Adams, Eve - Patience is Their Virtue [Brides of Bachelor Bay 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (7 page)

BOOK: Adams, Eve - Patience is Their Virtue [Brides of Bachelor Bay 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Adam released her hand and marched to the threshold of the parlor before turning to address the room. “I will return within the hour, at which time I fully expect Miss Weber’s bags to be packed and her waiting for me. Logan, see that the reverend is here upon my return. I’ve already wasted enough time on this. Good day.”

Patience covered her face with her hands as the first of her sobs exploded. The front door slammed, announcing her future husband’s departure.

* * * *

What an inglorious bastard.

He’d seen his brother perform some of the most reprehensible acts as a ruthless businessman, but the way he’d just treated his future wife was inexcusable.

Raven glanced up at the sky as gray clouds rolled in. Port Steele’s hint at spring had come to an end. Soon the rain would return and with it, mud, mud, and more mud. He missed the plains of the Dakotas. It rained, but only enough to feed the land and keep it lush. The rain here seemed unending and did nothing more than drown the land instead of nourish it.

Raven cleared his throat.

Adam thinned his lips and set his jaw, the stubborn bastard. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Raven then growled.

“Don’t judge me, brother. She pushed me too far.”

Raven shook his head. He knew better than to say anything. When Adam got in one of his moods, he held entire conversations with himself.

“What I’m offering is far better than any life she’d get with any other man in this or any of the surrounding towns. Why can’t she see that?” He stopped and motioned at the inn with one hand while shoving his other hand deep in his pocket. “She’s being completely unreasonable. Forced her hand? Ha! I could have let her go into a life of servitude, but I didn’t. And why is that?”

“Because you love her.”

Adam took a breath to protest but stopped short as his shoulders slumped. He blinked at Raven, over and over, as Raven watched those words sink in.

“Because I love her,” Adam repeated, clearly stunned at the epiphany.

“Why don’t I return to the inn and help Miss Weber pack? I may be able to straighten out this mess you’ve created with her.”

“Me? I didn’t do anything more than offer her a new life.”

“And I will do my best to help her see it that way.”

Beaten, Adam gave him a quick nod. “You were always better at comforting our lovers than me. Should I take my time returning?”

“That would be best.”

With a sigh, Adam dragged his feet as he walked away.

Raven spun around and marched back to the inn and didn’t slow until he reached up and knocked on the front door.

Hattie Red threw open the door, her gaze sharp and exact as she drew in a breath, the burn in her unyielding eyes clear. She was about to unleash. As soon as she saw Raven, she softened and smiled through painted lips as red as her scarlet hair. “Raven. I was expecting it to be your beast of a brother.”

Raven widened his eyes and looked around. No one knew about Adam and Raven’s kinship except Hattie, as far as he knew. If anyone else found out, Adam would be ruined and they’d both be run out of town.

“Don’t worry, handsome. Patti is upstairs in her room crying her eyes out, and it’s only Logan and Gage who are still here. Noah and Andrew left to fetch the reverend.”

“What if one of them heard you?”

She waved off his comment with her pudgy hands. “When those two get to talking business, nothing else in the world exists. Come in. Let me get you something to warm your blood.”

“I came to see Miss Weber.”

“Call her Patti. Everyone else does.”

“When she asks me to call her Patti, I will.”

Hattie batted her overly painted eyes at him. “You were always the gentleman of the family. I’ll get her for you.” Hattie walked up the stairs, leaving Raven standing in the entryway alone.

He overheard Logan and Gage talking in the parlor and casually walked over to the wall, leaning in to hear them better.

Gage spoke. “If something like that passed here in Port Steele, it would be the beginning of the end. What right do they have to say who can and cannot be within the city limits?”

Logan snorted. “Why do you think I brought it up? I don’t believe Adam Steele will allow something like that to pass here. Doing so would prohibit his shadow from accompanying him to town.”

Raven frowned. What could they possibly be discussing?

“Personally, I like Raven better than his employer. It wouldn’t be right to stop him from entering the town simply because he’s Indian. Logan, we have to do something.”

Raven stilled, the blood in his veins cooling as comprehension sank into his brain. There was an ordinance to stop people from entering the city limits, simply based on his or her heritage? Who would pass such an absurd idea?

“Agreed,” Logan said. “I’ll make it a point to take this up with Adam at the next council meeting. Knowing that corrupt judge, he’s already paid off half the town to vote for the ordinance. It’s best to stop this before it starts. I don’t believe any man should be branded simply due to the color of his skin or the blood running through his veins.” Raven knew there was a reason why he liked the Gallaghers. A noise caught his attention, and he straightened as he swung his gaze toward the stairs. Patience Weber appeared at the top of the stairs, her pretty pale eyes red from crying. The skin surrounding them was puffy, but she smiled politely despite the pain clearly swirling in her expression.

She stilled and straightened. “I was told I had an hour.”

“I came back to assist.”

“I don’t need your help.”

Hattie gave her an audible sniff to show her disapproval. “Patti, I suggest you show this man kindness. It isn’t his doing that you find yourself in this situation.”

Tears swelled in her eyes and streamed down her cheeks. She didn’t even bother to wipe them away.

Damn, those tears bit into him, each and every one of them. With every tear Patience shed, his heart pinched, his gut twisted, and he wanted to hurt his brother for making her hurt. It tore at his control to see her in such pain.

“I’ve already packed.”

“Then perhaps we may sit and enjoy each other’s company until Mr. Steele returns.”

Her hesitation told him that she didn’t want to, but a quick glance at how Hattie thrust out her chin at her and Patience gave Raven a reluctant nod.

“Take him into the dining room, Patti. There’s too much commotion around here with all of the girls getting ready for church.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Patience glided down the stairs, wearing the same ragged dress she had on that day in the garden. The rip in the hem had a mismatched patch covering it that looked like it hadn’t been sewn all the way on.

“You look well,” Raven complimented wryly once they entered the privacy of the dining room. He waited until she sat and then took a seat next to her, close enough to smell her mouthwatering scent, a cross between sunshine and promises.

Patience laughed and wiped at her cheeks. “I look a mess.”

He turned so his obvious arousal for her didn’t show. Just sitting this close to her had his cock growing, his britches constricting uncomfortably, his balls tightening with want. When she pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth and bit down, he swallowed a groan.

“I’m sorry you aren’t pleased with this arrangement. It isn’t Mr. Steele’s intent.”

Her pretty blue-gray eyes flashed with anger. “Whether it was his intent or not, that is the way I feel.”

Oh, yeah. She was pissed.
“Perhaps if you looked at the situation differently.”

“No need. I see it for what it is.”

“And what is that?”

“My hand is being forced into a loveless marriage. I’ve been traded off like a bag of flour.”

He quirked his lips and shook his head. “I can assure you that is not in any way the truth, Miss Weber. First off, this will not be a loveless marriage. Mr. Steele cares a great deal for you, or he would not have made the offer he did. Secondly, you look nothing like a bag of flour.”

She colored beautifully. “Thank you, but I’m not worthy of such a compliment.”

“You most certainly are. Forgive my forwardness, but you, Patience Weber, are a very beautiful woman. We are looking forward to having you join us.”

She whipped her head up and narrowed her all-too-perceptive gaze on him. “We? Us?”

Shit. Shit.
How was he going to recover from that comment? “I live there as well.”


Did he detect a hint of disappointment?
Raven leaned forward and decided to see if the glitter in her brilliant eyes meant what he hoped it meant.

He reached up and hooked a curled finger under her chin so that their gazes met. She didn’t pull away. Hell, she didn’t even shy away. She met his gaze with an intensity all her own, and the determination in her eyes made him painfully hard.

“Tell me something,” he started, his voice low and thick with lust. “Have you ever kissed a man?”

She colored. “That’s a rather forward question, Raven.”

“I’m a rather forward man, Miss Weber.”

“Patti, please.”

He leaned closer. “Have you kissed a man before, Patti?”

Her gaze lowered as she muttered, “Yes.”

That didn’t slow or deter him. He moved closer yet. “Show me.”

“Raven, I don’t think—”

“Don’t think,” he cut in. “Just feel. Allow me to kiss you, Patti. Let me prove to you that this marriage will not be a loveless one.”

“But won’t Adam be upset?”

He grinned. “Quite the contrary. As his manservant there are certain obligations I must tend to. Some of them are more pleasant than others.”

She licked her lips and her breath whispered with his. “This is highly improper.”

“That it is. Do you want me to stop?”

Visibly swallowing, she then shook her head.

He took that as the invitation he needed and slid his lips over hers.

Rather than fight him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and scooted closer to him. When she moaned, he pressed his tongue against the seam of her lips and parted them. Their tongues met and danced, and this time, the moan came from him.

He ended the kiss with playful nips at her lower lip. When he pulled back, he nodded in appreciation at the lovely color that had consumed her cheeks.

She blinked her eyes open and looked at him. All at once, she jumped to her feet and stumbled back. “W–What do you think you’re doing?”

Raven remained seated and even eased back in his chair.
Oh, yes.
This woman burned hot beneath her cool exterior. He tasted it in her kiss. Would she be willing to share that passion? Would she be open to the idea of sharing her love with two men?

“I was told to make sure you were ready,” he answered with more than a hint of humor in his voice. “I believe you are.”

“Ready for what?”

He smiled as his answer.

BOOK: Adams, Eve - Patience is Their Virtue [Brides of Bachelor Bay 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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