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Authors: Ashley Shayne

AWitchsSkill (6 page)

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“Take off your shirt,” he told me in a silky voice that
commanded obedience.

My heart rate sped up and I obeyed slowly, gripping the hem
of my flimsy shirt and slowly dragging it up and over my head.

“Now your skirt.”

I slid it down, working it off my hips and stepping out of
it. I stood before him, happy I’d chosen tiny, lacy, very expensive black
underwear that made me look amazing. I could see the appreciation in his eyes
as he ordered me to my knees. I did as instructed, sinking down to rest on my
heels before him. He paced around me slowly and anticipation shivered through

Coming to a stop before me, he slowly undid his belt and
wrapped it around one hand, the end dangling. It was thick and wide, made of
some ornate leather. I watched it as it swung and he smiled, wrapping his free
hand in my hair and pulling my head back.

“Are you afraid?” he asked softly.

“No,” I whispered in return, staring deep into his eyes.

He pulled my head farther backward and I had to move my arms
behind me to keep my balance. My breasts thrust out at him as my back arched
and he stepped closer, pressing my stomach against his leg and leaning in to
me. I looked up at him with a seductive smile, and his lip curled.

“Don’t you think you should be? I’m a vampire after all.”

“No,” I replied with absolute certainty. “You won’t hurt me.
Not if I don’t want you to, at least.”

He looked at me with pleasure, his eyes sweeping up my body
and coming to rest on my face. I saw lust in gaze and felt myself growing wet.

“Will you let me do what I want to you?”

His voice washed over me and I felt a dreamy, sinking
sensation as I surrendered my will to him.

“I will.”

“If it is too much, say ‘sparrow’ and I’ll stop
immediately.” He shook me gently. “Do you understand?”

“I do,” I murmured.

“Good.” He bent to kiss me, just a quick peck before he
straightened and said, “Lean forward. Put your forehead on the floor.”

I did and he knelt to brush my hair off my back, running his
nails down my spine. I shuddered and received a slap to my ass that jolted me. I
gasped and he rubbed me where he’d hit me, setting the nerves to tingling. I released
a shuddering sigh and the next instant the belt came down on my back, laying a
strip of fire across my skin. I moaned and he hit me again and then again in
quick succession. My entire being focused on my back and I writhed beneath the
lash. At some point, he’d grabbed my wrists to hold me still and I twisted in
his grip.

Suddenly he stopped and I lay gasping beneath him. He bent
to me and his tongue flicked out, tracing symbols along my spine. Stripes of
fire blazed along my back and lit up as his cool tongue ran over them. The
wetness on my back felt amazing and waves of pleasure seeped through me. He let
go of my hands and I lay limp, moaning with pleasure. He rubbed my back with
his other hand and moved his mouth to my neck. I moved my hips involuntarily
and he chuckled and slid his hand down over my ass and into my underwear. My
pussy was so wet his fingers slid easily inside, and I cried out in pleasure.

His fangs pierced my skin and he eased down on his side to
lie next to me, his fingers moving as he took tiny sips at my neck. He moved
one finger up to rub circles on my clit, thrusting ceaselessly into me with the
other finger. All thought was lost to me and I thought I’d drown in sensation. I
came explosively and he stopped moving, licking the wounds on my neck lightly.

After a moment’s rest he rolled onto his back, pulling me
onto him and placing my mouth at his nipple. I opened my mouth obediently to
suck on it, biting lightly. With an effort, I moved my arm up to stroke his
chest and then slid my palm down over his stomach. I got his pants open easily
and released his throbbing cock. I moved my hand along its length, dipping down
to grip his balls. He moaned with pleasure, gripped the back of my neck,
squeezing gently. I sucked his nipple harder and stroked up and down his hard

He moved suddenly, grabbing my thigh and swinging me on top
of him. My bra and underwear were ripped off in a move so fast that I didn’t
notice them go until I suddenly realized my breasts were hanging free. I gasped
as I came down on him and his hard length slid into me. He grabbed hold of my
waist and pressed me down on him hard, and I felt my legs start to tremble. I
moaned with satisfaction and wiggled on him. He sighed and shifted his hands to
my breasts, pinching my nipples as I rocked back and forth on him. He slid his
hands down to my hips and started to move me, rocking me faster and faster. My
vision blurred and I fell forward on him, burying my face in his neck and
clutching his shoulders as I came.

He tilted my hips forward and rolled us over so I was under
him. He moved fast, pounding in and out of me, and I felt the pressure building
in me again. I cried out his name over and over as he moved on me until
eventually he stiffened, crying out in a language I didn’t recognize, and came,
tensing his body against me.

He collapsed on top of me as I shuddered and I wrapped my
arms around him, letting my trembling legs relax as he slid out of me. Once my
breathing had returned to normal, I realized how sore my back was and pushed
him gently. With a sigh he rolled to his feet and bent to gather me in his
arms. He lifted me effortlessly and took me over to my bed. He lay me down
gently and gave me a soft kiss.

“Hmmmm… I’m glad you came home with me,” I murmured in

“I’m glad you invited me,” he returned. “I have to go now.”

I stared at him in disappointment. Although I wasn’t up to
another round right at the moment, I was certain I would be in a few hours. Really,
I just plain didn’t want him to go.

“Will you come back?” I asked him, not caring that I sounded
a little needy.

“Do you want me to?” he asked softly, laughter in his voice.
“Not too rough on you?”

“Mm, not at all. And I certainly want you to.”

“Well then, in that case I will. I have business to take
care of now. Being kidnapped and tortured for a few weeks can cause a vampire
to get behind on other responsibilities. I need to check on some things.”

“But you’ll be back?”

“That I will, my little witch. That I will.”

I glanced at the clock on my wall. 4:00 a.m. He had to leave
now if he wanted to be under cover by daybreak. I sighed and nodded, reaching
up to grab his shirt and pulling him down to properly say goodbye. I gave him a
kiss that left him gasping. He moved his hand down to give my breast a final
caress, staring into my eyes, before tearing himself away. Filled with regret
over his having to leave, I watched him walk to the door, admiring his tight
ass for the last time in who knew how long.

As weeks went, this one had been unique. I wondered who
would take over the twins’ business interests before realizing it really didn’t
matter to me. Whoever did, crime would continue. I hoped Acayo came back soon.
Somehow I felt he’d rather ruined regular humans for me and after this, my
normal old life would be rather boring.

“Don’t be gone long,” I told him as he reached the door.

He turned to take one last look at me as I lay naked and
displayed for him.

“Believe me, I’ll be back as soon as I can. Even if I
haven’t finished my business, I’ll make sure I’m back by the next full moon.
Wait for me.”

With a final seductive smile he turned and was gone.


About Ashley Shayne


Ashley was born and raised in Canada. She loves to travel
and enjoys photography. She lives happily with her cats and indulges a rather
dirty mind with her writing. Ashley is a new author and is very excited to be working
with Ellora's Cave.

Also by Ashley Shayne





Ellora’s Cave Publishing





A Witch’s Skill


ISBN 9781419994340


A Witch’s Skill Copyright © 2015 Ashley Shayne


Edited by Jill Noelle

Cover design by Allyse Leodra

Cover photography by Shutterstock


Electronic book publication July 2015


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