Read A Lover's Call Online

Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

A Lover's Call (4 page)

BOOK: A Lover's Call
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Hesitantly, Rachel hit herself with the ruler. It stung against her erect and tender tip and she gasped lightly. Along with the sting there came a curious heat in her sex.

Richard said, “Good.
Now the other one.
A little harder.”
She obeyed, feeling decadent and strange but very aroused.

“Take off your panties.” Slipping slender fingers under the elastic, Rachel slid them down her smooth thighs. She wriggled against the leather chair, resisting a wanton impulse to grind her bare pussy against it.

“Lick your fingers and then touch yourself again. This time I don’t want you to stop. I want you to come for me.
On the phone.”

“Oh Richard.
I can’t—”

He interrupted.
Remember, you do what I say. You’re free now, Rachel. I’ve set you free from all that silly, prudish resistance that isn’t even a part of who you really are. You just borrowed it from somewhere and you don’t need it anymore. You’re free. Free to obey me. Now do it. Lick your fingers and make yourself come.
For me.”

His words somehow did have a freeing effect. She didn’t need to hold on to those old feelings and constraints.
To the old ideas that sex was somehow dirty and she was “above it all”.
She could let them go, like a snake sliding out of its old skin.

Lifting her hand to her mouth, she licked her fingers sensually, slowly, as if Richard were really there to watch her. Dropping her hand to her sex, she spread her legs wider, rolling upward with her hips so her pussy was at an easier angle for her fingers.

She cradled the receiver between her head and shoulder as she rubbed herself, pushing one finger then two, up into the hot, wet tunnel. She liked the way her vaginal muscles seemed to clamp down against her fingers. “Oh,” she moaned softly, a sudden image of a man, his face in shadows, leaning over her, kissing her mouth, pressing his erection against her. She rubbed her clit, sighing in her low, throaty voice into the phone.

“Yes,” Richard urged her, “Yes. That’s it, my sweet slut, my angel. Fuck yourself with your hand. Yes.” His voice was low too, almost husky. “Make yourself come, sexy girl.
Sexy Rachel.
Do it. Do it for me.”

She was breathing fast, her fingers a blur against her silky, slick pussy lips. In just a few more moments she arched up against her hand and cried out. Her body spasmed with pleasure as her fingers drummed across her sex in time to her orgasm. The phone dropped as she threw her head back in primal release, coming harder than she ever had at her own hand or anyone else’s. All thoughts were obliterated in sheer physical pleasure.

Slowly her panting returned to more regular breathing and she reached down, feeling for the receiver that was dangling against the chair. Picking it up, she said shyly, “I dropped the phone.”

“So I heard,” Richard said, laughing lightly. “We’ll have to get you a wireless headset. That’s your assignment for next time.
A hands-free headset.
I don’t like missing things.”

* * * * *

His call the next morning took Rachel by surprise. They hadn’t made a specific date for the next call but she had presumed it would be in the evening.
“Oh Richard!
Hello. I wasn’t expecting your call.” She was embarrassed now in the light of day with no wine to soften the experience of the night before.

“I know. I just wanted to say hi. How are you? How are you feeling today?”

“You mean about last night?”


“I feel,” she paused, her natural shyness fighting with something else.
Something wonderful.
Grinning widely she admitted, “I feel terrific! I’ve never had such an experience, Richard. It was the most intense experience of my life! It was amazing.” She stopped, worrying suddenly she was blathering.

Richard soothed her worry. “I’m so glad, Rachel. I enjoyed it too. This is just the beginning. We can go much further, you know. We are going to, my love.”

Rachel quieted. She had gone over to the red leather chair and now sank into it. The tray of items he’d had her purchase still rested on the side table where she’d left it. She felt
a warmth
between her legs as she listened to his deep voice. She dropped a hand to her pussy, bare beneath her nightie.

“Rachel, what are you doing?”

Rachel started, pulling her hand away. Could he see her? She looked out the window to the street beyond. No, of course he couldn’t! He was just making conversation. “Oh I’m just, uh, sitting here.
Nothing, really.
I was going to get dressed.”

“You’re not dressed?”

“Well, I’m in my nightgown.”


She felt the heat in her face as she answered, “No.”

“Spread your legs, Rachel. Touch yourself for me.” Slowly she leaned back in the arms of the comfortable recliner, spreading her long legs, hiking up her nightgown. She touched her pussy, gently spreading the delicate lips to find her center. She felt incredibly sexy, even beautiful.

“Are you wet?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Good. I have a request—a command. You may think this peculiar but based on how you reacted last night with the ruler I think you might find it quite, uh, stimulating.” She waited, her fingers playing lightly over her swelling labia.

“Do you have the clothespins handy?”


“Good. I want you to take one and clip it on your nipple. It’ll hurt, but it’s a good hurt. It’s a sign of your submission to me, Rachel. It’s just a pinch but it represents something much more. It will be a small offering on your part of your willingness to do anything for me. Do you understand me?”

“Put a clothespin on my nipple? Is that what you said?” Rachel shook her head at the phone though her pussy was warm and wet.

“That’s right, Rachel. That’s what I said. Remember the ruler? You were hesitant then too. And what happened? Did you experience, let’s see, what were your words, ‘the most intense experience of your life’? Trust me, darling. I know what I’m doing.”

Rachel shook her head again, though of course he couldn’t see. And yet, if she were honest, a part of her was excited by what he was commanding. It seemed so decadent—so dangerous! Tentatively Rachel took a clothespin, fingering the smooth wood, pressing it to open the spring mechanism. Nervously she pulled her nipple with two fingers and let the wooden pin close on it.

“Ouch!” she squealed into the phone. “It hurts!”

“Don’t worry, it’s not dangerous. What are you feeling? Besides the pinch on your breast, what is your body telling you? Think a moment and be honest. It’s important that you be completely honest.”

Rachel stared down at her nipple, pressed and trapped by the pin and her hand dropped back to her pussy. It was slick, the juices seeping onto her fingers. She was impossibly wet. A moan escaped her lips as she rubbed her clit.

Taking a deep breath, she admitted slowly, “I’m hot, Richard. I’m hot and wet. I feel so,” she paused, searching for the word, trying to describe feelings that were so new. “I feel so alive!
So incredibly sexy.
Not fake like Velvet but real.”

“Perfect,” Richard responded, his voice tight with his own arousal. “Put on the other clothespin, Rachel. I want you to feel the bite of your submission with the kiss of your orgasm. I want you to come for me now.”

Rachel felt almost faint, dizzy with need. She grabbed another clothespin and opened it, clamping it onto her tender bud. Her fingers played against her swollen, needy sex. She moaned, no longer shy, too aroused to be demure.

“Richard, oh Richard,” she whispered into the phone. The orgasm was fast, stealing over her, her yelps and sighs echoing her pleasure.

As she lay back, a grin stealing over her face, Richard said, “Take the clothespins off now.”

Rachel removed them, drawing in a breath of pain as the blood flow returned to tender nerve endings. She settled back, ready for a long conversation. To her dismay Richard said, “I have to go now, sweetheart. I have to work today but I wanted to connect. I have an assignment for you though. I’ll call again tonight but here’s what I want you to do today…”

As she cradled the phone, she sighed like a lovesick schoolgirl. “Richard,” she whispered. “Who are you?”

Chapter Three

Rachel fantasized endlessly about her phone lover. He’d described himself to her—about six feet one with dark curly hair. He told her his face was nothing to write home about. His eyes were hazel. He’d had his nose broken by a baseball in high school and so it was kind of crooked. He spoke easily of himself, laughing self-deprecatingly. He didn’t seem insecure about his looks or intent on impressing her. He seemed comfortable in his own skin but not taken with himself.

Would they ever meet? The idea flitted through her mind but she dismissed it. He had some notion of her she didn’t want to dispel by having him actually see her! And anyway, she wasn’t ready. They had more than enough now with this crazy and intense phone relationship. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” her father had been fond of saying, and right now she agreed.

The morning passed happily as Rachel went from store to store in the mall, buying the pretty things Richard wanted for her. She bought several Wonderbras and was delighted with the sudden cleavage. She kept one on, putting her old over-washed practical bra into a bag and tossing it in the trash as soon as she left the store.

She bought several pretty dresses for work—nothing showy, that wasn’t her style, but they were nicely cut and the necklines were more daring than she was used to. She bought a pair of sexy jeans that hugged her ass, cut much lower and tighter than she was used to wearing.

After stopping at an electronics store to buy a phone headset, she spent quite a while mulling over the perfume counter. The scent she chose was light, floral, but with a hint of spice. As she walked through the mall she kept smelling her wrists and smiling.

Rachel stopped at the food court to buy a caramel latte. She knew she was putting off the last part of her assignment. She finished her coffee, looking around her at the bustling shoppers. She noticed several men glancing appreciatively her way. What an odd feeling—she was no longer invisible. Or maybe she was only just beginning to accept that she didn’t have to be.

* * * * *

She drove nervously into the parking lot. She had been expecting a seedy dive, poorly lit with men in trench coats glancing furtively around before grabbing the girly magazines or packages of blow-up plastic dolls with mouths that promised a piece of heaven.

Instead, the Purple Pussycat was brightly lit with clean, broad shelves lined with every kind of sexual contraption imaginable! The person behind the counter wasn’t some dirty old lecher with a burnt-out cigar dangling from his lip as she had imagined, but a woman younger than Rachel with spiked white-blonde hair and piercings in her eyebrow, nostril and lip.

She grinned at Rachel and nonchalantly asked her how she could help. Rachel stammered, “Oh I’d like to see, um, that is, you know…” she muttered something unintelligible.

The woman answered in a loud voice, “What? I couldn’t hear you.”

“Um,” Rachel leaned over close to the woman and whispered, “dildos.”

The young woman grinned at Rachel’s obvious discomfiture. Pointing to the row of real-looking penises lined up like toy soldiers, she said, “Check these out. We just got ‘em in and we can’t keep ‘em in stock! Feel just like the real thing! Or so I’m told. I prefer girls myself.” Again the broad grin as Rachel blushed.

To hide her embarrassment Rachel turned toward the row of flesh-colored phalluses. They were arranged by size, from reasonable to ridiculous and each one had its own set of authentic-looking veins and
complete with a set of balls at the base. Gingerly she reached out and touched a medium-sized cock.

“Go ahead, pick it up. It won’t bite!”

Hesitantly Rachel picked it up,
an even darker red, determined to pretend an ease she didn’t feel. Rachel touched the penis, wrapping her fingers around its shaft, not able to resist wondering what it would feel like when she used it on herself. She had never hesitated to masturbate and indeed did it almost every night. But she had never considered buying an aid like this. She looked at the price tag. Eighty-five dollars! That was ridiculous! Quickly she set it down and wandered around the store, eyes wide.

She was intrigued with the whips and riding crops displayed along the walls. Did people really use these things? What would it be like, to feel the sting of that leather against bare skin? Absently Rachel rubbed her bottom through her new jeans.

Remembering Richard’s directive, she focused on the dildos, checking out all the cheaper models including the battery-operated ones, which looked a little menacing to her. She couldn’t imagine sticking that hard plastic phallus into herself and turning it on!

Her eye was drawn back to the real-looking dildos the salesperson had recommended. Maybe it wasn’t so extravagant after all. Wasn’t she worth eighty-five dollars? After all, she’d just spent a fortune on all those new clothes and shoes. What was another eighty-five dollars? Again she picked up the medium-sized penis and before she could change her mind she said, “I’ll take it.”

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