A Desconian Marriage of Convenience (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (3 page)

BOOK: A Desconian Marriage of Convenience (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Neither Jax nor Baylen worried about preparing his ass. They’d been married for five years and enjoyed a very healthy and active sex life. Between Jax and Tosh, Baylen rarely went a day without someone’s cock reaming his ass. And that was exactly the way he liked it.

His cock coated in a thick layer of lube, Jax climbed onto the bed, lined up with Baylen’s ass, and thrust deep. Baylen gasped and shook all over, his arousal leaping into the stratosphere as Jax took him almost violently. Fuck, his arms shook so badly that he ended up collapsing. Jax growled a sound of approval and fucked him even harder. The pressure inside him grew, the need to come overwhelming everything else. He damn near screamed when Jax gripped his cock, squeezing hard, forcing him into dry orgasm before dragging his hips back and shoving his cock even deeper.


Jax’s movements faltered, his hips jerking as his own orgasm began, his cock throbbing deep inside Baylen’s back passage.

“Come,” Jax growled as he grabbed Baylen’s cock again and jacked him hard and fast. Cum shot from him, his balls aching as he violently came all over the bedcover. Jax fell forward, his weight pressing Baylen deeper into the mattress, the quick kiss to the back of his neck Baylen’s only warning before Jax moved away.


* * * *


Tosh smiled as he and Jenelle stepped into the apartment he shared with his husbands. Despite the very early hour, if the sounds coming from the bedroom were any indication, Jenelle was likely to get an up close and personal view of their energetic sex life.

“Come on,” he said as he gripped her hand. “I’ll introduce you.”

She resisted his movement, digging her heels in as she shook her head. “I–I don’t want to disturb them.”

“Nonsense,” he said cheerfully, ignoring what he knew was natural behavior for a human. Jenelle had been living on Descon for nearly a year now. She’d be well aware of the uninhibited lifestyle most Desconians led. He saw no reason not to start her friendship with his husbands the way they intended to continue.

It took some doing, but he finally managed to maneuver her into the bedroom just as Jax collapsed on top of Baylen. They were both panting hard, but as usual Jax moved away quickly.

“Good morning,” Tosh said to his husbands. Jax looked his way, smiled that feral grin that warned he was in the mood to play, and then stalked toward him.

“Why are you still dressed?” he asked.

“I brought a visitor,” he said, tilting his head toward Jenelle.

“I see that,” Jax said with a nod of greeting to Jenelle. “What I want to know is…why are you still dressed?” Jax reached for a cleaning laser, quickly cleaned himself, Baylen, and the bedclothes, and then turned his attention back to Tosh. His raised eyebrow said it all.

“Clothes…right. That can be easily rectified,” he said jovially as he started stripping off. Jenelle looked ready to bolt. Fortunately, Baylen noticed her discomfort and did what he always did—took charge of their guest. Tosh barely had a moment to watch Jenelle’s escape before he found himself spread-eagled facedown on the bed. He shivered in delight as Jax secured his wrists and ankles in the restraints and turned to the toy cupboard.


* * * *


“First time out of the compound?” the man asked her as he led her into what appeared to be the kitchen. She assumed this was Baylen. The other one was a huge bear of a man, so she figured he was the one who worked as a royal guard and this man in front of her was the homemaker. It had seemed such a foreign concept when she’d first reached Descon that she’d been shocked to learn that “homemaker” had, a long time ago, been a type of voluntary employment many women on Earth had enjoyed.

At the time it had been almost as foreign a concept as motherhood to Jenelle.

She was so busy trying to sort out in her head who was who and what was what that she didn’t notice Baylen waiting for an answer until he touched her hand lightly.

“Are you okay?”

She shook her head but gave him a small smile. “I think so. I just wasn’t…well, I suppose I should have…um…expected…” She flinched at the low howl of pain that came from the bedroom and glanced at Baylen worriedly.

He seemed confused at first, but then, as if a lightbulb had turned on in his head, he smiled and waved a hand in the general direction of the bedroom. “That’s just Jax playing.”

“Huh?” Perhaps not her most intelligent response, but the sounds of slapping and pain didn’t sound much like play to her.

“Didn’t Tosh tell you anything about us?”

“He did,” she said, trying to drag in a full breath. It was weird how the low moans were somehow spreading a heat in her lower belly. It wasn’t quite fear, and it wasn’t entirely unpleasant, but she couldn’t really pinpoint what it was. “Tosh said that you”—she dragged in a deep breath before she could continue—“th–three have a very active and healthy sex life.”

“That we do,” Baylen said with a grin. “Would you like to go back into the bedroom and watch?”

She was tempted, very tempted, but she shook her head instead.

“How about some breakfast then? It should be nearly ready.”

“I’m okay,” she said, worrying that he hadn’t known she was coming. “I’d be happy with a cup of coffee.” She hesitated again. “Or the…um…Desconian equivalent.”

“Nonsense,” Baylen said as if he could see right through her. “There is plenty of food. The way Jax eats I always make extra.”


“No buts, Jen,” he said, grinning when she realized that he already knew who she was. “Plant your butt on the seat over there, and you and I will enjoy a leisurely breakfast while we wait for those two to finish up.”


* * * *


Tosh groaned as the flogger landed on his ass, the sweet sting sending heat spreading outward. Fuck, Jax was good at this. All the worries of last night melted away as Tosh let his lover take charge. Over and over Jax hit him with the soft strips of leather, gradually making the strokes harder, sending Tosh into that floating space somewhere between awake and asleep, his body moving instinctively into the blows, anticipating, aching, craving the next tiny sting. Jax gave him no reprieve, offered him no quarter as he brought the flogger down again and again, Tosh’s legs, arms, and ass heating under his lover’s skillful attentions.

“Come for me,” Jax ordered as he pressed his cock against Tosh’s ass. He groaned, his cum spurting from him as Jax slid deep into his back passage, filling him, completing him, giving him everything he needed. Jax jolted, his arms shaking as Tosh’s orgasm ripped through him and his anal muscles caressed Jax’s length. “Fuck,” Jax whispered a moment before he started thrusting into Tosh’s ass. Harder and harder, deeper and deeper, Jax fucked him into the mattress. Unable to move, still tied in place, Tosh could do nothing but accept his lover’s gift.

Jax growled as his own orgasm began, the familiar feel of his lover’s cock throbbing inside him bringing tears to Tosh’s eyes. The big guy was a man of few words, but he had a way of making his husbands feel like they were the center of his universe.

But as always the cuddle was brief, the kiss to the back of his neck achingly familiar, and then Jax climbed off him and grabbed the cleaning rod. He undid the restraints, massaged the ache from Tosh’s shoulders and hips, and then cleaned them both down.

“Do you want a shower?” he asked as he helped Tosh to his feet. The idea of warm water was appealing, but it was the realization that Jenelle was waiting for them in the other room that made him shake his head.

He held his hand out for his husband. “Come and meet Jenelle.”

Jax let Tosh lead him into the kitchen, where Baylen and Jenelle were sharing breakfast and talking quietly.

Jax pushed Tosh into the seat beside Jenelle, grabbed a fruit juice, and ordered him to drink it. Seeing the worried look on Jenelle’s face, Tosh gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile and did as his husband ordered. He was still feeling a little light-headed, so he relaxed into the seat and sipped at the juice as Baylen and Jax got his breakfast.

“Are you all right?’ Jenelle whispered worriedly. He followed her line of sight and could have kicked himself. Hell, mere hours after learning that she’d been horribly, painfully whipped by a psychotic woman, he’d allowed Jax to flog him without explaining any of it to Jenelle first. What Tosh, Jax, and Baylen shared was loving and consensual, but that wouldn’t be easily understood by a woman who’d known such pain.

He reached for her, but she pulled away and glanced fearfully at Jax. Jax noticed.

. Tosh needed to do some explaining very quickly.

Chapter Three


Jax raised an eyebrow in question. He was a big guy and often used his size to advantage in his duties as a royal guard, but he didn’t usually inspire the type of terror written on Jenelle’s face. It was especially concerning considering that she hadn’t seemed frightened of him earlier.

“I’m sorry,” Tosh said, looking embarrassed. “I didn’t get around to explaining some of our more unusual kinks.”

“Such as?” Jax asked in a low voice. Their kinks weren’t that unusual for Desconians, but even people who weren’t actively involved in their chosen lifestyle didn’t react with the type of fear Jenelle was exhibiting.

Tosh turned to Jenelle as if asking her permission to explain. Annoyed at the feeling that he’d somehow done something wrong, Jax crossed his arms and waited. Thankfully Jenelle nodded her head, but it didn’t erase the fear from her eyes.

“Jen has a reason to be frightened of whips.” Jax didn’t actually use a whip, so he didn’t understand the problem. When it seemed that an explanation wasn’t going to be forthcoming, Jax turned his frown toward Baylen. Baylen shook his head slightly, but it was clear that he didn’t know anything more than Jax. That at least went a little way to soothing his temper. He hated feeling like he should have known something he didn’t.

“I’m sorry,” Jenelle said in a small voice. “I…um…it was a form of punishment where I grew up.”

Her soft words hit him like a punch to the gut. “You were whipped as a child?”

“Only once,” she said quickly, “when I was about seventeen, I think.”

“You think?” he asked, wondering why the hell she would only
she’d been seventeen.

She glanced at Tosh, obviously seeking comfort from a familiar person. Jax was glad she had that, but it didn’t stop the ache he felt for the young woman she’d once been.

“I don’t actually know when my birthday is, but it was the year I officially turned seventeen.”

“What the hell?” Baylen asked, obviously as shocked as Jax felt.

Jenelle blushed crimson.

“I’m sorry, Jen. This is my fault. I’ve been spending so much time around humans I tend to forget that most Desconians don’t really know that much about Earth.” He turned to Jax, his eyes pleading with him to let this go, but somehow it felt wrong to mention such a traumatic event just to ignore it.

“Jenelle,” he said, stepping closer to the table. Worrying that she would feel intimidated by his size, he squatted beside her chair and gave her what he hoped she realized was a friendly smile. “I would never hurt Tosh or Baylen. I love them. These,” he said, running his finger down the pale red stripes on Tosh’s skin, “will fade quickly. I promise you he enjoyed every moment.”

She seemed unconvinced but relaxed a little when she saw Tosh’s nod and wide grin.

“How old are you now?” Jax asked in a low, soothing tone.

She looked surprised by the apparent change of topic but mumbled the word “twenty-eight.”

He smiled, and she smiled nervously in return. “So it’s been long enough for the physical wounds to heal. Maybe one day you’ll be able to watch me with Tosh and Baylen and realize that it’s nothing like what happened to you.”

She nodded, her eyes suspiciously glassy, but she didn’t actually cry.

“Thank you,” she said quietly.

“What for?” he asked as a mixture of surprise and concern flowed through him.

“For giving me a second chance.”

. What had happened to this woman to make her think he’d throw her out because of her reaction? True, he didn’t appreciate being thought of as a brute, but from her traumatic experience it was quite understandable.

Unable to watch the woman’s obvious distress over what she’d expected to happen, he opened his arms and invited Jenelle to give him a hug. She hesitated, glanced at Tosh, and then nervously moved into Jax’s arms. He held her loosely, unwilling to frighten her with his strength but wanting her to feel safe, protected…welcome.

She trembled slightly as he lifted her up, sat on the chair she’d just vacated, and arranged her on his lap. “Jenelle,” he said as he smoothed his fingers through her long hair, “you are welcome in our home. Tosh has already told us a lot about you—granted he forgot the part about your fear of whips—”

“He didn’t know until a few hours ago,” she defended quickly.

Jax nodded against her hair. “Okay. But I want you to promise us that if anything frightens you, anything at all, that you’ll let us explain before you worry that we’re going to throw you out.”


BOOK: A Desconian Marriage of Convenience (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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