Read A Tempting Dare Online

Authors: Cathryn Fox

A Tempting Dare (2 page)

BOOK: A Tempting Dare
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“All over that?”

“She is your type, isn’t she?”

“Oh, you think I have a type.”

Kat arched a brow. “Come on, Sebastian. I’ve seen the women you go out with.”

“I didn’t realize you were watching and keeping tabs.”

She rolled her eyes. “It’s hard not to when Miami Thunder’s hottest doctor is constantly being splashed all over the tabloids.”

Had she just called him hot?  What was going on with her? First he finds her staring at him, then she acts jealous around Zoe, and now she’s calling him hot. Was it possible that she actually liked him? His pulse leapt, but he sucked in a quick breath to control it. Even if she did like him, he wasn’t going to do a damn thing about it. This was Kat, his best friend’s sister, and he’d be wise to remember that.  

“For the record, I’d never go after another man’s fiancé, and it kind of pisses me off that you think I would. I thought you knew me better than that.”

She stopped dead in her tracks, and her hand fell from his as he kept going. “You’re right. You might be a lot of things, but I know you’d never do that.” Sebastian turned to look at her. She sighed and glanced over her shoulder. “That marriage is going to last all of twelve seconds.” She snorted. “Six months from now, I’ll be negotiating the settlement.”

The sadness on her face felt like a punch to the gut. She was a divorce lawyer who saw the worst in people everyday, but deep down, there was more going on with her. Something or someone else was responsible for her cynicism. “Pretty jaded for a girl who comes from a functional family like yours.”

“Yeah, well Dad’s old school, and they just don’t make guys like him anymore.”

“And what kind of guys are those?”

“Loyal, loving, supportive. A guy who isn’t going to jump in the sack with another woman because his girlfriend has to work late.”

Ah, so that’s it. Some douchebag had hurt her, left her feeling unworthy. He stepped into her space. Her sweet fragrance fucked with his mind as he crowded her. His knuckles brushed hers. “You sound like you’re talking from experience.”

“Maybe I am.”

Dammed if he didn’t want to hunt the guy down and throat punch him for fucking with her. “Then maybe you’ve been hanging with the wrong crowd.”

What the fuck am I doing?

“You think?” she said, a warm flush crawling up her neck. They both stood immobile, a rush of sexual energy unlike anything he’d ever felt before arcing between them. She took deep, choppy breaths, her breasts rising and falling with the motion. Their fingers brushed, and she swayed into his touch.

He dipped his head, her mouth so close to his all she had to do was go up on her tippy toes to kiss him. “Yeah, I think,” he murmured. Despite knowing better, he willed her to rise up so he could have one small taste. Yeah, that’s all he needed, one tiny nibble and then maybe he could get her out of his head.

As a bead of sweat trickled down his forehead, she wet her bottom lip and a loud moan built of sexual frustration—ten years’ worth, to be exact—crawled out of his throat. His cock tented, his blood rushed south, but some coherent part of his brain yelled in warning.  

Don’t walk, dude. Run.

Chapter Three


Kat pressed her ear to the door and listened for sound. Not that she expected to hear movement. It was three in the morning, and everyone had gone to bed hours ago, either exhausted from the day of games or passed out from too many drinks in the sun.

She checked herself in her mirror, smoothed her hand over her robe, and inched open her door. Padding quietly down the long stretch of hall, she stopped outside the room Sebastian always used when sleeping over. The knob felt cold to her touch when she closed her fingers around it. Probably because her body was burning up, eager to follow through with Emery’s dare.

She twisted the knob and stepped inside. Moonlight filtered in through the crack in the curtain and glinted off Sebastian’s trophy. She grinned. Who would have thought she and Sebastian would make such good partners—working so well together that they won the three-legged race, the egg toss, and the Dodge ball battle, stealing the prize from her brother. The competition between best friends was fierce but fun, and Danny still had time to win back the trophy tomorrow.

Speaking of best friends… She still couldn’t quite believe she was about to seduce her brother’s. She sucked in a tight breath, and since she was too far gone to turn back now, she whispered, “Sebastian. Are you awake?”

The bed sheets rustled. “What?” he asked, his voice soft and sexy from sleep.

“It’s me, Kat. You up?”

A long pause and then, “I am now.”

“Good, I…” Her voice fell off and she blinked against the brightness when Sebastian turned on his lamp. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust, but when they did, and she caught the way Sebastian’s eyes were moving over her robe, a thrill moved through her.

“What are you doing, Kitty Kat?” he said, his voice gruffer than it had been before. The fact that he’d used her childhood name—and the implications behind it—hadn’t gone unnoticed, but neither had the way his eyes roamed over her with interest.

“I think I pulled something today during tug-of-war.”

He sat up, and his blankets fell to his waist. “Your shoulder?”

Her gaze dropped to his hard abs, and she bit back a gasp. His body was so beautiful, so perfect. Desire flared through her. “Not quite.”


“No, ah, actually it’s a little further south.”

There was a long pause and then, “Maybe you should get Danny to check you out.”

“I can’t. He’s my brother.”

He gripped a fistful of hair and stared at some spot on the wall like it held all the answers to the universe. “He’s a doctor. It shouldn’t matter.”

“Well, it does matter.” She stepped closer, and the warm scent of his skin reached her nose. “You see, I think I pulled my groin, and I wouldn’t be comfortable with him examining me. Plus, you’re a sports medicine doctor who deals with injuries. Danny is a podiatrist, and it’s not my foot I hurt.”

His hand fisted his bed sheets. “Fuck, Kat.”

She moved closer. “If you could just take a look to make sure I didn’t do any real damage…”

“You want me to look at your groin?”

“Yes, please.”

“It’s not really something—”

She pulled open her robe, and his words died an abrupt death when she exposed herself. Standing before him in nothing but her black panties and lace bra, she glanced at the mussed sheets. “I’m sure it will just take a second.” He opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, she slid onto the bed sideways. Sebastian jumped up, and the lamplight fell over him. Wearing nothing but boxers that did little to hide his erection, he scrubbed his face, mumbled what sounded like a curse under his breath, and paced.

Kat inched her legs open and put her hand on her inner thigh. “It’s right here. If you could just touch it and let me know what to do, I’d be very grateful.”  More mumbled curses sounded, and Kat kind of liked that she could fluster him like this. She’d never evoked such a need in a man before, never made him…feral. Truthfully, those failed relationships had shattered her confidence more than she’d like to admit.

She spread her legs wider, and with the tip of her finger, ran circles around her inner thigh. “You see, I’m not sure if I should use cold or heat, and I hate to do anything that will cause more damage or prolong the healing.”

A long moment passed, then Sebastian stopped pacing. He stepped up to her, everything about him so intense her entire body quivered. The smoldering heat in his eyes held her in place, his look fierce, powerful…volatile. He stood over her, frozen, his looming body rigid as she bared herself to him. His hands fisted, and he glared at her like he was fighting some internal war. She studied him, unease creeping under her skin.

Wait! Was he trying to figure out a way to send her packing? Or was he going to walk out on her again like he did on her sixteenth birthday? She’d spent that entire month of May excited, knowing he was going to take her into his arms and dance with her. But he didn’t. Instead he walked away, leaving her crushed and heartbroken.

Her pulse leaped. Oh, God, maybe this wasn’t such a great idea. And maybe she’d read him wrong. Sure, he had an erection, but it might not even have been for her. He could have been dreaming, or maybe that was just the normal way he woke up. Heck, lots of guys roused with morning wood, right? If that was the case, she needed to get out of there, and she needed to do it now. Feeling suddenly foolish, she reached for her robe to cover herself. His hand closed over hers, firm and commanding, as he completely immobilized her.

“Where. Exactly. Does it hurt?” His eyes darkened, and she hesitated for a second, never having seen this side of Sebastian. “Tell me,” he said through gritted teeth, the soft authority in his voice letting her know he was willing to play along, but he now controlled the game.

He let go of her hand, and with her body on hyperdrive and her breath shallow, she touched a spot on her inner thigh. “Right here.”

His hand captured hers again, and in a not-so-gentle move, he tugged it away and placed it on the bed beside her. “Keep it there.” His gaze moved back to her legs, and he gripped her knees to widen them.

The second his hot fingers connected with her skin, she sucked in a tight breath. Her pussy quaked, the muscles squeezing, looking for something to grip onto. Cripes, if a simple touch could nearly bring her to orgasm, what would happen if he kissed her or put his mouth between her legs? 

He stroked her inner thigh, his fingers denting her skin as he pressed into her flesh, a little further down on her leg than she would have liked. “Does this hurt?”

Oh yeah, it hurt. It hurt so good. “Yes,” she murmured.

His fingers hovered near her knees, the heat in his hands radiating through her. “How about here?”

She slid her hand down her belly to show him exactly where she needed to be touched. His gaze flew to hers and his nostrils flared.

He gave a slow, controlled shake of his head. “Don’t.”

Wow. Who knew he’d be so domineering in the bedroom, and who knew how much she’d like that side of him? “I was just—”

“I told you to keep your hand at your side.” Like a puppet on a string, pliable and obedient beneath him, she drew her hand back and placed it beside her. He stared at it for a moment, like he was waiting to see if she was going to cross him again. Holy hell, she might have initiated this seduction, but he was fully in charge. “Good girl.”

His deep voice fell over her, and her body shuddered, almost violently.
Good Lord, what is this man doing to me?
The tip of his thumb pressed into her muscles, and he massaged gently, stimulating every nerve ending in her body. Her eyes remained locked on his, and the muscles in his jaw clenched as his fingers inched higher. He rubbed using small circles, and the action fueled the desire in her. She briefly pinched her eyes shut, sinking into the haze of sweet sensations. When her lids fluttered open, he’d slightly shifted his stance, and her gaze landed on the hard outline in his boxers.

“I can feel the strain,” he said, his fingers digging harder. “Tell you what. In order to get to the root of the injury, I’m going to move my finger along the muscle. As I move, I want you to tell me if I’m hot or cold, okay?”

Her heart raced. “Like that game we used to play when we were kids?”

A small grin curled his lips upward as his fingers brushed her panties. “Yeah, just like that.”

He started downward, running his fingers over her shins. While it felt good to have his hands on her body—incredible really—it wasn’t where she needed him to touch right now.

“Cold,” she managed to get out, and she was sure she heard him chuckle.

His fingers started upward, a slow, torturous drag that teased the hungry spot between her legs. “How about now? Am I getting warmer?”

Lord knows I am.

“Yes,” she murmured, writhing slightly on the mattress.

“You have to stay still, Kat.” He removed his hand, and she instantly missed his warmth. “When you move like that, it makes things harder.”

Her gaze raced back to his boxers. Oh yeah, moving made things harder, all right. She studied his impressive outline and sucked in air when his crown broke free of the waistband. God, he was so big, so perfect. Pre-cum pooled on his head and her mouth watered, hungering for a taste.

She went perfectly still and he touched her again, a reward for her submission. So this was how he liked to play it in the bedroom. The boy was naughty…downright wicked.  And she liked it. She liked it a lot. 

“How about now, Kat?” His fingers brushed the seam of her panties. “Hot or cold?”

“Hot,” she whispered, forcing herself not to move to drive his fingers to her clit. He’d touch her eventually, right? If she kept doing what he asked? He slid his thumb to her belly button and circled. A whimper of need caught in her throat. “Cold,” she groaned.

As his thumb brushed her stomach, he waved his free hand over her panties. Palm down, he circled his hand, narrowing in on her pubis. “Ah, I see. The pull is centered right in this region.” He slid his thumb down, and through her lace, zeroed on her clit.

“Hot,” she cried out, gripping the bed sheets. “So hot, Sebastian.”

His fingers climbed up her body again, and he brushed her nipples through her bra. “What about here? Does this hurt, too?”

“It does.”

He pulled the cups down, freeing her breasts, and took her nipples between his fingers. He gave a little pinch and she whimpered.

“Hmmm,” he murmured.


“I’m afraid we’ll have to remove these clothes so I can get a better look.”

In a move that had eagerness written all over it, she lifted her hips to aid him with her panties, and he chuckled again. “Okay.”

Warm hands gripped the lace and dragged the slip of material down her legs. He tossed it away and sank to the floor in front of her. “I see the problem,” he said, his voice deeper than it had been a moment ago.


“Yeah, I do. You have a lot of swelling, and in my professional opinion, this kind of inflammation needs heat.”

His warm breath fell over her thighs, and her pussy quivered. “Dry heat or wet heat?” she asked as breath rushed from her lungs. She went up onto her elbows and their gazes met and locked. They exchanged a long look, one that shook her to her core and made her question the logic behind this game they were playing. This was Sebastian. Miami’s hottest bachelor. A guy who had a different woman on his arm every weekend—none of which were her. But she couldn’t think about that right now, or about how always being overlooked by him made her feel. No, right now, all she could think about was the way he was moistening his bottom lip with his tongue. A noise crawled out of her throat as his head dipped.  

“Wet heat,” he said. “Definitely wet heat.” He widened her nether lips with his fingers. “Then if that doesn’t do the trick, I suggest we try cold.”

“Where…where can I find wet heat this time of the night?”

“I think I can help you out.”

He slipped out from between her legs, leaned over her, and swiped his tongue over one nipple. Questing fingers closed over her other breast, kneading her flesh, raising the heat in her.  She arched into him, and he sucked her swollen bud so deep she could feel the pull in her core. He gave homage to her other breast then licked a path down her body. He settled himself on his knees again and swiped his tongue over her pussy, dragging it from bottom to top. She could barely get air in past the pleasure curling through her.

“Oh, yes,” she said. “I think that’s exactly what I needed.”

The soft blade of his tongue curled around her engorged clit, and her hips came off the bed. He pressed her back down again and slid a finger into her. She opened her mouth, but no words came. Holy hell! No man had ever reduced her to speechlessness before. He moved his finger inside her, pumping ever so slowly as his tongue caressed her clit. The duel assault took her to the precipice in record time.

“Sebastian,” she whispered. Her hair tangled as she tossed her head from side to side.

He glanced up at her, and there was no amusement on his face. Pure lust and intense hunger darkened his eyes. “Is this helping, Kat?” he asked and wiggled his buried finger like his sole purpose in life was to ease the ache inside her. She grew wetter with the rippling approach of an orgasm, and he groaned.

BOOK: A Tempting Dare
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