Absolute Love: A Hot, Romantic Suspense Series, Book 3 (The Carlisle Sisters) (7 page)

BOOK: Absolute Love: A Hot, Romantic Suspense Series, Book 3 (The Carlisle Sisters)
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When she'd entered the bathroom to shower and perform her nightly ritual, she had questioned whether or not London was going to try and make a move on her.
And, while her body wanted nothing more than to accept such an invitation, her mind wrestled with the best way to turn him down gently.
However, when she exited all clean and refreshed, she was surprised to find London already in bed sound asleep.

Sure, it was the same bed he expected her to sleep in and she was not exactly comfortable with that fact, but other than waking him she didn't have another option.
And he was so kind to her all day and caring enough to allow her to stay at his home that she didn't ant to disturb his sleep.
He was probably just as tired as she was after the amount of hiking they had done.
Anyway, what harm could there be in sharing a bed for one night?

She had climbed into bed and turned onto her side, facing away from him.
She was drifting off to sleep when he rolled over and placed his arm across her belly.
Unless he was the greatest actor on the planet, he was clearly still asleep and she was sure that he wasn't even aware of what he'd done.
So she decided to relax and just leave it there, cognizant of the fact that she felt a significant measure of comfort and security with his big arm holding on to her.

In the morning light she admired the beauty of the room.
It was large and airy with a color pallet of soft blues, cream and tan.
She could enjoy spending time in such a restful room.

Jennifer was pushing herself into a sitting position when London entered the room.
He was carrying a breakfast tray that was laden with food.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," he greeter her.
"You're finally awake!"

He set the tray across her lap.
She noticed that there were two plates on it.

"Good morning.
What time is it?"
she asked.

"Twenty after eleven," he said.

I never sleep so late!"
Jennifer exclaimed.
"You must have really worn me out yesterday!"

In fact, she seldom rose before noon but she wanted to keep that secret to herself.

"I suspect that this is your normal time for rising," he said as she sat on the bed to face her.

Jennifer frowned.
He'd seen through her, after all.
He was too perceptive to expect anything else.

"Why would you assume that?"
she asked, a bit miffed.

"You don't strike me as an early riser," he smiled.

"I might surprise you," she retorted.

"I hope you do," he returned.

They smiled at each other.

"Thank you for breakfast.
This is lovely," she said gratefully.

"You're welcome.
I enjoy cooking and guessed that you might be hungry.
We didn't eat much yesterday," he said as he plucked a strawberry from the tray and popped it into his mouth.

"You guessed right.
I'm starving," she said as she dug into the scrambled eggs.
He took his plate from the tray and propped himself up next to her in the bed.

They were silent for a while as they enjoyed their food.
Eventually London spoke.

"How do you feel about what happened last night?"
he asked quietly.

"I'm scared to death," she responded, not requiring much time to consider her answer.
"I never expected to encounter a century old myth in modern society, that's for sure.
It's terrifying!"

"Do you believe the legend?"
he asked.

He looked at her intently.
It felt as if his green eyes were piercing straight through to her soul.
It unnerved her.

"Well, it's hard to wrap my head around it," she replied.
"But, at the same time, I trust your instincts.
I don't believe you would give credence to something that was ludicrous and unfounded."

He smiled.

"No, I would not.
But whether it was real or a prank,
is after us.
So, we have to discover why we are being targeted and who is behind it."

She wiped her mouth with the napkin and sat back against the pillows.

"Any ideas?"
she asked.

He lifted the tray from the bed and set it on the dresser.
Coming back to the bed, he stretched out beside her and put his hands behind his head.

"I can only imagine that I'm doing something that someone doesn't like.
And the only thing I'm doing is engineering the livestock program," he reasoned.

"Why would someone be against bettering the lives of the Tahitian people?"
Jen asked, aghast.

"Private interests make a great deal of money by the importation of meats from other countries," he explained.
"Initiating a process in which the Tahitian people could raise their own livestock would be detrimental to their bottom line."

"This private sector would rather have the people remain dependent on other countries for their survival than to see them grow and progress?
That's disgusting," she said hotly.

"That's reality.
It's about lining their pockets at the expense of the country's coffers.
They've got a good thing going on and they don't want to see it come to an end," he replied.

"Well, all good things come to an end," she said.

He rolled over to look at her.

"I agree.
But this is only a theory.
Until we know for sure we have to be careful.
We don't actually know where the threat is coming from or when it will strike.
Do you mind staying here?"
he asked.

Jennifer did not need to think about her answer.

"No. I rather like being served breakfast in bed," she said impishly.
going to continue serving me every day, aren't you?"

He grimaced flirtatiously.

"If you're good," he smiled.

"Then I think I'll have to go back to my own place," she sighed wearily.
"After all, I've been known to be a bad girl."

"Oh, is that right?
Well, you're not going
Like it or not, you're stuck here with me," he said inflexibly.

She looked at him slyly.

"I think I rather like it," she whispered.

He moved closer to her and cupped her cheek.

"So do I," he murmured.

He dropped his head and captured her mouth in a searing kiss.
After a moment they broke apart and stared into the other's sparkling eyes.
London grinned, wanting more.
But despite his desire to sweep her into an enchanting fantasy of passion, he backed away and vowed to allow Jennifer to set their pace.



Jennifer stood on the terrace, still in what she'd worn to bed the night before, and gazed at the magnificent view of the beach and ocean.
The white sand appeared soft and glowing while the sea was a shimmering vastness of aqua blues and greens.
People dotted the beach as they lounged under colorful umbrellas, soaking up the sun for a golden tan or swimming in the welcoming water.
Children built sand castles and played with frisbees and beach balls.
Everyone was enjoying themselves as they took advantage of the Tahiti experience.

She sighed as she grew restless in her idle state.
She had wanted to go to her bungalow to get some clothes but London had negated that idea.

"No," he'd said flatly.
"I don't want you traipsing around the island alone."

"But I need my clothes.
I can't go around town in only your pajama top," she argued.

"I rather like what you are wearing," he grinned.

"London, I'm serious!
I need my clothes," she retorted.

"How about I go over and collect them for you?
Just not right now," he negotiated.
"At the moment I have to get to an important meeting with the Economic, Social and Cultural Council.
And your place is not right around the corner, you know."

Jennifer put her hands on her slim hips in frustration.

"How long will it take?"
she demanded.

He shrugged.

"It shouldn't take too long.
Maybe a couple of hours."

"And what am I supposed to do in the meantime?
Twiddle my thumbs?"
she asked sardonically.

"Sarcasm doesn't suit such a pretty lady," he grinned.

"Flattery will not get you out of this.
I want my clothes," she said stubbornly.

He sighed dramatically.

"Okay, okay!
If you insist.
For now I'll run to shops down the street to get you something to wear and bring it right back.
Then I'll go to my meeting and when it's over I'll go over to your bungalow and get your clothes.
he asked.

But I don't see why I can't go get my clothes while you're at your meeting.
It would save time," she pouted.

"What's the rush?
Remember, we don't know the degree of danger we're in.
I don't want you going anywhere alone.

"Oh alright," she said irritably.

He smiled and leaned over to kiss her forehead.

"That's my girl.
I'll be back shortly," he said as he left the bedroom.

True to his word, London returned with a shopping bag full of clothes before leaving once again.
Jennifer immediately placed the bag onto the bed and began going through it, hoping that at least something in it would fit her.
She had showered while waiting and was anxious to get out of her wet towel and into something more comfortable.

She was impressed by her bounty.
On the top of the pile was a white, scoop-neck crop top with small orange buttons down the front and short gathered sleeves.
Beneath it lay a long, straight, deep-orange skirt with a long slit in the right seam.
It was a simple outfit but she liked it immensely.

She eagerly tried on the garments and was pleased when they fit perfectly.
The top was snug across her ample breasts and stopped about an inch above her navel.
The skirt was silky and light against her legs and the hem landed at her ankles.
The ensemble would have looked perfect with her gold strap sandals, if only she had them, and she wondered if London had thought about her feet when he was shopping.

When she dug deeper into the bag she found flat, tan, strappy sandals.
They fit her style, and that of the outfit, perfectly and they fit just as well.
Obviously London had a discerning eye and that pleased her.

But after the excitement that always came with trying on new clothes had worn off, she was bored to tears.
It had been over three hours since London had left and she had toured every inch of his fabulous house, admiring each piece of artwork and marveling at every view.
And, while she could normally kill three hours with the best of them, it was the fact that she was not
to leave that was making her go stir-crazy.

Unable to wait any longer, Jennifer grabbed her cell phone and purse and set out for a walk.
She browsed the shops and became immersed in the busy street market, sampling delicious fruits, vegetables and deserts.
She especially loved the coconut cake with a scoop of Tahitian ice cream that she purchased from one vendor.
It tasted amazing and she knew that she could easily gain twenty pounds eating delicacies like that if she lived there.

The streets grew even busier as she strolled along and she decided to get out of the crush.
She turned down a quieter lane where there was more breathing room but immediately felt uncomfortable being alone and began hurrying toward the end of the street.
She suddenly longed for those people who had been such an hindrance just moments ago.

BOOK: Absolute Love: A Hot, Romantic Suspense Series, Book 3 (The Carlisle Sisters)
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