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Authors: Karice Bolton

Awakening (22 page)

BOOK: Awakening
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My word! You can’t get any closer to perfection can you?” I said feeling the smile on my face unable to evaporate. Everyday Athen got kinder than the last, and I didn’t even think that was possible. I sat up in my bed, secretly wishing I wasn’t wearing the black t-shirt that Cyril bought me as a gift that read, “I DO ALL MY OWN STUNTS” blazing across the front with a stick figure biting the dust. I started to pat my hair down and then realized it was hopeless. It wasn’t like anything was bound to happen at this rate anyhow, so I gave up.

Hey now.” Athen said laughing.

For heaven’s sake that can be annoying. It will be nice when this whole mind reading thing doesn’t happen all the time.” I scolded him, grabbing my Top Pot donut.

When did you get up? I thought I would have heard you.”

I wanted to surprise you so I was pretty quiet. I’m glad it worked. I have a feeling with Arie in charge today, there will be very little time to grab anything to eat. We should get what we can now.” His beautiful eyes bringing me back to my wonderful dream from the night before.

Are you kidding? Is she that serious about it?”

Pretty much. We go along for the ride and try to help her carry her bags. That’s about it.”

I hope Matilda can keep up.” I looked over at Matilda who had a worried look in her big, brown eyes. She was a fit bulldog, but nonetheless still a bulldog.

I had a pretty incredible dream last night you know?” I teased him as best I could. “It almost seemed real. Maybe I just wanted it to be.” My voice trailing and my grin unable to be hidden.

Is that so?” Athen said grabbing and holding me tightly against his chest. “Wanna share any details?” He asked gently hugging my body back and forth with his.

Athen lifting me up and gently placing me on a boulder near the sea raced into my mind. He was frantically undressing me as our lips became connected driving us both into a madness we had been without far too long.

Absolutely not.” I said staring into his eyes. “Since you won’t give me the real thing, I’m not going to give you the satisfaction of hearing the fun stuff I’ve got going on up here.” I said pointing to my temple doing a double tap with my index finger.

Fair enough.” He kissed me on my forehead.

Can’t wait for the real thing though.”

Yeah, well I’m barely able to look at you let alone touch you at this point, sweetie, but it’s the way it’s got to be. You’ll see.”

I began hearing the others shuffling around in their room. I knew I had better enjoy my donut pretty quickly so I could hop in the shower to get ready for the day.

By the time we had made it downstairs to hit the streets of Seattle it was about 10 am, which in Arie’s mind was perfect timing since that is when most of the shops opened up. The fog started to lift down the streets of Seattle allowing all of the Christmas decorations to be exposed on the lampposts. I had made clear the stores I needed to visit, Nordstrom’s being first on the list. Much to my amazement, every store I had listed she also had planned on going to, plus some. It looked like today would be a whirlwind. Arie was a true shopper. Maybe if I was lucky she would want to keep on going, and Athen and I could sneak back to the hotel with Matilda or because of Matilda.

The streets were hustling with the typical business people rushing off to who knows where thinking things were far more important than they actually were, while in stark contrast witnessing the families who must have taken the holiday week off to be together. It was a truly friendly sight. All of the wreaths and holiday swags hung from building to building hanging above the streets creating a ceiling along 5
Avenue. The red, velvet ribbons were gently flapping in the light breeze reminding me how l was glad to have my jacket for the day’s adventures. I began to get a little flutter in my stomach at the thought of beginning the holiday shopping experience with my family. Matilda began pulling on the leash in the direction of Nordstrom’s and off we all went. I was looking forward to seeing the holiday window displays there. They were always impressive. Seattle was known for great ones, but Nordstrom’s really outdid the rest. The goal was to all take turns since we were buying for each other and stand post with Matilda outside each of the stores. So far it had worked wonderfully.




We began hearing chatter that snow might come down to the lowlands which made me think this might be the perfect time to head back to the hotel with Matilda and Athen. It was close to 5 pm and the day, had flown by so quickly with the guys taking turns watching Matilda as Arie and I went from store to store. I had gotten into the holiday spirit completely. I was thrilled to be marching through the aisles of scarves, knit caps, and gloves with the Christmas music serenading me throughout each department. I was beginning to realize how fun the holidays were. People were more relaxed, more kind and willing to chat a little longer. It made every environment a little bit more festive. I thought I had no more strength in my arms to carry the bags that I had accumulated and desperately needed to find the nearest Starbucks to crash. I explained my dilemma to Arie, and she completely understood. However, she wasn’t planning on stopping. She apparently had several more stores on her list so Athen and I decided to head back to the hotel. My master plan was actually happening - alone time with Athen. As I hugged Arie goodbye she whispered to me to ask Athen what he had planned for us tonight.

I looked over at Athen. He looked so innocent and casual. I wondered what he had up his sleeve this time. He grabbed my hand to prepare for the long walk back to the Westin; Matilda pulling us along excitedly. Athen’s warmth was reaching me through his coat. I was elated to be next to him enjoying this experience. My thoughts were few as I enjoyed the moment until the words White Christmas came into my head. That was odd I thought. That was one of my all time favorite Christmas movies, along with National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, and a Christmas Story, but I wondered why White Christmas popped in. Before I knew it, I was humming White Christmas aloud.

He looked at me smiling with a contentment that made me realize something happened that he was hoping for. I’m sure it was another step in the infamous process. I didn’t know the significance.

You read my mind, Ana! It is starting to come to you slowly.”

What is?” I asked not exactly sure what he was talking about.

He stopped on the sidewalk and hugged me while Matilda patiently waited for us to continue our march.

I kept repeating White Christmas in my head hoping you would pick up on it. You did. Soon you’ll be able to do that on more complete thoughts, and eventually, you’ll be able separate ideas from many thoughts. Also, I know it’s one of your favorites, and the 5
Avenue has a performance of White Christmas which we are going to tonight.” I hoped I could someday repay him the happiness that he gave me daily. How could I ever thank him enough? His surprises were endless.

I squealed, dropping my bags. I jumped up grabbing him as hard as I could.

Thank you so much. This day keeps getting better.” I whispered in his ear. I didn’t want to let go. I closed my eyes with happiness as he kissed my neck, only to see the serpent’s eyes staring back at me smiling as if he was kissing her.





he moment had finally arrived! We were sitting in line at the Ferry dock in Edmonds on our way to Kingston. We had arrived early since we had to pick up our turkey and ham that Arie had ordered from her favorite area meat shop, Bill the Butcher. They had also promised me that we would go extra early to walk around Edmonds before boarding the ferry. I was not disappointed. Edmonds was so cute. There were quaint little boutiques and antique shops with great cafes on every corner. I knew wholeheartedly that this would become a tradition before boarding the ferry to our home. I hadn’t told them that news yet. I was finally able to think those words, our home. I hadn’t been able to say the words aloud yet, but at least I could somewhat think them. The ferry worker began pointing at the lines of cars, directing us to inch forward to the loading dock. I hadn’t been on a ferry for so long that I looked forward to it. Athen said it was a short ferry ride, but I was excited regardless. It would be a delightful trip, even with the fog that hovered thickly in the air.

Athen was following the ferry worker’s direction as he pulled into the line on the second deck. He nudged as close to the car in front of us as possible so we didn’t get a scolding from the ferry workers. My fingers started tingling. I couldn’t wait to jump out of the car. I found my seat buckle and quickly unclipped it. I looked over at Cyril and Arie and noticed they weren’t unfastening their belts.

Are you guys staying in the car?” I pestered the group.

Yah, we’ve been on this a million times. Besides the ride is over before you know it.” Arie promised.

I wasn’t going to take her word for it and hopped out of the car, kind of stunned that they would take this trip for granted, no matter how quick. Athen opened the front driver’s door and climbed out. I was secretly relieved that it might be us two anyway. We snuck through the cars that were lined up in the tightly organized rows with only enough room to squeeze by. I followed Athen’s trail and saw him heading towards the tiny, little doorway that led to the staircase. I saw the red life rings placed on the metal walls as I headed toward the stair well. Athen got there first, grabbing my waist quickly as he brought me towards him. I noticed that most everyone seemed to be staying in their cars. It wasn’t only my carload of fuddy duds at least. I reached for Athen’s hand and instantly began to melt. The slight sound of the ferry churned through me as it began its journey across the sparkling Sound. The breeze began to make its way through the metal tunnels sending a shiver through me. The closeness was overwhelming.

As I touched Athen’s hand, he whisked me into the base of the stairwell and fully wrapped his arms around me. I gazed up into Athen’s eyes as he was looking out over the sound. His lustrous, green eyes taking everything in that he scanned. I sensed a distraction. He always had such an intensity surrounding him. That was a given. But I couldn’t put my finger on what was causing it this time. I tried not to dwell on the feeling, and before I knew it, I could feel his breath on my neck as he grabbed my waist closer to his. Suddenly his lips were touching my skin, gliding over my lips, to my neck, and then collarbone. My heart began pounding as the electrical currents began chasing through my veins. All my worries from the moment before began to drift away. The excitement of the moment almost made it unbearable to stay standing, which I think he sensed as he lifted me up against the stair railing. The coldness of the metal walls shot through my clothing chilling me. I didn’t mind one bit. It reminded me that this moment was indeed real.

To be in this moment with Athen, feeling his grasp around me as our lips touched each others, made my new world feel as if it was one big fantasy. I did not want to do anything to wake up from it. I wasn’t sure what all we could pull off in a stairwell, but I was thrilled to find out. I wrapped my legs around him. Beginning to unfasten his buckle when his hand gently covered mine and held me back. The images of us together on the beach were flooding through me. I couldn’t handle not being with him.

Now’s not the time my love.” He whispered softly in my ear. “We are almost to the dock.”

Please, tell me you are joking!” I glared at him but couldn’t for a minute be upset with him.

He was laughing pretty hard by this time. I rolled my eyes as he helped me off the railing. The door at the top of the stairs opened bringing down a gentleman with a newspaper, probably a nightly commuter, but then I saw his fingernails. They were long and dark like the ones from the other night. I could feel myself freeze in place. I knew I had to act my hardest to show nothing was wrong. I still had no idea whether or not demons could read my mind as much as my family could.

Well, that could have been embarrassing.” I sighed to Athen.

That’s an understatement,” Athen quickly shook his head, “I’ve got to watch myself with you.”

Even though I had missed most of the ferry ride and the scenery it had to offer, I wasn’t the least bit concerned because I knew in my heart that I would be traveling this route many times to come. Athen and I both situated ourselves back in the car trying to act nonchalant as ever.

The guy walking down the stairs on the ferry, where was he going? He didn’t seem interested in me. What’s up with him?” I asked.

We took care of him before you got back to the car, Ana.” Cyril sounded very serious and a bit distant.

Can you give me a little more than that?” I asked a bit baffled.

There was an Escalade about four cars behind ours, and that is where he was headed.” Arie spoke up.

Ok?” I asked not letting up.

Well, there was a man in the car, and his secretary was with him. They were on the way to his family home for Thanksgiving. Her family is on the east coast. Let’s just say he had thoughts that were not in his family’s best interest.” Cyril let out slowly.

He was going to cheat with his secretary on the ferry before going to his house where his wife and children wait? That is cold.” I sighed.

BOOK: Awakening
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