Read A Hero Grinch for Christmas Online

Authors: Samanthya Wyatt

A Hero Grinch for Christmas (5 page)

BOOK: A Hero Grinch for Christmas
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Chapter Nine

Dani could tempt a saint.

Damn the woman with her happy disposition and Christmas cheer, her ringing laughter still echoed in his ears. Now, the exasperating woman had him chopping down a tree. Hunter shook off the snow, thinking she wouldn’t care for the mess he made. Hell, it was

A sudden wave of sadness came over him.
Denny’s house.
If only Hunter had gotten his discharge papers before the accident.

He’d come to the mountains to avoid the holidays. Gloom and doom suited him just fine. He had wanted to be alone.

But Dani energized him. Her smart mouth excited him. Her uplifting personality clashed with his, yet he craved the attention. He needed her inspiration, their enjoyable battle of wills to forget the pain in his life. She was sexy, beautiful, and . . . smart mouthed. Such an exciting combination made it difficult to keep his distance.

And if she kept teasing him, he’d take her up on her offer. The woman didn’t know what a fine line she walked.

Hanging his coat on a peg by the door, he sat on the bench and unlaced his boot. He’d spent quite a bit of time searching for the right tree. Damn if he didn’t want to please her. In his socks, he stepped into the great room and closed the utility door behind him.

He found her dancing in front of the fireplace. The girl had a butterfly up her butt, and what a nice ass she had. Busy humming to herself, she didn’t see him. So he watched her with deep interest. Dark brown hair hanging down her back in waves, swaying with the rhythm of her body, his mouth went dry watching her rotating hips. He’d like to get his hands on her nicely rounded—. He scrubbed a hand over his face in frustration.

He must have groaned, or made some stupid sound.

She turned.

Light from the fire silhouetted her pretty face. Her creamy skin glowed and her plump lips glistened. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip, wanting a kiss.

Her emerald green gaze fastened on his. She had the most expressive eyes, the kind that could see through his layers and pierce his heart. Dani flashed him a smile.

A burst of heat went right to his crotch. He was in a hell of his own making.


Hunter was just too darn handsome for his own good. She couldn’t resist baiting him; like a cat and mouse game, she smiled and he frowned. When she turned on the charm, his hands shook as if he fought the urge to strangle her. Dani laughed. Somehow she’d even managed to get a tree out of him.

She turned back to the fireplace admiring her work. With a blizzard outside, a nice fire inside, music would be perfect while she decorated the tree. There had to be some holiday music somewhere in this cabin. She opened the cabinet doors on the entertainment hutch looking for a stereo. She found a stack of CDs and quickly shuffled through them. Finding one with Christmas carols, she slipped it into the player.

Dani sang along with Burl Ives to Holly Jolly Christmas while she spread a green cloth on the floor near one of the front windows—the perfect spot for the tree. Since she hadn’t found a tree stand, she organized the Christmas ornaments and danced to the music drifting through the room. The utility door opened, Hunter was back. Turning, she saw him carrying a large pail partially filled with dirt.

“It’s not letting up out there.”

“Perfect!” At his confused expression, she pointed. “The bucket.”

He removed his coat, hung it on a peg, and then lifted the big silver pail and strode toward her.

She was glad for his help, but also worried about the continuing storm. “Sorry to disappoint you, but I might be stuck here for a few more days.”

“Better get used to it.” He placed the pail in front of the window. “It’s going to be longer than that.”

Get used to it?
She didn’t think she was the one with the problem. “You think so?”

“With this wind, the drifts could be over ten feet. The roads could be closed for a week or more.”

Although she’d miss spending the holiday with her aunt, she knew Fay would be beyond happy that she was stranded with Hunter. The old match-maker would be singing hallelujahs, thinking Dani had snared a man.

And the idea of spending quiet time in front of the fire, curled in Hunter’s arms would make this the best Christmas Dani could remember. Too bad it was just a fantasy.

Because in reality, the two of them belonged in a boxing ring.


She’d been caught daydreaming. “Well what?”

“Is this where you want the tree?” he asked.

“Um, yes.”

Centering the bucket on the towel, he made a space in the dirt. Then, he hefted the tree like it weighed nothing and stood it up, arranging the dirt and some rocks around the trunk. Grasping the center branches, he checked to be sure it wouldn’t fall over.

“That should do it.”

“Wow. It’s straight.”

He slanted her a look. One that reminded her she’d said ‘wow’ again.

going to help me string the lights, aren’t you?” she asked. When he didn’t answer right away, she rushed on. “With a tree this tall, you have to help.”

He seemed to consider it. Then, without a word, he turned, marched to a panel by the door, and threw a switch. “Power to the outlet,” he explained. He returned to her side, squatted in the floor and began untangling another strand of lights.

Her mouth curved up in a smile and her heart lifted.

The Grinch was willing to help.

Chapter Ten

No matter how hard he tried to stay angry, one look at those sexy green eyes and Hunter was a goner. She touched something inside. Warm and soft and curved in all the right places, Dani was a stunning woman. While he had visions of sliding between the sheets with her, she quickly made him smile by putting decorations on her head and crossing her eyes like a kid. He chuckled.

How long had it been since he’d laughed? It felt good.

“Oh my God.” She placed a hand over her heart and her mouth fell open in shock.


“You can laugh.”

He frowned.

“Well you have to admit you haven’t been a happy camper.”

She plopped on the floor beside him, her fresh scent teasing his senses. She gave him another dazzling smile, and lust tightened his gut. Damn if he didn’t want her. He simmered, fighting the urge to haul her upstairs.

Did she know how much she affected his body? Could she see the lust in his eyes? All this time she teased and taunted not expecting him to react. What would she do if he actually did?

“I’m hungry.” He heard the sensual roughness in his own voice. He cleared his throat. Pushing the light string aside, he climbed to his feet. “How about a sandwich?”

“Sounds great.” She followed him.

“Good thing I stocked up on groceries when I was in town. I picked up lunch meat, cheese, vegetables, and mayo . . . what do you like on your bread?”


“I have that, too.”

“I’ll make the sandwiches,” she offered. “The least I can do is feed you.” She skirted around him and started pulling ingredients from the refrigerator. “You are

“Thank you,” he said with a smile.

She didn’t look at him, but he could see the blush rising in her cheeks. She’d pulled her hair into some kind of twisted pony tail with a few strands hanging down her neck. He wanted to touch her and feel her silky brown hair. Gazing at her elegant neck, he wondered what little sounds she’d make if he pressed his lips against her soft skin.

He swallowed a groan as he imagined those sexy noises. His heart picked up its rhythm and blood pounded in his temple. He locked his jaw in frustration.

One. Two. Three.

“Hunter. Are you all right?” From the concern in her voice, she had no idea what he was feeling.

“I’m fine.”

She placed the fixings on the counter and pulled a knife from the drawer.

“I’ll get the drinks.” He stood in the open door of the refrigerator, allowing the cold air to bring him down a few notches. Taking out a pitcher of iced tea, he poured a glass for each of them. Then he ripped off a couple paper towels from the roll hanging on the wall and carried them to the table. In a matter of minutes, Dani joined him.

“I was thinking of warming the lasagna for our supper.”

“That sounds good. I love Italian food.” He took a huge bite of his sandwich.

“Me too. Fay keeps her freezer stocked because it’s one of my favorites.”

“Fay baked the lasagna?”

“Yes. All I had to do was take one out of her freezer. I had no idea I’d be here to share it with you.”

“She brought a lot of dishes up here when I was on leave. I guess she thought Denny couldn’t feed me.” He shrugged, then gulped his tea. “I’m not complaining. That woman is one hell of a cook.”

Dani clinked the ice in her glass. “The tea is good.”

“Mountain stream water.”

“Didn’t your mama tell you not to talk with food in your mouth?”

He swallowed. “My mama taught me manners. I just choose when to use them.”

She swatted him on the arm.

He knew he shouldn’t, but he liked the idea of her being stranded at the cabin now. He was lonely. Miserable really. He missed his uncle, but she surprisingly helped him forget the pain. Even if it only lasted a few days, it was worth putting up with her happy-go-lucky attitude that he could no longer resist.

“Hey. Where’d you go?” She snapped her fingers.

His focus zeroed in on her sparkling eyes. How could he not be drawn to her? He shook his head. “I swear if I go to bed singing Christmas carols, I’m going to bang on pots and pans and keep you awake all night.”

The sound of her throaty laugh speared him with desire.

How was he going to keep his hands off Fay’s niece?


Hunter reclined in Denny’s favorite chair with his feet propped up. The low burning embers in the fireplace cast a warm glow over Dani sitting cross-legged on the floor. He caught her fresh scent above the smoky aroma of the fire. He liked it. What he didn’t like was the cozy setting as though they were a normal couple kicking back after a meal.

“I’m stuffed.” He rubbed his stomach.

“Me, too.” She reached for her wine glass on the end-table.

“You mentioned you live in New York, and come here every December to spend time with Fay. What else should I know about you?”

“If you’re asking for my life story, be careful. When a girl gets to talking, a guy might get bored and fall to sleep.

“Somehow I doubt you would bore me.” She was too energetic, and dammit, he found her interesting.

“When my parents split up, Fay took me in and raised me. I went off to college and stayed in New York.”

He’d bet his life savings there was a lot more to that story. Why did he care?

“How long have you lived in New York?”

“Counting college, ten years.”

He stared at her lips against the rim of her wineglass, and wondered if they were as soft as they looked.

“Trying to do the math?” He met her gaze. “I’m twenty eight.”

If he’d done the math, he would have guessed exactly that. But looking at her beautiful complexion, she looked a damned sight younger. And from her behavior, she didn’t have a vain bone in her body. Dani was unaware of her own appeal.

“Well? How old are you?”

“Thirty-one. You’re not what I expected after living in the city so long. That place changes people, and not for the better.”

“I’m not
New York.”

He shrugged. “You’ve lived there long enough. Do you live alone?”

“No. I have a roommate. The cost of living is too expensive. We have opposite schedules, so I’m by myself most of the time.”

“Where do you work?”

“I’m a legal assistant. I started out as a title clerk. Property research is more complicated than you think.” She shoved a stray curl behind her ear drawing his attention to the curve of her neck. “Then there’s sublets and claims. It was a nightmare to keep up with.”

He prayed to God no one had to live with nightmares such as his.

His eyes narrowed as he studied the beautiful woman before him. Did Dani have any idea how desirable she was? In all her fiery bluster, she was the most stunning woman he’d ever met.

He didn’t know how much longer he could control the currents running through him.

And why should he?

Chapter Eleven

“Oh Honey, it’s so good to hear your voice. Are you all right?”

“I’m fine” Dani said, not sounding as convincing as she should.

“I was worried. And when Henry said you wanted to talk to me . . .”

“I just wanted to chat. I wanted to hear your voice. But I have some rather . . . uh—”

“What’s wrong?”

“I didn’t want to disappoint you.”

“Just spit it out,” Fay said.

Dani sighed. “Hunter—.”

“What’s that boy done? If he—”

“Will you let me talk?” Dani said more sharply than she should have.


“The snow. It’s ridiculous up here. Hunter tried to go down the lane with the tractor and didn’t get very far. He said there’s no way the mountain roads will open and I’m going to be stuck here for a while.”

“Is that all?”

Dani stared at the CB microphone as if it had just sprouted horns. “Did you hear what I said?”

“Yes, Dear. We have a nasty blizzard. Everyone has been talking about it. We’ve already gotten three feet and are expecting more. All the roads out of town are closed.”

“What about you? Are you managing? If it’s bad there—”

“Oh, I’m snug as a bug in a rug. Barbara Jean and I have been busy.”

“I shouldn’t have asked you to come out in this storm.”

“I’m fine. Besides, Barbara Jean’s boy drove me to Henry’s. He’s a very good driver.”

Dani could hear the smile in Fay’s voice. “Sounds like you’re up to no good.”

“I’ve got eyes. And he’s so pleasing to look at.” Fay chuckled. “Don’t you worry about me. I have my friends. At least I know you’re safe.”

“I’m stranded in a cabin in the mountains. With a man!” That ought to get a rise out of her.

“All girls should be so lucky.” Fay’s voice lowered. “I didn’t tell you, but I was in your shoes during a snow storm once. I stayed with Denny for a few days.”

Dani wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear the details, not that her aunt would share them.

“Aunt Fay?”


“I might be here for Christmas.”


That’s what she’d been leading up to. Even with their silly conversation she knew her aunt would be disappointed if they missed spending the holiday together.

“Oh.” Fay’s spirit plummeted, and Dani felt guilty for being the cause. “You won’t be up there forever.”

“We still have a week to go. Anything can happen between now and then,” Dani assured her.

“Don’t worry. If Hunter is anything like his uncle, he’ll charm the socks off you.”

No sense in trying to explain to her aunt that she meant the roads, not Hunter.

The man had steel in his blood. They’d been together for days and nothing had happened. There was enough electrical current flowing between them to power the generator.

At least his attitude had improved. Even in the quieter moments, his blue eyes smoldered, stealing her breath. From one minute to the next, it was difficult to keep up with his moods. “He’s edgy.”

“Oh, Honey. He lost his uncle. And from what Denny told me, Hunter was a Ranger in some sort of special something. You don’t know what that boy’s been through.”

If only he would open up.

She told her aunt goodbye and stared into space, drumming her fingers on the table top.

She’d seen the haunted look in Hunter’s eyes, knew something boiled underneath his silent exterior. Men like him didn’t talk about their bad experiences, they just brooded and held it all in.

Making the Grinch cheery wouldn’t be easy. But Dani never could resist a challenge.

Hunter was one of the most handsome men she’d ever seen. His tight fitting jeans showed off his long muscled legs, his hard stomach resembled a six pack, and those sculpted arms—why he’d just swooped her up like she weighed nothing. He had an unbelievably sexy mouth. When he finally smiled, he’d been devastating. With the vibes coming off him, she’d bet Hunter knew how to use that smoking hot body, too.

Calm down, Dani. This isn’t like you.

How long had it been since she’d done anything wicked? He was a sexy man and she suddenly wanted to do something outrageous. Getting him to loosen up was going to be a bitch.

She chewed on the end of her finger. She couldn’t believe she stood here planning how to seduce a man. Especially one who showed no interest in her other than heated glares. She smiled.

This might prove to be an interesting challenge.

But how would she avoid the embarrassment if he turned her down?


One look and his dick saluted.

Hunter ogled Dani’s backside. She had her head hidden in the refrigerator with her cute behind angled in the air. He swallowed the groan.

The stereo blared, and Dani sang. She really got into the Christmas music. He’d never seen a woman with so much spirit. Spending time with her, he guessed this was her normal disposition.

She grabbed a container and closed the door. Then she turned around and froze when she saw him. Reminded him of a deer in headlights.

“Is the coffee still hot?” he asked.

“I made another pot.”

“Thanks.” She’d already washed the cup he used this morning, so he grabbed a new one.

“I found a roast in the freezer,” she said. “Want that for dinner?”

“Sounds good.” He watched her scurry around the kitchen. She seemed right at home. “Fay teach you how to cook?”

“Yep. I learned from the best.”

“I won’t argue that.”

“Most of her dishes are Italian. I love pasta. Spaghetti, Lasagna, Alfredo dishes. They are my grandmother’s recipes.”

“Was your grandmother Italian?”

Dani placed a baking dish on the counter and unwrapped a package of beef. “No. Not sure why, but she was always cooking a sauce. Mostly for Spaghetti. Which of course is probably why it’s my favorite.”

Hunter nodded and listened to her chatter. She was good at that too.

“Granny was married three times. Her last husband was Dutch. A big burly man. Sounded like a Grizzly, but he was just a big teddy bear. I loved him.”

As Dani rattled on, Hunter leaned against the counter allowing her voice to roll over him. A sexy voice that soothed some places and aroused others.

She opened the freezer door and plucked out the ice tray. Before she realized a few spilled on the floor, she stepped on one and slipped. His reflexes kicking in, he grabbed her without thought. Without considering how much he wanted her body pressed against his.

Her lips parted on a gasp.

His blood whipped with lust.

What he’d wanted was right here in his arms, her hands clutching his shoulders, her lips a breath from his. He hovered, waiting for God knew what. A sign?

Could he trust what he thought he saw in her eyes? Yearning?

This was not a good idea. One touch of her mouth and there would be no turning back. Indecision wared within.

“Uh. The ice . . .” she said, her voice shaky.

He blinked.

Aw freakin’ hell.

He slowly released his hold, and she edged backward.

He needed to put some distance between them. He shoved a hand through his hair.

“I’ll check the generator while you fix dinner.”

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