Read A Dom's Dilemma Online

Authors: Kathryn R. Blake

A Dom's Dilemma (9 page)

BOOK: A Dom's Dilemma
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“I suspect if I told you I needed to give you another enema, you wouldn’t be happy about it, but the notion wouldn’t send you into a fit of hysterics, either. Would it?”

Admittedly, no, she wouldn’t be happy. However, when she considered how carefully he’d treated her, Kelly suspected he’d be able to convince her to submit, so she shook her head. “No, Sir.”

“No, you’d most likely agree without too much fuss. And if I said I wanted to have anal sex, you might be a little fearful of the act, but not of me directly. You’d trust me, even if you were uneasy about doin’ what I wanted. Right?”

Though that one wasn’t quite so easy for Kelly to agree to, she did it to save an argument. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Can you see the difference in your attitude now, versus how you felt when I first told you what I intended to do?”

Kelly considered his question for a moment, and realized he was right. She might not like the things he wanted to do, but even if doing them still disturbed her, she didn’t think he would ever purposefully try to hurt, humiliate or embarrass her. And that was a big step toward building trust, since a lot of Doms enjoyed humiliating their subs. Mike certainly did.

And as much as Kelly liked Kyle, she doubted she’d ever let him do what Master James had so masterfully done to her tonight. And she’d only met this new Dom a few hours ago.

“You’re doin’ an awful lot of thinkin’ for a simple question, darlin’.”

She smiled up at him. “I was just admitting to myself that you were right. I probably trust you more not to hurt me, than anyone else.”

“Pleased to hear it. I know I can be a strict and controllin’ SOB, especially in the beginning, and that can be a bit scary. I demand a lot, but I give lots back in return. I will warn you now, Kelly, that as my sub you won’t be allowed much personal freedom or privacy. I’ll expect you to be honest and open with me about everythin’ in your life. Past, current and future. Even those things you might find difficult to share.”

Though his admission didn’t surprise Kelly, the warning still made her uneasy.

“However, I also realize it’s awfully early in our relationship for me to expect the amount of trust I’m gonna want from you. So, if you don’t think you’re ready to submit to an intense and controllin’ Dom, perhaps we’d best restrict our meetin’s to weekends only at the club for a while.”

“Since that’s exactly what I thought we would be doing, Sir, I’m not sure what else you had in mind.”

He regarded her for a moment through dark, unsmiling eyes, then asked, “How would you like to spend this weekend with me at my house in the country?”

The thought both thrilled and terrified Kelly at the same time. This was Thursday, so he was talking about going with him tomorrow to spend two nights and days totally under his control … without anyone around to intervene if she needed help. Since he clearly wanted honesty, she said, “I don’t know, Sir. I mean I’d like to, but–”

“Darlin, don’t say another word. I totally understand, and it’s good you’re considerin’ your own safety first. You may be startin’ to trust me, but you don’t know me. Not really. So, we’ll put aside that discussion for now. When you’re ready to discuss it again, let me know. In the meantime, how ‘bout tellin’ me your favorite food.”

She smiled at the odd change in subject, but was pleased he didn’t try to push her for a commitment she wasn’t yet ready to give.

“To be honest, Sir, I have a really bad sweet tooth, and I love éclairs.”

“Good to know. I’ll keep that in mind in case I decide to offer you a treat. Personally, even though you didn’t ask, my favorite is Texas chili, made proper, not the way you pansy easterners make it.”

Kelly laughed. “Somehow, Sir, I am not the least bit surprised by that confession. May I ask how old you are, Sir?”

“You may. I’m thirty-five.”

Only seven years older than she was. Kelly liked that. “Are you, or have you ever been married, Sir?”

He gave her a speculative look. “You think I’d be here now if I was married?”

She shrugged. “More than a few of the Doms here are married, which is why they joined the club. Their wives are vanilla, and would be appalled to learn about their husband’s kinkier bent.”

“Well now, I suppose that’s true, but I’m not one of ‘em. I am a strong believer in the sanctity of marriage, and I wouldn’t marry if I felt my wife couldn’t or wouldn’t meet my needs in that respect. So, to answer your question, I am not, nor have I ever been–married. Not involved with anyone else either for that matter. As long as we’re together, I expect us to be exclusive to each other, and that’s not somethin’ every sub wants.”

Kelly found his attitude reassuring as well as romantic. She knew, without asking, that Jim’s wife would be subject to his authority and discipline, so she didn’t need to go there. Instead, she decided to learn more about him, as a person, and his background. “What about your family, Sir? Are your parents alive? Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

Watching him closely, she visualized a shutter coming down over his handsome features. She thought he would refuse to answer when he shook his head and said, “Not any longer.”

Kelly sensed a deep pain residing within the strong man holding her. Dismayed that she had somehow saddened him, and wanting to offer comfort, she struggled to free her other arm. “Please, Sir. I need the blanket lowered. Help me, Sir,” she begged, flopping around so much, he tightened his hold.

“Whoa there, girl. Slow down and give me a chance. No need to work yourself into a tizzy, just let me take care of it.”

Though Kelly immediately stopped fidgeting, she waited impatiently as he unwrapped the blanket from around her chest and shoulders to release her. The moment she was free, Kelly swung both her arms about his neck and hugged him tightly.

“What is it, darlin’?” he asked, wrapping his arms around her.

“I’m sorry,” she answered, giving him a kiss on his neck.

He patted her back. “There’s no need for you to be–” He cut off his own words and hugged her. “Why thank you, Kelly girl, for tryin’ to comfort me. It’s not necessary, but I’m grateful all the same.”

Gently drawing her arms down, he sat her again on his lap and wrapped the top half of her blanket loosely about her shoulders, leaving her breasts open to his touch. While caressing and gently squeezing her nipples, he said, “The plain fact is their deaths still bother me, so I don’t like talkin’ about ‘em much.”

He paused to let out a heavy sigh. “Billy, who was five years younger than me, was killed in a totally needless car accident. My baby sister, Chloe, who was ten years younger….”

This time his pause was so pain-filled, Kelly reached up to hug him again.

“Thank you, darlin’,” he said rubbing her back. “I’m okay, it’s just a little hard for me to say, is all. Chloe was only seven years old when she was abducted from our backyard. The perverted SOB who took her, sadistically tortured and abused her sweet young body before strangling her to death.”

“Oh God, Sir. That’s terrible! Was he caught?”

“Yeah, he was. Finally. Though I gotta say I didn’t want him caught. I wanted him dead. And I really wanted to give him a taste of what he did to my sister before I killed him. Her death is one of the reasons I became a detective.”

Kelly sat back down. “That shouldn’t surprise me either. You’re very good at putting questions to people.”

“You think?” he asked with a laugh.

Kelly nodded. “Uh huh.”

“Well then, where do you work, darlin’?”

“J.C. Medical.” At his arched eyebrow, she added, “I’m the personal assistant to the Vice-President of Marketing.”

“I see. So, tell me. What exactly does a “personal assistant’ to a Vice-President at J.C. Medical do?”

“Nothing exciting, I assure you. I schedule my boss’s meetings, take phone messages for him, do his filing…. Pretty much anything a company executive requires.”

“And does your
require you to fulfill any duties more personal in nature?”

Surprised he’d even ask her that question, Kelly smacked him on the shoulder without thinking. “Hey, what do you think I am?”

Both eyebrows shot up. “Darlin’, I think you’re a sub who’s about to get her bottom paddled if she doesn’t start showin’ proper respect to her Dom.”

“Sorry, Sir,” she promptly apologized, though she suspected he hadn’t been serious about punishing her, and wouldn’t have done anything even if she hadn’t apologized. But then she didn’t really know him, did she?

Deciding it would behoove her to learn a little more about his punishment style, she asked, “So, do you like using whips on your subs, Sir?”

The eyebrows surged up again. “Not usually. Why? You enjoy bein’ whipped?”

Vehemently shaking her head, Kelly admitted, “I don’t even like getting spanked, and I still hurt from your last punishment.”

“Really?” he asked, his hand starting to slide beneath the blanket. “Well, maybe I ought to take a closer look….”


Jim expected Kelly to giggle, not flinch away with a wince. “What’s wrong?” he demanded. Not waiting for an answer, he started to turn her over, but stopped when she placed a slender hand on his chest.

“No. Please don’t, Sir. I’m all right. Just a little sore from our last activity.”

He shook his head. “Then somethin’s very wrong, Kelly. I didn’t spank you near hard enough for you to still be sore now.”

“Not that activity, Sir.”

“What? The exam?”

At her reluctant nod, he frowned. “Not tellin’ me you’re hurtin’ when I specifically told you nothin’ should hurt is unacceptable, subbie. You need to be truthful with me.”

Kelly slunk down a bit in his arms, looking guilty. “I didn’t realize my discomfort wasn’t normal. The last instrument you used was larger than the nozzle, and I was still tender from that.” Jim scowled to convey his displeasure and waited. “So, what do you want to do?”

“What do you think?” he asked coolly. When she shrank back at his tone, he shook his head. “You know very well what I want to do, Kellian Franklin. I want to examine and treat the area if necessary.”

Closing her eyes, she let out a soft groan. “How, Sir?”

“How what? How would I examine you, or how would I treat you?”

“Both, Sir.”

“The exam could be visual only. Treatment would be application of an ointment inside and out.”

He doubted her face could have looked more dismayed. “Would I have to go back to the medical station, Sir?” she asked, her voice soft and uncertain even as her nose wrinkled with obvious distaste. He gave the offending member a firm tap.

“You have to do whatever I say. It’s as simple as that, sub.”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied, laying her head against his chest and watching him warily.

“Better.” He gave her an approving nod. “Now, as it happens, I’ve got everythin’ I think I’ll need in my pocket already. The lightin’ here is far from ideal, but if you want to risk it, I can examine you through feel and reaction. Fair warnin’ though, doin’ that will make this inspection more painful.”

“May I stay seated on your lap and keep my blanket on, Sir?”

Jim started to shake his head, then reconsidered. “Are you goin’ shy on me, Kelly girl?”

“No, Sir. Not you.”

“Well I don’t see anyone else around here, darlin’. Do you?”

“Please, Sir.”

Unsure why her position on his lap mattered so much, he warned, “Havin’ you sittin’ upside will make examinin’ you more difficult. I’ll need you to scootch across until your butt rests on the edge of my thigh, then spread your legs real wide so I don’t have to fumble about to treat you.”

“Pretty please, with sugar and candy canes on top?”

She looked so cute saying that, he chuckled. “Yeah, I can tell you think you can get away with murder, flashin’ those lovely blues at me and actin’ the fearful little girl.” He pinched her chin. “I’m givin’ in way too much tonight. But if you can hold the position, we’ll give it a try.”

She reached up and hugged him again. “Thank you, Sir.”

He wasn’t used to subs offering such open displays of affection that weren’t sexual in nature. Although a part of him felt he should reprimand her for hugging him without permission, he held back. Instead, he spoke more gruffly to regain the dominance he’d misplaced somewhere along the way. “Okay, sub, lie back. Good. Now, I’m gonna position you, and I need you to hold absolutely still, even if what I do hurts. Understand?”

Watching her give an uncertain swallow at his order, he waited for her to submit. “Yes, Sir.” With a nod, he gripped her hips and pulled them across his lap until her butt extended two inches over his right thigh. “You can rest your head on the couch arm if you want, but I need you to lift your knees. That’s the way. Now spread ‘em nice and wide for me, so I can see. Good girl. Comfy?” he asked gazing down at her, knowing full well she couldn’t be considering how he’d placed her.

“I’m all right, Sir.”

Brave little sub. He parted the blankets to get a better look, then slipping on the rubber glove he’d brought, he touched the swollen, pinkish-red skin puckered around her anus. She hissed. “Sorry. You appear a bit red and puffy down there, so I’m gonna want to get this ointment deep inside, which means this is gonna burn some, darlin’, until the anesthetic kicks in.”

He heard her give a soft groan, then felt her tense when she saw him spread a line of clear gel along the length of his middle finger. “Yeah, I know you’re already sore, but even though this stuff may sting a bit at first, it’ll eventually numb the area and take the swellin’ down quickly. Now hold your butt still and push out toward my hand,” he ordered bending over again.

She didn’t push, so he straightened and gave her a stern frown. “That was an order, sub. Not a request. And if you can’t follow orders, I’m carryin’ you back to the station where you’ll have no choice,” he said firmly. She groaned a bit louder, then winced and shook her head.

He frowned at her. “Sayin’ ‘no’ to your Dom is not acceptable, either. I’m tryin’ to work with you here, Kelly. Are you gonna obey me, or do I need to move you?”

“I’ll obey, Sir,” she answered, her tone bordering on petulance.

BOOK: A Dom's Dilemma
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