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Authors: Brenda Harlen

A Forever Kind of Family

BOOK: A Forever Kind of Family
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Two’s A Date. Three’s...A Family?

When they become guardians of their best friends’ orphaned baby, Ryan Garrett and Harper Ross expect disaster. The two can’t be more different—she’s an uptight career woman; he’s a laid-back ladies’ man. But for little Oliver, they’re now Mommy and Daddy.

For Harper, playing house with the flirtatious Ryan is as difficult as being a mother. Fussy babies elude her...but sexy Ryan pursues her! He reminds her of the night they spent together years ago; she needs to forget it. All they agree on is their love for the baby. They’ll do anything for the little guy. But when their custody is threatened, will they go all the way...and marry?

The bouquet was enormous.

She smiled as she picked up the card, her eyes blurring with tears as she read it.

For my new mommy on her first Mother’s Day. Love, Oliver xoxo.

She looked at Ryan. “Crayon?”

“Oliver doesn’t yet have the dexterity to hold a pen.” She shot him a look and he said, “Okay, but he wrote on the back.”

She saw the blue scribble there.

She kissed the little boy on the cheek. “Thank you for the pretty flowers, Oliver.”

“Shouldn’t I get a thank-you, too?” Ryan asked.

“Thank you,” she said.

His brows lifted. “What about a kiss for me?”

She took a step closer and let her gaze settle on his lips. She’d thought about Oliver’s mom all day, how much she admired her friend’s willingness to go after what she wanted. She wished she could be that fearless and reach for what

Ryan was so close, all she had to do was rise up on her toes and brush her lips against his. Then take his hand and lead him to her bedroom.

Could she be fearless enough to do it?


Dear Reader,

Ryan Garrett is charming and easygoing; Harper Ross is single-minded and ambitious. They don’t have much in common—in fact, they don’t particularly even like one another. But when a tragic accident results in Ryan and Harper becoming joint guardians of an orphaned baby boy, they have no choice but to put aside their personal differences and work together.

The stakes are raised further when their guardianship is challenged. Ryan’s vow to fight for custody dispels Harper’s laid-back image of him; her own willingness to do the same proves she isn’t as self-centered as he believed. So maybe they’re not as different as they think—and maybe, on their journey toward discovering the true meaning of family, they’ll realize that they need one another as much as baby Oliver needs both of them.

I hope you enjoy their story!

Happy reading,

Brenda Harlen

PS. Stay tuned for the next installment of Those Engaging Garretts! and see how sexy bartender Marco Palermo convinces beautiful heiress Jordyn Garrett that forever is the right path for them!

A Forever Kind of Family

Brenda Harlen

Brenda Harlen
is a former attorney who once had the privilege of appearing before the Supreme Court of Canada. The practice of law taught her a lot about the world and reinforced her determination to become a writer—because in fiction, she could promise a happy ending! Now she is an award-winning, national bestselling author of more than thirty titles for Harlequin. You can keep up-to-date with Brenda on Facebook and Twitter or through her website,

Books by Brenda Harlen

Harlequin Special Edition

Those Engaging Garretts!

The Daddy Wish

A Wife for One Year

The Single Dad’s Second Chance

A Very Special Delivery

His Long-Lost Family

From Newlyweds?

Montana Mavericks: 20 Years in the Saddle!

The Maverick’s Thanksgiving Baby

Montana Mavericks: Rust Creek Cowboys

A Maverick under the Mistletoe

Montana Mavericks: Back in the Saddle

The Maverick’s Ready-Made Family

Reigning Men

Royal Holiday Bride

Prince Daddy & the Nanny

Visit the Author Profile page at
for more titles.

One of the best things about setting this book in the fictional town of Charisma, North Carolina, was that it gave me an excuse to visit that beautiful state and some wonderful friends who call it home.

In particular, I would like to dedicate this book to the lovely and immensely talented Virginia Kantra, with much appreciation for carving time out of her busy schedule to have lunch with me...which somehow extended to dinner...and I think there might have been wine...


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen


Chapter One

he baby was crying.

Harper Ross jolted awake, her heart pounding and her throat aching.

After eighteen days—and eighteen nights—she should have been accustomed to Oliver’s middle-of-the-night outbursts, but she wasn’t. By this time, she’d expected to feel more comfortable with the baby and more confident about her ability to care for him, but she didn’t.

As the assistant producer of an award-winning television show, she wasn’t just competent but confident. When she was in the studio, she was in charge and in control. When she was with her best friend’s orphaned little boy, though, she felt completely helpless.

She didn’t know what to do for him, how to console him—or if anything could. She was completely out of her element with the child. When she’d learned that she was now responsible for sixteen-month-old Oliver—she’d panicked. She didn’t know the first thing about caring for a child. She didn’t know what to feed him, when to put him to bed or even how to change a diaper.

Thankfully, she knew how to research, and the internet was overflowing with information—including step-by-step video demonstrations of diaper changing. But there was still so much she didn’t know, and every free minute she had, she spent reading childcare manuals and psychology textbooks.

She wouldn’t have minded the steep learning curve so much except that her co-guardian—Ryan Garrett—had stepped into his role with no apparent difficulty, his ease with the child highlighting her own ineptitude. And although Ryan usually dealt with Oliver’s middle-of-the-night demands, he didn’t seem to be responding tonight.

She and Ryan had given up their respective apartments and moved into Melissa and Darren Cannon’s house so that Oliver would be able to stay in familiar surroundings, but she knew that nothing could ease the loss of his parents.

She drew in a slow deep breath and pushed her legs over the edge of the mattress, swallowing around the lump in her throat. Her best friend’s baby needed so much more than she could give him, but she was trying. Of course, she might be more successful if she could get more than a few hours of uninterrupted sleep in any given night, but so far that hadn’t happened.

Oliver had apparently started sleeping through the night when he was five months old, but he hadn’t done so even once since the accident. According to Ryan’s mom, who had become their go-to source for all child-related questions, his nighttime waking was neither surprising nor cause for concern. His life and his routines had been disrupted and it was reasonable that he would be upset and confused. Harper’s understanding of that didn’t make her any less cranky.

And as the baby continued to cry, his sobs punctuated with heartfelt entreaties for “Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma,” she wanted to cry right along with him. Instead she padded across the hall.

Other than the soft glow of the night-light that emanated from the baby’s room, the hall was in complete darkness. She had no concept of time: how long she’d been sleeping or—

The unfinished thought was snatched from her brain along with the air from her lungs when she collided with a wall.

Not a real wall, but the wall of Ryan Garrett’s chest.

Solid, strong, naked.

And wet.

His hands, strong and steady, caught her hips as she stumbled backward. She felt the imprint of every finger through the whisper-thin cotton of her boxer-short pajama bottoms, and the heat of his touch made her skin tingle and her pulse race in a way she hadn’t experienced in a very long time—and definitely didn’t want to be experiencing now.

She sucked in a breath and inhaled the clean, fresh scent of a man just out of the shower. Which explained why he was wet—but not why he was wandering around the house half-dressed.

“I just turned off the shower when I heard Oliver crying,” he responded to her unspoken question. “I was trying to get to him before he woke you up.”

“Too late.” She winced as the baby’s cries hit the next decibel range. “So maybe you could take the time now to put some clothes on?”

Her tone was sharper than she’d intended, but she didn’t apologize for snapping at him. She knew it wasn’t his fault that the child’s cries had awakened her, but she was half-asleep and his half-naked torso was waking up parts of her that she didn’t want awakened, so she wasn’t in a mood to be fair.

“I’m wearing pants,” he said, following her into the baby’s room. And though it was too dark for her to see the sexy half smile on his face, she could hear it in his voice. “In fact, I put them on just for you.”

As if pajama bottoms sitting low on his hips could be classified as pants.

The man knew how attractive he was. After all, he was a Garrett, and it wasn’t a hardship to look at any one of them. To describe Ryan as tall, dark and handsome would be accurate but completely inadequate. Those complimentary but generic words didn’t begin to do him justice. He was at least six-foot-two, because he towered over her own five-six frame even when she was wearing heels. His hair was thick and soft and the color of dark roasted coffee beans; his brows were the same shade, straight and thick over eyes that were probably noted as hazel on his driver’s license but were actually mossy green with flecks of golden amber. His jaw was strong and square and often covered with stubble. She didn’t usually like the unshaven look that seemed to be in vogue these days but couldn’t deny that it suited him, somehow increasing rather than lessening his appeal.

But Harper had grown up surrounded by beautiful people, so she wasn’t readily enamored of a handsome face or an appealing physique—and Ryan Garrett had been blessed with both. Far more dangerous, at least to her way of thinking, was the quick mind and easy smile that added to the package. As if that wasn’t enough to stack the odds in his favor, he was also friendly and charming and kind. And if her brain had been more awake than asleep, she would have spun on her heel and gone back to her own bed. Instead she followed him into the baby’s room.

BOOK: A Forever Kind of Family
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