Read Arctic Bound Online

Authors: Tigris Eden

Tags: #Paranormal Romance, #Erotic Romance, #Romance, #Multicultural

Arctic Bound (20 page)

BOOK: Arctic Bound
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His father sighed heavily as if the entire world was weighted on his shoulders.

“Not that simple Victor. Sasha's father is coming and he's seeking reparations for the way his daughter was treated at dinner the other night. It's out of my hands son.”

“How long before the council comes to a decision?”

His father handed him a frozen roast. He hated frozen food.

“It could be as long as a week, maybe longer. But for now she stays with Blue until they've come to a decision.”

“Menes will disagree with the council. He may even take it as a personal attack.”

“Menes? What does your warrior have to do with it?”

“He's the one that took Nerina to meet Colin at the truck.”

His father's forehead creased.

“It's not even a full moon.”

“Yeah, what does that even mean? Only Berserkers can change to their warrior form at will.”

“It means something far worse.”

Worse? How?

“That would be?” Victor questioned.

“Nerina is your Eros.”

How in the hell did I forget about Eros?
It was all coming back to him now.

This was third love. In their culture there were three types of love. Agape, Philos, and Eros. Agape, the first love could only be the love of Selene, Goddess of the moon. All werewolves felt and received her love once a month during the full moon. The second love, Philos consisted of earthly love. Wolves felt this for their family and friends, and their lovers, whether they were mated or not. Eros was a physical love. A sexual intimacy that far surpassed the erotic and took the parties involved into a deeper, unbreakable connection. It was said that if a werewolf's warrior appeared before the full moon in the presence of someone they desired then it was Eros driving their power. Eros was an over developed stage of Philos, but both partners would share all three. Only after the proper mating ceremony known as the Reaping. A sacred mating ritual that could only be performed once, every twelve moons. A Reaping hadn't been performed in over a millennia. How in the hell could he have forgotten that piece of their history?

Just do it.
Victor thought to himself. He could but then it would be putting the Pack at great risk and he just couldn't trust her enough to even assume she would go through with it. He needed to talk to Nerina, feel her out first and see if there were even a chance she would consider what he proposed.

“Father, tell mom and the others I'll be back late this evening. I'm going into Anchorage to check in on Blue and Nerina.”




It had been two days and still not a word, not a single bullet fired in her direction. It was nerve wrecking not knowing when the shit was going to hit the fan. It was coming. Nerina just didn't know when. Her uncle never gave up, and because she hadn't heard anything from Victor she assumed all was good, because if something bad had happened, like say her uncle went through and wiped out the entire town. Someone would have notified Blue. Right?
Nervous energy made her cranky and unapproachable by any one. Tino and Nino had both tried talking to her, but Nerina wasn't having it. She just wanted the other bomb to drop and to drop fast. She'd asked her gracious host if she could at least have a knife, and he'd turned her down. No explanation whatsoever, just a big fat no.

Today he was giving some type of instruction to a group of women who'd showed up yesterday. There were three of them. One blonde, a brunette, and a red head. Obviously they were there for jobs.

“You are an extension of your master, and an extension of your binds. Not only does your master dominate you, but so does the rope. In exchange for your submission, you will also gain power over your master and the rope.” Blue said as he walked a tight circle around the girls who were all kneeling in a semi-circle. They were topless, legs spread and heads down.

His voice was commanding, yet soothing at the same time. She'd been watching him interact with the staff for the last two days. He always used the same calm, but controlling voice. No one dared to question his authority. It was clear that Blue was master of his universe, and his universe was Eden's Den. During the day, which was still technically night, Blue and his club staff would talk about the nights theme, menus, and of course what would be served at the bar. The bar Nerina had tended for two nights. Granted she did see some freaky shit, but none was going to be as freaky as tonight. Tonight she was going to be the only one underdressed for the event, or overdressed; depending on what angle you were coming in from. Blue had explained that tonight was only open to club members. Humans and non-members were not invited. It was an induction of sorts for the women currently kneeling.

She knew not to ask, so she didn't. But she did need to know what part she would play in the evening's festivities. All he'd told her was to serve drinks and to keep her head down. Not to stare any of the males in the eye, and to steer clear of the females as tonight would be about claiming. Hence the theme for tonight's activities.

“During the claiming you may be tested by more than one male, even a female. Your job is to submit. To submerse yourself into their world so that you can realize your reality. Whatever that may be. You're here because you want to be here. Because you want to be claimed. Whether it is to produce offspring, or because it's time for you to cling to your partner. All I can do is set the stage. It's up to each of you to let go and be the person you're meant to be. Each of you have already received your instructions for the evening. Now go and prepare. Cherry will assist you with anything that you need.”

All of the women stood and made their way below. Blue looked Nerina's way and approached her behind the bar.

“You have your instruction as well Caterpillar. “

“Yes, serve the drinks. Hey, have you heard anything from Victor?”

Blue rapt his knuckles on the counter and that was his way of saying he wanted a shot of whiskey. Without thinking, Nerina turned retrieving the bottle pouring him a shot. She turned back noticing the smile on Blue's lips.

“No I haven't heard anything. I know our good friend Victor will be here tonight.”

“He's coming to the claiming? I would have thought Sasha would veto that idea right out the door.”

Blue nodded,
downing the entire shot.

“I'm sure he will find a way around his current situation. As the next to take the torch for his Pack, he not only has bedding rights, but he also has the right to choose a mistress. Sasha can bitch all she wants, but ultimately it's up to Victor.

Blue bent his head so that he could get a better look at Nerina.

“You up for the task?”

Her head shot up at the question. Was the man out of his mind! She was not going to be like her mother. That was not who she was.

“Fuck no! I'm no one's mistress.”

Blue rapt his knuckles again and Nerina poured him another shot.

“You could be a lot more than just a mistress. You could challenge Sasha to rights of first wife.”

Was he serious?

“What do you think this is, Showdown in Anchorage? I don't think so. If a man needs more than one woman to satisfy his needs. Then that just means the woman isn't enough for him.”

“I see your point. Come with me Caterpillar, I'm eager to turn you into the beautiful butterfly you are. Tonight, I want you to have just a taste of what it's like to be cared for.”

That was so not going to happen.

“Don't think so.”

“Suit yourself. I know your curiosity is going to get the better part of you. I just figured with tonight being the claiming, we could take care of two birds with one stone. You can be my sub tonight. You'd get to see what all the rage is about being tied up in one of my ropes.”

She was so not curious.
Liar, you so are.
Okay she was curious, but really she only wanted one man to do the things she saw Blue do to the other women up there on stage. She didn't want Blue doing those things to her.

“I think I'll pass.”

“Well I know for sure Victor will be here. Not only can I tell you from experience but also from firsthand knowledge, he lives for this type of shit. Sasha isn't submissive by any stretch of the imagination. Let's show Victor all he's been missing out on.”

She was not one to play games with people's emotions. She wouldn't false advertise who she was just to get her man. Victor may like to tie his women up, but she wasn't the type of woman who wanted to be tied up and then discarded.
What about in the cave?
That had been a heat of the moment thing and lasted a handful of stolen moments. Staying here was not long term. Especially now that her uncle was in town nosing around and asking about her. Sooner or later he would turn up at Eden's and that bomb she'd been anxiously waiting to explode, would erupt in such a way that it would take out everyone around her. Something she didn't want to happen to the people who were only trying to help her.

Blue eyed Nerina further but didn't say anything. He turned on his heel, shot glass in hand and made his way downstairs to his suite. Cherry made her way over smiling wide. Mischief evident on her face.

“You should take him up on his offer for the evening.”

“Yeah, and why should I do that?” Nerina countered.

“Because, Blue makes it good. Real good for his subs. He's all about the pleasure, he gives it ten times over.”

Shaking her head, she responded. “I'm not going to sleep with Blue.”

“Good, because he's celibate. He won't sleep with anyone, nor does he let anyone get him off. Ever. He'll let the subs play, but he never takes it any further.”

Then what was that thing he was doing the other night with Cherry stroking him off?

“He never lets me get him off. Believe me, I've tried. He doesn't even allow kissing. He'll whisper to you, sing to you, but he'll never actually kiss you, unless it's on the forehead or the cheeks. Never the mouth, but I'll tell you this, his touch is electric. Something no woman would ever want to miss.”

Dribble. All of it. There was no way a man could do all of that for a woman and not get off on it in some way. Maybe that was his payoff, not getting off. But if what Cherry said was true, and if she was being honest with herself, she was curious. Very curious. The minor prelude she'd had in the cave with Victor had been very satisfying. It had been nice to give up control, and hand over the reins. And because Blue was celibate, the most she'd get out of it was an experience and maybe a few rope burns.

Fuck it, Nerina thought moments later. She may as well have a little fun and satisfy her curiosity. At least this way she'd be close to Blue and should something happen with one of Eden's club members, she'd be protected by the big bad ass wolf. Wiping down the bar, she untied her apron and went in search of Blue. Hopefully his offer would still be on the table.

Chapter 15


“Victor man, it's good to see you.” Tino said as he let him in through the door. He hadn't realized it was a claiming night, but everyone else had. The club was only open to members. He knew that there would be at least three females there tonight, looking to be claimed. A year ago that would have whet his appetite. Now he was saddled with the burdens of the Pack. Mating in the spring, and a human that was his Eros. He only hoped Blue had her somewhere safe tonight. Males and females would be on the prowl. Everyone in attendance tonight would be considered fair game. Something he knew would not be okay with his Neri.
Your Neri?
Yeah, she was his, his in a way that no one could dispute.

“Hey Tino, where's Blue at?”

Tino winked. “He's about to go up on stage. Be sure to grab a seat in the front. You don't want to miss this. By the way Sasha's here to. She showed up with her girls.” Tino pointed to one of the VIP sections overlooking the cage.

Great. One more thing to deal with. His father must have told her he'd be at the club. But why? He knew what Nerina meant not only to him but also to Menes. Victor took a seat in the middle of the club at a booth that was open enough to give him view of the entire floorshow. Because this was a night of claiming, Blue would be the first to go up on stage and set the tone for the others. The claiming was a primal, erotic awakening of the soul to those of his kind. It brought out the need to protect; to kill anyone who would get in the way of what another felt was his by right. This wasn't his first claiming, and it wouldn't be his last. The only difference between Victor and the others was that he wouldn't be partaking. He was duty-bound to mate with Sasha. She spotted him across the club and nodded in his direction. He didn't expect an invitation to her world because he knew she felt she was the one who would have the upper hand in their relationship. He'd let her continue to think that.

The lights dimmed and an acoustic guitar started the intro to a song that Victor was very familiar with. It was one of his favorites. The stage was in the center of the club so that everyone could see Blue and his subject. The woman he chose would be completely covered in a blood red cloak. It would mask her scent until she was finally relieved of it. The cloak did a lot more than mask the scent of its wearer. It also lulled them into a sort of a trance. Making the wearer more susceptible to the instructions of the owner. Which in this case was Blue. As the woman entered the cage, the fabric of the cloak trailed behind her on the floor as she walked into the center of the cave. She stood facing the opposite direction of Victor. No one could see her face even if they tried. Nothing would be revealed until the cloak was removed. The rigger itself was adjacent to where she stood, but still center enough for everyone to see. This was the part that got him off. The ropes, the marks it left on a woman's flesh once she was released. Unbidden to him, an image of Nerina tied and bound for his pleasure surfaced. The picture itself blossomed into an entire motif of something so erotic, so beautiful, he instantly became hard. The show hadn't even started yet.
Blue entered the stage after the woman. His friend as always was very laid back, it helped set the stage for the mood in the club.

BOOK: Arctic Bound
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