Another Man's Woman (Late Night Delight) (4 page)

BOOK: Another Man's Woman (Late Night Delight)
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Her eyes met his and he heard her breath hiss. Her breath smelled of bourbon and amaretto with a twist of citrus and her body emitted the dick-hardening scent of honeysuckle. He took the hand holding the glass and tipped the well-aged drink into his mouth, leaving the crystal snifter empty.


He handed her the other glass. “Hold this.”


“Okay, but why?”


She found out just a moment later when he unbuttoned her shirt from the top to the bottom. When he finished she was open to his gaze with her curves framed by plackets and buttons. She was the just a shade lighter along her torso and fragments of freckles tattooed her in odd places. There were a few riding her breasts all the way to the nipple. There were smatters of speckles across her belly and hips. He wanted to worship every inch of her and when he reached out to truly touch her for the first time his hands shook. It was far from smooth and Nicolette saw him. He was too far gone to care anymore what he looked like, he only cared that she was here. She dropped the empty glasses to the floor and he heard the clink of expensive glass meet the carpet in a muted thud. Her hands were greedy and she clenched her hands in his shorts as if she wanted to rip them from his hips.


Nicolette’s hands fumbled over the button then the zipper and he let her. When she mastered the front fastener he helped her push the shorts down to the floor. She gasped and he couldn’t help the chuckles that spilled from his mouth at her expression. She gripped his shirt at the hem and slid it upwards. Dominic helped her and when she finished he was naked.


“I think you need to pick your jaw up.” She didn’t say anything but that didn’t matter.


“I knew that you were nice looking and your clothes fit you well, but you’re gorgeous.” He was grateful that he didn’t have to work too hard to keep his body nice.


“Thanks, so are you.” She flushed at his complement and he was spellbound as he saw her skin blush beautifully all over. From her cheeks to her navel was a smooth wash of color and he hoped she turned the same shade after he made her come over and over again.


He gave her the same treatment, took her shirt dress and slid the fabric from her shoulders. When he finished with her disrobing, she only wore a scrap of damp white lace. While he absolutely loved the tiny panties, he couldn’t wait to see her without them. His hands slid between the band at her hips and her flesh, but when she arched her spine his palms were drawn to the curve of her ass.


Dominic lowered his mouth to her ear. “I want you here,” He made his intentions clear with a squeeze of his fingers and a grind of his hips. “and what I want to know is, would you let me? Better yet, would you love it?” He let her know the question was far from rhetorical when he pressed his forehead to hers and looked into her eyes.




“Yes, to what Nicolette Victoria?” She closed her eyes and he inhaled her intoxicating breaths as she released minute huffs of air.


“I would let you and love it when you did.”


“Good.” His right hand roved her spine once, then back again before he kissed her with more gentility than he felt at the moment and less than she deserved.


Her legs twined around his and her arms lifted towards his torso. Her hands travelled his body as if the skin there was a hand crafted map for the blind. She found every sensitive patch of flesh and he had waited so long for her touch that the gentle pass of fingertips along his ribs was enough to make him groan. The need for her had burned so long that he could distinguish the feel of her fingerprints as her digits learned his body. He couldn’t help the quaver of his legs, and he thought it was criminally unfair that he could have had the hands of many women on his body, but only hers brought him low.
Only she could have this effect on him. He wanted to feel her completely bare against him with no barriers to their meeting of the flesh. The miniscule bit of lace was less than nothing under his demanding grasp and quickly shoved to her ankles. When the panties reached the floor, she lifted her knees one at a time, gracefully shifted the lace shackles away to meet the scattered pile of garments currently residing in a haphazard pile beside her feet. He gripped her hips and with a bit of prodding she wrapped her lower limbs around his waist.


She felt so good in his embrace that all he wanted was to sink inside her and never leave. He had never been the kind of man to imagine happily ever after, but he had to have one with her. Her body burned and he knew that he was not going to turn on the AC. Dominic would finally get to see her sweat. Although, she would be too exhausted to care by the time he turned on the ceiling fan. He couldn’t wait to have her and get the post-coital cuddle sprawl with her while their damp skin dried from their lovemaking. It only took a moment to get her upstairs and in his bed.


He laid her down on the light blanket he used in the warm months of the year and found that he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. It was so bad that he didn’t watch where he was headed and walked into the bedside nightstand. Nicolette giggled at him and smiled. He responded with his own huge grin even though his shin hurt like hell. He opened the drawer and pulled out a box of condoms while hoping they were unexpired. The rubbers had been there for a long time. Over two years to be exact.


“After Monday morning there won’t be a reason to use these.” He told her because he meant it.


“Why ever not? Will you have had your fill of me by then?” She asked with a pout to her lips.
“Never that, Nicolette, but then we can have our doctors give us a clean bill of health. I know that you don’t have any diseases. But you can’t say the same for me, and while I want you to take a gamble on me, on us, I will not ask you to gamble with your life.”


“How can you know if I’m clean? You’re my accountant, not my doctor.”


“If you had disease then I would see more than just the cost of a simple wellness visit in your files or a charge for a prescription at the least. Don’t forget, he who watches the gold makes the rules.”
“I thought that saying went another way.” Nicolette smirked at him.
“It does, but the man who watches the money has even more control than the actual owner. I halted your charges didn’t I? I knew what you were up to before you realized I could stop you.”


“Damn it. You might be right. But I think that must be against some kind of ethical code.”


“I usually am right.” He shrugged. “Yeah, it’s a little unethical, but when it comes to you, there is almost no boundary that I wouldn’t cross.” Her eyes darkened and he dropped the roll of foil packets on the bed beside her. “Put one on me.”


“I’m not going to very good at this, the last time I used one of these was ten years ago.”


“That’s okay. You won’t have enough time to get familiar with them anyway. Plus, I’m going to help.” Her smirk was comical and he chuckled.


She propped up on her forearms before she sat up, he noticed that her left breast still carried a flush from his earlier attentions and his dick jerked at the thought of doing the same to the other one. The packet was tossed to the floor and the rubber in her hand when he came back from his musings she eyed the condom. Her expression was that of confusion and he spoke gruffly.


“Pinch the top, baby and put it on me.” She did as he asked and the rubber made a tiny hat on top of his northbound erection. “Good. Roll it down slowly until you reach here.” He used a finger and thumb to ring the base of erect flesh.


When her hands began to squeeze the barrier downwards, he was close to losing his mind. But when she leaned over him and pushed her hair over one shoulder he could see she wanted to taste him.


“Please.” He said, because that was all he knew how to say. The single word was all she needed to lean over him, open her lips and take the mushroomed cap of his cock in her mouth. He heard a choked gasp before he realized it came from his own throat. She smiled around the mouthful she had and slurped before she rolled with her hands. Nicolette took more of him with each breath he drew until she reached his fingers. Her nostrils flared and she could see how much the smell of him intoxicated her. Hazel eyes were dark with desire and glazed as if she were high on him. He knew if she slurped at him one more time, the condom was going to be wasted.


He tugged the silken mass tumbled around her shoulders in a cloud and gently pulled her head away. She fought him and put Hoover vacuums to shame with the amount of suction she used on his erect member.


She held on to every inch she could and he had to pull his hips concurrent to his tugs on her locks, the dual sensations brought him closer and closer until she popped her head away from his shaft. But she didn’t remove her hands from his flesh. All it took was one sweet roll of her hands upwards before she divested him of the newly placed condom.


“Wha—” He didn’t get to finish his statement before she put her hands back on him, her fingers now sure and steady.


“I want to taste you.” Who was he to disagree with that? Even though he didn’t want his first orgasm with her inside his mouth, he felt blessed that he had her here and now. Ergo, he would take whatever she would give him.


It was definitely no hardship to cum within her mouth, as he planned to have an entire night’s worth of hard dick to offer her later. No sooner than Dominic had the thought he knew he was going to explode. She did a move with her nimble tongue that almost had him screaming for glory. When he looked down his cock was huge and throbbed like a toothache, only the ache was the sweet burn of lust chased with their mutual chemistry. The load of the past five years, pent-up desire, the dull throb of unrequited emotions and the fear that he had for so long of never having her coalesced into the strongest, most potent orgasm he had to date. He tried vainly to pull back from her lips, but she merely massaged the sacs below his cock.


He saw stars, not real ones, but the flurries of light that sparked in his vision were as powerful as fireworks and he groaned at the sight of her swallowing his desire for her thirstily. Her throat convulsed around his head several times in quick succession and just that fast, he was hard again. He was finally able to draw her mouth away from his erection, but she still eyed him hungrily.


“Would it be ridiculous to say I want more?” She asked as if she didn’t care what he said.


“Definitely not. As a matter of fact, you’re about to get it now, because I want more too.”


This time he learned from his prior mistake and rolled the condom on himself. He was still slick from her lips along with his own seed, although Nicolette did a great job of cleaning him, and the latex eased down smoothly.


“Lay down right there for me.” He pointed towards the head of the bed and once again she complied perfectly, her back rested on top of his pillows. “Thank you, now I want to watch you touch yourself.”


“I don’t know if I can do that, it just seems so…”


“Intimate?” He asked and she agreed without words, closed her eyes and nodded twice. “Yes, it is. But I want to be intimate with you. Watch me and do what feels good.”


Dominic showed her what he wanted by example, fisted his cock then stroked his hands over himself slowly. He didn’t want to get out of control, he’d already come once and he planned his next one to be inside of her. Dominic knew she was hooked when she trailed one hand down her body. She was so enthralled he didn’t think Nicolette even knew what she was doing. Her eyes seemed mesmerized and marked every movement he made. He watched her hands reach her clit, the nub of flesh played peek-a-boo to his voyeurism. Once she had gotten into the idea her other hand joined in and he saw her gather moisture from her slit before coating her clit for a slicker, smoother rub over her erect hidden bud of flesh. When she was halfway lost within in her own pleasure he climbed over her and prepared himself to finally feel at one with the one for him.


The initial probe was nothing more than him rubbing his cock along the juicy seam of her pussy. At first he gave her an inch, and another shift of his hips took it back. His cock dipped inside her almost the way old fashioned candles were made. Each time he gave her more dick, she jerkily thrust against him until he no longer retreated from within her, and now his movements were just a steady slide of hard flesh into her simmering snatch.
Nicolette rolled her hips against his and he stopped her using his hands and body to force her still again.


“Stop that. Take the time to feel me.”


“I feel you, I promise.” She sounded so earnest that he laughed and smiled down at her.


Fellatio and Fishing


Nicolette was never big on sucking dick. She did it for her ex-husband of course, but even that was every now and again as oral pleasure wasn’t his preferred way to come. Morris loved pussy and he always wanted to dive right in with little preliminaries. The lack of sexual extras had never bothered her until now, when she saw how much she was missing out on while she was married. Dominic made her come effortlessly and she never imagined having her breasts played with could be so fantastic. Morris had played with them as well, but never so adeptly. When Dominic took her breast in between his lips the sensation was completely different than anything she ever had thought possible before. Even with her shirt in the way, he was able to suckle her squirming and wet in seconds. With his skill, he gave the fabric between them a featured part in the allure.

BOOK: Another Man's Woman (Late Night Delight)
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