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Authors: Lucy Appadoo

A New Life (6 page)

BOOK: A New Life
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Chapter 7
Danger Zone



              One week later, Valeria was looking through the window, watching Roberto drive out of his driveway when Luca stopped him. He swaggered towards Roberto, and then saw them talking, smiling, and shaking hands. Yet something was off about Roberto. He appeared standoffish. Did he suspect she lied to him? Did he not trust Luca?

              Eventually Luca left and returned to his house, and Roberto drove out of his driveway, onto the road. Valeria closed her eyes and drew a hand through her hair. She headed to her bedroom, fell on to the bed and cried. Marco and Angela had already left for work so she was home alone now.

              She thought about her family, having called them four times with no answer. This worried her. Had Luca organised for someone to hurt them? Valeria had to keep trying, and wouldn't give up. There had to be some explanation. She rose from the bed and reached for the telephone. Putting a call through to Italy made her cringe. What if they still didn't answer? Would she confront Luca about this? She did as he had asked, so there was no reason to hurt her family.

              Valeria finally got through.
“Mama, come stai?”
She breathed a sigh of relief. Her mother was fine. “
Con amico? Fattoria
?” Her heart warmed. “
Ciao, Mama. Ti voglio bene tanto tanto.”
She hung up, and thought about how her mother had helped out a friend on their farm. Her family was away from the house for most of the day, over a week. That explained their absence. Now she could move on.

              Valeria headed to the kitchen and made tea. She sat at the table, sipping her tea when she thought of the day after Williamstown beach. Roberto had confronted her after spending that night on the couch.

              “How do you expect me to trust you now?”

              She was shivering, her heart fragmented. “I'm sorry, but I don't want Luca in our lives, so I lied about him.”

              “And you think this is the basis for a good marriage? No trust, lies, secrets?” Valeria said nothing, cringing. “I really thought you had morals, a sense of decency, but obviously I was wrong. You're just manipulative and a plain liar.” His face turned red. “As far as I'm concerned, you're just a woman who lives here.” He paused. “I thought something was developing between us, but that's pointless now. I can't even look at you, and I don't trust you. I'll be sleeping on the couch from now on, at least until I can build another room for myself.”

              Valeria felt dread at his sharp words, and couldn't blame him. For now, she had to play Luca's game. Roberto had said nothing to Marco and Angela, but for how long? Eventually, he'd have to tell them about her so-called lie.

              Valeria spent the past week trying to keep busy. She was working on her English skills, and her new business. She had bought supplies with Angela's money and had agreed to pay her back once the business was making a profit. Valeria now had a jet black Singer sewing machine, a reconditioned overlocker, threads, needles, coloured pins, scissors, and a range of fabrics consisting of silks, satins, cotton, and woollen/polyesters. She had approached several of Angela's friends who had put in their orders for blouses and pants. So far she had three orders and had drawn designs that fit in with the needs of her three new customers. Valeria was quickly learning how to create contemporary designs that blended in well with the fashions of the 1960s.Angela's friends were teaching her about the current trends. Valeria was hoping to build her business via word of mouth, which meant that once she completed all three outfits, her customers would spread the word within their own circle of friends and community. Her completed outfits would be her walking advertisements for future business.

              Valeria moved to the living room to work on her outfits. She couldn't mope all day because she missed talking to Roberto. His distance unsettled her, but she had to keep the situation in perspective. If Luca had to come back into their lives then so be it.

              She took out the sewing machine and added thread. As she was using her foot pedal and sewing machine to tackle a cross stitch, she thought about the type of buttons she would use for a casual blouse. Losing focus, she had accidentally pricked her finger under the sewing needle and cried out in pain. Trickles of blood poured out as she quickly stopped the machine, grabbed some scraps of material to wrap around her finger, and headed to the bathroom. Placing her finger under the tap, the basin turned red from the blood. Once it settled somewhat, she grabbed a bottle of Dettol and dabbed it on her finger then secured it with a Band-Aid. It was only a superficial wound.

              Valeria left the bathroom and heard the rattling of a window. Were they footsteps she heard as well? She headed over to the living room and gasped. The window was open, but she was certain it had been closed.

              Looking around her, she didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. She closed the window and shuddered slightly. Chills travelled up and down her spine, and her thoughts were interrupted when the phone in the kitchen rang. She rushed for the phone.

              It was Roberto. “Listen, I spoke to Luca today and something didn't feel right. It just occurred to me now.”

              Valeria gasped and waited with growing concern. “What do you mean?”

              “Well he wanted to be friends again, but he was cautious with me. Like he was hiding something.” He paused. “Has he threatened you in any way?"

              Valeria didn't respond instantly. “Of course not. That's crazy.”Her hand shook.              “Valeria, listen. Why don't you take the bus to my work. I'll give you directions.”

              Valeria felt goose-bumps on her skin. “Okay.” As he was directing her, Valeria was grabbed from behind, and her hands were twisted behind her back. She dropped the phone and knew she was in trouble. She turned slightly and noticed Luca grimacing. He was attempting to tie her hands with a rope, but she fought back and knocked him on the head. He stumbled and she ran towards the laundry, but he caught up with her. He pulled at her hair and kicked her hard in the lower back. A gasping, stabbing pain caused her to fall. He took the opportunity to lead her to the bedroom, but she tried to break free of his grasp. He was too strong for her, and he led her to the side of her bed. He attempted to tie her hands to the leg of the bed, but she fought him, and kicked him hard in the abdomen. He winced and she crawled to the bedside table, reaching for the clock radio to use as a weapon. Valeria's mouth felt dry and she was cold with fear.

              While unplugging the clock radio, she noticed Luca hovering over her with a crow bar. “Now do as I say or I'll hit you with this.” He pushed her roughly to the side of the bed and tied her hands to the leg of the bed. Once he was finished, he watched her menacingly.

              “You stupid bitch. You destroyed my friendship with Roberto— the others too. All because you couldn't convince him you were lying. You'll pay for this.”

              Valeria tried not to show her terror. “Please Luca. I'm sorry. I didn't tell Roberto anything. I told him I lied, and now he's sleeping on the couch. Don't you see, he hates me. You broke us up. We don't even sleep in the same bedroom anymore.”

              Luca grinned. “Yeah, right. I'm not a fool and I'm not dancing to your tune.”

              “Why don't you believe me?”

              He sighed. “I saw Roberto this morning. H didn't believe me. I could tell he was pretending, like he was just playing along. You obviously weren't convincing enough.”

              Valeria gave up. “So what are you planning to do?” Valeria's heart beat fast, and her mind thought about the worst. She didn't want to die.

              He licked his lips and rubbed his hands. “Well, I'll have my way with you then leave this dump of a place.” He smirked. Valeria needed to stall him until Roberto came. She was sure he would come for her.

              “But you own your house, don't you? So how can you leave?”

              He shook his head. “Why should I stay in one place for too long? Three years is long enough. I've been renting the place.” His eyes squinted. “Now shut the fuck up. I'm not here for intelligent conversation.”

              Valeria's heart was still racing. Her wrists were sore. Her shoulders were stretched to their limit. “What happened to you? Who hurt you so badly? Was it your mother, your father?”

She noticed a twitch. He turned away briefly.

              “Shut up, I said.” Luca placed his hands over his ears.

Valeria shook her head, shedding tears.

              “I am not your parents, and I am not your ex-girlfriend, either.”

              Luca approached, and slapped her hard. “I said, shut up.”

              Valeria ignored the pain. “Please don't do this. Let me go. If you want your way with me then have me. I don't care anymore. I'm all yours, but please untie me.”

              “And why would I do that?”

              Valeria paused, trying to fight a sickening feeling. “Because then I'll be able to touch you.”

              Luca grimaced. “Just keep quiet. You talk too much.”His eyes darkened. “You're not so tough anymore, are you?”

              He left the room, and she heard the front door slam. Some time passed but she didn't know how much. Her mind cast back to the time her father had beaten her with his buckled belt. He’d beaten her so hard that without her sister intervening, she could have easily ended up in hospital. She ended up with cuts, bruises and grazes all over her body. The incident was triggered by the misunderstanding that Valeria had been speaking to a boy in the street, when in actual fact, it had been another girl that resembled Valeria. The woman who had seen her thought it had been Valeria when it hadn't been. Then when her father had discovered the truth, he hadn't had the decency to apologise.

              Valeria was alerted by a noise, and realised that Luca had returned with a sombre expression on his face. “We're leaving. I'll untie you but if you try anything, I'll have my crowbar right here. I won't be afraid to use it, okay, bitch?”

              “Please don't call me that.”

              Luca ignored her and started untying the rope. “We're going to my house. Roberto won't be able to get in there, and even if he does, I'll be finished with you by then. I'll gladly put him in hospital.”

Hesitantly, she stood up, and he shoved her out of the room, towards the front door. Before they had a chance to leave, Roberto charged in and jumped Luca. They tumbled on the floor, punching one another. The crowbar had fallen and Valeria rushed to grab it but she was too late. Her stomach tightened. Her feet felt like they were travelling in slow motion. She knew he planned to use it. In a quick fashion, Luca lifted the crowbar and neither Valeria nor Roberto had time to think or stop him. The crowbar suddenly came crashing down over Roberto's head. He was knocked unconscious. His body lay still.

              “Noooooo—.” Valeria screamed. “What have you done? What—what have—you—done?”

              Luca stared momentarily, knitting his brows together. “He'll be fine.”His expression softened as he continued to stare at Roberto's still body. He rubbed his temple hard, and swore to himself.

              “Just move!” Luca ordered. He pushed her out, and she turned her head back; again seeing Roberto's still, crumpled frame on the floor. She cried. What if he was dead? This would all be her fault. She needed to get help. She couldn't let Luca hurt her any longer.

              Once they reached Luca's house, he unlocked the door and then pushed her inside. Valeria noticed a living area with strewn newspapers over crumb-filled floors, ashtrays encased in cigarettes, and a pungent odour like that of dead animals. The furnishing was bland and weathered and the television looked old. The bedroom was much worse as she saw plates of food on the bedside table, a small beer bottle, an unmade bed with lumps and a soiled quilt. There was an antique wardrobe that looked similar to one from back home. It was a 19th century Italian antique olive wood armoire with four doors. It was finely polished and had peculiar patterns. The bed was filled with assorted crumbs of food, ashtrays linings the floor, and drawn curtains with a hint of sunlight seeping through.

              Luca, still holding on to the crowbar, ordered her. “Now get on the bed and take off your clothes.”

              “I'd much rather you take them off me,” Valeria said flirtatiously.

              “Fine.” With the crowbar in his left hand, he forced her onto the bed and lay on top of her. He kissed her roughly then guided Valeria's hand toward his penis. She felt nauseous but had no choice. There was no doubt in her mind he had the capacity to kill. As she was touching him, he was lifting her skirt and touching her abdomen, his hand travelling lower down. Before he could get any further, she moved his hand up towards her cheek and was kissing him. Suddenly, she bit him hard on his lower lip.

              “Aaah, you bitch.” He slapped her and she ignored her pain while she got out of his grasp and grabbed the crowbar. Without much thought, she               hit him on the legs as hard as she could muster. He cringed and cradled his body. “You'll pay for this.” He fought his way across the bed and was crawling his way toward her, punching her hard in the face. Her nose bled. He pulled her hair, and Valeria screamed as he threw her on the floor. She lost sight of the crowbar.

BOOK: A New Life
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