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Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

Abandoned (21 page)

BOOK: Abandoned
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“Yes.” Daniel stood as he responded, his hold on Allison’s hand bringing her with him.

“I’m sure you’ve been informed we have a mole. Until we know who it is, don’t speak a word to anyone.” He narrowed his gaze. “That includes any wives you meet. As far as they will know, you came here to live because you’re a military spouse. Any other information will just fuel the rumor mill and make it that much harder to keep inside information tight.”

Allison nodded. She could barely think straight anymore. This was more serious than she ever imagined.

Chapter Eleven

As Daniel followed Steven toward a row of buildings, Allison gripped his hand so tight he knew her fingers would be sore. He couldn’t blame her. If he were in her shoes, he’d be at least as panicked. In fact, he was impressed she hadn’t broken down in tears yet or frozen with the fear of seeing the man who’d held her.

At the end of the long row of gray buildings, Wightman opened the front door and let Daniel pass with his mate first. He’d seen the letter
on the side of the building. He made a mental note never to take Allison on any quest near that building again.

Wightman spoke in a low tones as they walked down a long hall. “This is essentially a holding cell. Not a prison exactly, but more of a place for those we’re keeping an eye on. No one leaves this building without permission. J
won’t be leaving here for any reason in the near future and certainly not without notifying you first. If we even so much as move him to another location, we’ll inform you. Your safety and sanity are a far greater concern than his comfort.”

Allison nodded so slightly even Daniel could barely sense it.

Wightman turned toward them as he opened a door on the left. “This is a lineup room. You will see J.T., but he won’t be able to see you through the one-way mirror.”

Allison exhaled and her shoulders fell.

Thank God. Daniel had worried about the arrangement. His mate could live through that.

“Go ahead and take a seat. I’ll have several people brought in to ensure you have a fair group to identify J.T. from.” Wightman paused at the door and turned toward them. “J.T. is my nephew. That’s no secret. But please understand I never even knew I had a nephew until this week when he showed up at my doorstep. He seems on the up
and I believe he is telling the truth, but my loyalties do not lie with him until his motives are proven. And even then, I will always have one eye open when it comes to him.

“He has done a horrible thing to you, Allison. I’m on your side. Never doubt that.”

Daniel pulled her close as Wightman left the room. Her heart beat so fast, he tried to soothe her. He kissed her temple and then sat in a chair, tugging her into the one next to his.

She perched herself on the corner of the seat, leaning into him more than not. “Jesus, I’m nervous.”

“I know, baby. I am too. And I’m so sorry. I hate you having to do this.”

She nodded. “I know, but it must be done. If any information I can provide will catch these guys before they capture a new batch of women, I’m all in.”

“You’re the bravest
strongest woman I know.” He stroked her back, his fingers grazing over her soft hair. “I love you.”

She leaned into him farther, practically in his lap. He didn’t give a damn. Fuck propriety. She was his mate and she was rightfully scared out of her mind.

Lights came on in front of them, bringing the room behind the mirror into view. She buried her face in his chest and gripped his shirt with the hand over his chest, balling the material in her fist. She breathed heavily at first and then controlled each inhale and exhale.

Daniel watched as six men filed into the room and stood against the white wall. A chart painted on the wall in black lines indicated each man’s height. “Baby, it’s time.”

Allison took a deep cleansing breath, released her grip on his shirt, and lifted her gaze to his. She twisted her face toward the window after staring into his eyes for several seconds.

He did his damnedest to reassure her with his look.

For several heartbeats she looked from one man to another, back and forth, over and over until he feared she didn’t see the man she was looking for. It wasn’t as though she would have trouble identifying him. This was only a precaution. She’d lived with him for a year. She wasn’t looking for a man in a lineup she’d seen grab someone’s purse and take off running.

The door behind them opened and then closed with a soft snick. Daniel sensed Wightman behind him.

Allison didn’t move anything but her gaze with a subtle turn of her head.

“Is he there?” Wightman asked gently.

Allison shook her head. She turned to them both in confusion. “He isn’t.”

Wightman nodded. “No worries. There are more.”

Daniel flinched.
. They’d brought out six of the wrong men? Why? Were they concerned about Allison’s ability to judge?

The men filed out of the room and moments later six more came in. How many would they traipse through there to prove Allison was sane?

Allison went rigid as the men took their spots against the wall. She didn’t glance around this time. Her gaze landed straight ahead. She barely gave anyone else in the lineup a fleeting glance. Finally she spoke, her voice squeaky. “Number three.” She pointed at the man she identified.

“You’re sure?” Wightman asked.

Allison turned toward him. She stared at him for several seconds. Daniel thought she might lunge at Wightman or shout something sarcastic. He actually couldn’t blame her. Was she sure?
No, asshole. She isn’t sure. She can’t quite remember what the man she lived with for over twelve months until last week looked like

She nodded finally. “It’s him.”

Daniel hated the thoughts running through his head. Wightman seemed like a nice enough guy, and he was only doing his job. His words were words that would be spoken to anyone viewing a lineup. But it was hard to think of Allison as just anyone or the bastard who’d held her as less than a complete criminal who deserved to die for what he did to Allison.

Wightman nodded and eased out of the room. The lights went out once again, leaving Daniel and Allison alone in the near darkness. They sat there for several moments as Daniel tried to compose himself. It should have been Allison in distress. Instead she seemed much calmer than him. Daniel wanted to go through the glass and ring the guy’s neck or alternately punch Wightman in the face, whether or not his current rage was founded.

Allison filled the silence with her sweet voice. “I forgive him.” She relaxed in Daniel’s grip.


She settled into his chest, resting her cheek once again against his shirt. All her stress left her body as though it leaked out her limbs and rolled away into the corners of the room. “I forgive him,” she repeated. “He is just as much a victim as me. Can you see that?” She lifted her gaze to meet Daniel’s.

He shook his head. He had no idea what the hell she was talking about.

“I’ve heard all the details, Daniel. He was a rogue wolf who got that way only by fault of birth. This Romulus took him in under false pretenses and brainwashed him. He didn’t know what he was keeping me for.”

Daniel wasn’t buying it.

Allison took his face in her palms and held him. “He didn’t hurt me, Daniel. He didn’t beat me or yell at me or…rape me. He simply guarded me as he was told. He fed me my share of the pitiful rations we were given.”

“He locked you in a closet and left you there for days on end.” Daniel’s voice was high-pitched, unrecognizable to his own ears.

Allison shook her head. “He needed to be sure I wouldn’t escape when he was away. There was no other way to keep me unless he handcuffed me to the bed frame or something. In retrospect it was the most humane thing he could come up with.”

“He left you for dead!” Daniel was shouting.
Has she lost her mind?

“But he didn’t kill me.” Her voice was calm. Reasonable. As though she were discussing the weather and he was the insane half
conversing about a murdering
useless waste of life.

Daniel took deep breaths as she held his cheeks. She set her own face alongside his and waited patiently for him to calm. And she got her wish. He was still fighting angry, but he had to let it go for her benefit. If she was willing to forgive the bastard, who the hell was he to deny her that sense of peace?

By the time Wightman returned to the room, Daniel had gripped his mate’s head with both hands and was staring into her calmer gaze in the dim light of the room. Her breathing stilled his own. Her heartbeats slowed his own. She seemed to have enchanted him with her strange tale of forgiveness.

He loved her so much in that moment. And he knew he would spend his life striving to be worthy of her affection.


Allison held Daniel’s hand tighter as they left the
building. She shivered, hoping she never had to return to that location.

She’d spent the last two hours answering questions she’d already answered many times in the last week. She wasn’t angry. She realized it needed to be done. If any tiny detail of her story helped locate the Romulus and put an end to this nightmare, she would do anything in her power to assist.

Now, she was exhausted from rehashing her captivity and the sterile facility she’d been taken to for testing. She wished she could remember more details, but to be honest, very little else would probably come forth because she had been blindfolded or sedated most of the time she was there.

Daniel pulled her closer as they entered the busy mess hall for lunch. She followed him through the line and let him select a sandwich and drink for her. Her mouth was so gritty from the bad taste of reliving her captivity, she didn’t think she could swallow food. But the water bottle he handed her made her groan. Her parched lips were grateful.

After she picked at her sandwich for a while, they left. Daniel had been quiet during lunch, eating his own sub while keeping his gaze on her.

“I’m fine,” she whispered as they stepped back outside. “Stop worrying.”

He shook his head at her. “I’m beginning to wonder who’s stronger, you or I.”

As he finished, his cell rang and he grabbed it from his jeans pocket. “It’s the ranch. My brother Drake,” he told her as he answered. “Hey.”

Allison stepped off the sidewalk with him so they weren’t blocking the path as he talked. The bits and pieces of his muted conversation didn’t sound good. His brow was furrowed
and he plugged his free ear as though having difficulty hearing. “Did anyone see him? Are you sure everyone is safe? How many reserves are there?” He ran his hand through his hair as he questioned his brother. “Yeah, that worries me… No, she’s fine…” He glanced at Allison. “I haven’t met with the commander in charge yet. I’ll speak with him this afternoon and get back to you. Is Evan still there? Okay. Yeah… Please stay safe. If you need to, send Kenzie and the baby somewhere else.” He flipped the phone closed.

Allison waited a beat before commenting. “What happened?” She set her hand on his chest.

“An unknown wolf was nosing around in the woods. They chased him off the property, but everyone is nervous.”

Allison grimaced. “I hope they aren’t looking for me.”

Daniel shook his head. “I get the feeling there’s more to it than that. I just can’t put my finger on it.” He turned toward her. “I have to attend some meetings this afternoon.”

She nodded. “Of course. I’ll be fine.” What she really wanted to do was run away with him and hide out somewhere where no one could find either of them, but that wasn’t reasonable
and she stood taller, trying to keep her chin up as Daniel led her back to their room.

He left her there, promising to return as soon as possible and pleading with her to stay inside. Even though they were on a secure military base, Daniel was stressed
and she readily agreed in order to ease his concerns.


BOOK: Abandoned
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