Read Angels & Sinners: The Motor City Edition Online

Authors: Ashley Suzanne,Bethany Lopez,Bethany Shaw,Breigh Forstner,Cori Williams,D.M. Earl,Jennifer Fisch-Ferguson,Melanie Harlow,Sara Mack,Shayne McClendon

Tags: #General Fiction

Angels & Sinners: The Motor City Edition (21 page)

BOOK: Angels & Sinners: The Motor City Edition
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Katie walks out of the bathroom dressed and trying to repair her hair into some semblance of order. Des pulls up and zips his jeans, but leaves the button undone. She stops, glares at Des, and then asks, “Is this it? Are we done?”

Des tries to grab her hands in order to pull her to him, but she backs away as he looks her in the eyes and says, “I never meant to hurt you, Katie, I swear. This,” as he points to them, “seemed to work for both of us, at least I thought it did.”

Katie walks out of the bedroom. She heads down the hall to where her purse and shoes are, grabs both and turns in time for him to see a glistening to her eyes as she tells him goodbye.


Sitting in his office later that night, Des looks over some paperwork while trying to get past the blow up he’d had with Katie. He felt like he’d lost control of his life and he hated feeling that way. Des lives for control, always has. He sits back, trying to remember why he’d ever started the arrangement with Katie anyway. His answer was simple . . . sex.

She was easy and he wanted, no he needed to fuck, so, he thought it would work out perfectly for them both. It was easy on his part not to get attached, but obviously it hadn’t been as easy for Katie. He’s never had a problem attracting women, so not wanting any involvement or expectations of a relationship Katie fit the bill.

Des rubs his eyes and knows this little affair is done with her. Kind of sucks because she really enjoyed getting down and dirty with him. She never had any issues when he wanted to go a little dark and kinky in the bedroom, which is why this had lasted so long. She was always available and willing to fuck whenever he wanted. All he had to do was call or text her. But since he hates drama, plus needs to maintain control surrounding his life and relationships he feels relief that after tonight, this is over. Des gets up moves over to his fridge, grabs a beer, and starts to reminisce about his life. Being a loner, except when the mood struck and he needs to get laid, Des has always been fine being single. He values his solitude. He loves to ride his motorcycles, and has always had a gift and love for fixing bikes and cars.

His parents did the best they could for him and his siblings. He grew up in a loving home with the structure of a mom, dad, and siblings. But all that was taken away abruptly when he was just sixteen years old. His parents were killed by a semi-truck driver who was strung out on speed in order to stay awake while on a delivery. His family was instantly torn apart; his parents were now dead and his sisters and brother immediately looked to him for guidance because he was the oldest.

Instantly his life took a turn down a path he hasn’t been able to alter since. He’d had to step up and be the man of the house. Even then, he was just a big kid, but mature and responsible, so everyone seemed to forget he was still just a kid. Des had managed to get a job at old man Leary’s automotive shop so he could keep food on the table, all the while trying to keep the family home. He never received any special treatment because of his situation. Des found that he had to work his way from the bottom up. He’d started with grunt work; sweeping floors, and taking orders from everyone in the shop.

As time passed, Mr. Leary realized he had a diamond in the rough as Des started working on cars and rebuilding bikes. He managed to bring new business into the shop and word started to spread.

Des helped guide his two sisters and younger brother through high school and even managed to send the girls to college. His brother joined the Marines. He really never had a life of his own until they were grown and out of the house on their own. All of his efforts went into being a substitute parent for the three of them. He was both mom and dad to his siblings, helping with schoolwork and guiding them into adulthood.

As his reputation continued to grow due to his skills with cars and bikes, which helped both Des and Mr. Leary grow the business. It brought some famous people and MC’s who would put in orders for his work which also helped Des build some strong and lasting relationships with some 1% bikers and motorcycle clubs, whom to this day call him brother. Des even went as far as to be considered an honorary Nomad in some of the bikers’ eyes. He could take care of himself and when on his bike, he was always one with his machine. He had proven himself to the members of the clubs he called ‘friends’.

When old man Leary decided to retire, he approached Des and asked if he had an interest in buying the business. Because it was all Des knew, he’d said yes. Mr. Leary worked with him so no loan had been needed. Once it was all said and done, Des changed the name to Connolly’s Wheels & Hogs.

Now in his late thirties, he owns the business outright. And with all of his and the shop’s hard work, they have made a name for Connolly’s Wheels & Hogs. With the help of his crew, they specialize in autos and bikes. Des had some old school mechanics that worked on the older models including restoration. Then he had his young guys who were certified to work on the new computerized engines and cars. This was relatively new to the shop and it was taking Des time to get all the equipment necessary to work on the expensive computers.

The motorcycles that came out of his shop were usually one of a kind. His guys made people’s dreams come true, be it a Harley or a custom Chopper; the finished product was something that usually took everyone’s breath away. Works of art. Connolly’s Wheels & Hogs is known throughout Des’s small town in Indiana and even some of the larger cities and states that surround them. Being careful about whom he’s hired over the years has proven to be smart and effective. In all honesty, it has turned out that Des has hired people just like him. Survivors, who generally don’t have any family to speak of. He has a shop of orphans and misfits who have become his extended family, outside of his sisters and brother.

Des gets up, to take a break from his reminiscing and grabs another beer and walks outside to his deck and sits in a lounger thinking about his crew at the shop. Des knows he needs to speak to all of them. With his upcoming plans for one of them, he will need all of their assistance. The only way he can pull off such a huge project is if they are all on board and on the same page. Bringing the bottle of beer to his lips again, he hears the front doorbell, and mutters to himself, “Who the hell is here now?”


Going to his front door, he looks through the upper glass and is shocked at who is looking back at him. Completely stunned, he opens the door wide and looks into her eyes. “Dee Dee. What’s up, sugar? Everything ok?”

She quickly looks him up and down, and then motions to the papers in her hands.

“No, Des. Not exactly. You left these at the shop. They need to be signed by you before I can process any of the work. So, I thought since I had the time I would drop them off.”

Still in shock, he raises an eyebrow and asks, “You had time to come all the way out here to drop papers off? Really? Where are the kids Dee? Oh shit, come in and sit down. We don’t need to have this conversation through the front door.”

As she follows him into the house, Dee checks him out. From his thick thighs, to his tight ass, and up his muscular back, her eyes make a hot trail. She finally reaches his incredibly broad shoulders and his, overdue to be cut, jet black hair. Watching his ass cheeks flex under his well-worn jeans, makes Dee wish she could just reach out and grab one of his sculpted ass cheeks in her hands. Damn he is a fine male specimen. Dee breathes in softly so he doesn’t know how he is affecting her. Des always has, ever since they were kids.

He turns intending to ask if she wants a beer but smiles as he realizes that she is ogling her way up his back from his ass to the bulging shoulder muscles under his tight t-shirt.

“Sugar, like what ya see?”

Dee blushes and he lets out a laugh.

“Do you want a beer?” Des asks.

“Sure, I’ll have one since I am waiting to pick the kids up from their practices. Only one, ok?” Dee heads towards the couch as Des goes to grab two beers, and throws his empty bottle in the recycle bin.

Coming around the center island, he watches her as she looks around. Dee looks up at him as he approaches and tells him that his house still looks like a bachelor pad. Then says that he will probably never going to change. He sees she is smiling widely so he just shakes his head and says quietly, “Baby, it needs a woman’s touch. You volunteering?”

Dee takes in a sharp breath because it seems that Des is flirting with her, but he hasn’t done that since the first time she walked into the shop, and certainly not since their fling ended. She feels her heart beating faster, but says nothing.

With her hands on her lap, Dee looks down so Des doesn’t see her blushing face. She doesn’t know he is there until she feels him sit down right next to her on the couch. The heat coming off his body is so intense that she can feel his brute power closing in. He leans over and softly breathes in her ear, “no reply, Sugar?”

Lifting her head and looking directly into his unusually sexy, silver eyes, she tells him smugly, “No, I am not volunteering, Boss!!“

Shaking his head while running his hands through his hair Des tries to think of what to say next. Dee grabs her beer and takes a long swig of it before placing it on a coaster sitting at the edge of his cocktail table. “Are you going to sign these papers so I can start early in the morning on the work orders?” Reaching for the pile of papers, he precedes to sign wherever there is an X. When he finishes, he pushes them in her direction, and asks, “Happy now?” Dee just nods.

Sitting in silence, the tension between them becomes extremely uncomfortable. Des has no idea why or where the tension is coming from, but he doesn’t like it. They’ve always had a relaxing relationship even in their teens when they would experiment with their sexuality. Watching Dee from the corner of his eye, she appears skittish and flustered. She’s blushing and doing her best to not look in his direction.

Reaching his hand over, he grasps her chin, and turns her to him. “What’s going on Dee? You seem really uneasy, so talk to me, sugar.” Turning her body towards him, she softly pushes his hand down and pulls away from his touch.

“Nothing is wrong. It’s just been a while since I have been in your home. That’s all. Funny how it all seems to look like everything is exactly the same. Feels like we are back five or six years ago when I first started working at the shop. Or should I say when we spent a lot of time together outside of the shop. Remember?

He looks around his family room and into the kitchen realizing she is right, he hasn’t changed anything since she was here last.

A light bulb instantly goes off in his head. Dee helped him pick out the furniture they are sitting on. She was also involved in picking the appliances for his kitchen. He had been remodeling when they’d had their brief fling when she’d first started at the shop. Since they spent time here, he wanted it to be comfortable for her. It also gave her something to keep her busy. Helping him furnish his home allowed her the time she needed so that the shit with her ex faded slowly out of her mind. So, after the remodeling was done he had asked Dee to help him pick out the furnishings for his home.

He could feel her eyes on him, so he glanced her way, and replied, “Why should I change anything? I like it the way it is.”

Dee shakes her head softly and asks, “Do you ever think of when we were together or the stuff we did? I know it was a while ago, but sitting here brings back a lot of good memories for me.”

Taking his time, he replies, “Dee, we work together every day so, yes, to answer your question, my mind does drift to one of the best times of my life and what we had. But, you didn’t want to continue so I have never pursued you, because I wanted to respect your boundaries. I also didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. What’s going on, honey? Please just talk to me?”

Clearing her throat Dee starts, “I don’t know Des. With the kids getting older, my mind has been playing games with me. Reminiscing over my life or lack thereof, I should say. In a couple of years, both Jagger and Daisy won’t need me anymore so the thought of being totally alone is starting to wear on my nerves, that’s all.”

Pulling her close and ignoring her startled gasp, he gathers her in his arms. Des holds her tight, chest to chest, but says nothing. They just hold on to each other for what seems like eternity, but in fact, is only a few minutes. As he feels her relax into his hold, he moves his hands up into her thick hair that smells like vanilla with a slight flowery fragrance. His intention is to just give her some comfort, but his body has other ideas.

Smelling her hair and feeling her breasts press against his chest, while her hands lay on his upper thighs. He can feel her breathing increase and feels his cock hardening. Fuck! This is not what he wanted to happen. Well yes, he wanted this to happen, but he’s not sure it should happen. ‘Shit, talk about having a hard on at the wrong place and time’.

Her fingers, somehow, must have felt his cock swelling, because Dee immediately pulls away from him.

“Maybe I should go Des, it’s getting late. Thanks for signing the papers.”

“Sugar, please don’t run, maybe we need to talk some more.”

Just as she starts to answer him, her phone starts to ring in her purse. Dee reaches for her cell phone, and Des stands and walks back behind the island, adjusting his cock.

Listening to Dee talk to one of her kids, Des continues to take deep breaths, in order to calm his over excited libido. Ending the call Dee stands up, grabs her beer, and walks over to the kitchen sink. She pours out the remaining beer, and then rinses out the bottle, placing it on the counter.

“Thanks for the beer Des, got to go get my kids. See you in the morning.” As she walks by him, he grabs her upper arms, pulling her back to his front. She stands perfectly still, breathing rapidly.

“We need to talk Dee, not tonight, but soon.”

She shakes her head as he wraps his arms around her. She feels his arousal pressing between the cheeks of her ass. God it feels so hot and hard. Dee lets out a moan as his hands move up and down her belly. Then she puts her hands on his in order to get him to release her.

BOOK: Angels & Sinners: The Motor City Edition
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