Read A Gentleman's Promise Online

Authors: Tamara Gill

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Romance, #Victorian, #Regency, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Historical Fiction, #Historical Romance

A Gentleman's Promise (5 page)

BOOK: A Gentleman's Promise
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Mason led
out of his
townhouse and walked her though
his back garden toward the mews. He summoned his stableman to fetch a Hackney and have the cab brought around the back.

“Pull your hood over your hair a little more, Charlotte. I don’t want you
to be
seen leaving my premises.” Mason looked toward the street and cursed the blasted
Hackney driver for taking his time. Under the moonlight and knowing Charlotte wanted to sleep with him was almost too much to resist.


But the thought that she would add him to her list of mistakes kept him rooted
the spot. She needed to come to him out of desire, need or affection
…for him
. But never revenge. He couldn’t stomach that.

A tear slid down her cheek and he clamped his jaw. Damn it, he’d never intended to hurt her. The last person on earth he’d ever wish to injure was Charlotte. He pulled her into his arms.

sat snug against his and he breathed in deep the exotic smell of her hair. “I don’t send you away because I want to,” he said, rubbing her back and knowing her body was only two pieces of material away. “Please say you understand.”

The sound of the coach rumbled on the cobbled drive and Mason pulled Charlotte toward
the gate.

She nodded and pulled back. “I do. I’m just mortified I humiliated myself.”

Mason ran a hand through his hair. “You didn’t. Just promise me you’ll sleep on what I’ve said tonight. When you wake in the
you’ll understand where I’m coming from. But know this, it isn’t due to my lack of interest.”

She nodded. “Goodnight, Lord Helsing.”

Mason helped her into the coach and shut the door. He flicked the driver a sovereign and gave the man Charlotte’s address. “Goodnight, my lady,” he said as he watched it drive away before turning a corner and going out of view. He swore and stormed back through his
gate and
toward his house. For the first time in his
Mason cursed the fact he’d been born a gentleman and given the airs of one. Next time
he wasn’t quite sure he would have it in him to deny Charlotte anything.

Least of all him





Chapter S


Mason sat atop his horse and watched as Charlotte galloped down Rotten
ow at breakneck speed. A week had passed since he’d seen her, her avoidance of him starting to irritate. The fact she was also out riding without a chaperone grated on his nerves. Since kissing her, a
quick and innocent as
kiss was, Mason had cursed his gentlemanly
His gut clenched at the memory and he swore.

chaperoned and alone
wasn’t safe, not with him around at least.

He cantered toward her and watched as her eyes flared in surprise
“Good morning, Lady
,” he said, tipping his head in acknowledgement.

A shade of r
ose bloomed on her cheeks and he smiled. “Lord
Helsing,” she replied. “I thought I had this turf to myself this morning, being as early as I am.”

“I like to ride early myself. It clears my head.” She looked about and shifted on her saddle and Mason wondered what she was thinking. Was she uncomfortable around him now? Did she regret her words and actions of a week
? “I have not seen you about. I hope you’re well.”

“I’m very well
hank you, my lord. The weather is very congenial today
, my horse…

Mason ground his teeth at the benign banter. He sighed. “Charlotte, if we’re only ever going to speak about the weather or our horses
our conversation will soon bore even me. And
while I
like to discuss my cattle as much as any other gentleman, I do wish you
trust me
enough to
talk to me as a friend.”

A pained expression flitted across her features. “I cannot. I’m sorry.”

“Yes you can, you just don’t want to.” He threw her a pointed stare. “Charlotte?” Again she looked about before she met his gaze and raised her chin.

“I’m so sorry
last week. I really don’t know what
came over
me. I’m not usually like that.” She bit her lip and his gut clenched. “Please forgive me.”

“There is nothing to forgive. You’ve done nothing wrong
f anything
it is I who owe you an apology.”

“Why?” she asked.

For turning you away.”


Charlotte’s stomach twisted into delightful knots at Mason’s words. For days
she’d chastised herself for a silly fool. Embarrassment over how she’d propositioned him made her squirm daily. Never did she think she could look him in the eye again without dying on the spot. But the gentleman that Mason was
proved her wrong. He read her as easily as a book and knew her reaching out for him was just that. A call to help and comfort when she was down. The fact that he didn’t take advantage of her during a time of need spoke volumes as to what kind of man he was.

He was a true gentleman. “I understand why you did and I thank you for doing so. I so wish for us to be friends again. To be as close as we were as children. I’ve always thought of you and hoped you were happy.” Charlotte walked her horse on and smiled when he came abreast. “Tell me about Bath and your time there. When time
I really should make a trip up there
. I have a cousin who lives there
did you know

“I do know that, yes,” he said. “I enjoy travel
and although Bath is not so very far away
the limited society suits me. I’ll return there
should the season in town prove

“Prove what?” Charlotte asked, wondering why Mason looked uncomfortable for the first time since she’d seen him. “Mason, what were you going to say?”

He chuckled. “Prove disappointing. I find now that I’m nearing thirty I should look for a wife if you really must know.”

“How diverting,” Charlotte said laughing and enjoying herself for the first time in a very long time. “No one caught your fancy? I find that very hard to believe.”

“Believe it, my lady for it is true. And not through lack of trying on my behalf. But there was never that…”

“Spark?” Charlotte smiled at him and he nodded.

“Yes, that spark,” he replied catching her eye.

Charlotte knew all too well what that spark felt like and to know you were married to a man who didn’t raise so much as a flicker of
a flame
left her hollow. Not to mention that after that fleeting kiss she’d shared with Mason
her whole outlook on love and what a man and woman could share with mutual desire
. For the first time since she’d watched him swim in the lake
she’d desired a man to touch her. To do more than just kiss her. She’d wanted him. Desperately.
And none of the emotions resembled revenge. When she thought of
, she thought of only Mason and not her husband.

“I hope you find it, my lord. There is nothing worse
believe me
than to live a life without
that spark

Mason sighed and pulled his horse to a stop as other riders took to the track
just ahead of them
. “I do not wish that for you, Charlotte. You’re a beautiful woman. A kind and considerate lady who deserves so much more than you’ve been
. Ask me again.”

Charlotte shivered at his words and met his gaze. “Ask you what again?” Her voice came out in a rush and she inwardly swore. As if she didn’t know just what.

“Ask me.”

Mason’s voice resonated with steadfast resolve and she tore her gaze away from his. To think straight
she couldn’t drown in orbs so blue and swirling with need that she would f
ounder. But how could she not wade out into murky waters
Not to would mean never to live, experience all that life, this man
was offering her.

“You didn’t want me to ask unless it wasn’t
my seeking revenge,” she stated.

“Then make sure it does not. Now ask.”

“Will you sleep with me?” The words came out as a
but Mason heard. A muscle on his temple worked as he stared silently at her.

“I don’t believe sleep will factor into our agreement, my lady.”

Were it possible Charlotte’s toes would’ve curled in her boots.
“I hope not.”







Charlotte settled against the squabs of her hackney cab and tried to calm her nerves. After meeting Mason in Hyde Park the thought of what they were about to start, to do with each other left excitement thrumming through her veins and expectation right alongside of it. It had taken three days for James to leave.
The reason w
hy he
could be
staying home annoyed and worried her at the same time. Not that she cared what happened to her husband anymore, that part of her conscience
died a long time ago, but maybe he’d caught some awful disease and was sick. And should he force himself on her would make her
also. She shuddered and tried to calm her racing thoughts. Tonight she needed to concentrate on one man and one man only.


The cab pulled up before his town house and she alighted and was ushered inside without having to knock. She smiled and walked toward the library having seen the
flickering from the ajar door.

Mason sat leaning on his knees and staring at the flames in the hearth. He looked lost in thought,
worried if the slight frown lines beside his eyes were any indication. Charlotte stopped and wondered if he’d changed his mind.
Regretted his words.

Please no.

My Lord

Mason stood quickly and came over to greet her. He smiled
as he reached over her shoulder and shut the door. “Good evening, my lady.”

Charlotte handed him her cloak and laughed. “I’m so nervous. I know I shouldn’t be
because you’d never hurt me, but I’ve never done…”

“Come and sit.” He pulled her toward the settee and
her hand
at his touch
. She had wondered over the last few days if that spark they spoke of was a figment of imagination, need
on her behalf. But now, right at this moment
with his large hand clamped around hers, she knew such thoughts were untrue. With Mason her whole body reacted, sparked to life like a firecracker ready to explode.

She sat.

“You’re very beautiful this evening.” Mason ran a finger down her cheek
leaned in and kissed beneath her ear. Charlotte shut her eyes and bit her lip to stop herself from throwing herself into his arms like a crazed, affection starved matron.

“Thank you,” she managed.

His lips touched her shoulder and she shivered. “There is no need for thanks.”

She clutched the lapels of his coat and pulled him against her. “Mason. Please.”

and took her lips in a searing kiss.

Charlotte moaned as his tongue licked her lips. Heat coursed through her
veins when he deepened the embrace
; almost consuming her with his desire. Never had she wanted a
nyone as much as she wanted Mason
to take her here, right now
on his library settee.

“Are you sure
” he said, clasping her hand when it reached the buttons on his frontfalls.

“I have never been more certain of anything.” Again, her lips touched his while her hand unbuttoned his breeches.
took some coaxing to
slip open his buttons
but eventually the flap opened and
was able to clasp
his straining member.

Velvety, soft skin
slid against
her palm
and Mason
Charlotte wrapped her f
ingers about him and stroked him
as he kissed her senseless. Heat pooled at her core and she gasped when his
ed her breast through her dress.

I want you,

she managed to say. Mason
quickly unbuttoned the front of her
, pushing
from her shoulders.
He pulled back for a moment to pull her transparent shift over her head, leaving her naked.

Cool night air kissed her skin and Charlotte felt her nipples peak into tight buds. She bit her lip at the savagery and
desire she could read in his
as it
locked on her
scorched her
. Expectation ran up her spine and she ran her hand over the tip
of his penis feeling his desire

He laid
her down onto the settee and settled between her legs. Charlotte gasped as he
against her sex and teased her with his body. Her breathing hitched a
watched and
continued to taunt her relentlessly.

“I won’t want to give you back, Charlotte. There is no denying me if we do this. From this moment on, you’re mine and no other


Her mind a haze, Charlotte nodded.
Would in fact do anything Mason
said right at this moment. He pushed a little inside
and started to pay homage to her breasts. She ran her fingers through his dark locks and held him there. The wicked things he was doing with his tongue sent sensations
to spike toward her core. “Mason
please,” she begged.

He chuckled and feathered kisses up her neck before kissing her lips with such reverence that Charlotte could almost defy any scandal to come live with h
im. Divorce James and marry Lord Helsing

“You are mine.” The deep, lust-
voice br
no argument
as he
thrust into her core and took her.
,” he said.

as the size of him
a moment to
was all she felt
. Charlotte wrapped her legs about his waist and a
delicious pressure built inside.
She clut
ched at his shoulders and realiz
ed with some amusement
he still wore his shirt and pants.
The image of her naked and Mason
above her, taking her full
clothed made her moan.


“Let go
, Charlotte

met his gaze and bit her lip. Oh, it felt so good. Tighter and tighter she coiled about him, needing to be closer, wanting him harder with every stroke
until a
pleasure unlike any she thought possible exploded in and all around her.

,” she moaned into
his shoulder.
Her body
riding his u
ntil the last of her orgasm was spent.
quickened his pace, his gasp
marking his own orgasm.

They stayed like that for a time, both trying to
gain their breath and understanding over what had just happened between them.

pulled back and pushed a lock of hair from his face.
“That was amazing.”

He chuckled.

was,” he said, kissing her again
in a slow, sensuous manner. “
And I meant what I said before, Charlotte. I’ll not share you.”

swallowed. “I’m married, Mason
. You have to
accept that

The moment he pulled away
she missed his heat. He stood and walked
toward the
and Charlotte could tell by the tautness of his shoulders
he was angry. And he
had ever
right to be. But then, he knew why she’d come here
tonight. To seek solace, love from a man she’d always admired and cared for. They were
just two people who had freely chosen to love each other.
Nothing more could be between them other than friendship
and perh
aps a repeat of tonight, if he
was willing
But n
o matter how much she wished to divorce James, she could not. The scandal would kill her
ot to mention ruin her sister’s
hope of marrying well.

ran a hand through his hair. “You deserve better, Charlotte. Leave
him and be damned the scandal.

Charlotte came over and clasped his hands
“I know you would
support me should I do such a thing.
You’re the best of men
. I don’t care about my own reputation
, but should I leave James I’d
ruin my sister
in an instant.
My parents would never recover from the shock.”

“Do they know how violent James is? Surely you
father would not wish you to come to any harm.”

“Of course he wouldn’t
, but no they do not
.” Charlotte stepped away and started to look for her
gown. “He may be cross and talk to James but that would only ensure another beating for me at his hands. I’m married and that is that.”

“It’s not that.” The
behind Mason’s
tone sent shivers up Charlotte’s spine.

She pulled on her dress and started doing up its buttons.
“I know I’m being selfish in wanting you without any recourse or commitment. In fac
t you may think me fast, a woman best suited for the
than the society we grace. But I just wanted you. I’ve wanted you for so long it
hurt.” Charlotte took a calming breath. “Let us have some time together
, please.
If my sister
marries then I
leave James
as soon as the ink is dry on
marriage register.”

stared at her a moment then came and pulled her into his arms. He smelt
, of
and her. Charlotte snuggled into his chest and reveled in the beat of his heart.

“So, we’re to have a repeat performa
of tonight?
You are wa
nton, Charlotte

laughed the sound almost foreign to her. “With you I am, my lord. When can I see you

“Are you attending Lord
and Lady
ball tomorrow evening?”

Charlotte nodded, having received the invitation to London’s most look
forward to event. Every year his lordship always threw a ball where something happened. Whether it be a
a performance or special guest, Lord Wilson always had something to keep his guests occupied and happy.

So? We will speak then.

Charlotte leaned up and kissed him quickly. “I
miss you.”

growled and swooped her into his arms. “Who said I was ready to let you go?” And he didn’t let her go; not until the hour before dawn.



BOOK: A Gentleman's Promise
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