Read Anyone but You Online

Authors: Jennifer Crusie

Tags: #Man-Woman Relationships, #Single Women, #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #Basset Hound, #Fiction

Anyone but You (7 page)

BOOK: Anyone but You
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Alex fed him another cookie, and Fred went through the drop, lick, nudge routine again before he picked it up and trotted back to the couch. Alex turned to Nina. "Skim milk. How healthy of you." He got up and rinsed out his coffee mug before he held it out to her. "Thank you very much, I'll take some."

Nina poured his milk. "So what are you going to do?"

Alex collapsed into his chair. "I'm going to stay in the ER and just wait them out. They're busy people.

Eventually they'll go back to their own lives. Except for Max, but he doesn't give a damn what I do.

He's just trying to make sure I don't go for something so high-pressured that I become Dad."

Nina put the milk down on the table. "And that would be bad."

"That would be terrible. My father is a great doctor but a mediocre human being. The only way I'll ever have a real discussion with him is if I develop a heart murmur.'' Alex runched into another cookie.

"Do you know who raised me? Max's mom, Melanie. My mom left for a residency in Denver, and Dad was too busy, so Melanie just absorbed me into the family with Max and Stella. And Stella wasn't hers, either."

Nina conjured up a motherly thoracic surgeon, surrounded by three adoring children. It was a weird picture. "She must be a wonderful woman."

"Not really. Just efficient and responsible." That sounded awful. Poor Alex.

Alex straightened a little, and Nina realized her distress nust have shown in her face. "Hey, don't knock it," he old her. "When you're a kid, that's pretty good, especially if your own parents aren't around much."

He shook lis head, remembering. "One day we were all together, nust have been a holiday, and I disagreed with something Melanie said, and Dad said, 'Do what your mother tells you' and Melanie just looked at him and said, 'I'm not his mother.' And Dad said, 'What?' And Melanie said,

'He's Mice's son.' My dad didn't even remember." Alex slouched back in his chair. "Thank God for Melanie. I'd never have made it to adulthood alive and sane." He stopped in the niddle of his Oreo, a cautious look on his face, and put his hand on his stomach.

"Well, the sane's still up for grabs," Nina said. "All those Oreos on top of milk, scotch, whiskey, brandy, and beer can't be a good idea. And you call yourself a doctor."

Alex thought about it for a moment and finished the cookie. "I think it was the milk that was the bad idea. But you need milk with Oreos." He tried to look stem. "It's probably because it's skim milk.

Whole milk would have coated my stomach."

Nina tried to look stern back at him. "How old did you say you were? Ten?"

"Very funny." He reached for another Oreo and she moved the package away. "Hey!"

"You've had enough. You're going to get sick."

He frowned at her. "You must be one mean mother."

"Nope," Nina said. "No kids."

Alex sat back. "Did I just put my foot in it?"

"Nope," Nina said again. "Never wanted any. I'm just not the maternal type."

"Now that's interesting." Alex leaned forward again and snagged another cookie while she was off guard. "I never want any, either. Neither does Stella. Max says he gets enough babies delivering them. I've always figured it was our lousy childhoods since we all lost parents. What's your excuse?"

"I'm the oldest of six kids," Nina said. "I already raised five brothers and sisters. I'm done."

Alex raised his eyebrows. "No mom?"

"I have a mother," Nina said, not wanting to discuss it. "She's not interested in children. She gave birth, and then we took it from there.''

Alex nodded sympathetically. "Career woman."

"No." Nina took an Oreo from the package, rattling the plastic and alerting Fred, who came to sit beside her. She blinked down at him, surprised by his enthusiasm, and fed him a cookie, and then watched him trot to the couch before she looked back over at Alex. "Not a career woman. Society woman. We had money, we just didn't have parents."

"So you went to college and became an editor?" Alex shook his head. "That doesn't make sense.

You're either supposed to become your mother or her opposite."

"I thought that was marry your father or his opposite."

"Same difference. So you became your mother's opposite?"

"No." Nina put down her cookie as the realization dawned. "No, I became my mother. I married a lawyer and did the society thing and became a law-firm wife. My God, I did become my mother." She blinked at Alex. "No wonder the divorce felt so good. That life was hers. Now I'm living mine." She leaned back in her chair. "Boy, does this explain a lot of things." She picked up her Oreo and bit into it, feeling even more liberated than she had before.

"What kind of things?" Alex asked.

Nina stopped in midcookie. "Why do you want to know?"

"Well, I just spilled my family secrets to you," Alex said reasonably. "It's payback time."

"I didn't hear any secrets."

"Okay." Alex nodded at her, the picture of reason. "My father is alcoholic. He doesn't drink before seeing patients but we're keeping an eye on him, anyway. My stepmother kicked an amphetamine addiction a couple of years ago and now is grossly overweight. We worry about her heart. My mother is manic-depressive, and I thank God every day for lithium. My sister has been married three times, all to cardiac surgeons, but refuses to see anything significant in the fact. She is now engaged, at forty-two, to her fourth cardiac man. My brother is chronically single because he lives for the thrill of the chase and finds stability boring, which I have told him is only an overreaction to our tense childhood." Alex shrugged. "Other than that, we don't have secrets. We're just your standard family of obsessive-compulsive yuppie doctors."

Nina tilted her head at him. "And what's your secret?"

Alex stirred in his chair. "I don't have any secrets. My life is an open book."

"Bull." Nina got up to rinse out her cup. "You're so defensive you won't talk about yourself. You tell all about your family but you won't say what you want." She turned back to him. "So what do you want, Alex Moore? If you could have anything you wanted, right now, what would it be?"

He sat very still on the chair, his eyes on hers, and she stopped breathing for a moment, sure she saw heat in his eyes, that he wanted her, but that was so ridiculous she shook her head to clear the thought.

Then he relaxed. "I want Oreos," he said very seriously. "And I want to be able to come back here and talk when I'm not drunk."

"Sure," Nina said and pushed the package toward him. "Help yourself. Anytime." His eyes met hers again, and she blushed and added, "To the Oreos."

"Right," Alex said. "That's what I thought you meant."


"Then what happened?" Charity said the next day when Nina had spilled her guts on the phone.

"Then Fred threw up everything, and the mood sort of died." Nina scratched Fred behind the ears as he stretched out next to her on the couch, getting dog hair on her baby blue sweats as he wallowed himself a place beside her. "I got a book out of the library today on how to take care of dogs, and it said never to feed them people food. We could have killed the poor baby feeding him all those Oreos.

From now on, Fred eats only dog food."

Fred lifted his head to give her a dirty look, and she scratched him behind the ears again until he relaxed.

Charity, as usual, had a one-track mind. "Does Alex still get Oreos?"

"No." Nina felt the warm little tingle she'd been getting every time she thought about Alex. That was one tingle she was going to get rid of. "Alex gets nothing. I'm staying away from that man."

"Oh, come on, live a little," Charity said. "I admit the doctor bit is a letdown, but he's still ten years younger. That qualifies as toy boy. Go for it."

"You're telling me this based on your years of experience," Nina said.

"No, if I was basing it on my experience, I'd tell you to run like hell. Kenneth was a doctor, remember?"

"Just vaguely," Nina said. "You weren't married that long."

"A year," Charity said. "Long enough to know marrying a doctor was a bad idea. Don't get serious about him. Just toy with him for your memory book."

The thought was attractive, but Nina shoved it aside. "Speaking of memory books, how is yours coming along?"

"It's wonderful," Charity said. "I wrote all night. It was so exciting. I just love this!"

"That's great!" Nina tried to make her voice sound enthusiastic while she prayed that Charity's book would be publishable. "Tell me about it."

"Well, first of all, I guess I should tell you that I'm going to use 'she' instead of 'I.' I just can't write it with 'I.' It's too embarrassing."

"You're using third person," Nina said. "Sure. That's not a problem."

"And instead of using my name, I'm going to use my middle name," Charity went on. "Charity seems sort of... not very serious, you know?"

"What's your middle name?"

"Jane," Charity said. "That's serious, don't you think?"

"Yes," Nina said, beginning to worry that Charity was going to plan forever without ever writing anything. "Did you write any of the book yet?"

"Of course I wrote part of the book." Charity sounded indignant. "I finished the first chapter. It's about Howard." Her voice grew thoughtful. "You know, I'd forgotten a lot of this stuff before I sat down to write it. This is like therapy only much cheaper."

"Howard." Nina frowned, trying to remember. "Was he the hockey player who wanted you to wear the mask and pads?"

"Oh, please." The disdain in Charity's voice was clear over the phone. "That was Helmut. I could barely do a paragraph on him. He wasn't that interesting."

"I found him interesting," Nina said, but Charity plowed on through her.

"Howard was my date to the Riverbend Spring Fling."

Nina sat up, displacing an annoyed Fred. "In high school? You're going that far back?"

"I'm thinking about regressing to past lives. The faraway stuff isn't as painful to write about."

"All right, all right." Nina backed down before Charity could. "The Spring Fling is fine."

"The chapter's called 'Gone With Her Virginity,'" Charity said.

Nina thought of Jessica. "Great title," she lied. "What's next?"

"Mitchell. The Eagle Scout I hooked up with my senior year. We spent a lot of time working on his woodsman's badge."

"Sounds... natural."

"I'm calling that chapter 'Forest Grope.'"

Nina winced. "Catchy."

"And then I'll do that senior fraternity guy I dated as a college freshman," Charity said. "Roger. You knew me by then. Remember Roger, the creep?"

"Vaguely," Nina said.

"I'm going to call that one 'Animal Louse,'" Charity said. "You know, I'm really getting into this."

Nina thought of Jessica and what Jessica would think of Charity's memoir. "Go for it," she told Charity. "But I want to see the first chapter as soon as it's done. Do not come to the office and show it to Jessica without me seeing it first."

"No problem," Charity said. "Now it's Saturday afternoon, and you deserve a break. Go downstairs and seduce that nice boy. It'll round off your weekend."

"I'm not going near that nice boy," Nina said. "I don't care what you say. I'm staying in my apartment and watching movies with my dog."

* * *

On Monday, Nina came home to find her dog glaring at her.

She put her briefcase on the couch and dropped to her knees beside him. "I know, I know, I haven't been here all day. But Fred, there's more to life than weekends. I have to work all day. That's how I get the money to keep you in dog biscuits." She scratched him behind his ears and rolled him over on his back to rub his tummy until he stopped being hostile and went back to morose. "You know what you need, Fred?" she said brightly, and he pricked up his ears, probably hoping to hear the word Oreo.

"You need to get out," Nina finished getting to her feet. "Let me change, and we'll go for a walk.

A walk!"

Since "walk" in no way sounded like "Oreo," Fred remained morose.

"You're going to love it, Fred," Nina said, but fifteen minutes later, when she'd changed into jeans and her old pink T-shirt and hooked his new leash to his new collar, it was clear that Fred was not going to love it.

Nina opened the door and tugged him forward, and he tugged back. "Come on, Fred." Nina tugged harder and Fred lurched a couple of steps closer to the door, still pulling backward. "You're going to like this. Trust me." She tugged still harder, and Fred's feet slid out from under him as his body bumped over the door frame and into the hall.

"Troubles?" somebody said from behind her and she turned to see a tall, gray-haired woman dressed in olive green cashmere running clothes. She was beautiful in the structure of her bones and the brightness of her eyes, but she was also intimidating. Nina was suddenly conscious of how baggy her own jeans were and how faded her T-shirt was.

And Fred was no help. Nina looked at him, still splayed on his stomach. "I was just taking my dog for a drag,'' she told the woman. "I'm hoping he'll get the hang of this before we hit the stairs.''

The woman laughed and held out her hand, and Nina wasn't intimidated anymore. "I'm Norma Lynn from upstairs."

Nina took her hand. "I'm Nina Askew. And this—" she dropped her hand and gazed down at Fred with disgust "—this is Fred."

"Hello, Fred," Norma said, and Fred got to his feet and walked the four steps he needed to be within smelling reach of Norma's Nikes.

"I've been neglecting him," Nina told Norma. "This is a guilt walk."

"It's not good to neglect males," Norma agreed. "They're such babies about it, and they sulk. It's why I'm never living with another one of them. No offense, Fred."

"I couldn't agree with you more," Nina said. "Except for Fred. All he needs is his ears scratched and some Oreos and he's happy." She looked at the morose-as-usual Fred. "Well, he's content."

"You could keep a lot of men content with that," Norma said. "Although it may take you more than that to keep Alex cheerful. Very physical young man, Alex."

Nina blushed and then kicked herself for blushing. "Alex and I are just friends."

BOOK: Anyone but You
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