Angel Incarnate: Second Sight (3 page)

BOOK: Angel Incarnate: Second Sight
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Eve’s thoughts drifted
to Ryan.

A few years older, Ryan
and Aura met through his sister, Ella, who was engaged to one of their
angel-blood friends. They instantly hit it off, and Ryan confided things to
Aura that he told no one else.

A botched surgery his
parents forced him to have when he was an infant left him a transgender with no
hope of ever fathering a child. Because of his strong faith, and the
realization he would never be able to father a child, Ryan entered the

Ella knew all about the
angel-blood’s heritage, but her brother had no idea Aura, and her family, were
descendants of the archangels.

There had been numerous
discussions about whether to tell him or not, but in the end, the Council
agreed it was better for him not to know.

Their priest, Father
Patrick, had agreed to take Ryan under his wing.

Aside from assisting
him with Sunday Mass, Father Ryan, as he was now called, was already heavily
involved in activities offering guidance to a group of mortal teenagers who had
lost their way. Since he was only twenty one, most of them could relate to him,
and were comfortable opening up about their problems.

“I may be able to sneak away for a few hours,”
Gabriel said.

“We’re supposed to go
to Caspian’s wedding in Utopia the day after tomorrow; maybe you could come for
a little while.
Me and Tracy have been
practicing some new dance moves,” Bren said, trying to persuade the archangel
to spend more time with her.

“We’ll see,” Gabriel
responded, though he was certain Michael would never allow him to attend the

Bren wrapped her arms
around him, and Gabriel kissed both of the girls on the cheek.
After seeing them to the door, they watched
as the archangels sped towards the park, leaving behind a faint impression of
white smoke.

Chapter 3


When Michael and Gabriel
returned to Heaven, the memories of the war came flooding back as they walked
through the Valley of Death. Its golden street was a reminder of their brothers
and sisters who died during Lucifer’s insurrection.

As they continued on,
they found Esra sitting on a marble bench outside the Vale of Tombs.

The lush purple garden
housed all the Angels of the Tier, who had been sleeping since the war.
Surrounded by oak and maple trees, it was also home to the feathered guardians,
who kept a constant vigil, and expressed their grief in a soft song of lament.

Wildflowers and
thistles grew in a circular pattern, and the pleasing scent of freesia and
lavender filled the air.

The seer looked up as
they approached.

Michael gave a faint
smile before he walked over to his wife’s coffin, and placed his hand on the
glass lid.

He wanted desperately
to hear Kaelariel’s voice again.

Wearing a simple, white
cotton gown trimmed in violet; her golden curls were draped loosely over her
chest, while a crown of purple lilies garlanded her head.

“Did Lucifer see Aura
today?” Esra asked.

“No, she wasn’t in
Aeden, but he knows Bree and Tercia are alive. Does Aura remember anything
about her past yet?” Gabriel asked.

“Bren and Tracy,” Esra
corrected him. “I have been blocking some of Aura’s visions. I’m not certain
she is ready to accept the truth.”

“Lucifer will find her
sooner or later. Do you think it’s a good idea to continue to suppress her

Esra smiled.

“It is a weak block.
Our Father removed Aura’s veil when she was reborn, and he transferred a great
many powers to her; powers that will most certainly be tested by Lucifer and
his disciples. As Aura grows stronger, her memories and abilities will return.”

“There is little
Lucifer can do without Bodhi’s bow,” Michael said as he rejoined them.

Esra’s brow creased and
Gabriel noticed a crack in her voice when she spoke.

“Lucifer may not be
able to harm our children, but there are others to consider. Not all the
angel-bloods have the same strengths. Many have had their blood weakened by the
mortals they married. Their children have some protection, but it is no match
for the dark one or his minions.”

“We are forbidden from
interfering unless the fallen wage another war against Heaven,” Michael said as
he joined the pair.

“What of Bren and Tracy?” Gabriel demanded.
“Am I to lose them a second time?
killing those who share our blood not a direct attack on Heaven?
If Lucifer finds the bow, and returns power
to the dagger and the whip, do you think my little ones can defend themselves
against those weapons?”

Esra gently caressed
her brother’s cheek.

“You were there the day
they came back. Did you not remove their veils and transfer your powers to

Gabriel nodded.

“Each can call for your
swords, though from what I’ve seen, Tracy is more adept with a bow and arrow,”
Esra said. “Do not concern yourself about their well-being. They would not have
been reincarnated, if Father intended to take them again. Bren has been given
the second sight, but she has also mastered some of your battle techniques.”

“Does anyone else know

“No – aside from me,
and Eve, no one else is aware of this new power, though she will be informing
Tracy very soon. There is no reason for the others to know yet, Gabriel. Bren is
a warrior at heart, just like you. Already, she understands the importance of
keeping her weapons hidden.”

Michael could see the
pride on his brother’s face when Esra spoke of the children.

“You should have seen
their eyes light up when I told them we would one day fight together,” Gabriel
said. “They are so much like Bree and Tercia; neither has any fear.”

A tear fell from Esra’s

“They were so young --
only five years of age. Mortriel’s attack on them was so vicious. They never
wavered. Even though it cost them their lives, they used their tiny bodies to
protect Alannah because they were her guardian.”

“My daughter sacrificed
her life too,” Michael said.
“At least
Bren and Tracy were given a second chance. Irizah’s body was never found.”

“We all suffered
terrible losses,” Esra sighed.

She knew where Irizah
had been taken, but she was cautioned by the Almighty not to mention this to
Michael. Irizah was reborn as a mortal, albeit she still retained some special
powers which her adopted mother knew nothing about.

For now, the young girl
was better off where she was. In time, she would be reunited with Bren and
Tracy, but to disclose her whereabouts this soon would endanger her life,
especially if Lucifer got wind that she was alive.

It was Michael who cast
Lucifer into Hell, and even though the archangels had been warned not to
interfere in the war the fallen angel was waging with the angel-bloods, Esra
knew Michael would not allow any harm to come to his daughter.

“It was my privilege to
cast Mortriel out,” Gabriel said trying to divert the conversation. “My only
regret was that he didn’t die.”

“He lives because his
purpose has not yet been fulfilled,” Esra said.

“What purpose could the
dark ones son have that would benefit Heaven?”

“Your question will be
answered soon enough. Lucifer grows restless,” Esra sighed. “He is desperate to
find our brother’s bow and I fear his patience is wearing thin.
We must prepare for the worst.”

Her next comment was
directed at Michael. “We are forbidden from being openly involved in any
attacks, but we can offer some direction to our children.
I will speak to Father, and advise you of his
wishes after the Council meets with the Guild.”

She then turned, and
walked out of the garden.

“Do you think she has seen what the future
holds?” Gabriel asked.

“Esra is the Eyes of
Heaven; she sees everything.
half-mortal family may have to rely on their own abilities,” Michael said as he
watched Esra climb the stairs to the first tier.

He slapped Gabriel on
the back. “Come – we will meet with the Council before the Guild arrives.”

As they were walking
away, Michael thought of Aura.

I pray we can keep her safe; my son will not have the
strength to endure his wife’s death a second time


Hell was a giant maze,
designed with winding catacombs and hidden levels to prevent anyone from ever

When Lucifer approached
the gatekeeper, he was arguing with a young girl who claimed to have been
tricked by one of his disciples.

“He said he was a
healer,” she cried. “I told him I would exchange my life for my sister’s, but
he let her die, and then brought me here. How was I to know he was the devil’s
son? I want to go home,” she sobbed. “I want to go home right now.”

Lucifer walked up to
the blue-eyed child.

She was wearing a
tattered pink dress, with a ruffled pinafore; short white socks and black
patent leather shoes covered her feet. Her pale blonde braids barely touched
her shoulders. She couldn’t have been any older than seven human years.

“This is your new home,”
Lucifer said.

His voice was calm and
almost soothing to her. “Now, be a good little girl and listen to your Father.
As long as you behave yourself, I will have no need to punish you.”

He stared at the
gatekeeper. “Is her sister here?”

“No, my Lord; she was
alone when Mortriel brought her in.”

“Where is my son?”

“He dropped off the
child, and then said he had other business to take care of. I’m waiting for
someone to take her to his chambers.”

Lucifer stared at the
child’s trembling hands. Her face still wet with tears, he lifted her chin.
“What’s your name?”

“My name is Hope, sir,”
she whispered.

Lucifer turned to face
the guard. “I want her taken downstairs. The angel children are in need of some

“Pardon, My Lord, but
Mortriel was very clear about where he wanted her taken. He said he’ll be back
for her.”

The dark lord walked
over to the gatekeeper.

The child watched in
horror as Lucifer slowly ran his hand down the man’s cheek, leaving a residue
of burnt flesh where his fingers had touched the skin. When he removed his
hand, half of the sentry’s dark beard was still smoldering.

“My son does not give
orders here. You would do well to remember that.”

Hope was too afraid to
scream. She had never seen anything so terrifying before. Lucifer turned back
to her. “You have seen what hell-fire can do. Because of his insolence, this
man will carry these scars for all eternity. Now, you understand why you should
never anger Father.”

The young girl
A few minutes later, a large
teenage boy came through the gate. His face was also scarred.

“Take her to the lower
level,” Lucifer commanded. “See to it her clothes are changed. Make sure she is
given strawberries and chocolate. I’m told little girls like those types of
sweets. Then, take her to the prisoners. I want them bathed, and dressed. I
will be down to see them shortly.

Lucifer smiled as he
thought about his new acquisition.

Such a pretty little thing; she will be good company for the
angels. Perhaps they will even become friends. I have to make sure Mortriel
doesn’t touch her. She will be of no value to me if she’s damaged or dead

The servant looked at
the gatekeeper’s face, and decided it would be better to remain silent. He
nodded, and then took the girl by the hand.

As soon as they disappeared
through one of the doors, Lucifer turned back to the sentry.

“When Samhael returns,
send him to me.”

The gatekeeper nodded.
Though the fire had stopped burning his flesh, he could still feel the heat
from the mark which started below his left eye, and ended at his chin.

He thought about
shaving off the rest of his beard, but knew Lucifer liked to display his
punishments. The servant would not make the mistake of challenging his master

Lucifer walked through
a series of doors, until he reached his private chambers. The finest Italian
leather and hand-carved wood were used for the décor, which was both
comfortable and durable.

After telling his
servants he did not want to be disturbed, Lucifer poured a glass of red wine
from a carafe on the table.

Ledgers and parchments
were scattered on top of his mahogany desk. He pushed the papers aside and
leaned back in the black leather chair.

What a stroke of luck finding the girls. Perhaps I should
wait before telling Mortriel about Bree and Tercia’s return. The archangels
must be worried, or they would not have followed me. They will be watching me

Lucifer took a long
drink of wine, and then placed the glass on the desk before closing his eyes.

I’m certain Avriel is alive too. I need to know everything
about her – who her friends are, where she goes, and if she keeps company with
any mortals. I will speak to Samhael; he’ll be discreet. He has some human
associates who can watch her without being noticed.
Soon, I will avenge my wife and children.

A scream from the outer
room distracted Lucifer from his thoughts.

“I told them I was not
to be disturbed,” he bellowed.

Before he could reach
the door, Mortriel kicked it open.

Lucifer’s son had long,
silvery-blonde hair, and cerulean eyes. Most considered him handsome, but he
had an uncontrollable temper -- a trait his father did not admire. Mortriel
didn’t yet understand that in order to be a good leader, he needed to control
his emotions.

“Why did you disregard my orders? The girl was
supposed to be brought to my room!” Mortriel demanded.

“I have plans for the
child; she is not to be harmed,” Lucifer responded.

“She belongs to me!”

“Do I have to
constantly remind you who is in charge? You are my son; stop acting like a
spoiled brat throwing a temper tantrum.”

Mortriel knew his
father loved him, but if he wasn’t careful, Lucifer wouldn’t hesitate to
unleash a severe punishment on him. His tolerance of disobedience could only be
pushed so far without repercussions.

Plopping on the couch,
the dark prince reigned in some of his anger before he spoke again. “What’s so
special about this child? Surely you can have one of the others.”

BOOK: Angel Incarnate: Second Sight
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