Acres, Natalie - Sex Addict [Cowboy Addiction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (14 page)

BOOK: Acres, Natalie - Sex Addict [Cowboy Addiction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Kit snarled. He didn’t make a comment. He just gave Kemper a cold stare.

She swallowed hard.

“How many?” Kit remained committed to his cause. “Damn it, how many!”

“There were fourteen,” she breathed, remembering he’d promised to fuck her. “And you made a promise. I won’t let you back out.”

“I imagine you won’t,” he snipped. “Fourteen? Really?”

“Yes,” she whispered. Considering her age, that wasn’t a lot of partners.

Then again, since she hadn’t slept with anyone until after she turned twenty-one, maybe she would’ve gotten around if the Keesling brothers hadn’t saved her from her life in Nashville. The problem was clear. She spent several years with the same man. After having sex day in and day out, she sort of went buck wild when she couldn’t bump and grind whenever the need arose.

“Your boss says you’re a sex addict. Is that true?” Kit asked.

“My boss wishes I’d been a sex addict,” she said, feeling like she was being pressured into admitting something she wasn’t ready to face.

“Well, are you?”

“Hell no,” she said. “Well, maybe.”

“You are?” Kemper asked, arching a brow. “Shit, our luck keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it?” He actually sounded like he was making light of the situation. At the moment, Holly didn’t appreciate his humor.

Kit frowned. “A sex addiction isn’t as pretty as it might sound. Is it, Holly?”

She shook her head, felt the overwhelming desire to break free of the binds and just run. She wanted to get away then, run as far and as fast as she could. This conversation took a hard turn toward the uncomfortable, and she wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do now. Where did they go from here?

Kit was right. It wasn’t a pretty sight. If they only knew how obsessed she’d been with them, with having sex all the time, they’d swear she was crazy.

Worse, as of late, she’d begun to think about the possibilities. If they didn’t let her take them to bed whenever she had the urge, how long before she’d hit the town and find someone else to mess around with? Was it possible she would eventually stray even though she greatly frowned upon those who were unfaithful in their relationships?

She didn’t want to be that woman. She didn’t want to be that girl. And she understood if she were to make the most out of this confession, she needed to be open and honest. She needed to let them help her because without a doubt, she needed something to settle the uneasiness, the growing discontentment she’d been dealing with more frequently.

Kit released a sigh of relief and stroked her head. “How do you propose we handle this, Holly?”

“I don’t know,” she said honestly, trying to defy the tears welling in her eyes. “Maybe you could fuck me a few more times every day?”

Kit released her arms and tilted his head toward her legs, which Kemper immediately untied. Kit carried her to what she first had thought might have been a closet. He nudged the door open with his foot and entered a small bedroom, so sterile and sanitized, the cleaner literally filled her senses.

He released her then and sat on the bed next to her. “How do you think you can best help yourself?”

“I don’t know,” she admitted.

Kemper watched them from the doorway. Finally, he said, “Does this mean all you ever think about is sex?”

She slowly nodded. “Lately, it’s been pretty bad. I…I uh…” She took a weighted breath and finally finished with, “I’m glad you know the truth.”

“All the time?” Kemper asked, still processing. He ran his hand through a mess of hair and stared at her blankly. “I mean, you don’t think about anything else? Like when you go shopping, are you thinking about sex?”

“Actually, yes.”

“And when you’re—”

“Kemper!” Kit yelled. “Sex addiction is a serious problem.”

“I’m just trying to understand what she’s been going through.”

“Well, I guess it’s best explained like this—I would pick up a stranger on the street if I needed to get off. Masturbation was my primary form of release, but I fucked myself several times a day, used to spend a lot of time watching porn, and used to—prior to meeting you—rush through the act so I could hurry up and find whatever would stimulate and arouse me next.”

“Were you at least responsible, I hope?” Kit asked, narrowing his gaze.

“Yes,” she replied. “But I’ve also been tested. When you first brought me here, you made sure of it, remember?”

“Yes.” Reluctantly, Kit added, “You have some problems with the emotional aspect of our relationship, don’t you?”

“And you don’t?” she asked, coming to her knees and tweaking her nipples. “We have remarkable sex. And then you and Kemper can’t get those jeans back on fast enough. Do you think that says to me you want an emotional connection?”

“Have you been unfaithful to us?” Kit asked, ignoring her hands as she worked like mad to tempt them, not that they hadn’t been taunted enough.

“Never,” she promised. “I think I may even…” She gasped, tossed her head back, and moaned as she pinched her nipples tighter. “I may even be in love with you.”

“Are you?” Kemper asked, stepping closer to the bed. He seemed totally unaware of where her fingers roamed. He intently stared into her eyes as tenderness swept over him, marking its place in his softened expression. “Are you in love with us?”

“Stop that,” Kit said, gently removing her hands from her breasts.

“I don’t know. You tell me.”

* * * *

Kit watched how nervous she became as Kemper sat there without showing any signs of being aroused, without going to her when she certainly did everything within her power to provoke his lust.

She took a predator-type position, crouched over like an animal as she worked her legs in a butterfly’s maneuver. Her pussy lips glistened in the light, and Kit looked away, trying to decide the best way to handle her addiction. Why was she confessing her love while still trying to coax them into sex? Was this the addict’s way? Would everything about their relationship ultimately end up relating to sex?

“I’m not any different now than I was out there. I’m still the woman you found attractive enough to bring home from Nashville. I’m still the same woman you ate out just an hour ago, Kemper.”

He gulped.

“And now that you know the truth, you don’t want me, do you?”

“I don’t know,” Kemper said thoughtfully. “I’ve read a lot about addiction, Holly. The question here is—do you want me and Kit, and if you do, how long can we keep you satisfied? How long before you crave more than we can give you?”

She grinned. “I guess that depends on you. I don’t see why you have to make such a big deal out of this. We have amazing sex. We enjoy one another. All we need to do is focus on the physical aspect of the relationship and the rest will fall in place. Don’t you think so, Kit?”

As her hand covered his, he jerked away. “No, Holly. I think the worst thing we could do for you is focus on the physical aspect. In fact, I’m starting to believe the only way we can beat this thing is if we begin concentrating on the emotional aspect.”

“That will be harder for you than it will be for me.”

“I don’t think so,” Kit told her. “In fact, I believe we’ll be happier in the long run if we start taking care of one another emotionally. The sex will come.”

“I hope it comes sooner rather than later.”

Chapter Twelve

“We’ll be right back,” Kit said, motioning for Kemper. “Don’t you touch those beads, or so help me, I won’t fuck you for days and neither will Kemper.”

She stuck her lip out and pouted. “Can I at least play while you’re away?”

“No,” he said, assuming they’d watch one hell of a show once they abandoned her.

They left her in the bedroom. Kemper closed the door behind them. She was unaware of the hidden camera, and they needed a moment to discuss how they’d proceed.

Walking over to the computer desk located behind a partitioned wall, Kit said, “We’re gonna have to take the kink out of the equation here.”


“She’s addicted to sex. The more we give her, the more we introduce her to the kinds of things we need and want, the more she’ll desire. You and I are two men. We’ll never keep a true addict satisfied. Plus, we can’t watch her around the clock.”

“Blake and Grant handled Morgan. We can certainly handle Holly. We aren’t dealing with substance abuse here.”

“We’re still dealing with a very serious addiction problem, Kemper.”

“What are you saying? Do you think she’s out of control?”

Kit turned on the monitor and said, “You be the judge of that. Come here. I want you to take a look at this. Maybe then, you’ll understand what I’m talking about.”

* * * *

Holly spread her legs as wide as they would go. She toyed with her clit, rubbing the small button around and around. Good God, this was what she’d needed all day. She closed her eyes and pinched her nipple, rubbing the point as she worked for her climax.

She felt as if she hadn’t been able to orgasm in a dozen years even though Kemper’s mouth had driven her to climax just the hour before. Reaching for the anal beads, she gave the circular hook a jerk. Kit wouldn’t notice if she played with those damn beads. She’d shove them back up her ass before they came back.

Pinching her nipple again, she squeezed and released. She thought of Kemper’s cock at her lips, his slick shaft buried inside her mouth. “Hmm,” she moaned, grunting as she thrust three fingers inside her pussy.

It wasn’t enough.

She bucked and writhed under the weight of her own hand. She imagined Kit coming over her, his powerful body lowering to her pussy.

“There,” she whispered, pumping her hand between her thighs. “Oh God, yes, Kit!” she screamed, releasing her cupped breast and yanking the beads all at once. “Oh! Oh! Good heavens!” she screamed, rolling her tongue over her lips. “Fuck! This feels wonderful!”

“Hmm,” she muttered, sticking her thumb inside her ass and trying to get a good position so she could fuck herself from front to back. “Oh God, this is sick! Wicked!” And it was. She knew in her heart of hearts she had a problem, but she couldn’t stop herself. She needed full penetration. Oh Lord! She needed…

A loud slam resounded in the room and that’s when she was busted like a criminal with his hand caught in the cash register. Unfortunately, the shiny jewels, the beads she’d meant to return to the case—or at the very least, her ass—were strewn across the bed.

There was no time like the present to make amends and say her apologies. By gauging the expressions on their faces, she wasn’t going to wiggle out of this one without working her body for all it was worth.

* * * *

“I ought to spank your ass raw!” Kit screamed, glaring at the beads.

“What happened to removing the kink factor?” Kemper asked, staring at her pussy. “That was some show, by the way.”

“Shut up, Kemper,” Kit said, raking his fingers through his hair.

“It was. She knows how to turn a man on.”

She came to her knees and used his shoulders for leverage. “Are you still attracted to me?”

“God yes,” Kemper said, cupping the side of her face.

“Show me?”

Kemper shrugged. “We’re still working on the best course of action.”

“So you’re going to ignore me? You don’t want to have sex with me now that you know I’m a sex addict?”

“That’s not it, baby,” Kemper said, brushing her silken hair away from her face. “We’re just not sure what we can do to help you.”

“What if I tell you whenever I have particular cravings?”

“That might work,” Kit admitted. “I still want you in therapy.”

“I’ll go,” she said. “I promise.”

“Okay,” Kit said. “That’s a start, I suppose.”

“And I’ll submit to you whenever you like, Master.”

Kit sat on the edge of the bed. He turned to her, and shaking his head, he said, “We can’t move forward with your training until we talk to a therapist.”

“When will we do that?”


“And I have to wait for you to fuck me until tomorrow?”

Kemper shrugged and looked away. Apparently, this was on him. Kit cleared his throat and considered the final question from the paper he no longer needed now that he’d asked the majority of them. “Do you love me? Do you love Kemper?”

Her gaze bounced between them. “Yes.”

“You’re sure?”

“Of course I’m sure. I’ve never been as happy as I’ve been here.”

“Is it because of the money?” Kit asked, wondering if that’s why she was so accommodating.

“No,” she replied. “The money is nice, but I’d rather have the men.”

“Are you certain?” Kemper asked, pressing the issue, too.

“I’m positive,” she said, rising to her knees and rubbing her chest against Kit’s back as she massaged him.

In a matter of minutes, he was under her spell. Her hands raked over his buttons, and she peeled his shirt away from his skin. He wiggled away from his jeans, only slightly aware of Kemper undressing behind them.

BOOK: Acres, Natalie - Sex Addict [Cowboy Addiction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
4.26Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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