Authors: Brook Greene

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary


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Walking out to my bike and leaving
Avery inside alone was probably on the top of my hardest fucking things I have ever had to do list. Stopping half way down the walk I turn and fight the urge to go back in and take her. She was ready and wanted it but I wasn’t going to take her, not that way. I hate having to lie to her and take her intelligence for granted, I am afraid she will see through my act anytime and call me on it.

I can still feel her soft lips on mine, hear her moans in my ears making my cock rigid and my body stiff. Giving my head a shake trying to free it from thoughts of her
, I head on to my bike getting ready for the day. I had gotten the call from Roman everything had been quiet on the home front last night and there was no need for me to lighten his and Cowboy's load, they had it under control.

I am not sure what I have gotten myself into with
Avery and I expect a call from the boss any day now. She will mention me in passing to him, if not the old man has his ways and will find out eventually. God do I dread that call, it will be an epic ass chewing for dragging her into this life and her father will be pissed I have involved Avery in the shit storm that it is.

Heading to my house and then into the shop I needed to get my day started so I can get
my mind off her. Hopefully a little bit of busy work will help do it but I highly doubt it. What the hell was I doing, I never stayed all night with a woman and not gotten any. But it had been worth it, waking up with her warm body wrapped around me. Breathing her in had been worth every bit of hassle she had caused me in front of my men. Which by the way, were onto the fact she is the bosses daughter so I shouldn’t catch any grief for my inability to keep her under control.

I am pulled from my head with the buzzing of my phone, flipping it open I see Cowboy’s name, ‘what is it?”
I rub my hand down my face trying to clear my head.

“Well good morning to you too sunshine, not get any last night?” The dickhead is a morning person even after sitting in
the cab of a truck all night, his cheeriness gets on my nerves. I hate giving him the shit assignments but we all have to take our turns and last night was his.

“Fuck you, what
’s up?”

“You might want to get here, Roman left about thirty minutes ago, I held back and it is good I did because she just came by and left something on the porch.”
His voice is heavy as it delivers the intel.

“Shit, did she see you?”
If he had been spotted it would have blown years of work.

“Nope, I don’t think she can see past her nose these days.” Hi
s voice is just above a whisper.

Ducking my head in agony for my brother, ‘
Be there in a few, don’t leave.” I flip my phone closed and shove it into my pocket I give Avery’s house one last glance over my shoulder before I roar down the road.



I spend the rest of the day
fluctuating between complete excitement to utter shock at how fast we are moving along. Piper didn’t make it home, like I would have hoped, and Leo had predicted. I needed to talk to someone in a bad way and had no one else to talk to but Roman. Grabbing my phone I call him.

“What up babe?” His voice was nice and comforting to me, as him being my only other friend than his little sister.

“Hey handsome,’ I swallow and hesitate for only a second before screwing up the courage, ‘where are you?” I didn’t want to put him on the spot by giving him the third degree about one of his best friend’s right in front of said friend.

Been waiting on this call seeing how the big man took you home last night, he did spend the night didn’t he Avery?” His end of the line goes quiet waiting for me to answer. I couldn’t quit put my finger on it but it sounded a little like jealousy in his voice.

He did but we didn’t do anything.” I quickly reassure him but my shaky voice gives my attempt to lie away. We hadn’t done much, just shared a kiss, which ended up being the kiss to end all kisses. The one in which all other kisses will be compared to, forever. I absent mindedly raise my hand up to my lips once again and touch them closing my eyes at the remembered feeling.

“Bullshit the big guy never spends the night to just cuddle.” His sarcastic laugh kind of ticks me off a little.

“Honest Roman I swear, we did not do anything. I got drunk and passed out.” The statement does sound ridiculous, when it is said out loud. From my impressions of the kind of man Leo is, staying and just cuddling is probably not on his menu of bedroom activities. I am still not sure wy I should have to explain myself to him but I do anyway.

“You never answered my question as to where you are.” I change the subject slightly.

“At the shop cause Dalton called in today, God only knows what he is doing to my little sister.” I sigh heavily. It would be hard to be in Roman’s position between his sister and another one of his best friends.

Oh okay well then never mind, it can wait.” I am disappointed with the fact I am not going to be able to vent or ask the questions for the knowledge I seek.

“No its okay
, Leo isn’t here.” My heart flutters at the mere sound of his name and then curiosity hits me as to where he might be because he had told me he was going into work. “What did you want to know?” The dejected tone of his voice lets me know those nights he and I had spent eating pizza and drinking beer were not totally lost on him.

“I don’t know really where to start.’ I fumble
over my words now not so sure Roman is the one I should be talking to about this.

“Shit Avery just ask.” His demanding tone holds no hint of the dismal tone from before.

“Okay fine, what kind of guy is he?” I just blurt it out.

“Not someone I would pick for my little sisters best friend.” That was blunt and directly to the point
with a hint of jealousy mixed in.

“So how do I get away from it
if I wanted to?” The miserable fear I had been fighting all day has settled in the pit of my stomach. Then the viper in the room rears its fugly head, did I want to get out of it or away from him? Half of me did the other half was very much enjoying the emotions triggered being with him.

The problem is, if you haven’t already realized it, you don’t.” His clipped answer makes an unexpected smile split my face, ‘I tell you what I am getting ready to take off, what do you say I go and grab us some food and come by your place?”

Needing the human contact to keep me from spinning off the face of the earth
I quickly agree, ‘sounds wonderful. See you in ten.” I end the call before I have a chance to change my mind.


Fifteen minutes later Roman is sitting at my dining table scarffing down a cheeseburger and fries, I have been unable to touch the food he had brought me, ‘it's not gonna eat itself Avery.” He mumbles through a mouth of cheeseburger.

“I know,’ I poke it with my index finger and then wrap it back up. I cross over to the fridge and deposit it
there for later.

So let me clue you into a little secret about Leo,’ he wipes his mouth with one of the disposable napkins provided by the fast food joint, ‘he is a nice guy sure but I’m a guy and don’t have a gash so he has no reason to be a dick to me.”

A gash?
Must be the vulgar biker term for female, it is nice and very classy.

“He has a lot of baggage and
severe control issues.” He takes the last bite of his burger wading up his paper and napkin tossing them both on the table in front of him.

hell, really I would have never guessed it.” Smiling through my sarcasm and taking a sip of my soda.

now I am here to help not be a whipping post, but I haven’t seen him act like this around another woman. If it makes you feel better?” He cocks an eyebrow up at me.

“Great he is bossy and he has it bad.” I lean back releasing the breath I didn’t realize I was holding. My lungs scream from the denial of air
as the pit of my stomach churns.

“Sorry babe
, pretty much.” Roman stands gathering his trash and taking it to the kitchen tossing it into the waste basket.

the hell is going on here?” Leo demands as he steps around the corner into the kitchen.

“Oh hey man,’ Roman sounds casual, I on the other hand start
to piss my pants, by the look on Leo’s face lunch with Roman has just come to an end now and forever.

Uh hey Leo, Roman just came by to check on Piper, unfortunately she never made it home.” I hurriedly come to both of our rescues, ‘what are you doing here?”

“We have a dinner date,’
never taking his glance away from me, ‘Piper didn’t come home?”

“No and Dalton called into the shop today
just so you know, I on the other hand was a model employee showing up early.” Roman shoves his fists down into his pants pockets smiling from ear to ear. I am worried how long Leo has been in my house and curious as to how much of our conversation he had heard.

“I am going to have a talk with
him when they come up for air.” Roman strides over to me kissing me on the hair, garnering an angry grunt from Leo. Completely ignoring his President’s displeasure he wraps and arm around my waist, ‘later babe.” And with a pat on the rear he walks to the front door.

Walking by Leo, Roman slaps him on the back and walks out of my house to his bike. My heart clinches a little at the sight because as I said before I
have a sick feeling, because of Leo’s hang-ups, Roman will not be allowed in my house again, ever.

“What was he really doing her
e Avery?” He drags out a chair and rests his large frame in it. He proceeds to drag me by the waist between his legs resting his hands on my hips. He kisses my belly lightly through my cotton tee and then looks up waiting for my answer.

is the defining moment of our relationship, do I tell him I called Roman to pick his brain for details and insight on him or do I continue with the lie I had offered earlier.

“Avery, I am waiting and I am not a patient man.”

I chew on lower my lip glancing at him through my lashes, ‘how long have you been here?” Go directly to the point I see no need in lying and never have.

The grip he had on my hips tightens, ‘long enough to know Piper was not the reason for his visit,’ he stands making me feel small under his six five height, ‘if you want to fuckin’ know about me just fuckin’ ask me, don’t go recruiting my friend because his dick is hard for you
, got it?”

His palpable anger is rolling off of him in waves and the black stare he has placed on me is scaring me into entertaining the thought of dropping to my knees and begging for my life.

Backing up from him, ‘Roman’s dick is not hard for me. He doesn’t see me that way,” trying to act completely taken back by his statement, although I had made the same assessment of Roman myself.

“Wake up
Avery, every man sees you
way, I just got here first.” He has successfully backed me against the wall separating the kitchen from the dining area, ‘are we going for dinner or did your little errand boy bring you something?” He has me pinned with his body and his eyes. The heat his body is exuding is scorching me and my rational thinking process.

He did but I didn’t eat it, so I will go get ready.” Turning for my room I glance back and see what Leo is wearing. Much to my pleasure it is not his typical biker wear. He is hot in a dark blue button up shirt leaving the top two buttons loose letting some of his tattoos peek out of the collar. The sleeves are rolled up exposing his arms and the black slacks have a neatly pressed crease in them and are hugging his muscular legs. His hair is fixed messy like someone had just run their hands through it giving it a good tousle.

Casual dressy?” Is all I can manage to mutter at the sight of the dark god.

“Yes.” Is all he replies as he replaces his mirrored aviators back on his face. HOT.

I turn as I walk off, ‘there is no need for you to be jealous of Roman, Leo.”

“We will
talk about it later, now go get ready I have us some reservations,” reservation, such a great word to sum up the day or better yet the whole weekend.



I stand
for several minutes holding my phone wondering how thick the walls in this place are, because I don’t want Avery to hear the cussing I am about to give Roman. We need to get this boundary thing cleared up before we end up beating the shit out of each other. Pressing send, it only takes him a few seconds to answer.

Hey man,’ the faint sound of the blues plays in the back ground of his truck, ‘what can I do for ya now?” His tone is arrogant and I get it, I really do, he is pissed at me. If I would have lost my chance with Avery, I would be pissed too.

You need to get over whatever it is you have for Avery because she is with me now, so you need to quit using her as jerk off material.” I know the statement is a little crude but I needed to get my point across.

“What makes you think she has made her choice?” He is blind to the fact she has
, he is just unable to accept it.

Puffing up my chest even though he is unable to see it, ‘fucker I know cause she is in her room right now getting ready for a date with me, did you hear that, me.”
I victoriously point my finger into my chest.

Silence hits us both, and then the reality does too, ‘are we seriously fighting over a woman, man?” He sounds dejected at the realization, ‘let's just say round one goes to you.”

Smugness abounds, ‘if we are counting this would be round two brother.” I hear a rustle down the hall and know Avery is coming from her room, ‘oh you need to call Cowboy, some shit went down after you bailed this morning. He will fill you in on the details.” I finish the call not having resolved anything but goading him into a small game of healthy competition over Avery. Turning to watch as she walks from the hall and into the living room she takes my breath, she is gorgeous.


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