Read Accidentally Married Online

Authors: Victorine E. Lieske

Accidentally Married (2 page)

BOOK: Accidentally Married
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It was Madison’s turn to narrow her eyes. He was going to pay someone to date him? Who does that?

He stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Sounds weird, but I’m not really the dating type, so I was going to hire someone.” Color touched his cheeks. At least he had the good sense to look embarrassed.

When she didn’t speak, he continued. “That was Nathan on the phone. His cousin is I’m left without a date.”

She glared at him. What exactly was he asking her to do? “I’m here to apply for the
administrative assistant
position,” she repeated.

He clenched his jaw. “I have no
administrative assistant
positions open at this time.”

Heat rose to her face. The jerk. “So, now there is no job unless I agree to be your paid escort?” Her voice rose in pitch.

He sighed. “It’s only a family dinner. My father’s birthday. And it’s more like an acting job than anything.”

Her head snapped up. How did he know she was an actress?

Mr. Jameson took a step closer. “A thousand dollars, and all you have to do is eat my stepmother’s cooking, laugh at my father’s lame jokes, and act like you don’t hate me. That’s it. I swear.”

“Where does your family live?”

“Highland Falls. It’s a three-hour drive. We’ll get there around…” He checked his watch. “One-thirty. We spend some time with the family, eat dinner, and leave. I’ll have you back here by ten at the latest.”

She eyeballed him. He didn’t look like he was lying. With his clean-shaven face and well manicured nails, he appeared quite sophisticated. Was she really considering this? A thousand dollars would pay her half of the rent for a couple of months. She really needed the money. “And if I agree, maybe an administrative assistant job would become available?”

He frowned, scrubbed his hand over his chin, and squinted at her. “Maybe.”

“Deal.” Did she say yes? She must be out of her mind.

A smug look flashed across his face before he opened the driver’s side door and slid onto the seat. “Well come on, then. We’re late.”

How rude. This guy was something else. He didn’t even open her car door for her. But she figured she could ignore his rude behavior if it meant paying the rent.

She left the protection of the elevator doorway, which caused the doors to swish shut as if angry at being held open for so long. The sound of her heels on the cement echoed through the parking garage. She yanked open the passenger door and plopped down, hugging her satchel to her chest.

He scowled at her for a second. “Toss it in the back.”

As they drove, Madison figured out why they called them luxury cars. The plush seat molded to her body, the ride smooth and quiet. Mr. Jameson even seemed to relax a bit.

“There are a few things you should know, in order to play this part correctly. First, we’ve been dating for four months.”

Madison turned to him, forcing herself not to make a face. That’s why he needed a date so bad. He’d lied to his family. And now they were demanding to see his mystery girlfriend. She pursed her lips.

“We’ve been to the opera, the ballet, and we frequent the art museum.”

What kind of a person lies to their family? Her opinion of him dropped. “Uh huh.” She nodded.

“You’re refined, so it’s important you act the part.”

Did he just call her unrefined? What a colossal jerk. She narrowed her eyes. “Sure.”

“We are on the verge of being serious, but don’t worry, I won’t have to see the family again until Christmas, and by then we’ll have broken up.” He gripped the steering wheel and glanced at her. “Got all that?”

What did he think she was, an idiot? It’s not like he was teaching her trigonometry. “Dating for four months...refined...and on the verge of a break up. Got it.”

He grimaced. “You don’t have to think about the break up. That won’t happen for a few months.”

She lifted an eyebrow. “I should portray a hint of discord between us, so when you eventually tell them, it seems more believable, don’t you think?”

He signaled and changed lanes to pass a slow moving semi truck. “I suppose.”

Madison closed her eyes for a moment, trying to get into her part. She imagined herself being a woman who liked the finer things in life. Someone who would date a wealthy CEO like Mr. Jameson. Her eyes snapped open. “What’s your name? I can’t really call you Mr. Jameson in front of your family.”


The name fit him somehow. A power name. Muscular. She shook her head. She shouldn’t be thinking about his muscles. “How did we meet?”

His jaw muscles twitched. “I didn’t tell them how we met, so it’s irrelevant.”

“What if someone asks?”

“No one will ask. And if they do, make something up. It doesn’t matter.” He stared straight ahead.

Madison fiddled with her fingers. He wasn’t very friendly, was he? She could see now why he had to pay someone to go out with him. If this was how he treated women, he’d be alone the rest of his life. Even with his handsome face. It’s what’s inside that truly attracts.

She wondered if he was always this uptight. There had to be something she could say to make him loosen up, or this would be a very long evening. “Since I might be working at Jameson Technologies, why don’t you tell me a little bit about your company?”

“We design and build technology like semi-conductors and virtual memory, and we invest in other innovative companies.” The corner of his mouth lifted a little. Not a full smile, but she decided it was progress.

“And Darlene, how long was she working as your administrative assistant before she handed in her resignation?”

His eyebrows raised and he jerked his head in her direction. “What?”

Her face grew warm and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Darlene had not quit yet. Great. Now what was she supposed to do? “Um, a friend of mine overheard Darlene talking. She said she was going to quit her job today. Sorry to break it to you. I guess she hasn’t done it yet.”

Deep laughter bubbled up from his chest, and he smiled – an actual real smile. He continued to chuckle while swerving into the other lane to pass another car.

She couldn’t fathom why he was laughing. Losing an employee was not humorous. She had a sneaking suspicion he was laughing at her. “What’s so funny?” she snapped.

“Darlene threatens to quit three times a week. Never actually follows through.”

Anger festered in her like an ulcer. Jared had no intention of hiring her. “I guess there’s no position for me at your company.” The words came out clipped.

Jared stopped laughing and grew serious. “I said
. I didn’t say

Madison clenched her fists, her fingernails digging into her skin. “And because you wanted me to pretend to be your girlfriend, you lied.”

“You’re overreacting.”

Maybe she was. But he had lied, and she wasn’t going to let him get away with it. “You knew I wanted a job.”

“I’m giving you a job. What’s the matter with you?”

The condescending way he said it made her blood boil. He had manipulated her into doing this. She suddenly felt cheap. Used. And cruising down the interstate miles away from home, there was nothing she could do about it.

She folded her arms across her chest and glared at him. If he wanted her to play a part for his family, she sure would.

But maybe not the
girlfriend he was hoping for.


Chapter 2

ared’s stomach tightened as he
drove down the winding street to his childhood home. Being in Highland Falls always brought back the painful past. He never seemed to move beyond it.

Madison sat with her hands folded in her lap, silently staring out the window. Her blonde hair brushed her shoulders. Her legs, long and shapely, crossed at the ankles. She was going to be perfect. She really fit the part. If only she hadn’t worn a cheap business suit.

He shook his head. It didn’t matter. His family wouldn’t think much of it. They’d probably assume she came right from work.

The twisty street threaded past large homes with lush green lawns. This was country club territory, the kind of people who cared about appearances and kept their problems locked safely away in the liquor cabinet.

He pulled into the long circular driveway and stopped the car. As soon as he cut the engine, Madison hopped out. He hurried around to her side. “You should have let me open your door.”

Madison frowned. “Why?”

“It’s the proper thing to do.”

“Then why didn’t you open my car door in the parking garage? Or is it only the proper thing to do when someone might be watching?”

He rolled his eyes and started up the sidewalk. No use in arguing with her. She was a temp. Someone to play a part to ease the constant hounding. And he was pretty sure no one was at the window.

They approached his father’s sandstone house. Not quite large enough to be called a mansion, and yet pretentious enough to impress the Joneses. A stone lion sat on either side of the concrete stairs. They always made Jared feel like he lived at a library.

He pressed the bell and Irene, his father’s wife of the month, opened the door. Her long black hair was pulled back in a bun, a couple of chopsticks sticking out of it. She wore a tank top and capris.

“Jared!” She donned her fake smile and ushered them inside. “Please come in.”

“Madison, this is my stepmother, Irene. Irene, this is Madison.”

Madison whacked him in the chest. “Stepmother? Get out! I thought she was your sister.”

He stared at her. What was she doing? But the comment obviously pleased Irene, for she laughed her little twitter of a giggle and took Madison into an embrace.

“Aren’t you a dear? Come meet the rest of the family. They’re already here.”

Of course. She had to get a little dig in that he was late. He clenched his jaw and followed her through the kitchen to the family room.

When they entered, everyone stopped talking and turned to stare. His gaze landed on Shelly, his aunt, who had been the only constant mother figure in his life since his mother died. Her unnaturally pale face made it obvious her condition was taking a toll on her. His chest squeezed. She was the only reason he came to family events. How many more would she be around for?

Irene put her arm around Madison. “Everyone, this is Madison, Jared’s girlfriend.” She pointed around the room. “That’s Mark, Zachary, and Patricia, Shelly, and of course, Maxwell, Jared’s father. But don’t worry about remembering names, you’ll pick it up. Would you like to sit down while I get you something to drink?”

Madison looked at Jared sideways, and for a second he saw something gleam in her eye. Something almost devilish. Then it vanished. She faced Irene and smiled. “I’d love a drink. Do you have any vodka?”

Jared’s mouth went dry. Was she nuts? He stared at her bright grin and realization crashed down on him. This was on purpose. Payback for saying there might be a position open at his company.

This was going to be a long day.

Irene laughed again. “We have ice water, Coke and tea.”

“Coke is fine, although if you dump a little vodka in it I won’t be disappointed.” She winked at Irene and took the three steps down into the family room. She plopped down on the sectional and patted the seat next to her. “Come on, sweetie.”

All eyes turned to him. After he hugged Shelly and said a quick ‘happy birthday’ to his father, he sat beside her.

Patricia, his cousin, smiled at him. Her blonde hair was cut in a pixie style, much shorter than the last time he’d seen her. “We’re so happy you came, Jared. And it’s nice to meet your girlfriend.”

“I’m glad Jared brought me. I mean, I’ll bet you were all starting to think Jared here made me up.” Madison slapped him on the leg.


Everyone laughed as heat rose to his face. He pushed down the urge to fire off a retort. She was baiting him. Trying to get under his skin. Instead, he focused on his family. Patricia and Zachary were getting really chummy. She was practically sitting on his lap. It wouldn’t be long before they were making an announcement. Luckily, his father seemed to be the only one in the family with the propensity to exchange his spouse for a new model each year. He’d lost count as to how many ex-wives his father had. His mother was the only one who mattered to him, and she’d died long ago.

Patricia leaned forward. “Tell us about yourself, Madison. Jared’s been so evasive.”

Madison patted Jared on the leg. “He’s so cute. He doesn’t like to talk about himself.”

Mark snorted. “He doesn’t like to talk at all.”

His half-brother from wife number three, Mark had never grown close to Jared. Most of Jared’s time growing up was spent with his cousin, Patricia. The only time he saw Mark was for a few weeks each summer.

Patricia threw a dirty look at Mark. “What do you do, Madison?”

“I’m an actress.” She glanced at Jared, probably to gauge his reaction. He kept his face straight, intent on not giving her what she wanted.

“That’s so cool. Have you been in any movies?” Patricia’s eyes glinted. She was the kind of person who liked everyone, and they all liked her. Perpetually happy, that’s what he used to call her.

“I was an extra in
Big Fat Liar

The comment caught him off guard and he coughed. He had to admit, she was quick on her feet. If her barbs weren’t pointed at him, he might enjoy her wit.

“And I played the administrative assistant in
The Sixteenth Floor

Patricia’s eyes widened. “The movie that came out last year? Are you serious?”

BOOK: Accidentally Married
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