2#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (9 page)

BOOK: 2#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance
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as good as it was, I don’t think it would be enough to keep me. I have black
magic after all. Although I might just have to look for a bigger freaking
vibrator after this.” She mumbled the last. He didn’t understand to what she
was referring so he ignored the statement.

sighed. “I am willing to risk it. I want you to give us a chance.”

don’t believe in true love and happily ever after. I’m a human, we’re wired differently.
There is no such thing as fated mates…that’s what romance novels are for. The
whole thing is pure freaking fantasy. Look around you, Ross”—Becky did as she
told him to do—“this is the real world.”

kept his eyes firmly on her. “I don’t have to look around.” He paused, sucking
in a breath. “I’m looking at you. An intelligent, beautiful, highly sensual
female. I can see what I want and what I am willing to fight to have. I am not
afraid of the future.”

could hear her heart rate pick up, could see her chest heave. She chewed on her
bottom lip and her eyes even glistened for a moment.

am a patient male. I will give you the time and the space that you need even if
it kills me. I will go.” Just before he picked up his jeans, he saw a look of
disappointment flash across her face before she pursed her lips and folded her
arms across her chest. Ross donned his pants and pulled the tank over his head.
“I want to take you out. One date.”

sucked in a breath and by the way her shoulders pulled back and her body tensed
he could tell that she was about to decline.

about it. Don’t give me an answer now. I’ll call you.” He picked up his boots
and made for the door, but as his hand touched the cold metal of the handle he

couldn’t leave it like this.

turned and moving quickly, was chest to chest with her in less than a split
second. She gasped, her eyes wide. He thread his fingers through her hair and
kissed her. Quick and hard, ending on a soft touch of the lips. It almost killed
him to pull away from such an enticing mouth, such a ripe body. From
female, but he forced himself to let her go. It was even harder to turn his
back on her and to leave. Hearing her soft sigh of regret just as he closed the
door was almost his undoing, but he forced himself to put one foot in front of
the other.

himself to leave what was his.

Chapter 8


had pushed hard making the trip to Becky’s place in record time. He craned his
neck looking up at her apartment.

that he was here, a knot of nerves twisted in his gut. Maybe he should’ve
called first. His wolf was restless, wanting him to move, to go to their
female. It didn’t understand the need to pause, to regroup.

was a human female, she wouldn’t fully understand his ways. He gave himself a
mental shake. His human would be really happy to see him. Would most likely
welcome him to her bed. His dick twitched at the thought of being inside her
tight confines again, of pumping into her sweet pussy. His wolf whined.

the way the passing human female looked at him, it was safe to say that he had
whined out loud as well. She quickened her pace while glancing back at him as
she made her way down the sidewalk.

looked back up at Becky’s apartment. Once they had made love, he would be sure
she was totally sated, they could spend time together and get to know one
another more. There were so many things he wished to know.

you just going to look up at her apartment all day?” Sawyer asked.

shook his head. “Not a fucking chance.” It was the final push that he needed to
start walking. He ignored the elevator, taking the stairs four at a time and reaching
her floor in no time. As he approached her apartment his hackles rose. He could
feel his fur bristle and realized that he had started to shift.

take it that you can scent what I’m scenting?” Sawyer asked.

could hear the snuffling noises Sawyer was making. The shifter’s face was
raised, his eyes glowed softly.

Rushe growled. “Fucking bloodsuckers. What the hell were they doing here?” He
could tell that the scent was left at least seven or eight hours ago.

Tanya came to visit.” Sawyer said, his eyes returning to normal.

must be it.” He could scent various human female scents. One of them could be
from the vampire queen. It was logical that she would have some of the vampire
guard accompany her.

though his features pulled back to normal, his hackles stayed up.

strode to her door and knocked. “You stay out here.” He turned to Sawyer.

other wolf’s eyes narrowed but he nodded once. “I’m not standing here all day

give me some time with her. Please.” He needed to find out what the hell was
going on. The twisting in his gut turned to painful slicing. Something didn’t
sit right about this whole thing.

Sawyer sighed. “Fuck her and then let me in.”

gripped Sawyer by the throat and shoved him up against the wall. “You don’t get
to speak about my female in that way.”

eyes widened and his mouth gaped as he struggled for air. Rushe had to force
himself to release the other wolf, growling as he did.

coughed a few times, holding his hands to his throat. “Sorry…I didn’t mean
anything by it.”

nodded once then looked back at the door. There was no movement from inside. He
knocked again, using more force this time yet trying hard not to put his fist
through the wood.

He heard her sweet voice. “I’m freaking coming already…it’s Saturday morning
for god’s sake…” she mumbled under her breath as she approached the door.

fuck!” Sawyer whispered as the door opened.

scent hit him deep in the snout as it would’ve done to Sawyer as well. Rushe
snarled. Becky’s eyes widened and she sprang back, gasping loudly.

He glanced at Sawyer before he moved through the door and closed it behind him.

scared the living shit out of me.” Becky put a hand to her heaving chest. Her
heart raced so hard that he was sure it might jump right out of her chest. She
wore a cute cotton nighty. It had a pink ribbon on the collar and a bunny on
the front. Her feet were in hot pink, fluffy slippers and her hair was mussed.
There was a crease on her left cheek.

took in another nose full of her scent, trying hard to rein in his emotions.
Rushe was sure she wasn’t wearing panties. The cloying scent of vampire
accosted him. His nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply, unable to stop himself.
Somewhere, far in the distance, almost gone, was his own scent. Rushe tried
hard to focus on that.

in.” Becky said while walking in the direction of her living room. “I guess we
have some things to discuss.”

fucked a vampire,” Rushe blurted.

turned back, her lip between her teeth. She took a deep breath. “It wasn’t
planned or anything.”

knew I was coming back.” He tried to keep his breathing even, to keep the growl
from his voice.

shook her head. “Ward told me that you weren’t going to come anymore. He said
that you would go and find your mate…I thought…”

nodded. “That is correct and here I am.”

held up her hands. “Wait a minute…you think that I’m her…your mate that is?”

Ward had told him to take it slow, not to scare her away, things had changed.
“Yes, Becky. You are my mate and here I am.” His eyes dropped to her thighs as
vampire scent drifted to him.

god. How the hell did this happen?” She ran a hand through her hair. “Okay,
well as you can see…smell…whatever…I fucked a vampire last night so I’m not
your girl. Just for the record, I don’t normally go around falling into bed
with guys. I’m sorry if I hurt you”—she let out a shaky sigh—“go, Rushe. Go and
find the right woman. Someone that will make you happy. Someone who will love
you forever…look after you…”

He couldn’t help but to growl the word. The thought of any other female was
unacceptable to him. “I have no claim over you. You were very clear about where
we stood with one another. I hate that you rutted that male, but I do not blame
you for doing it. I need to know…” He clenched his jaw for a few beats, putting
a firm leash on his wolf. He had to be fully prepared for the worst. “Do you
plan on taking that bloodsucker as your mate?”

rolled her eyes. “No way.” A look crossed her face and her scent changed


female may deny it but she had feelings for the vampire. “I am a grown male. I
can take it. I need to know, Becky, you must be honest with me. Do you plan on
mating him?”

way.” She folded her arms. “He is insistent that he is my mate. Ross is nuts if
you ask me…come to think of it, you are both freaking nuts…how can he claim to
be my future mate when we don’t even really know one another.”

cluster fuck.

squeezed his eyes shut. His heart slowed…it felt like the world slowed for a
few seconds. Adrenaline coursed through his veins. He opened his eyes, taking
in his female. Her concerned face. The beautiful blue depths of her eyes.
“Rushe, are you okay?” She asked, putting a hand on his arm. “I’m sorry. It was
never my intention to hurt you. You’re such a sweet guy…”

pulled himself to his full height. “I’m not a guy…or a tiger…or even a
wolfie…I’m a strong male and I’m claiming you as my mate.”

eyes widened in shock and she shook her head.

know you want me, even if you don’t fully know or understand it yet. It’s
something we will work on. Right now I need to enforce my claim on you.”

put his forehead to hers. Becky clasped his upper arms. “But aren’t you angry
with me? You can’t still want me.”

are mine, Becky.” He pulled away slightly.

say that. I can’t—”

deny it…” He growled.

pursed her lips while still clutching his arms, her little fingers digging into
him. “What do you mean by enforce your claim?”

great reluctance, he took a step back breaking their contact. “I will fight the
vampire for you.”

She rushed forward, grabbing ahold of him. Her eyes wide with panic. “You

am a good fighter. I am sure I will win.” Rushe smiled. “I’ll be back to claim

Rushe,…do you just plan to walk into their castle and fight Ross?” Her voice
was shrill.


be strung up…they will tear you to pieces,” she whispered the last.

good to know that you care.” He kissed her softly on the forehead. He would
save a real kiss for when he returned.

go, please. Don’t do it for me. I can’t mate you anyway so it would be for
nothing, please. Come inside I’ll make you some tea.”

smiled at her, wanting to ease her fear. “The vampires might be a bunch of
dicks but they have honor. At least they used to have honor.” His mind went to
Brant and what the male had done to Ward and Stephany. “I am sure they will
allow me to fight”—his voice dropped to a growl and his teeth clenched—“with
this Ross.”

tear tracked down his female’s cheek, which she quickly wiped away. “You will
die, Rushe. Listen to me, please….I beg you…” Another tear escaped, but she
ignored it.

wiped away the moisture with his thumb. “I will be back and you will be mine…”
He turned and strode from the room.



3 is available on pre-order



Thank-you for reading the second installment of
Unlikely Mates. This is the second part of a 3 part serial and episodes will be
released every 3 weeks on average.


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I live on an acre in the country
with my gorgeous husband and three sons and an array of pets including a ball

In my spare time you can usually
find me typing frantically on the computer completely lost in worlds of my
making. I believe that it is the small things that truly matter like that
feeling you get when you start a new book or a particularly beautiful sunset.

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BOOK: 2#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance
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