Advancing ((Advance Industries #2)) (6 page)

BOOK: Advancing ((Advance Industries #2))
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“Where are you taking me?”

“To our President. He’ll be very interested in you!” The one guard chuckles.


“You’ll find out soon enough!”

Fan-fuckin-tastic! I’m being taken to meet Fraser’s spawn? Can’t wait!

They put me in a sleek vehicle with the AIG emblem displayed on every side. One of the guards gets in and sits beside me, the other two jump up front. I hear the guard in front say, “President Laudnam’s estate,” and the vehicle starts moving forward of its own accord. Strangest over-rider/hoverride I’ve ever seen. I’m not concerned about meeting the son of the man I hate. I still have my comm so will just travel out of there if need be. If they don’t take it that is. What I’m furious over is the fact I can’t get to Faith. I’m sure she’s fine but seeing with my own eyes would be preferable. I glance at the guard to my side, he clearly works out. Built doesn’t describe how huge he is. He’s a freak of a giant but more than that he’s alert. He takes his job seriously, not like the AIG of the past.

“Stop!” I hear and look out of the window to see we’ve arrived at an expensive mansion. Similar to Johnson Frank’s old home. A restored, updated and fitting for the new presidential building.

I’m led out of the vehicle, pulled up a shit tonne of steps and pushed through the door that opens on command. I’m told to stay still as I cross over the doorway so I do but no one frisks me. A minute or so passes and I’m allowed to step forward. Right in front of me is a sweeping staircase and at the foot of it standing straight-backed and smiling warmly at me is Fraser’s double!

“Release him, please! This is no way to treat a guest,” he tells the AIG. “Have refreshments brought through to the study,” he continues. The guards half bow and leave me to stand to face him.

He inclines his head to a door at my right and walks towards it, his hands laced together behind his back. He’s wearing a grey suit, white shirt and a royal blue tie. He doesn’t bother to turn and check if I follow or not. I realise my feet are following him. My curiosity is piqued and I can’t help myself.

On entering the room, I see he’s sat behind a large mahogany desk. This room is so out of character with what I’ve seen of the building so far. No clean lines, not sleek or updated. Not modernised in the slightest, he’s younger than me and this room just doesn’t suit him. It’s like a throwback to the past. Heavy red drapes hang at the four windows; the flooring is a dark wood. It’s overbearing.

He watches me taking in the surroundings then points to the chair opposite him. I sit and look him over again. He really is Fraser’s double except for his eyes and youthful appearance. His body language is open, relaxed and he seems... happy to see me?

“Do you know why you’ve been brought here?” He asks.

I shake my head.

He leans forward and rests his elbows on the desk. “Are you Kye Clark?”

I nod still unable to get my vocals working. Looking at him is making me lose all my resolve. He looks friendly and I can see why Gramps vouches for him. His eyes really do make you want to trust him. I look away worried he’s putting me under some kind of weird spell. No eye contact = No mind games.

“You see; we have no Kye Clarke in our records. You, Mr. Clarke, do not exist!”

“Your files are obviously wrong,” I reply.

“I think not.” He runs his index finger over his lip. “You may not exist but I’m very familiar with your name. Your name along with a handful of others was drummed into me from an early age. Preparation for when the time came and I would be President.”

I raise my brows. What the hell is he on about?

“I can see I’m not explaining myself very well. Forgive me. I never thought this day would actually happen and now I’m faced with a dilemma.”

“Care to elaborate?” I ask looking disinterested but starting to piece it together.

“Of course. Yes, of course. Where to begin?” He questions himself.

“Let’s see. My father, who I believe you are familiar with used to tell me the same bedtime story every night. A fascinating tale about a woman he loved and a time traveller who stole her away, in doing so this time traveller injured my father leaving him with a permanent limp. The time traveller and the woman escaped to the future which we know as the current present. My father believed that the traveller would at some point in time cross paths with his son – me. He had a message he wanted me to give the traveller. A message that has played on my mind for years.”

I try not to rise to the bait but hearing him say that Fraser loved Faith has unleashed my anger levels to a dangerous height.

“Let’s get something straight. He never loved Faith, he used her, he hurt her and he very nearly broke her. Your father was deluded! And... he’s exceptionally lucky all he ended up with was a fucking limp!”

“And therein lies my dilemma. I agree. I hated my father, he dazzled my mother with his charisma, convinced her trusting nature that the things he did were for a greater good. He used her for an heir and then discarded her. He left her a shell and he left me a legacy I want no part of. Nevertheless, I am President and there are laws that have to be upheld.”

He laughs at the shock I’m displaying. Did not expect that. If he’s honest then the fact, he hated his father too is a plus in his favour.

“Now he was under the impression that Faith would someday go back to her time. He was positive on that matter. So I have a proposal. He said he would be ready and waiting for her return but I want you to convince her to travel to the right point.”

“Why? Why do you care? Why are you still doing what he wants when you despised him?”

“No, you are mistaken. It may be what he wanted but I have my own selfish reasons as well.”

Of course, he does! “Which are?”

“I need her or you even, to return and put right things you may not have considered. If you agree to do this I will give you all the assistance you require, the technology that the public has no idea exists will be yours to aid you. What I need is for you to return to the time of his election and assassinate him.”

“Why the fuck would you want that? I’m all for it, no doubt about it. But it’s an odd request when that means you’ll never be born.”

“Precisely. I don’t want to be born, I don’t want all of this.” He gestures his arm around the room. “I don’t want my mother to be fooled by him. I don’t want the responsibility of a city so affected by his inventions. I could try until my dying breath but the things he did will never be undone as quickly. Advancing is an evil even he never foresaw. Without intending to he created a drug so lethal that children are left without parents, parents are left without children and the public are dying slow deaths from not receiving their next fix. I disabled the data from the system on every Comm but by then it was too late. The black market got their hands on it and it’s still going strong.” He takes a sip of water.

“I’m tired, Mr. Clarke. This is no life to live. I don’t wish to be President. I don’t wish to exist. I have spent many,
years contemplating. My greatest wish is that time can be changed and none of this ever happens. I’m not a begging man, but on this I beg you, please make this right?”

Well, fuck me sideways. I actually believe this guy. What he’s asking is what I was planning anyway so no hardship for me. I never thought someone that shared genes with Fraser would be capable of being so decent. I still have a niggling doubt though because Fraser was an expert at convincing people he was good and only wanted the best, has this man learnt that trait? I look at him again trying to get a read on him. All I see is sincerity.

“How long have you been President?”

His lips quirk and I notice he doesn’t want to say.

“A long time. Don’t let the face throw you. I pay well to achieve this deception, my only vice is vanity and while I won’t disclose my age I will tell you I’m older than I appear.”

He certainly talks like he’s older but his face is flawless. I wonder what kind of invention they’ve made to reverse age so well.

“I can see you’re struggling with the decision and that is understandable. I just wanted to meet you, explain and hope you’d agree. Of course, you need time to think it over so please take my Comm details. If you need any help this is my personal line, I’m a call away.”

I activate my Comm and swipe it over his ensuring I have his details, as I stand up to leave, the door opens and a trolley full of food is pushed into the room.

“Ahh finally!” He says, “Please won’t you stay and join me. It would be nice to not eat alone for once. I would enjoy talking with you some more.”

I look at my Comm. It’s been hours since I told Gran I was on my way home. She hasn’t messaged again. What could it hurt to stay for a while longer? I nod and tell him I need to message Faith and explain I’ll be late. I message the men too and tell them it’s a negative on travelling tonight and we’ll reschedule.

Chapter 6



I’ve been pacing in the bedroom for hours. I’ve actually been willing my period to start. I can’t be pregnant. We’ve never discussed having kids. Kye will be a great dad but me? I’d be useless as a mum. Fact. I never had a mother figure to show me what to do. I can barely look after myself let alone a baby. And now? Why the hell would this happen now? Why when everything is so up in the air? I have to travel back to my time and if I know Kye it’ll be sooner rather than later. I’m hardly in a stable environment to be bringing a child up. I don’t even have a home! How, on earth, do I break this to him? Shall I keep quiet? I mean I don’t even think I want a baby. No, I don’t, especially not now. Could I live with the guilt of lying to him and depriving him of this? Yeah, I think I could because it’s my body that will be affected, my sanity. That’s a lie, I don’t think I could lie to his face every day without shrivelling up in guilt. Why would anyone have a baby they have no idea of how to look after? If I kept it just to please him eventually I’d end up resenting him.

Crap! Could I be right? I mean in this time, really I’m dead. I don’t exist. I’m only here because I travelled. In my time, Kye wouldn’t have even been born yet. Hopefully, I’m still overreacting and I’m not carrying anyway. That can happen, right? A thought popping into your head and then your mind just runs with it. Yeah, that’s what’s going on. I’m getting carried away. Thinking up problems that don’t exist.

So I’ve worried myself around in circles and now I’m starving. I leave the bedroom and spy Lizzie sitting in a chair staring out of the window. I can smell food and it makes me salivate, I look at Lizzie again and notice she’s wringing her hands in her lap but the rest of her is perfectly still, almost statue like.

“Lizzie?” She doesn’t even blink, it’s as if she can’t hear me.

I walk closer. “Lizzie?”

She turns her head slowly and stares through me so I crouch down at her side. I place my hand on her frail arm and she jumps like I’ve electrocuted her.

“Lizzie, are you okay?” She stares at me as though trying to read me then pats my hand and nods.

“I’m fine, Lovey. Just reminiscing,” she says devoid of all emotion, she’s almost robotic. She’s scaring me.

“Lizzie, talk to me, please. It’s obvious you’re not fine. Can I help?”

She smiles warmly at me so I take the seat across from her and hope she’ll spill.

“There’s nothing you can do to help Dear. It’s my burden to bear. I just had a moment of Deja-vu and it took me back to a memory I have no wish to revisit.”

“About your son?” I push.

She nods. “He was a good man, Faith, I know I probably seem biased because he was mine but it’s the truth. I struggled to conceive for years and after him, I never conceived again. He was my world, the greatest thing I’d ever done. It was my love for him that saw him in an early grave.”

She looks out the window again and continues, “He was at work building some new development or other, just an intern. I Commed him to see what time he’d be home so I could prepare dinner. He stopped concentrating on reading the message and reply to me and was killed. I sent the same message hours ago to a man that is his double. He replied saying he was on his way and he hasn’t arrived.” She turns back and looks at me “Why wouldn’t he have arrived?” She asks, almost childlike.

“You’re worried about Kye?” She nods and frowns at me over the fact that I’m not losing the plot.

“Lizzie he’s fine. Kye does this, he gets side-tracked by an idea or meeting and before he knows it hours have passed. I’m sorry about your son but the same thing hasn’t happened here. You have nothing to worry about I promise you.”

She nods again and turns back to the window. I realise it’s so she can see him coming. I’m glad he’s not back yet truth be told, I’m not ready to hear how the meeting went and definitely not ready for him to see I’m hiding something. Pain shoots through me once more and I gasp through it. Jeez, these keep appearing from nowhere and sucking the air from me. I’ve never had period pain like this. At the same time, my mind is put at ease because if I was pregnant I wouldn’t be having pains yet, that would be months away at the time of labour. I try to remember what they taught us in the education room. Periods, labour, pregnancy was barely touched on. They knew we’d be their prisoners for life so we had no need to know about such things. My caregivers explained a little but it’s at times like this I realise how unknowledgeable I really am. Definitely period pain! I start panting to help me through whatever the hell this is and grip onto the arm of the chair. Lizzie whips her head at me, at least I’m snapping her out of the vacant expression she was wearing. I smile and ask what she’s cooked – distraction, but also I really want to know. It smells divine and I can’t wait to tuck in.

“There’s no point in waiting for the men I suppose. Come on Lovey, let’s feed you up,” she says and walks to the kitchen. I wait until the pain subsides and becomes slightly bearable before joining her. She plates up a roast dinner and I could kiss her except I have too much saliva threatening to escape. I’m that hungry I could dig in with just my fingers. I won’t of course, that would be rude but I’m itching to get started. I plop myself down in the seat, wait for her to sit as well and tuck in heartily. So good! Oh, my, God, it’s like a foodgasm. I’m trying not to shovel it into the hole in my face but by Lizzie’s look of amusement, I’m failing.

The door opens and in he walks, the God himself. I wonder if I’ll always react to him like this, every time I see him shivers run through my body and I feel like my mouth has gone dry. My heart kicks up several notches and I just stare at him. Do all women react like that to their boyfriends? I love seeing him in his jumpsuit, all kitted out and oh so manly but the sight of him in dark jeans and a t-shirt makes my insides quiver. He’s been running his hands through his hair again. His eyes latch on to mine and his mouth lifts at the corners. So hot! He moves towards me as graceful as a panther and I swallow down my mouthful as ladylike as I can. He swipes my face with the pad of his thumb, then brings it to his mouth and sucks the gravy off. So embarrassing, I’m being such a pig I’m smearing gravy over my face? How sexy!

He crouches before me. “You look better. How are you feeling, Sweetheart?”

Like I want to jump your bones
. My gaze dips to take in his body. His arms are tanned, muscles on full display. His eyes are all knowledgeable as though he can see my inner most thoughts. He licks his lips and I blush realising he is way too observant and is probably reading my mind.

“I’m fine, just hungry!” I tell him batting my lashes. Hungry for food, hungry for Kye. What a tossup that would be. Food and Kye together? Hmmm, that might work.

“Mmm, I can tell,” he says smooth as silk. My pulse flutters away and longing overwhelms me. He stands and smiles at his Gran, right on cue she swoons just like I always do. How does he do that? He’s so effortlessly sexy and a teeny tiny bit of jealousy overtakes me. I want him to myself. Get a grip Faith!

“You nearly finished?” He asks.

“Nearly,” I tell him trying to ram it in quicker. I’ve missed him today, just being around him has calmed my earlier panic. How can it not? One look at his flawless face and all other thoughts scatter.

“Want to take a walk?” His brows lift suggestively. I’m so glad he’s stood behind his Gran who is beaming by the way. Her relief so apparent over his return. He could probably strip me down and bend me over the table and she wouldn’t bat an eyelid. She’s smitten, he’s worked his charm, drawn her in and she loves him. I need to get out of here, have him completely to myself.

“Love to,” I tell him. “Let me just wash up first.”

“Oh no, you don’t. You go Lovey, I’ll take care of this.”

“But you cooked, that’s hardly fair.”

“Life isn’t, Dear. I enjoy it, it keeps me occupied so not another word, off you go.” She demands.

I give her a hug and kiss her cheek, thanking her for the glorious meal she made. Then I follow Kye outside, a definite spring in my step.

“The beach?” He asks.

Ooh, definitely. The fact that we’re forbidden from it is even more delicious. We walk to the top of the mound and just before we walk down the other side I double over again. Not now! I reach out for Kye and grab hold of his thigh. Bloody hell I’m sure it hurts more each bout. I scrunch my eyes closed and try to block it out. All that exists right now is me and the pain. Pain. Pain. Pain! Arghhh!

“Baby?” Kye says gently. I ignore him, I just need to breathe through this then I can have me some sexy time with my man. I’m breathing, I’m breathing and... Failing. Shit, why won’t it stop?

“BABE!” He shouts desperately, “Look at me, baby. Now!” On his command my eyes flick open, he’s bent over scanning me trying to see my face which is obscured by my too long chestnut hair hanging in front of it.

I realise I’m still digging my nails in his leg and rip my hand away. It’s gone. No pain. Thank God for that. He’s waiting for an explanation but I can’t give him one. I’m just as perplexed by my body right now. Let’s go with avoidance tactics.

“Indigestion?” I suggest and drop my gaze back to the ground. That sounded much less lame in my head.

In a split second, he swoops me up and carries me down the hill and across the beach. He has no need to but I’m not going to argue. Being in his arms is one of my favourite places to be. He’s silent, though, jaw clenching. I can feel his concern vibrating off him. I snuggle against his chest inhaling him until my lungs are full.

All too soon I’m being placed on my feet, I feel like pouting.

From now on I should fake being in pain whenever I want to be held close to him.

He still doesn’t speak, just surveys me so I kiss him. It’s fleeting as he turns me around and I see a blanket on the sand with a basket, some glasses and champagne?

“I wanted to cheer you up.” He says, “It’s a dessert picnic.”

I squeal, “A picnic! Wow.” I look up at him again and bite my lip. “What is a picnic, Kye?”

He grins at me and pulls me over to the blanket. “Still so innocent baby.”

I give him a puzzled look. “You really have no idea what one is, do you?” He asks chuckling.

I shake my head. “It looks great, though. How come you’ve never done a picnic before?” I ask.

“I don’t know. You’ve come so far, sometimes I forget how deprived you’ve been.” His face falls so I reach out and stroke his stubble. “You were ill, you’re still ill. I just wanted to do something nice for you. Another memory for the vault,” he explains quietly.

Oh, now I see. He has something he needs to tell me, something I won’t like and he’s buttering me up. Crafty!

“Okay, so what do we do?” I ask innocently.

He barks out a laugh. “We sit, eat, drink and be together. That’s it, baby. No hidden agenda, this is a treat, something for us to enjoy.”

“Oh! I can do that.” I grin at him.



How am I going to let her go? She makes me smile without even trying to. Watching her like this, carefree and giggling it’s easy to forget where she came from, where she’s going back to. Her appetite is back and I’m entranced watching her lips, she’s trying fruit she’s never heard of, never tasted before. Most of it, she’s hummed in appreciation over but not kiwi’s. They made her screw that beautiful face up and made me belly laugh. She’s so cute when she’s at ease. She thrives on one to one and I can’t believe I haven’t been making more time for her, for us. Especially as I know it’ll all be over too soon.

We lie down flat on our backs, heads turned so we’re looking at each other. She’s smiling at me and I commit this moment to memory. My innocent, beautiful and fiery girl. My heart swells.

She grips the blanket in both hands and starts fisting it. At first, I think I’ve missed her eating something she doesn’t like once more but then I realise she’s in pain, again! What the fuck is going on with her? She lies down on her side, gasping and brings her knees up to her chest. I lie behind her so we’re spooning on the beach and rub my hand across her stomach. I kiss her neck, her hair, the sensitive part behind her ear. Shushing her and whispering to her through the pain. I don’t know what else to do. This isn’t right surely? Has she been like this all day? I knew I shouldn’t have left this morning but once again I put the team first. I chose the mission over my reason for breathing. I knew she wouldn’t comm me but let myself be placated by it. I used that as my excuse to go and be guilt free.

Why is she so Goddamn stubborn? Trying to cope with things by herself. She knows she has no need to anymore. I’m here. That’s what I’m for, to take care of her and her needs. Unless... she’s retreating? Preparing herself for when I’m no longer around, for after we go back. Is she protecting herself the best way she knows how? Falling back into self-preservation mode because the deprivation will tear us both apart. The craving I have for her when she’s near is almost unbearable but when we’re apart? That craving will become my destruction... Our destruction.

She’s stopped writhing and clenching so I smooth her hair from her face, she’s clammy and fast asleep. The pain must really be taking it out of her. Fuck this shit. I Comm Saunders, he can check her over. Find out what’s up and fix the fucking problem. I can’t watch her in pain. I just can’t. He replies he’s on his way but for me to send him a list of her symptoms as she’ll likely protest to being examined when he arrives. Will she fuck! I’ll pin her down myself if needs be. I’m amused by how well he knows her, though.

BOOK: Advancing ((Advance Industries #2))
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