Read Alien Sex 101 Online

Authors: Allie Ritch

Alien Sex 101 (3 page)

BOOK: Alien Sex 101
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“It won’t hurt again?” he asked.

She smiled and slid her hand over his cock, making him groan. “You’re smooth and uncovered. No more pain, baby.”

He moaned again when she stroked him, and then he was on top of her, spreading her wide and probing her with his tip. Obviously cautious, he pressed in slowly. She listened to him pant and tried to let him set the pace even as the growing pressure inside made her want to burst.

“You’re so tight I can hardly stand it,” he choked out, but he didn’t stop. With a whimper, he shoved in the rest of the way and held still except for his heavy breathing.

“Are you in pain?” she asked.

He let out a strangled laugh. “Define pain.”

She used her hands to draw soothing circles along his sides and back. “What do you feel?”

“That little finger inside you has crooked itself under my glans.” He had to gasp for breath. “It’s so hard it’s almost painful.”


“Almost,” he conceded. “Instead it’s a different kind of torment.”

“Then let’s torment each other.”

Cradling his head in her hands, she looked into his handsome face and kissed him with her whole soul behind it. Then she let her head drop back to the pillow and used the rest of her body to hold him.

“Make love to me.”

Drawing back, he carefully stroked in and out, obviously testing the feel of her and getting used to it. His eyes squeezed shut, but he must have liked what he felt because he did it again. And again and again. The pressure was everything she needed, and the depth of his penetration was just right. Friction built, and that fingerling projection that so pleased him was full of nerves that produced a deep, resonating ring of pleasure every time he thrust across it.

His chest hair was a light dusting of wiry curls that were nothing like an Allurian’s soft follicles. The scratchy strands tickled her nipples. Just the sound of Quinn’s grunting and huffing was winding her tighter until the pleasure was unbearable. And he was thrusting harder and faster yet.

“Oh, gods!” Slapping one hand onto the headboard, he continued to pound her. “I’ve never had an orgasm like this. It’s good. It’s so good, Xindra. Just a little more. Please. Please, baby.”

She felt like begging herself, but all she could do was produce helpless yips. Everything coalesced into sheer, primitive sex. Her senses were absorbed. She heard their moaning and gasping and the slap of his testicles against her buttocks, felt his skin rub hers as he plowed in and out of her, and inhaled the smell of their sweat. Gazing up at him, she saw his red-faced grimace, his straining neck, and the love in his eyes when he pried them open a tiny sliver.

“More, more,” he pleaded.

She grabbed his bunching buttocks as he pummeled her. He was so wild and desperate he was just mindlessly lunging now.

“More, dammit. Please, please. I…I…Oh gods, I love you!”

They both seized at the same time. Quinn roared as he poured liquid fire into her in soul-sundering spurts, and she squealed and scratched his flanks as she convulsed with abandon. Neither of them had any control over their bodies. They were locked together and dragged through a heaven and hell of ecstasy as orgasm tore through them. When he poked upward and ground harder on his next spasm, the movement kicked her off all over again. For the first time in her life, she gave a full-throated scream of pleasure.

Xindra’s insides were still twitching in unabated delight when Quinn collapsed and flattened her into the mattress. He was a big enough man that she could barely breathe, but his weight felt too delicious to dislodge. With a satisfied sigh, she wrapped her arms and legs around him to keep him there.

Chapter Two

The Day After

The next morning, Quinn awoke to another first. Although he’d occasionally, if rarely, woken up with a lover before, he’d never been so happy to do so. Usually he was trying to figure out how to sneak away or get his partner to leave without a fuss. This morning, though, his warm, soft, curvaceous new wife was curled up in his arms with her head resting against his shoulder. Just the sight of her and those wild curls caused a wave of love to wash through his chest. He drew a deep breath and hummed in contentment.

Xindra chuckled. “Awake already? I would have thought I’d worn you out.”

“You did,” he answered honestly.

In fact, his entire body felt like he’d worked out way too hard, and he was sore between his legs. Despite the marathon sex he’d had in his lifetime, that had never happened before. Of course, he’d never climaxed like he had last night.

“Do I at least get to be smug about wearing you out too?” he asked hopefully.

She sniffed. “I’m not moving, am I?”

Quinn smiled, but even his jaw muscles ached. What had she done to him?

A chime at the door got his attention, and he lifted his head off the pillow as if he could magically see who was on the other side.

“Room service,” his wife told him. “We ordered a late breakfast, remember?”

He grunted.

The chime rang again, and Quinn realized Xindra wasn’t rising to answer it. He thought about a standoff between them, but she had his heart humming so loudly he couldn’t hold on to his stubbornness. Married for a day, and she already had him wrapped around her little finger.

Groaning, he shifted out from beneath her and sat up on the edge of the bed. His thighs quivered when he stood and put weight on them, but he felt better as soon as he started to move around and loosen up. Although he knew his pants were crumpled somewhere on the floor, he didn’t see them at the moment. Instead, he grabbed a hotel robe off the back of the bathroom door. He’d just shrugged it on and was still tying the sash when the door chime bleated once more.

“Coming,” he grumbled.

Quinn scrubbed his face with one palm and opened up. Sure enough, there was one of the staff with a hover tray carrying a covered breakfast.

“Good morning, Mr. Phlyx-Nigel,” the young man greeted him. “I have your order here. Where would you like me to put it?”

Still not at his best, Quinn blinked for a moment. “Just set it down on the side table for now. We’ll take it in the bedroom.”

At the mention of the bedroom, the young man glanced that way, which was when Quinn realized he hadn’t closed the door. Xindra was still sprawled on her stomach with the sheet riding the curve just above her buttocks. This left her back bare except for the partial drape of her hair. She was angled just enough to hint at the swell of one breast without actually revealing anything.

The young man turned back to Quinn and shot him a cheeky grin. “As you wish, sir. Enjoy your morning.”

Quinn watched the hotel employee leave without waiting for a tip. It was just as well. He would have had to locate his discarded pants to offer one.

Grabbing the tray, he returned to the bedroom and gingerly sat down beside his wife. He reached out to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear and immediately fell into her amethyst gaze.

“Breakfast in bed,” he announced. “Just don’t expect this kind of treatment every morning.”

She smiled and sat up, not even bothering to cover herself with the sheet. It pooled in her lap, leaving her deliciously bare from the navel up.

“I thought I’d start as I mean to go.” She waggled her eyebrows. “You bring me breakfast in bed every morning, and I’ll bring you dessert in bed every night.”

He laughed and kissed her soundly. That sounded pretty good to him.

With their shoulders pressed together, they sat in bed, eating the tasty meal they’d had the forethought to order. Quinn was pretty sure he’d never tasted food so delicious, but then again, he probably would have inhaled freeze-dried liver with as much relish. He’d never been so hungry in his life. No need to ask how he’d worked up such an appetite. His ego puffed up nicely when he saw he’d had the same effect on her.

“So,” Xindra said once they were done, “what do you want to do today? We could go for a run, or there’s the rock-climbing wall, or we could visit the Star Walk.”

Although he usually loved to be active—he was a physical fitness trainer after all—Quinn winced. He didn’t think his body was quite up for that yet. Then again, he was surprised to find certain parts of him rising to the occasion the longer his gaze stroked over her beautifully bared breasts.

She must have read his hesitation because her expression softened. “Sore?”

“Just a bit.” He was usually renowned for his stamina, but good gods, she’d undone him. “I need to stretch.”

“How about a hot bath? It’s a whirlpool tub, lots of jets and bubbles and heat. I’ll get it running for you.” With a peck on his cheek, she popped up and walked into the bathroom to start it.

Quinn caught a glimpse of her naked backside before she disappeared. He discovered he was speedily recovering after all.

“I hope you plan to join me in that bath,” he called out, raising his voice to be heard over the thundering water.

Her laugh rippled out with a seductive undertone. “It wouldn’t be a honeymoon if I didn’t.”

After another few moments, the water cut off, and Xindra sauntered out, completely comfortable in her nudity. She took his hand, and he felt like he’d fallen under a spell as he obediently trailed after her. The air inside the bathroom was steamy. After leading him to the side of the wide tub, she stretched up to kiss him. Their tongues and lips danced sensuously as she speared her fingers through his hair, scratched them slowly down his neck, and then swept them under the robe over his naked shoulders. Feeling off balance, he cupped her hips in his hands and pulled her closer. She pushed his robe off in the same moment, bringing her into contact with his exposed erection.

“Will you look at that,” she said. “The restorative benefits of this bath seem to be working already.”

“Keep this up and I’ll never walk again.” He hissed when she dragged a fingertip down his torso and lightly tapped the tip of his cock.

“Keeping this up is all you have to do.” Her voice turned husky. “You can sit very, very still while I take care of you.”

Quinn groaned in mingled anticipation and desperation and then switched to a sigh of relief when he stepped into the warm water. It was nearly too hot, but his muscle aches eased instantly as he sank down and settled his buttocks on the smooth bottom.

Xindra climbed in after him to kneel between his ankles. “We’ll stretch you out and loosen you up. Today I’ll be your personal trainer.”

“You’re a martial arts teacher,” he pointed out.

They both worked at the same gym, which was how they’d met.

“So don’t fight me,” she murmured, reaching out to massage his calves. “I know all the best moves.”

Biting his lip in agreement, he dropped his head back against the edge of the tub. She massaged his lower legs until he felt languid and peaceful and then made him hard and tense when she moved to his upper thighs. Swirls of hot water teased his rampant erection like hot, ethereal tongues.

His hips bucked when she slid her body over him. He only had a moment to enjoy her kiss before she lifted his head and slipped behind him. She sat at his back with her breasts squished pleasantly against his hot skin and her soft hands rubbing up and down his chest.

“This time is just for you.” She whispered the promise with a nip of his earlobe.

Quinn’s wiring was so crossed he couldn’t even speak, and he nearly shorted out when she swept her palm down to engulf his cock. He gasped in pleasure as she began to pump his shaft with sure, tight strokes. Xindra knew just how to circle and flick the head too, which almost caused him to jackknife out of the water. He wouldn’t last long like this.

“Do you take yourself in hand often?” she asked playfully.

He made a choking sound and swiveled his hips. “Every day since I met you.” Another squeeze had him crying out her name. Although he meant it as a warning, it sounded more like a plea. He tried to turn around, but she clung to his back.

“Shsh,” she murmured in his ear. “Take what I’m giving you. This one’s for you.”

Arousal didn’t just burn inside him then. It roared like a raging inferno as he realized what she was doing. Ah gods, she meant to masturbate him. That shouldn’t have been so exciting, but it nearly put him through the roof. Although the feel of her working him like this wasn’t nearly as powerful as her hot, wet sheath sucking him, the sight of her small, feminine hand on his cock did something to his psyche. Her fingers were pale against the furious red and purple of his erection. He couldn’t tear his gaze away as he began to thrust with increasing violence.

Quinn felt the cascade effect: the warm water licking him, her hand gripping him, her slippery breasts and perky nipples pressing into his back. The sound of her breathing and his grunts mixed with the lapping of the water. The momentum built, and soon he was choking out words with no meaning. Her body, her hand, his cock, this moment. Ah, gods!

Quinn didn’t just come; he detonated. His body jerked so hard he sent a wave of water crashing over the rim of the tub, but he couldn’t see anything but passion red and starburst white behind his eyelids. Xindra kept stroking and touching the head of his penis until he grew too sensitive and had to beg for mercy. An eternity passed before he realized she was propping up his weight. She was also shivering.

He slid sideways so he could lean against the side of the bath again. Then he bestowed a drowsy, sated kiss on her mouth. “Thank you. You okay?”

She licked her lips where he’d just kissed her, and he saw her pupils were dilated. “You didn’t tell me New Earthling men came in a different color. That is so kinky.”

Really? Judging by the way she was looking at him, that particular kink appealed to her. It took him a moment, though, to figure out exactly what she meant.

“My semen?” he asked. “I didn’t know there was a variety. What color is Allurian ejaculate?”

“Dark blue,” she answered. “You wouldn’t believe the stains it leaves.”

For some reason, that made him laugh. The things you learned.

“Come here.” Still smiling, he motioned her closer.

BOOK: Alien Sex 101
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