A Death In Tuscany (Sarah Woods Mystery Book 13) (11 page)

BOOK: A Death In Tuscany (Sarah Woods Mystery Book 13)
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Chapter 22





It was after dark by the time we got back to the resort. Lauren and Jamie had been up since five, so they just wanted to retreat to their villa and relax for the rest of the day.

Carter and I decided to soak our aching bodies in the bathtub while sharing a glass of Prosecco. By seven-thirty we were famished, so we got dressed and walked down to the resort restaurant for dinner.

Much to my delight, Carter and I had the place to ourselves. We ordered a bottle of wine and took our time eating another fantastic meal. Right after we ordered dessert, Hope Dillard and her husband meandered into the dining room.

As they passed by us to their table, she offered us a curt hello but nothing more.

Once they got settled and ordered their wine, I got her attention and said, “Hey, if you’re still interested in a story, we have one for you.”

She perked up. “Oh, really? What about?”

“A death in Tuscany, of course.”

She smiled. “That sounds like an excellent title for my next book.”

“If you want to come by our villa after dinner, we’ll fill you in on the juicy details.”

“Juicy details?” she said. “It’s what I live for.”


* * *

Later that evening, the three of us sat around the table as Carter and I explained everything.

Hope stared at us, dumbfounded. “So, Dick’s brother is the killer?”

I nodded. “Brittany confessed to us that her marriage was a scam, devised by the brother in order to steal Dick’s money.”

Hope licked her lips anxiously. “This is perfect. Has the brother been arrested?”

“Last we heard, he’s still in custody, waiting for an attorney to be appointed to him.”

She chewed on the end of her pen, eyes darting back and forth like her brain was busy clicking out fresh plot ideas. “There’s so much I have to do. Is there anything else you can tell me?”

“Sorry but no,” Carter said, taking my hand. “Sarah and I have decided to bow out. Besides, we don’t have a dog in this fight. We have exactly two days left in Italy, and we want to enjoy them.”

“I see.” Hope leaned back in her chair and smiled again. “You want me to take over completely.”

Carter and I both nodded.

“What about the sisters?” Hope asked. “Will they help me?”

“You’ll have to ask them,” I said. “But I have a feeling they are burnt out as well.”

“Where is Brittany now?”

“She’s being treated at the Salvator Mundi International Hospital in Rome for a broken leg. I have no idea how long she’ll be there so, if you want to get a piece of her, you’d better hoof it down there first thing in the morning.”

She scribbled the information in her notebook. “Thank you, I certainly will. You have no idea how much I appreciate this.”

“Good luck.”

As Hope gathered her things to go, she asked, “I know you don’t want to be involved but do you mind if I use your real names in my book? I think it will add credibility.”

Carter and I looked at each other and laughed. “Sure, why not,” I said. “We don’t care either way.”


* * *

Later that evening, after Hope left, Carter suggested we take a stroll around the property. “It's a full moon tonight,” he said. “I bet it's beautiful.”

When we first met over two years ago, I never would have pegged Carter as the
walk in the moonlight, holding hands
kind of guy. During this trip, I've discovered there's more to him than meets the eye, and I am pleased.

“Sure, I'm up for a walk,” I said. “Do you think we need our jackets?”

“Yeah, it's getting chilly.” As Carter shrugged into his leather jacket, something fell out and slid down his leg to the floor. It looked like money.

I pointed down by his foot. “Hey, you dropped something.”

He leaned over to retrieve it. “That's weird.” His look of confusion intensified when he reached into the inside pocket of the jacket and his arm went through the gaping hole. When his hand came back out, he was holding more money. “I'll be damned. It must have slid down and got stuck somewhere inside the jacket lining.”

“How much is there?” I asked.

As he counted, his jaw went slack. “About two hundred euros.”

“The missing cash?” I had to force myself not to laugh. “Do you remember putting it in there?”

Carter shook his head, cheeks turning pink. “I'm an idiot.”

“No, you're not. It happens.”

“Not to me, it doesn't.” He sat on the edge of the bed, rubbed his forehead with irritation. “I remember now. I paid for that bottle of wine the first night we got here. I must have had my hands full, and ...”

I sat beside him on the bed and put an arm around him. “Look on the bright side, at least we solved that mystery. No one stole it. And now, you finally have an excuse to buy a new leather jacket. This one has lived a good life, but it's time we lay it to rest. If it makes you feel better, we can have a proper funeral when we get home.” He had worn that leather jacket almost every day over the past two years. To say he was attached to the thing was an understatement.

Carter's pride might have suffered a blow, but he took it like a man. “I'll give it to the dry cleaner and they'll stitch it up. It'll be good as new.”

I had to admire his loyalty. Maybe someday when I'm old and coming apart at the seams, he'll want to stitch me up, too.

Carter got to his feet pulling me up by the hand. “So, how about that walk?”


Three weeks later






Three weeks back from vacation and Carter and I are still talking non-stop about the trip. We had managed to see and do a lot in the last few days. We even decided to extend our trip, spending another two extra days in Venice. Our hotel window had a marvelous view of the famous Rialto Bridge. We took a water taxi to Murano, an island where the famous glass-blowers make exquisite vases, figurines and jewelry. Carter bought me a glass pendant, which I’ve worn every single day since.

We’ve kept in touch with Lauren and Jamie, and are planning to get together in the summer. They have never been to New Hampshire or Maine, so we invited them to stay with us when they suggested a road trip. And when I found out that Lauren's old dauschand likes riding in cars, I asked her to bring the pup with them.

As for Brittany and Calvin, well, their story is a bit more complicated. We found out that Britt threw Calvin under the bus during questioning,  and days later, Calvin was arrested for first degree murder. The evidence is damning. Apparently, Calvin had been in Italy since Saturday evening, staying at a hotel in Siena. It's still unclear how he was able to sneak into the hot springs area unseen, but there are many ways to access the property without going through the resort. Of course, he maintains his innocence, claiming that his brother's death was accidental.

  We expect it will be a long, drawn out ordeal. I get emails from Hope every few days with updates. She and her husband are still in Italy with no plans to leave, at least until the trial is over. Thankfully, Carter and I have not been contacted to be witnesses for the prosecution. At least, not yet.

As for me and Carter, we are back to work and loving it. Nothing too exciting, and thankfully, no murders. In fact, we just received a call this morning for an interesting case. A thirty year old woman by the name of Penny Graham claims her ex boyfriend broke into her house and stole all of her underwear. Too embarrassed to go to the police with the matter, she wants to hire us to reclaim her belongings. Apparently, her lingerie collection is worth the effort.

Carter doesn't seem interested in this gig, but I think it might be fun. I guess we'll have to wait and see.









The End





The next Sarah Woods is due out March, 2015 and is available for pre-order.

The Stares of Strangers (Sarah Woods Mystery 14)

If you would you like to get in touch with me, I love hearing from readers.

[email protected]



Other books in the Sarah Woods Mystery Series:

An Appointment with Murder (Sarah Woods Book 1)

An Act of Deceit (Sarah Woods Book 2)

An Island of Illusions (Sarah Woods Book 3)

A Taste of Sin (Sarah Woods Book 4)

The Masque of Innocence (Sarah Woods Book 5)

The Art of Duplicity (Sarah Woods Book 6)

An Appetite for Revenge (Sarah Woods Book 7)

A Date with Death (Sarah Woods Book 8)

A Weapon of Choice (Sarah Woods Book 9)

A Witness in Disguise (Sarah Woods Book 10)

The Ties that Bind (Sarah Woods Book 11)

A Flight of Fantasy (Sarah Woods Book 12)


BOOK: A Death In Tuscany (Sarah Woods Mystery Book 13)
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