Abducting Abby (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Abducting Abby (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 1)
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Abby couldn’t help the gasp that escaped her. She had never felt so hot or needy in her life. She struggled to break the hold he held on her but she couldn’t look away from him as he slid not one but two fingers into her pussy. Abby’s hips jerked at the invasion to her body. She moaned as he rubbed her clit before pushing even deeper into her. Abby began to shake as she felt the hot desire build inside of her. Instead of letting her go, Zoran lowered Abby down until she was laying flat on her back in the huge bed. He still kept his grip on her neck and never took his eyes from her, even as he lowered his head to catch one of her nipples between his lips.

Abby jerked, arching upward as Zoran grasped her swollen nipple between his lips. A cry escaped her as her hips jerked in response to the pleasure she felt; the move drove Zoran’s fingers deeper into her hot channel. Zoran sucked deeply on her nipple before releasing it. He never took his eyes off of Abby’s as he moved to her other nipple. Abby couldn’t contain her moan of need as he moved over it, his hot breath causing the nipple to swell almost painfully in expectation. Abby’s hips were moving back and forth on their own, driving Zoran’s fingers deeper and deeper each time as her body picked up the age-old rhythm of love-making.

“Please.” Abby whimpered. She didn’t know what she was begging for exactly, just that she needed relief from the pressure building up inside of her. “Zoran, please.”

Zoran moved down to replace his fingers with his mouth. He needed a taste of Abby. Her scent was driving him insane since he woke up yesterday morning. He needed her like he needed air to breathe. Abby cried out as his mouth covered her mound, pushing closer to him. Zoran moaned at Abby’s response to him. Using his tongue, he ran the rough edge over her clit causing Abby to scream as pleasure swamped her. Zoran gripped Abby’s hips holding her to him as he sucked, licked and drank her essence; burning it into his soul. Abby cried out loudly as her orgasm took hold of her. Zoran moved up between her legs settling his thick, heavy cock at her entrance. Lifting Abby’s legs until her knees bent over his forearms he pushed slowly into her.

. I claim you as my true mate. No other may have you. I will live to protect you. You are my mine.” Zoran said in his language binding them together as he drove forward into Abby’s slick entrance.

Abby cried out in shock as Zoran pushed through the thin barrier of her virginity. She gasped several times as pain washed over her. Zoran roared as he realized Abby had never been with another. He forced himself to hold still for a moment to let Abby adjust to his thickness and size. She was his, totally. She had never belonged to another. The dragon in him wanted to roar out a challenge to any man who would try to take her from him now. He would kill anyone who tried to harm her. His hips began to move on their own accord. He pulled out almost all the way before pushing back into Abby’s body as deep as he could go. Abby’s gasp of pain and shock quickly turned to moans of pleasure as Zoran began pumping into her faster and harder. His arms and neck strained as he fought his own release until Abby could again feel the hot release of pleasure he wanted her to have. Reaching down in between them, he flicked her sensitive clit with his finger driving her over the edge. The muscles in Zoran’s neck stood out as he roared his release for all to hear. Abby watched in disbelief as Zoran threw back his head, his eyes closed, and his mouth falling open as he filled her with his hot seed. Never had she seen anything so beautiful or so erotic. Her own body responded to Zoran’s claim on her; clamping down on him as if claiming him for herself.

Zoran held himself still until he felt the last of his seed empty deep inside of Abby. His scent was now deep inside her, claiming her as belonging to him, Zoran Reykill, Leader of the Valdier. She was now his queen and would always belong only to him. Her body would never accept another male. Zoran collapsed on top of Abby, holding himself up by his elbows so he wouldn’t crush her under his huge body. He ran little kisses over Abby’s forehead and cheeks before rolling over and holding her tightly against his body.

“You are mine,
” Zoran murmured softly as he ran his hands possessively over Abby’s soft figure.

Abby sighed contently. She couldn’t undo what happened. She had always been honest with herself. She really didn’t understand what happened but she would accept the reality of it. She wanted Zoran from the first moment she saw him laying unconscious in the damp meadow of her mountain. She knew she would not have very long with him. That, what was between them, was an impossible fantasy as they literally came from two different worlds. In as little as a few days, he would be leaving to return to his world and she would remain on hers. She believed in fate. It was meant for him to crash on her mountain and it was meant for her to find him. What happened next would take care of itself. The only thing she regretted was they would not have very long to be together. He couldn’t stay here with her, it would be too dangerous in the long run and she couldn’t leave, this was her world, her home.

Abby pressed a kiss into Zoran’s shoulder before turning to roll out of the bed. It was a little pointless getting shy now about her body, especially after what Zoran had just done to her. She stood next to the bed, looking down at Zoran with a soft smile, before walking towards her bedroom. She needed a few minutes alone to deal with what she had just done. She pressed a hand to her stomach as she thought of the consequences of her actions. She wasn’t worried about getting pregnant. The likelihood of their two species being compatible enough to reproduce was probably slim to none. No, what she was worried about was losing something far more important. She worried she would lose her heart to the one man she could never have. She knew she loved him. She didn’t know how she knew. She hardly knew the man but she could feel it deep down inside her. Stepping into the shower, Abby tilted her head back letting the warm water wash her tears away.

Chapter 8

Zoran let a small smile curve his lips as he watched Abby fix a meal to break their morning fast. He was concerned when she left the bedroom without a word. Deep down, he knew she needed time alone to come to terms with what happened. He knew she did not understand everything that had passed between them; he could tell by the small sad smile she gave him. She thought they would only have a few days together. There was no way of telling her it would be much, much longer. He had no regrets for what passed between them. He accepted she belonged to him and had no regrets or qualms at the thought of taking her away from her home. She would have to adjust. He would be there for her, guiding her as she made the adjustments to his world.

They ate in a comfortable silence. Zoran helped dry the dishes after breakfast. He watched as Abby would gaze out the window, her eyes distant for a moment before she seemed to remember he was there with her.

“I have to work today. If you want, I can show you where I’m going to be then you can do whatever you want. I have a project I’ve been working on and it is almost done. I would like to have it finished by today or tomorrow at the latest. Edna will be home the day after tomorrow to get Bo and Gloria. I promised to show her it before I delivered it to my clients.” Abby said softly staring out the window instead of looking at Zoran.

Zoran was concerned by the distant sound to Abby’s voice. Ever since she got out of the shower she seemed to have withdrawn into a world of her own. He walked over to her and tilted her head back until she was forced to look at him. His breath caught at the deep sadness he saw there. Bending, he gently kissed her. He wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly against his body while he ran his hand up and down her back trying to give her comfort and reassurance.

Abby felt her body relax as Zoran held her. She wouldn’t let the depression of knowing their time was short ruin what time she did have. With a determined smile, Abby tilted her head back and gave Zoran a light kiss before pulling out of his arms. Grabbing his hand, she motioned for him to follow her.

Abby called out for Bo to follow as she led Zoran down the path to her workshop. She unlocked the double doors pushing them open so the light breeze could float through it.

Zoran stood still as he took in all the different colors as they flowed through the bright interior. Delicate flowers, birds, bowls, and other creatures including dragons were hanging, sitting, and spinning from every corner of the huge building. In the center was a magnificent piece standing almost three feet high. The beautiful sculpture was encased in clear glass, inside were small creatures with wings fluttering around delicate, brightly colored and intricately designed flowers. As Zoran moved closer to it, he could see what appeared to be tiny dragons floating in thin air.

He had never seen anything so beautiful. He looked at Abby as she tied a large cloth around her slim waist. He watched for the next two hours as Abby heated different color glass in a huge furnace then moved it around blowing and turning it over a smaller flame until more flowers appeared. Her slim fingers, twisting and turning as she moved, turned a molten liquid into flowers and tiny creatures. When she had a dozen little flowers, she moved to the glass enclosed case moving the figures inside a tiny opening and heating them until they stayed where she wanted them. He liked listening to her sing as she worked. She didn’t even seem to realize she was doing it or that he was even there as she became totally absorbed in her work.

Zoran was surprised when Abby began talking after being quiet for a while.

“I’ve been working on this piece for over six months now. I started it right after my grandfather died.” Abby began softly. “My grandmother and grandfather raised me after my mom decided raising a baby was too much effort.” Abby sighed. “I guess that isn’t right. My mom was young and had gotten in with the wrong crowd. My grandparents were very well-to-do in Los Angeles and thought moving here might help her. It didn’t. She had me when she was still a child herself. She, at least, recognized that and left me with my grandparents when I was a month old. My mom died from a drug overdose when I was two.”

Abby paused as she attached another flower. Glancing up at Zoran, she saw he was watching her intently as she talked, so she continued. “I had the best childhood any child could have. I had a whole mountain as a playground and two wonderful people who loved me very much. There was always music and laughter in the house. My grandmother started doing blown glass as a hobby to help her deal with the loss of my mom. Soon, my grandfather was doing it and between the two of them they started making money off of it. I was doing it by the time I could walk. Now, I enjoy being able to do it and make a comfortable living off of it. I consider it a gift from my grandparents.”

Abby turned as she heated a rod to close the small opening. She finished the piece at last. She would take pictures of it before she went up to the house and email it to her clients. She would need to schedule when they wanted it delivered. They said they would send their private jet to Shelby’s small airport so she could personally deliver it. Maybe she would need the time away to get her feelings under control. If she was lucky, she thought sadly, maybe Zoran would be gone before she returned. She didn’t know how she was going to have the strength to say goodbye to him without making a fool of herself.

“I’m finally done with this piece. If you have some things you would like to do, I can finish up here. I just need to take some pictures for my client and clean up. I can meet you up at the cabin later. I don’t think you’ve been to see Goldie yet.” Abby said with a teasing smile.

“Goldie?” Zoran frowned as he watched Abby shut down the furnace and start to pick up the scraps of glass on the work table.

Abby laughed as she held up her wrist and gently rubbed the gold band. “Goldie!”

Zoran chuckled as he walked down the path. He was going to check on his ship and check in with his brothers. He wanted to tell them he had mated. He knew they would be surprised. None of them thought they would ever settle down with just one woman. He especially never thought to do so. He could imagine their surprise. He never thought to name his symbiosis, either. It would have been like naming himself. That Abby affectionately called it ‘Goldie’ made him laugh.

“Kelan, how are thing?” Zoran asked as he stared at his brother.

“Well. Creon has information you will be interested in. He wants to meet with you as soon as we return. We are ahead of schedule and should be there as much as a day earlier. Trelon and his symbiosis have been playing with the engines again.” Kelan said with a grin.

Trelon and his symbiosis were always messing with something. His brother could never leave anything alone. He took a deep breath. He was reluctant to break the news of his mating to his brothers separately. He would rather tell them once he could introduce Abby to them. He didn’t know why he felt the need to wait, he just did. He wanted them to like and accept Abby for the beautiful woman she was. He talked to Kelan for another hour before breaking off. He realized he missed Abby. He would finish preparing his symbiosis for departure before he went to her. He couldn’t shake the feeling of fear that she would hate him after he did what he was planning.

Abby finished cleaning the workshop, took the needed pictures, emailed them from her cell phone, and prepared the packing material. She received a text stating a plane would arrive for her early the day after tomorrow after she explained she couldn’t leave before then. Edna was due back tomorrow and she needed to be there for Edna, Bo, and Gloria. Abby sent a confirmation. She had a feeling Zoran wasn’t going to be happy with her but realized she had no choice. She promised she would deliver and set the piece up. It was part of the price and she had already been paid. She still had her responsibilities and her reputation to maintain.

There was still plenty of light left and Abby knew she could always use the firewood so she decided to cut up the tree that had fallen by the barn. Abby was in the middle of chopping it up when the sound of a truck pulling up out front caused her to stop. Abby walked around to the front thinking that maybe Edna made it back sooner than she expected only to stop with a groan when she saw Clay climbing out of his Sheriff’s truck. This was the last thing she needed right now, she thought with dismay.

BOOK: Abducting Abby (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 1)
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