Read A Vampire's Saving Embrace Online

Authors: Darlene Kuncytes

A Vampire's Saving Embrace (7 page)

BOOK: A Vampire's Saving Embrace
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Abby watched him leave and shivered from the shear animal essence that the man left in his wake. She felt Desmond’s other arm wrap around her middle - causing her breath to catch in her throat. “Are you cold, my pet?” he whispered in her ear, his lips teasing the sensitive spot right below her lobe. Cripes – did this man know
erogenous zone that she possessed? She shook her head slightly, trying desperately not to be distracted by the feel of him pressed up against her. He was raw sex, and that was definitely proving to be a problem. It was taking everything she had not to turn around and plunge her hands into his thick head of hair - to pull his full, perfect mouth down to hers and finish what was started with that kiss – but she bit back the thought and cleared her throat.

“No, I’m fine - just a little
out by your friend.”

“Luke is harmless,” he offered, still disturbingly nuzzling her neck as he spoke. “Besides, he knows that I would neuter him in an instant if he were ever to step out of line.”

“Well, that sure is comforting.” Abby muttered - taking a step away from him, even though her body hated her for it.

She cleared her throat turning toward the stove and began stirring the sauce that was bubbling in one of the pots – trying desperately to slow down the erratic beating of her heart. She blushed when she realized that her hands were shaking and took a deep, steadying breath.

Desmond felt an instant sense of regret the moment she stepped out from of the circle of his arms, but quickly shook it off as he busied himself with finishing her dinner. He grabbed a plate, tossed some of the pasta onto it and handed it to her. She poured the sauce over the steaming noodles and turned – walking over to the table. She noticed that he had a wonderful looking salad waiting, and grinned happily.

For someone who was food intolerant, he sure thought of everything - she thought with a happy grin. She pulled out one of the chairs and sat down, crossing her bare legs elegantly.

Desmond watched her with rapt interest as desire coursed through him. She was breath-taking, and seemed completely unaware of that fact. A flicker of anger bubbled through him as he thought about the way Luke had practically devoured her with his eyes, and his mouth set in a tight line. “Yes, I have
to get you some clothes,” he mumbled irritably.

Abby stifled a yawn as she finished the last sip of her wine. Dinner had been wonderful and she was feeling full and sleepy and… disturbingly content -if not just a bit tipsy. She wasn’t a big drinker, but the wine Desmond had given her with dinner was delicious, and before she knew it -she had finished more than half the bottle. Perhaps it was the wine, or the food or just Desmond, but as the night progressed she found herself feeling as if she had known this man for years – not just days. He was just so incredibly easy to talk to.

“Why don’t you run up to bed and get some rest,” Desmond said quietly. “I’ll just clear the table.”

Abby burst out laughing at the thought of this viral, drop dead gorgeous
doing the dishes like June fricking Cleaver! Was he serious? He had been so unbelievably charming and accommodating all during dinner as she sat there and stuffed her face like a pig – she just couldn’t let him play housekeeper too. “Absolutely not,” she stated firmly, standing and taking her dishes to the sink. “You have been so wonderful to me - the very least I can do are a few dishes.” She turned on the water and set to work.

Desmond watched the comely beauty with intense interest, his eyes locking on the curve of her backside - which was barely concealed by the smooth fabric of his shirt. And those long, shapely legs…my God – they were just made to be wrapped tightly around his hips, he thought silently - his body responding immediately to his wayward thoughts and he shifted in his seat uncomfortably. It took everything that he had not to walk over there and take her, right there against the sink. He felt himself growing harder – if
were even possible - at just the thought. It wasn’t bad enough that he wanted her physically - but the scent of her fey blood called to his baser needs. His fangs descended slightly and he bit back the curse that came to his lips. He would need to feed more while she was in the house he surmised with a quiet grunt – she was just too damn tempting for her own good. Or his!

In all of his existence, nothing had ever been as difficult as to not take this woman as his own – in more ways than one, and he knew that he had to try and keep those needs in check - but as each minute passed that he spent with her, he was finding that harder and harder to do - and he loathed himself for his weakness. He had never had a woman affect him as this one did and it put him in a position that he was not at all comfortable with. He needed to protect her, and that was all. He had no business thinking the thoughts that he was thinking. Yet, whenever he was near her, his needs blazed out of control.

When Abby finished - she turned around towards Desmond and was shocked by the look of irritation on his face. “Desmond is something wrong?” she asked - her eyes wide with concern. He seemed to snap out of some dark place and gave her a slight smile.

“Nothing, my pet,” he promised, standing and walking over to her.

Taking her by the hand he led her silently out of the kitchen and up the stairs. It wasn’t until they had reached the bedroom that he spoke, his voice silky smooth. “Get some sleep Abby,” he ordered, before pressing his lips to her forehead and disappearing out the door.

Abby stood there in confusion, not understanding his strange change of mood- but as she glanced toward the bed, she realized that she was just too tired and dizzy to try and figure it out tonight. She would worry about it in the morning – sleep was just too inviting at the moment. She sighed deeply and crawled beneath the silky sheets and thick comforter - within moments she was asleep, visions of steely sea blue eyes haunting her dreams.


Chapter 4

When Abby woke the next morning she found Desmond at his usual place beside the fireplace, and suddenly wondered if he always sat in the chair as she slept. Although she should have found the thought of him sitting there during the night, watching her sleep strange and unsettling – she actually found the idea quite comforting. It gave her a sense of peace that she had never experienced before – and it was nice. She stretched contentedly and sat up. She was about to call out a good morning when something caught her eye. The room was filled with shopping bags. “Desmond?” she questioned, looking around in confusion. “What is all of this?”

“You said that you needed clothing,” he answered, standing and grabbing one of the bags. He walked over to the bed and held it out to her. “I could only guess at the sizes,” he explained, “but I believe I was fairly close.” Abby took the bag he offered with trembling hands – her eyes wide. It was from an extremely high end store that she could never have
dreamed of walking into, and pulled out a beautiful deep blue cashmere sweater - that most likely cost more than she made at Echo’s in a month - and her mouth fell open.

“I can’t accept this,” she breathed, absolutely floored. When on earth did he have time to do all of this?

“Nonsense,” Desmond scoffed, thoroughly enjoying the expression on her face. “You said you needed clothing.” He gestured to the remaining bags. “So there you have it - clothes.”

“But, I’m…I’m a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl,” she explained, her hand gently stroking the glorious fabric. “This stuff is way too expensive. There is just no way possible that I could ever pay you back.”

“Abby, I don’t expect you too,” he replied softly - his tone warm and sincere. “Money is of no consequence to me.” Which it wasn’t - but he also had ulterior motives for the clothing. He reasoned that perhaps she wouldn’t heat his blood or consume his thoughts so if she wasn’t walking around the house half naked. This woman was complete and utter temptation, and he was trying desperately to control every urge his body, mind and soul threw out at him – but he was finding the task to be one of the hardest he had ever taken upon himself. Just her scent caused his body to tingle and tighten with its heady essence – not to mention what her body, her smile and her laugh did to him. Christ, it was as if he lost his senses when she was near!

Before she could stop herself - Abby jumped from the bed and threw herself at Desmond – her arms wrapping around his neck in a fierce hug.

No one had ever been so kind or thoughtful before - and she had no words. She heard him groan as she felt his entire body tense. Oh crap! She had gone too far, she thought miserably.

“Abby,” he pleaded - although his arms slipped around her waist and pulled her more tightly up against him – pressing her snugly against his chest. She greedily breathed in his spicy scent - her knee’s trembling slightly at the contact of their bodies - her soft contours molding perfectly to his strong, solid ones.

“My God woman – I swear you are going to be the end of me.” He breathed, a moment before his lips descended on hers and took them in a fierce, savage - soul-stealing kiss. His tongue ravaged her mouth in silent need as his hands slid down her back to cup her bottom and pull her even closer. His leg stationed itself between her thighs and intimately touched her at her core, causing her to shiver with need.

She could feel his erection pressing against her hip and moaned in pleasure as she wantonly pressed herself up against it as she chased his tongue with her own, wanting more – so much more. And consequences be damned. His mouth devoured hers and she found herself wondering if anything had ever felt so perfect. Never had just a kiss ever affected her this way. She could kiss him like this forever. She felt the heat spreading through her body only to settle at the apex of her thighs, making her want him with a desperate ache that she had never felt before. It was a deep, throbbing need that only he could satisfy - and she wanted him to - so very badly.

Desmond’s hand slid up her waist and he cupped her breast - his fingers gently kneading her flesh, and causing her nipple harden instantly. She moaned into his mouth as she arched her back to press herself more firmly into his grip. God, this felt beyond incredible.

Abruptly he pulled away – muttering a string of curses under his breath.

Abby looked at him in confusion - but a moment later there was a knock at the bedroom door.

“Des,” Marcus called. “I need to speak with you privately.”

“I’ll be there in a moment,” he answered, his eyes not leaving Abby’s. He took a deep, ragged breath and offered her a pained smile. “Enjoy your
,” he whispered, his voice thick and husky, and oh so sexy.

He placed a light kiss against her forehead, his lips lingering a moment. “I will see you later.” With that he turned and left the room – leaving Abby to flop down on the bed, a loud, frustrated sigh rushing past her kiss swollen lips. Oh, Holy Hell!

Abby didn’t see Desmond the entire day, and by late afternoon, she was beginning to worry.

The house seemed deathly quiet and she was becoming uncomfortable with the silence. She put on the sweater he had gotten her with a pair of jeans and black Italian leather boots - all of which fit her to perfection, and headed downstairs. As she wandered into the kitchen she found a note from him lying on the table.


You once asked me if I ever slept and I told you, rarely. This is one such occasion. Please help yourself to anything you wish. I will see you soon, my pet.


“Damn,” she muttered as she plopped down in one of the chairs, angry at herself for feeling the way she was feeling.

This man had her head spinning and she didn’t like it. She muttered a curse at herself and buried her head in her hands, trying to make sense of the last few days. It seemed as if her life was spinning completely out of control and she had absolutely no way to stop it. Yet, there was that tiny part of her brain that screamed out to her that she didn’t
it to stop. Never had she felt more alive than when Desmond held her in his arms, his mouth taking hers. She blushed at the mere thought of what she wanted to do with the gorgeous vampire and dropped her head on her folded arms. Oh, cripes – she silently cried – what had she gotten herself into?

BOOK: A Vampire's Saving Embrace
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