All That Remains (Metamorphosis Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: All That Remains (Metamorphosis Book 1)
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“What? You don’t think I can’t see how I do things? But, it’s not sweeping things under the rug. I’m not using sex to hide from anything. It’s part of how I communicate. It’s not just fucking with you, Summer. It never has been.

“I’ve fucked people after I walked away. Filled the empty spots with people I enjoyed but it wasn’t more than climaxes. Then I found Charlie and we connected on a deeper level. With you it is never anything but
I feel. I don’t always have the right words, or I mess up what I want to say. But when I touch you, there’s nothing but total truth between us. Let me show you how I feel. How you make me feel.”

She started to argue but found herself unable to be anything but totally moved by what he’d said. By the truth of it. She wanted to run and deny this because it was so big and so much and she was scared to even examine it. She didn’t need this sort of intensity in her life.

But she stood there, waiting.

Hatch nodded as if she’d done something he approved of.

"Charlie. Take a seat. Summer, on his lap."

She looked up at Hatch from beneath her lashes. So much naked greed on his face it stole her breath. This Hatch was one she’d never been able to truly resist. Didn’t want to. But this Hatch had the ability to break her. Again.

Charlie sat on a nearby chair and she faced him, grateful to break the knowing gaze Hatch had held on her.

Hatch spoke again. "No, Summer.
Face me
. Legs astride his thighs."

Charlie's mouth twitched, sliding up on one side into a rakish grin. He too, was irresistible. Got her in ways that left her naked and exposed. "Go on, sunshine. Do it. You and I both know you want to. He does too."

Swallowing hard, she stood and turned slowly.

"Probably going to need to slide her dress up her thighs for this next part, Charlie."

Summer took a shuddering breath as Charlie touched her calves, catching the soft material of her dress up. His hands were work-rough, warm, big and sure, a contrast to the well worn, soft as a breath cotton of her dress.

The night air came through the open windows of her caravan, like a kiss against the skin he revealed as the hem inched higher and higher. There was something narcotic about this moment and she let it take her.

Her head bent, her hair over her face, hiding from Hatch who saw her to her bones.

He allowed it but she knew he wouldn't for long.

"Now sit."

She did, her thighs held open by Charlie's powerful, muscular legs.

“Arms behind your back,” Charlie whispered against her skin as she settled into his lap. She did, placing one forearm above the other at the small of her back, leaning into Charlie more fully.

It was Hatch who spoke next. "You can let your hair fall over your eyes, Summer, but do you think I don't know?"

Hatch stepped closer and her heart thundered in her chest, rendering her dizzy and breathless.

"Do you think I don't know how wet your cunt is right now? Hm? Hot, wet, swollen. Begging to be touched? Licked. Do you think I don’t know how hard you’re working to trust me and how scared you are of it?"

She swallowed hard. Charlie gathered her hair in one of his hands, sweetly, carefully and then he tugged hard, yanking her head back, exposing her face and her neck. He pulled her back to rest her head on his shoulder as he licked over the shell of her ear.

She rolled her hips, grinding her pussy against Charlie’s cock. He groaned and bit her neck. “Naughty.”

Summer wanted to keep her eyes closed but she couldn't. She opened slowly to find Hatch standing closer than he had been. His cock strained at the front of his work trousers. He wore an undershirt, which she'd always found charming and rather old fashioned. But now it only made her hotter. The curls and swirls of his ink showed at his neck and shoulders. His chest hair peeked at the top, where the material dipped.

"Do you think you’re alone? Hm? I’m scared too. Scared I’m not good enough for you. Scared I’ll disappoint you. I had to face myself with utter honesty when you came back into my life. I have to work to be a better man to be worthy not just of you, but of you and Charlie both. Your trust means I’m a better man than I was when I drove away from Portland four years ago.”

Could she look at herself with the same kind of honesty he struggled with that very moment? Could she afford that risk?

“What do you see?" he asked.


He knelt but did not touch her. Her nipples were so hard that each breath she took brought a delicious ache as they brushed against the bodice of her dress. He was right. She
wet and swollen. Her hips churned, seeking something, anything.

"When you look at me, what do you see?"

"I see you."

"Unbutton that dress to free her tits," Hatch spoke to Charlie. One handed, keeping her hair in his other fist, Charlie obliged.

The air on her breasts only made it worse. Only made the wanting slice into her deeper. Revealed far more than her skin or her desire. How he made her feel and respond was impossible to hide.

"You know what I'm asking, Summer. When I look at you right now I see flushed skin. I see your big, dark pupils. Your lips are swollen, wet from the way you keep swiping your tongue over them. Your tits make my cock so fucking hard I can't stand it. You close your eyes when I say something that touches you. I see fear there, but love too. You’re so brave and beautiful." This was a seduction not just on a physical, surface level, but to her bones.

She dragged a breath into her lungs but it was filled with him. With Charlie. Hatch brushed a palm over his erection and she arched to get closer without having planned it.

Charlie chuckled in her ear, knowing.

"Your nipples are dark and hard. I know if I drew my tongue over one right now your clit would feel it too. I can see the way you're gasping for breath, the way you keep straining to get closer but then your hair gets pulled tighter. You like that. Your pupils get darker, larger. You don't know if you want to like it, but you do. Charlie has to be so fucking hard, his cock against the sweetness of your ass. You want it, don't you? Charlie's cock?"

She managed a nod.

"I can see the shadow of your pussy through your panties. I can smell you from here. I can see the fine tremor in your thighs. You're not scared though."

She shook her head.

"You’re struggling to let go of that last bit of reserve you’ve held us back with. I see a woman who’s begging to be touched. Begging to be fucked. To be licked and stroked, bitten, kissed and caressed until she's come so many times she can't move. I see a woman who needs that every day. From me and Charlie because you trust us to give you what you need and that includes origami cranes and home repairs every bit as much as orgasms. Now, what do you see when you look at me?"

Could she?

She licked her lips again.

"I see you pinching the front pleat of your pants. Like you want to touch me so you make yourself be satisfied with that instead."

Her voice was low and throaty, which surprised all three of them.

She cleared her throat. "I see your cock, pressing at your zipper. I can see your pulse, at your throat and it's throbbing and I wonder if your cock is throbbing that hard too. Your gaze is roving all over my body, but you check in with Charlie here and there. You two have done this before."

She frowned before she could stop herself.

Hatch snorted, shaking his head. "No. We’ve gone over this so let me underline it. We have never done
before. We've shared women between us, yes. But you're not just any woman we enjoy. You know that. Let yourself admit it."

She might have, but it was nice to hear anyway. Not that she had any business feeling one way or the other about it.

"Charlie, pull her panties to the side."

Charlie hummed against her ear as he slid his hand down her belly, the blunt tips of his fingers grasping the hem of her panties to pull them aside, exposing her to Hatch's gaze.

He made sure to dip into the well of her pussy, circling a few times until pleasure built warm and slow. When he moved away, holding the material back, she made a sad sound.

Hatch leaned in so close that she held her breath. But he didn't lick her pussy. He licked Charlie's fingers instead.

Her breath stuttered from her lips. Charlie nuzzled her neck. “He’s licking you from my fingers, sunshine.”

“I know,” she said it around a groan.

“Back to my earlier question.” Hatch’s words blew his breath over her pussy lips and she lost her mind for a moment. The bristle of his beard brushed against her inner thighs as he pulled back.


“What you see when you look at me.”

“I told you.”

“No you didn’t. Not all of it. In you I see a woman who wants more than she’s brave enough to ask for. I see our woman.”

“Fuck me.” She blurted it out, not caring that she begged.

Hatch’s smile made her nipples even harder. He noticed that too.

“I think those nipples need attention. What do you think, Charlie?”

“My hands are full of pussy and hair, baby. You’re going to have to take care of that. In fact, I think you should use your cock.”

atch wanted
to wait to touch her. Wanted to order Charlie to do the things he wanted to her. He wanted a lot of things. Chief among them was the trust of the woman staring up at him with those big blue eyes.

He’d planned to slowly please her until he had no choice but to see the truth of what they all were to one another. Wanted to hold back and have Charlie touch her until she begged Hatch to do it as well.

But she was impossible to resist.

“Do you want that?”

She nodded.

He unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out, fisting it over and over as he watched her. She licked her lips again and he slid his thumb through the slick at the head, getting close enough to stroke it over her bottom lip. She sucked his thumb into her mouth and he groaned.

“Is that what you’re going to do to his cock?” Charlie spoke into her ear and Hatch closed his eyes a moment as she hummed in the affirmative.

He drew his thumb back.

She licked her lips, leaning back to Charlie’s shoulder once more. “Maybe I’ll suck your cock instead and you can suck his at the same time.”

Both men got silent, thinking about it.

She looked up at Hatch, smiling, knowing she got to him.

He rubbed the head of his cock against her left nipple, delighting in her squirm.

“She still wet?” he asked Charlie.

She made a sound then, when Hatch knew Charlie played through those slick folds, a sound that brought more precome seeping from his slit. It glistened against the hard, dark point of her nipple.

“Yes. And whatever you just did, she clamped down around my fingers and rained that sweet honey all over my hand.”


Now they were both playing with him. Teasing. Inciting.

He couldn’t stop himself from teasing the head of his cock over her mouth, pulling back when she tried to open to suck him inside.

“Oh, no, luscious. I’ll let you know when I want you to suck my cock.”

Her frown made him want to laugh. Goddamn this woman made him happy on so many levels.

“Don’t like to be told no, do you?”

“Who does?”

He stepped close, but instead of putting his cock in her mouth, he tapped Charlie’s lips. With an easy smile, Charlie opened to him, swirling his tongue around the head just how Hatch liked it.

She struggled to turn her head but Charlie held her hair tight. She could only see from the corner of her eye, but it was happening right next to her face so she could hear it.

Charlie was such a devious fucker.

he struggled in his arms
, a creature of so much light and sensuality the reality of what she was to him was a beautiful ache. Her scent rose, mixing with Hatch’s. She made these little sounds in her throat that rendered him so hard, it was all Charlie could do to not pull himself out and plunge deep into the cunt wrapped around his fingers.

He sucked Hatch’s cock slow and easy, keeping him wet. She rolled her hips, riding his fingers. Charlie angled his wrist and stroked his thumb over her clit. She whimpered and Hatch stroked a hand over her hair and Charlie’s grip.

Hatch spoke to Summer. “Mmm, he’s making us both hot, isn’t he? Tell me what he’s doing.”

“He...” She groaned as Charlie pressed the pad of his thumb against her a little harder. He loved to see her come, loved to push her into pushing Hatch into coming.

“Charlie, stop teasing.”

Hatch’s gaze met his. Charlie pulled back, flicking his tongue against the crown of Hatch’s cock, sucking it back into his mouth slowly.

When Hatch pulled back again, Charlie licked his lips as he captured Hatch’s gaze. “I love to tease.”

With a flex of his hips, Hatch’s cock filled Charlie’s mouth and they both groaned.

Charlie sucked Hatch’s cock and drew his thumb back and forth over Summer’s clit. She was close. So close. Her cunt superheated around his fingers, so wet he could hear his fingers moving.

Hatch’s fingers tightened and Charlie knew they were both so close. Summer undulated on him, her breath coming in gulps of air as she struggled to see him suck down Hatch’s cock.

The power of the tease settled in and Charlie reveled in it. Both these larger-than-life, passionate people were his. He brought them pleasure. They trusted him to do it. This was right. Everything he’d wanted and more than he’d imagined.

She arched on a cry as she tightened around the fingers inside her. Hatch snarled a curse and sped.

“Damn it, yes, suck me good, Charlie.”

He fucked Charlie’s face and exploded just moments later, flooding Charlie with his taste as he came.

Hatch stepped back and raked a gaze over both of them. “Incorrigible.”

“Where your dick is concerned and her cunt? Yes. Without apology.”

Hatch smirked.

Summer had gone boneless and warm like a kitten. The weight of her against his cock drove Charlie crazy.

BOOK: All That Remains (Metamorphosis Book 1)
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