A SEAL's Seduction (Alpha SEALs Book 4) (16 page)

BOOK: A SEAL's Seduction (Alpha SEALs Book 4)
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Pushing open the heavy door to the admin building, a blast of AC rushed over his heated skin.  It felt pretty damn amazing.  Pushing his aviators atop his head, he strode down the hall and looked around for the office of the man he’d gone through BUD/S with years ago.  Life in the military was funny sometimes, because no matter what base he was headed to, he or one of the other guys already had a contact there.  Matthew had made a call to an old friend and simple as that, he had a ride home from Pensacola.  They’d drop Evan off at a hotel and then Matthew would face the music, returning to his childhood home.  It wasn’t even his own parents he had qualms about seeing, just his buddy Beckett’s.  Who happened to live right next door.

Evan caught up to him in the hall.  “So you went through basic with this guy Colton?”

Matthew nodded.  “Affirmative.  We’ve kept in touch over the years.  He’s doing a one-year tour here in Pensacola, but normally he’s an explosives guy.”

“Yeah.  Kind of figured with the name ‘C-4’,” Evan laughed.

Matthew smirked and knocked on the door of the office of Colton “C-4” Ferguson, clutching his duffle bag.  It probably would’ve been easier catching a cab—then there’d be no need to explain to his old buddy what he was doing here in Pensacola.  No reminder of his wounded friend.  But damn.  The sooner they got this show on the road, the sooner this weekend could be over.  He didn’t know if he could stomach seeing his best buddy injured.  And what the hell kind of a friend did that make him anyway?  He should be damn glad Beckett was alive, not feeling guilty for the things he could do that his friend would never be able to again.  The sooner he faced Beckett and their new reality, the sooner Matthew could move forward with his life.  Pretend this shit storm never happened.

With his SEAL team he had a mission, a purpose.  But back home, when his best friend would be arriving in a wheelchair, missing one limb?  No matter how hard he fought, how strong he was, nothing could change the past.  Nothing could erase Beckett’s injury.  And for the first time ever, Matthew felt completely helpless.



BOOK: A SEAL's Seduction (Alpha SEALs Book 4)
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