Read Always His Earl Online

Authors: Cheryl Dragon

Always His Earl (9 page)

BOOK: Always His Earl
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“Your father punished us both cleverly. I survived alone,” George admitted flatly.

“Alone with privacy and freedom, I would have been true as well. Onboard, if you don’t participate you will be forced into it. There’s not much escape from it, but back on land, most head for the brothels and marry women. Don’t ask me to explain it, I can’t. I don’t care if I ever see any of those men again. All I wanted was to be free to come home to you. My father is to blame. Or blame me for bringing the notes to London, but I never wanted this. He manipulated us with fear and threats. The danger was real while he lived, but it’s gone now.” Myles kissed him hard.

Something deep in George clicked, like his heart unlocking from its hellish confines. He rolled over and pinned Myles to the bed as George kissed him hard. Holding George tight, Myles kissed him back as if someone would rip them apart. The stubble from a long day scraping his chin, George smiled and let Myles’ strong arms make it all better. They were safe in George’s house, and no one would stop them.

Their tongues tangled and George pulled back enough to kiss Myles’ chin and cheek. “You’re not leaving my side again. Never.”

“Never. No one can force me away.” Myles ran his hands through George’s hair as he kissed George’s neck.

“We just need to keep our secret and protect Claire.” George ran his hands over Myles’ chest. “I love you so much. I hated you for so long. Damn, I should never have believed him.”

“His threats were real. There’s no mistaking that. Let it go. We were played by a master of cruelty as teens, but we won’t be victims again.” Myles pushed George up.

They desperately ripped each other’s bedclothes off. The tension and fear were gone. George could feel it in both of them. They were free.

Giving in to another kiss, George swore they’d end up well. Myles, Basil, Claire, and he would all be safe and happy when they left London this year. Myles pressed himself to George and licked along his lips.

“I’m glad you wanted me too. I was so terrified everything was ruined. My father damn near did destroy the lives of everyone I loved. We won’t let him win,” Myles swore.

“No, we won’t.” George held Myles’ face. “We must be careful though. The danger of exposure still exists while we’re in London. We must watch Philips. Once we’re home, we can let our guard down more.”

“You’re right. But I’m always yours. Show me you love me,” Myles said with his flirty smile.

George shoved the naked man he’d longed for onto the bed and pounced on him. They wouldn’t sleep a wink, but Claire was on the mend and their love was alive. Sleep wasn’t needed when you could live a dream.

Chapter Five

wo days passed in peace and quiet while Claire grew stronger. The doctor insisted she stay in bed for most of the days to ensure her insides were properly healed. Still, Mrs. Blake made sure their patient had a proper bath and changed into fresh nightclothes. Basil rarely left her side.

George and Myles had time alone as well, to hash out all the doubts, the lies, the fears, and the confusion. Now George had no doubt that Myles never left him. Never accused him of anything and wanted every sexual encounter they’d ever had. The relief lifted his spirits and having Myles there with him was almost too good to be true.

It was the calm before the storm; he could feel it. George enjoyed those moments on his estate. He’d always loved a good rainstorm to water the fields. It also forced a little change in routine for some, keeping people inside and reminding everyone of nature’s power. Honor, titles, and inventions were all manmade things that George believed in. However, nature could trump them all.

Rolling on his side, George watched Myles sleep. A force of nature was the only way to describe their connection. A love Society rejected but couldn’t be denied. Would their future end the way they both wanted? Would the challenges ever end?

George so wanted to be back at home watching the rain fall and lounging in his own bed with Myles. If Basil and Claire had married, there would be children already. The best plans were the simplest, George found. Myles and George would be thrilled to have nephews who would inherit their estates and nieces to spoil. Family would connect them forever. No one would suspect their connection as anything illicit.

Instead, they had Philips to deal with and no safe way out of the situation. The law was against them. According to George’s man, Philips was discreetly looking for his wife all over London. The housekeeper at Myles’ country estate had sent word that Philips had sent a letter to her and Lt. Harris demanding to know if Claire was there.

Philips believed that he held all the cards because he was her husband. George had to admit that was a major point in Philips’ favor. Still, George and Myles had friends and servants who were loyal. A great deal more loyal to the names of Thistledown and Harris than anyone would be to a bastard like Philips.

“You’re thinking far too much for such an early hour,” Myles mumbled.

George smiled and let Myles roll to him. The men met face-to-face in the middle of the bed and kissed like it was their wedding night.

“Enjoy the peace. Don’t borrow trouble,” Myles said against George’s neck.

George sighed. “I hate waiting for trouble to turn up. It’s inevitable, but where’s the escape?”

“We’re waiting for Claire to get approval for travel. She’s much stronger but not ready to be jostled over miles of road in a carriage. I don’t blame the doctor for wanting to be cautious.” Myles’ hand rubbed and squeezed George’s chest.

“I want it to be over.” George rolled on his back.

“We all do. I managed to get the estate transfer settled yesterday. The trustee and all of that are behind me. It’ll take a year or so to get things back to where they should be, but I have you to thank for looking after it all this past year.” Myles reached down and curled his fingers around George’s shaft.

“That was nothing. I couldn’t let the neighborhood go down because your father was more interested in prostitutes than his estate. You won’t be that way.” George lifted into Myles’ hand.

“Certainly not. I’m only interested in you.” Myles bit along the muscles of George’s chest.

His teeth sunk into a nipple and George moaned. The spark set his arousal loose. George turned Myles until his head was down near George’s hard member. Myles’ hips settled on the pillows and over George’s head. George couldn’t resist; he sucked Myles’ hardening cock. The familiar taste and feel took away his ability to think. George could glory in it, not resent it. Everything but Myles left George’s brain.

Myles’ tongue worked on George’s erection slowly and thoroughly. Pressing his head back to the pillow, George fucked Myles’ mouth to relieve a bit of need. Then George swallowed Myles all the way down to his balls and moaned. The feel of a pulsing member in his throat made it real. He wrapped his arms around the small of Myles’ back and held on tight. He couldn’t resist a few hard slaps on that firm ass. Myles thrust and moaned in response.

The men worked slowly for a while and then Myles went after George’s balls. Nipping and scoring them with his teeth, Myles stroked George’s cock mercilessly. Trying to hold back, George failed as the ache turned to ecstasy. He’d never been so happy to fail in all his life! George came all over Myles.

That left only one hard cock in the bed. Myles rubbed his member against George’s lips. George grabbed Myles’ ass and held him still. Sucking that hard cock, George let Myles fuck his mouth and moaned at the feeling. He’d never have enough of Myles. Neither had gotten over each other. They only craved more. Feeling Myles’ mouth pressed to his thigh, George held Myles tighter. No one would understand or approve, at least they couldn’t risk anyone finding out. That didn’t make it less real.

Myles pressed deep into George’s throat and held. A strangled cry muffled into George’s flesh and Myles came as his body shuddered. George kissed and sucked on Myles until the man on top rolled away and turned.

“You forgive me, don’t you?” Myles asked.

“What happened to Claire isn’t your fault.” George pulled his lover close.

“Not that. About the other men onboard ship. I can’t take it back, but I need to know you don’t hate me for it.” Myles wrapped his arm over George’s chest and held on.

“After what your father did, I couldn’t hate you. None of this was our choice. If I’d had another option, I might’ve used it. At some points, I was desperate to feel something. Not that it’d be the same.” George tangled his hands in Myles’ hair.

“You know there are Molly-Houses around London. A man as attractive as you could’ve had a dozen discreet lovers there.” Myles kissed him.

George smiled. “Unfortunately, I felt most in need at home where I used to see you. I missed having you to myself. In London, I had distractions. Basil never got over Claire either. If I’d ended up in those sorts of houses, I’m sure I’d have given in to lust, just as you did. There is nothing to forgive. We both suffered in our ways. You had a war on top of it all.”

“I always admired your restraint and common sense. An earl in a Molly-House would be a hard secret to keep. Too dangerous.” Myles nipped at George’s ear.

“Far too dangerous for a bit of fun I’d probably regret. It’d never match what we have. With you, I have no restraint.” George pushed Myles onto his back and kissed him hard. He did forgive Myles for having sex with other sailors. However, George was quite determined to blot out their memory and be the only sexual fixture in Myles’ mind forever.

After breakfast, they sorted through the new clothing that had been delivered for Myles. George didn’t care if Myles was in fashion or not, but he had inherited a large estate and good sum of money. Myles should look the part when he returned from London.

“I might keep one uniform or just put the trunk in the attic. But I’ll be glad never to wear one again.” Myles slid off his newest jacket.

“You do strike a fine figure in uniform.” George grinned.

“If it makes you want to take it off me faster.” Myles reached for a uniform.

“No, naked is always best.” George kissed Myles.

The noise from the entry level made George stop. There was only one cause for a scuffle in his well-ordered house. “Damn.”

“What?” Myles asked.

“Stay up here. Don’t let Basil down no matter what.” George went downstairs to find Davis and the footmen keeping Philips by the front door.

“You’ve been warned, Philips. No trespassing,” George said.

“I know she’s here. Call the authorities and let them search. You can keep me out, but I want what’s mine. You’re keeping my wife from me.” Philips pointed an accusatory finger.

George took a deep breath. Someone had betrayed them. The conviction in Philips’ eyes told George this was more than a bluff. The doctor? A servant? George held his temper. “She turned up here near death. The doctor said firmly that she could not be moved. That is still his order.”

“After you bribed him, I’m sure,” Philips scoffed.

“That is a lie. I didn’t bribe anyone. I did as the doctor instructed to keep her alive. She was like a sister to me growing up. Clearly, she felt safer here,” George said.

“She’s my wife. Give her to me and we’ll forget it all.” Philips stomped his foot.

“No. She is not well enough to manage stairs or to be jostled about by a carriage. Leave my house.” George turned his back on Philips.

“I’ll come back with the authorities to force your hand. Is that better? We both know I won’t get in any trouble. You want to change the law, take it up with Parliament, my lord. For now, I’m in the right. Rank or not.” Philips’ smug tone grew, as did his volume.

“You may be within the law, but you are not in the right. I will not injure her further. I’ll have the doctor here by the time you return with authorities to prove I am only doing what the medical expert indicates. You won’t get justice from it. Lady Philips has been cared for by a nurse and my housekeeper ‘round the clock and seen by the doctor every day at my expense. Who will condemn me?” George asked.

Philips frowned. “So noble and good. Claire always talked about you and that brother of yours as if you were characters from a novel. Ideal and honorable.”

“A shame her father chose so poorly for her.” George took a step forward.

“I want to see my wife immediately. You can’t deny me that. Her welfare is my duty. I think you’re lying, and she’s well enough to leave. Prove to me she’s not.” Philips pushed past a footman and headed toward the stairs.

George moved to follow but saw Myles coming down. He’d never seen that look on Myles’ face: anger, fury, and betrayal. War had toughened Myles, and George knew when to let a man have his honor. George had to admire his lover in action.

Having put Basil in with Claire to protect her, Myles was tired of hiding. No matter how legally entitled Philips was, Myles had to do what was right. Philips was, after all, trespassing in the house of an earl. They met on the stairs.

“You have no right to keep her from me,” Philips said.

Rather than argue with a man who outranked Myles, but was still so completely beneath him in honor, Myles shoved the troll down the stairs. When he scampered and stood up, Myles marched down the stairs with a sense of quiet calm. The same one he had when going into battle.

That’s what this was. This was a battle for his sister’s life. It wasn’t simply about honor, though Myles was angered on that score as well.

“What’s wrong with him?” Philips demanded.

“War does things to men. You’ve injured his sister. I shouldn’t want to be in your shoes. Especially considering the fact that you are not welcome in my house,” George said.

“My sister has been mistreated by you. She could have died from what you did.” Myles calmly marched toward Philips, towering over him.

“My wife’s safety and honor are my concern. Not yours. You’re nothing but a second son tossed away into the navy. Fate smiled on you to inherit, but you don’t scare me.” Philips held his ground.

“It’s not only her honor that is offended. You have insulted me, and I will not stand for it.” Myles glanced at George. Their words were sailing perilously close to the point of no return.

BOOK: Always His Earl
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