House Inc. 2007.


Archangel Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue

Angel Blessings
by Kimberly Marooney

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue

Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue

Messages from Your Angels
by Doreen Virtue

Saints & Angels Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue


Angel Attunement
by Karen Paolino

Chakra Clearing
by Doreen Virtue
Healing with the Angels
by Doreen Virtue

Spark the Light
by Karen Paolino


Liquid Mind
CD series

Steven Harper’s Inner Peace Music


My center,
Heaven on Earth
, is located in Massachusetts but I work with clients over the phone. When I do an angel reading I connect with the client’s angel, guides, and loved ones from spirit. During a reading I can see, hear, and feel the angels and guides around you. They share their messages of divine guidance with you and they explain why they are here to help you. Possible messages of divine guidance that come through a reading relate to relationships, finances, career, physical and emotional wellbeing, and life purpose. The readings are always insightful, uplifting, and filled with divine love and healing. I also do a variety of workshops about the angels and I facilitate an
Angel Messenger Certification Program

If you are interested in booking a reading or a workshop, please e-mail me at
[email protected]
or visit my website at


Rita is a gifted spirit artist and medium. She can see, draw, and communicate with those who have passed to the higher side of life. Spirit guides working with Rita’s artistic talent, allow her to draw a portrait of a spirit guide or spirit loved-one that is around you. Her gifts will also allow the spirit communicator to make known the message they have come to give. If you are interested in booking a reading with Rita, email her at
[email protected]
or visit her website at



Abraham, 18–20, 153
Abundance, manifesting, 43, 157–60, 197
Acceptance, practicing, 180–84
Action, taking, 95, 145–46, 150, 158, 169–70
Acupuncture, 190–91, 199–201
Adam, 5
Adler, Mortimer, 31
See also
Chanting for angel nudges, 68–69
for attracting angels, 11, 22, 57–58, 126–27
for attracting life partner, 163
for positive energy, 48
Alternative healing, 190–91, 199–202.
See also
Healing Amael, 6
Angel assistance, 131–55, 171–85.
See also
Angels Angel cards, 84–88, 196, 227
Angel dreams, 27–28.
See also
Dreams Angel mail, 128–29
Angel Numbers
, 165
Angel numbers, 165–67
Angel questions, 77, 97–98
Angel reading, 86–88, 196–97
Angel worship, 24–25
Angelic presence, detecting, 7–8, 15–16, 29
See also
Archangels; Guardian angels; Prayers belief in, 1–3, 17–24, 77, 97–98
communicating with, 43–77, 113–29, 187–203
connecting with, 14–16, 51–52, 79–100
explanation of, xv–xvi
hierarchies of, 4–7, 31–32
list of, 205–11
manifestations and, 157–70
meeting, 1–29, 101–11
seeking help from, 131–55, 157–85
types of, 31–41
working with, 70–76
Angels in Action
, 40
Angels in My Hair
, 2
Appointment, scheduling, 119–20
Appreciation, expressing, 12–14, 99–100, 117, 183–84
Archangel Ariel, 6, 136–38, 206
Archangel Azrael, 6, 147–49, 206
Archangel Barakiel, 159, 210
Archangel Chamuel, 6, 140–41, 153, 206
Archangel Gabriel, 5–6, 21–22, 108, 173, 206
Archangel Gadiel, 159, 210
Archangel Gamaliel, 159, 210
Archangel Haniel, 6, 207
Archangel Jehudiel, 207
Archangel Jeremiel, 6, 168, 184, 207
Archangel Jophiel, 6
Archangel Metatron, 5–6
Archangel Michael, 5–7, 40, 52–54, 76, 132–33, 136–39, 143, 146, 150–51, 207
Archangel Pathiel, 159, 211
Archangel Raguel, 6
Archangel Raphael, 5–6, 76, 137–38, 143–44, 208
Archangel Raziel, 5–6, 159, 184, 208
Archangel Sandalphon, 6
Archangel Suriel, 139, 143, 184, 208, 211
Archangel Uriel, 5–6, 143, 184–85, 208
Archangel Zadkiel, 5–6, 153, 208
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