Read As You Wish Online

Authors: Nichelle Gregory

Tags: #Contemporary

As You Wish (8 page)

BOOK: As You Wish
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She trusted him. They had only known each other for less than three days but she knew he would protect her.

Taking a deep breath, she lifted her head to meet his eyes. “I need to shower.” She needed ten minutes of something familiar, something sane.

“Sounds like a great idea.” He flashed her a naughty grin as his arms tightened around her waist.

Goosebumps zipped along her skin. “You want to shower with me?” She had never shared her shower with anyone. The very idea was deliciously shocking.

Vander nodded. “It’ll save time, if you would prefer not to…“

She studied him as her pulse raced. “Well…we
short on time.” Moving from his embrace, she headed in the direction of the bathroom with butterflies in her stomach. She was very aware of him right behind her as she pulled her unruly thick curls into a tucked ponytail.

What was she thinking? She couldn’t shower with him. She had never showered with any man. Now she was about to do it with a genie? “Why don’t you go ahead? I’ll get something ready to wear.”

“Come here.” He held out his hand.

Chapter Six

She hesitated for a few seconds before walking towards him. With bated breath, Karis watched him carefully untie the sash on her robe. It fell in a pool around her feet as his warm hands pushed down her pyjama pants. She shivered as his fingertips skimmed over her hips to lift her tank top up over her breasts already aching for his touch. Karis held her breath as he pulled the shirt over her head. Was she really going to do this?

“Never be afraid of me, Karis.” He turned her away from him to face the mirror.

She stared at their reflection in the mirror, mesmerised by the beauty of their contrasting bodies, his body so strong, dark and beautiful against her soft brown curves. He wrapped his arms around her waist and reached up to play with her taut peaks, lightly pulling on the tips as she moaned.

“Your skin is so soft and lovely.”

She smiled as he whispered in her ear, delighting in the feel of his hands caressing her body while he kissed her neck.

The sound of the shower coming on distracted her as he moved them forward. He had turned the shower on with magic! In a daze, Karis realised he was completely naked and her once single head shower was now covered with multiple shower jets.

“I’ll wash your back if you wash mine,” he teased, helping her into the shower.

“Oh, wow.” She stared at her transformed shower as pulsating jets of warm water hit her body from all angles. Hungry for his kiss, she turned to face him. His lips captured hers and all of her inhibitions were forgotten. She offered him her soap before squeezing some of the fragrant liquid into her own hands.

Shyly, she rubbed her hands against his hard pecs and defined abs, loving the sensation of corded muscles under her touch as he simultaneously massaged her neck and shoulders.

“I love touching you.” He turned her around to place a kiss on the back of her neck.

Karis closed her eyes and simply enjoyed the therapeutic pressure of his warm hands rubbing her back. She moaned as he massaged her soft ass cheeks and gasped as his hands slid to her hips to pull her back against his swollen, warm…no,
erection. His fingers slid between her thighs and she leant back against his chest and opened her legs to his knowing caress. A wild cry escaped her lips as his finger circled her clit.

How do you want me to touch you, Karis?

Oh, God, just like that.

She couldn’t think straight, knowing the thick, hard cock pressed against her back was all for her. The warm water seemed to dance upon her skin as she revelled in his intimate caresses. She placed one hand on the wall of the shower as the erotic sensations began to pinnacle.

“Vander,” she groaned as he nipped her earlobe. The sound of her tiny whimpers of pleasure could be heard over the water as he continued to tease her clit and stroke her silky wet folds. She was certain his fingers were vibrating within her, like the personal massager she had next to her bed.

The pulsating jets ricocheting off of her hard nipples, coupled with his unusual touch teetered her closer and closer to release. The force of the orgasm stole her breath away as it rippled through her. Her mouth fell open in a silent cry as the waves of her climax rolled through her. She closed her eyes and sagged against Vander and he held her as the spirals of pleasure spun faster and faster. Her entire body hummed with energy.

Karis, open your eyes.

She obeyed and gasped. A million tiny droplets of water descending from the multiple showerheads dangled suspended in air around them! Still shuddering, she reached out to touch a droplet. The water fell and the shower began functioning as normal.

“What just happened? Was that you?”

“That wasn’t me,” Vander said, kissing her lips. “You’ve also got the ability to move things with your mind.”

“You mean like telekinesis?”

“Exactly. That’s an incredible ability to have.”

“You apparently have more than one ability as well.” She arched an eyebrow as she touched his hands.

Vander chuckled. “I’m Djinn. I have many abilities.”

She reached up, tracing rivulets of water falling down his bald head and along the strong column of his neck.

“We should get out,” he said, holding her gaze.

Not yet.
Speaking to him with her mind came as naturally as her need to please him. She poured soap into her hands, slowly creating a bubbly lather before enclosing her fingers around his cock. With her gaze locked on his, she carefully moved her soap-slicked hands down his rock hard length.

“Karis…“ Vander ground out as her nimble fingers encircled the crown of his penis.

My turn.
With leisurely strokes, she caressed the heavy length with one hand as she cupped his balls in the other. She could see the pleasure and desire reflected in the golden depths of his eyes and it emboldened her efforts.

“I love touching you,” Karis whispered, increasing the pressure and speed of her hands. She continued to explore his taut skin as he laced his hands at the nape of her neck, tilting her mouth towards his. He kissed her hard, deeply caressing her tongue in tandem with her strokes on his flesh. She lost herself in the experience of giving and receiving pleasure. This was how she’d imagined being with a man could be, but none of her previous boyfriends had ever evoked the fiery need and wanton lust fuelling her bold actions now.

He broke their passionate lip lock and she knew he was as close to losing control as she had moments ago.


She winked at him, marvelling at the shimmering flecks of yellow gold swimming in his eyes before he closed them with a low groan. Gently fondling his balls, she revelled in the satiny hard feel of his hot skin under her touch. She placed a kiss on his breastbone, moving her hands faster and faster up and down the soap-wet length of his cock.

For a split second, she lost rhythm as his hands palmed both breasts to tease her pebbled, water-soaked nipples. A surge of energy hummed through her hands and she knew he was close to release.

The strength of his climax surprised her along with the accompanying wave of pleasure that swept over her. His hoarse groan was music to her ears as she squeezed her slippery thighs together. She sighed as his arms wrapped around her waist, sated for the moment but nowhere near satisfied.

“I felt something too when you came,” she paused, looking up at him, “is that normal?”

“I’ve never had another woman mention that before.” He cradled her face with his hands. “What are you trying to do to me?”

She grabbed one hand and placed a kiss on his palm. “I’m trying to get you to make love to me, Vander, please I want you to.” Consequences be damned, she wanted him now.

“Are you sure?” he asked and with a flick of his hand the shower was off and back to its original state. Scooping her up into his arms, he stepped from the tub and placed her on the rug as he reached for a fluffy towel. “I don’t think you’re fully understand the bond that would always exist between us,” he said, applying the towel to her wet skin.

“I get it.” Whether she slept with him now or later, she wasn’t sure she’d ever get used to something so unfathomable to her.

“Do you really?” he asked, securing the towel around her. “There can be no going back, Karis.”

“Are you worried I won’t be able to handle it?” She tightened the towel before pulling her hair free of its ponytail.

“Handle what…our unbreakable connection, me making love to you, or the exchange of power to follow?”

She swallowed hard, looking away from his hard stare as he dried his body. Gazing at his gorgeous pecs, defined biceps and a tight six-pack she was dying to explore with her tongue, she seriously doubted she could handle any of it. She grabbed another towel, drying her heavy locks with unnecessary vigour.

“It’s the only way to help my mother, righ—” She stopped, frowning as Vander raised hand and placed a finger over his lips.

“Did you hear something?” he asked, standing perfectly still.

She stopped drying her hair to listen. “I don’t hear any—” She froze, hearing a muffled thud downstairs.

“Stay here.” He moved from the bathroom with lightening speed before she could reply.

A feeling of unease came over her as she slipped into her bathrobe and stepped into the hall to listen for Vander. She couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary from her vantage point. Seconds ticked by to what seemed like hours while she strained her ears listening for him. The silence was deafening. Where was he?


Stay put!

She flinched back against the wall, taken aback by the harsh tone in his voice. Releasing a shaky breath, she decided in an instant to go into her bedroom to dress, wanting the mental security clothing provided. As quietly as she could, she opened her lingerie drawer and selected a pair of yellow bikini cut panties. She bent over to pull the panties up when a deep growl behind her made her scream.

Turning on her heels, she stared in shock at the huge grey wolf racing towards her. The next few seconds seemed to take place in slow motion as the feral animal charged forward.

She screamed again as the beast knocked her to the ground and everything went black.

The bloodcurdling scream coming from the bedroom knocked the wind from his lungs as if he had been physically hit. Transporting in a nanosecond, he arrived in time to see the mighty grey wolf shift to male form. He lunged forward as the huge animal dragged Karis backwards.

“No!” He grabbed for her hand, but his fingers slipped through thin air as she disappeared from sight.

Breathing hard, he stared at the spot Karis had just stood. White-hot rage raced through his body as he cursed. She was gone, snatched right before his eyes by the one person he had never expected to see again.

Rue Tevori, the man who had stolen the heart of the only woman he had ever loved.

Was he now the leader of the rogues?

Vander slammed his fist into the wall, punching through the dry wall. He laced his fingers behind his head and stared heavenward, completely oblivious of his bloodied knuckles. He had promised her he would do all he could to keep her safe. The trusting look in her jade green eyes would be forever burned into his memory. He simply had not planned for Rue to track her down so fast.

The thought of Karis being taken by a Djinn known for his ruthlessness drove him crazy. She would be at risk, practically defenceless in his company without the full use of her gifts and it wouldn’t take long for Rue to realise her weakness.

He lifted her soft robe covered with her sweet scent and vanished in a blink of an eye. He was in a race against time to find her before Rue realised she was still vulnerable or worse…a virgin.

* * * *

Karis opened her eyes in darkness and instantly remembered the grey wolf. Panic rose in her throat, her childhood fear of dogs rising up in her heart all over again. She sat up slowly, groaning at what felt like a million tiny pinpricks of ice on her skin. Every inch of her body ached as if she had been twisted and compressed in some awful wringer. She bit her lip to keep from crying out as the painful prickling sensations ran up and down her skin.

The ground was cold and slightly damp as she struggled to stand up on wobbly legs. All of her limbs were out of sync and she moved uncoordinatedly as she tried to make sense of her unfamiliar surroundings. With her eyes adjusting to the dim light, she saw the circular stone wall surrounding her. A warm breeze floated over her and she looked up in surprise at the open ceiling and the night sky overhead.

How long had she been out?

The full moon peeked in and out of dark clouds, competing with the brilliant stars in a stunning visual offering, but she turned away from the amazing view. Shivers racked her body despite the mild temperature of her room.

Where was she?

With her hands outstretched, she walked forward until she touched the cold, stone wall. She stumbled along the perimeter in search of a window or door. Her hand finally fell upon a heavy wooden doorframe and she pulled on the heavy door handle with little hope of it opening. She was not disappointed. After several bone-jarring yanks, she gave up.

BOOK: As You Wish
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