Read A Million Wishes Online

Authors: DeAnna Felthauser

A Million Wishes (14 page)

BOOK: A Million Wishes
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Oh Noah I’m sorry sugar. I should have been more thoughtful and encouraged you to rest your leg. We’ve been at it for hours and I just wasn’t thinking.”


He looked up at her and smiled. “Shush you. Its fine and I need to get used to walking on it and stabilizing myself. It’s all a part of the healing process babydoll.”


Miki didn’t reply she simply knelt in front of him and gently began sliding the protective sock off and unwrapping the ace bandages. He sat back and watched her. Touched by just how loving and willing she was to help him, even if he didn’t need it and was perfectly able to care for his leg himself. He reached out and caressed her cheek.


Thank you babydoll, for some reason when you massage it, it feels so much better.”


He groaned and let his eyes close as her dainty hands moved over his firm muscles, gentling when she smoothed her hands over the stump. “Mmm…damn baby…” She grinned and continued massaging up his thigh and back down again, blushing when his fingers tightened in her hair and quite literally pulled her up his body and kissed her until she was completely breathless. Somehow he had pulled her down on his lap straddling him while his big hands squeezed her bottom. When she pulled her mouth from his she looked into his eyes and stroked his cheek. “Am I not hurting you, sitting like this?


His teeth raked over her full bottom lip and he gave her that boyish grin again. “Trust me, I’m completely fine right now babydoll.”


His fist in her hair tightened possessively and he tugged her back to his lips and kissed her again, gentler this time. Noah was slowly sucking on her lips, twining his tongue with hers until she was purring and rubbing her hands over his chest and shoulders. Her nails were digging in his skin when he squeezed her bottom again. They sat like that for a while, just kissing and loving on each other until he shifted and she felt him thick and hard against her. Her cheeks went crimson and she pulled back, nudging her nose to his and standing on shaky legs.


I think our chocolate coffee went cold.” She took their mugs to the microwave and waited for them to heat, taking them back to the table and sitting down in her chair again.


It may have gone cold but I think the rest of the house heated up.” He grinned took a sip of his freshly heated cup.


Her blush got even brighter and she needed to do something to get away from that ornery look on his face so she went and grabbed his bag, getting the fresh bandages and sock, bringing it back to him then heading for the fridge.


I’ll see if there’s anything here we can have for lunch. I don’t know about you but I’m starving.”


His laughter barked out and he wriggled his eyebrows. “Oh I’m starving alright…”


Rolling her eyes she laughed and dug through the freezer and cabinets coming up with the makings of tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, grateful to have something to busy her with as they sipped their coffee.


Noah watched her working at making them lunch. She had this elegant graceful way about her that was endearing. Her hair kept falling over her forehead and she would tuck it behind her ear, only to have the curl slip out and brush her face again. His fingers itched to touch her, his mouth ached to taste hers again and his arms missed having her wrapped up in them. God he was so gone, over the moon, fallen hook line and sinker in love with her. He was going to tell her so tonight. After everything Noah had been through, one thing he had learned was that life was too short and too precious not to have the one you love by your side. So soon enough, he would have a talk with her. He just needed to figure out how to keep his hands off her first. He knew they had told his parents they would come for dinner, but honestly he wanted to convince her to just stay home and spend time with him. Noah didn’t want to share her. He was greedy. It had been so long since he’d held her, kissed her, laughed with her and just spent time talking.


Hey I was thinking, why don’t just stay home tonight instead of going back to my parents? We can order a pizza and watch a movie or something. Just spend time together Miki. What do you think babydoll?”


Miki turned towards him and arched her eyebrow. “Hmm, are you thinking of trying some funny business Romeo?” She grinned at him and flipped their sandwich onto the plates and brought them to the table, heading back to grab the steaming cups of soup and settling down at the table with him.


Come on now babydoll. You know I’d never push you to do anything you didn’t want to do. I just want to be with you, just me and you.”


She took a sip of coffee and saw just how much he could affect her by the way her hand was trembling. The heat of his stare shook her. There was something different in his eyes, something warmer. He reached for her hand and stroked his thumb over her palm, massaging her skin, leaning and brushing his mouth over hers softly. She knew she should decline. He wanted things she couldn’t give, but her heart told her to stop being so stubborn and just spend some time with him. He had been through a lot and needed her. If she were to be honest with herself, she needed him too.


Okay. We can just say here Noah. I still need to get some studying done anyways.” Her voice trailed off as if there was more she wanted to say but either just didn’t have the nerve, or was too afraid.


He smiled though and nodded his head. “I’ll call my mom when we finish eating then.”


She nodded and sipped at her soup. No longer hungry, she was more or less just keeping her hands busy while her mind went wild. He didn’t help matters with his next comment.


I was thinking when we put that last load of curtains in the dryer we should probably go ahead and wash the bedding too so it’s fresh and clean when we go to bed tonight.”


Miki choked on her soup and flushed bright red.


You’re planning on staying the night here…with me?


Of course I am. I’m not leaving you here to stay the first night back home alone. I brought a change of clothes and enough bandages to last me until tomorrow afternoon when you have to leave to head back to Atlanta.”


You don’t have to do that Noah. I’m used to being alone anyways, I’ll be fine. You’ll sleep better in your own bed anyways.”


His head cocked to the side and he stared at her until she was squirming in her seat.


Do you not trust me now for some reason Mikayla?” He actually sounded hurt and she reached for his hand and took it in hers. “That’s not what I meant at all Noah. Of course I trust you.” Inside she whispered to herself that she was the one that didn’t trust herself around him. “Just forget I said anything, of course you can stay the night and it’ll be like old times when we’d stay up late watching television and laughing together.” She smiled and stood up, carrying their dishes to the sink and running soapy water, cleaning up their mess.


He didn’t say anything else, just looked at her thoughtfully a moment, then began the process of wrapping his leg so he could put his prosthetic back on and go get the curtains out of the dryer so they could hang them. When she had the kitchen clean, she went to the guest bedroom and pulled the linens off, took them to the laundry and started a load before heading to the other spare bedroom that years ago had been hers, stripping those linens as well. Once she took them to the laundry, she joined him in the living room to help with the curtains. They worked well together, talking some but for the most part remaining silent, both lost in their own thoughts. Noah called his parents and told them what they were doing and that they were just going to stay there instead of coming for dinner. Vivi insisted on running them over some food she had been preparing. Not long after he hung up she was knocking on the door and bringing fragrant aromas with her.


I brought y’all some smoked ham, mashed potatoes, salad, green beans and a big chunk of chocolate cake. I figured you probably hadn’t taken time to run to the store Mikayla so I brought some sausage, eggs and bread for y’all to cook for breakfast in the morning along with some orange juice.”


Vivi thank you so much sugar, you didn’t have to do all this.”


Shush now darlin girl. I can see just how busy you two have been, it’s sparkling in here. You two deserve an easy night so you just enjoy yourselves ok?” Vivi hugged them both and left just as fast as she came, leaving them both smiling because of her sweetness.


Noah you have the best mom. I hope you realize just how lucky you are.”


I do babydoll. I do.” He wrapped her up in a hug and helped her store away the food and took her hand, leading her to the living room and setting down, pulling her with him and kissing the top of her head.


Once the laundry is dry we can make the beds, until then I’m pretty content to hold you babydoll. Are you ok with that?”


She smiled and tilted her head up, nodding. “I’m ok with that.”


Good.” His voice was deeper but tenderer. His arm curled around her and tugged her close, moving his body and hers so she was lying against him between his thighs.


Thick fingers twined in her curly red hair and massaged her scalp and neck until she was purring and relaxed against him. His other hand was rubbing down her back, occasionally he strayed to caress her bottom, he just couldn’t help himself and she didn’t seem to mind at all. He could spend days just loving on her like this. Her cheek was pressed on his chest, her eyes closed and fingers curled against his chest muscle, lightly scratching him while her other arm was curled around him hugging him. The fire crackled and popped, but that was the only noise other than the soft sound of even breathing. They cuddled that way until the dryer buzzer went off signaling the bedding was dry. For some reason the thought of that made her feel warm and tingly. Maybe because she’d never had a man in bed with her in her adult life other than the times she had snuggled with him, making out until the early morning hours so long ago.


Miki moved to get up but Noah held her by the hair and tugged ever so softly until she tilted her head just enough so his mouth could over hers in a deep, soul stirring kiss. She moved a bit, crawling up his body to press chest to chest while her mouth searched his, pulling hungry moans from his throat as her pliant lips molded to his, nipping and tongue flicking. Her sweetness had turned the tables on him. He had kissed her wanting to taste more, needing to make her breathless, but her innocent plundering had him solid as a rock beneath her and growling like an animal.


She had no idea just how hot he was for her, if she did she might just run scared, then again his brave girl always did like a challenge. He just knew he was about to lose his damn mind tasting her, and he wanted more more more. His hand cupped her bottom and brought her tight against his groin, rubbing up against her and biting her bottom lip. The soft little cry she made had him letting go of her hair and using both hands to cradle her bottom, tugging her leg over his hip so her heat was pressed against the rigid length of his sex, and he rubbed his hips between hers with a throaty growl. That was when she froze up and hopped off him like she had just got burned and took off for the laundry room. Stunned, he rubbed his hands over his face and groaned. Easing up off the couch and adjusting himself before heading after her to apologize for groping her like a lust crazed idiot. He had promised to go slow, be patient, but fuck she tasted so sweet he just went stupid sometimes.


He walked in the laundry area and cleared his throat. “Miki…babydoll I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to push…I…fuck, I’m sorry baby.”


She kept moving, not looking at him, avoiding letting him see her face. “It’s not you Noah it’s me. You don’t have to apologize for my inability to give you what you need.”


She was tossing more bedding into the washer like she was furious. He looked at her with a confused look on his face. “What do you mean your inability to give me what I need? You give me everything I need and more babydoll.”


No Noah I don’t, I can’t. So just drop it ok. I can’t deal with this right now.” She pushed past him carrying the bedding, still avoiding his gaze, but he was shocked to see tear stains on her cheeks. Quite frankly it ripped his heart out.


He took off fast as he could after her. “Miki! Damn it Miki don’t just take off on me like that, talk to me. Make me understand. I’m only a man in love with the girl that’s had my heart since I was 14 and wet behind the ears. Throw me a bone here because I’m fucking lost as hell babydoll. What did I do wrong?”


She was frantically working at tugging the fitted sheet on the bed, shaking her head at him. “Don’t you understand Noah? YOU didn’t do anything wrong. It’s me. I can’t do the relationship thing. I’m not made for it so if that’s what you want, you might as well forget it ok?"


He walked up to her and jerked her around to face him, holding her cheeks in his hands. “Absolutely not, I won’t just forget it Mikayla. I want more than just a relationship with you. I want you to be my wife, my family babydoll. My god don’t you see how much I love you, have always loved you?”

BOOK: A Million Wishes
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