Read Back in the Saddle Online

Authors: Desiree Holt

Tags: #Romance

Back in the Saddle (5 page)

BOOK: Back in the Saddle
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He studied her face, waiting for his answer.

She shook her head. “That’s so far from the truth it’s not even in the same book.”

His voice dropped even lower. “Was last night too much for you? Is what you know I want more than you can deal with?”

Mutely, she just shook her head.

“Then I’ll pick you up at seven. Anyway, your father’s away until tomorrow so you’ve got a reprieve, if that’s really worrying you.”

I’m worried I won’t measure up. Is that what happened with your wife?

She wet her lips. “Even if he was here, I’d still have you pick me up. Okay?”

A slow smile crawled over his face. “Okay. See you tonight. And just to ice the cake, I’ll even feed you.”






Chapter Five


Molly changed clothes three times before she was satisfied.

What difference does it make? I’ll be out of them before I can hello.

She blushed at the thought and suppressed an urge to giggle, finally settling on new jeans and an embroidered shirt.

Hair up or down? A lot of makeup or a little?

She looked at herself in the mirror in disgust.

I am what I am. He liked it last night. If he doesn’t like it tonight, too bad.

She dithered so long over whether to wait inside for him or meet him outside that the doorbell rang, making her decision for her.

“Well. Is wow enough to describe how you look?” His expression was hot and hungry, his eyes lingering on her breasts and the crotch of her jeans.

“Works for me,” she grinned, suddenly shy.

He reached for her hand. “Come on. I’ve got two good steaks just waiting to be grilled.”

A couple of the hands were just coming in from riding fences when he ushered her up into the cab of his truck. Chance waved at them casually but kept his attention focused on her.

“Ranch gossip spreads fast,” she reminded him.

He reached over and squeezed her thigh. “No big deal. I’m not trying to hide anything.” He slid a quick glance at her. “Are you?”

Was she?

She let out a long, slow breath. “Nope. Not me, either.”

His hand touching her relaxed. “Good. So let ’em talk.”

During the ride to his house, she kept trying to think of something to say, but Chance, sensing her nervousness, turned on the radio and began to hum along with the tune.

Finally, he took one of her hands in his, squeezing gently. “You can still change your mind, Molly. I’ll understand. And no hard feelings.” He grinned. “If you’ll pardon the pun.”

She had the sense that, for whatever reason, he was as nervous about this as she was, and that made her relax a little.

“If I wanted to change my mind I would have done it last night,” she told him. She tilted her head a little to get a better look at his face. “Don’t tell me

He shrugged. When he spoke, his voice was flat. Uninflected. “Sometimes you just never can tell about women.”

Okay. Was this the ex-wife thing again? She decided silence would be her best answer.

“I have beer and wine,” he told her when they were inside his house. “What’s your choice?”

“Actually, I think I’d like a beer.”

He pulled two bottles from the fridge, opened them and handed one to her.

“I’d have thought after Houston your taste ran more to wine than anything.”

“You brought me a beer last night,” she reminded him.

He shrugged. “That was Rusty’s. The best thing they serve is beer.”

He tilted his bottle and she touched hers to it. They each took a long swallow, watching the other carefully.

Chance blew out a breath. “Screw it.” He took her beer and set it on the counter next to his then drew her into his arms. “Come here, Molly. I’ve been waiting all day for this.”

His mouth was hot on hers, first light then heavy, his tongue tracing the outline before licking the seam. She opened for him willingly, letting his tongue inside. It danced everywhere like a wild flame, scorching every surface. Heat surged through her body, soaking her already damp crotch and sending a tingling sensation to her breasts. What exactly was it about Chance McDaniel that he could make her explode with just a simply touch?

One hand clasped her head, holding it in place, while another splayed against her ass, pulling her hard against his swollen cock. She pressed her hips into him, rubbing herself back and forth against the thick shaft that threatened the burst free from his jeans at any moment.

Chance broke the kiss, trailing his lips across her cheek and finding the tender spot beneath her ear. He licked it gently, sending shivers dancing along her spine. His teeth nibbled lightly at the lobe of her ear, then scraped the column of her neck.

“I think dinner might have to wait,” he murmured, his lips at the hollow of her throat. “I need my appetizer first. And I can’t wait.”

His hands make fast work of her clothes. Tonight he was much faster removing her clothes, stripping her quickly as he kissed her mouth, her neck, the swell of her breasts. She toed off her shoes and kicked them to the side as he pulled her jeans and thong down her legs. His warm hand palmed her pussy and one lean finger explored her folds.

“God, you’re so wet already,” he breathed.

He inserted one finger and she rocked back and forth on it.

“Jesus, Molly, you just do it to me.”

Reaching his hands to cup her ass, he lifted her and, in one fluid motion, laid her out on the kitchen table, brushing the newspapers on it to the floor. Bending her knees back, he exposed her cunt to his gaze, all but licking his lips.

“Do you every play with toys, Molly?” he asked, his breathing uneven.

“T-Toys?” Did he want to know about her vibrator? How could she admit to something so personal?

“Yeah, toys.” He slid his tongue the length of her slit and looked up at her with her juices glistening on his mouth. “I like toys. All kinds of toys. Ever try Ben Wah balls, for example? Or a vibrating butterfly?” Desire darkened his face. “I’ve even got one I can control with a remote. Ever try them?”

Quick pulse beats thudded through her, waking up that dark desire coiled low in her belly. The throbbing in her pussy increased in intensity. She wanted to ask him a million questions about what he was saying, but her tongue seemed stuck to the roof of her mouth.

He lapped at her again, drew a line from her clit to her navel then up to the valley between her breasts.

“I think I’ve been holding onto them just waiting for you, sugar. Yes, I’d have to say that’s what I’ve been doing.”

He put his lips over her clit again, tugging on it and nipping lightly with his teeth. Little mewling sounds came out of her mouth, sounds that turned deeper when Chance bent to his task in earnest. There was no area of her pussy he left untouched by his mouth. Every inch was thoroughly licked, thoroughly tasted, thoroughly nipped and nibbled. When at last he thrust his stiffened tongue inside and began to fuck her with it, she had to clench her hands to withstand the explosion of sensations.

She wanted to come. Needed to come. But Chance again teased and played, taking her right
and then backing off until she was sure she couldn’t stand it one more minute. She heard herself sobbing and pleading with him. Her hands reached for his head, tugging on his hair.

Finally, finally, he thrust his tongue one last time, pinched her clit, hard, and she exploded, pouring into his mouth. He held her as she convulsed, spasms rocking her, shaking her. He sucked her dry, staying with her through all the aftershocks, until she lay spent and gasping.

When he moved so his face was close to hers, she could see her cream on his mouth and chin. And when he kissed her, she tasted herself, a tart yet sweet taste that threatened to arouse her all over again.

He brushed light kisses on her mouth, then straightened. “Don’t move. That’s an order. I’ll be right back.”

She wasn’t sure she could have moved, anyway, but she lay there, eyes closed, wondering what he was doing. She opened her eyes when she heard his boots on the hardwood floor. His smile was both sexy and predatory as he held up a small box.

“A little treat for you, sugar.” He opened the box and removed two smooth metal balls connected by a thin string of some sort. “Ben Wah balls. Ever seen them? Used them?”

Used them? Boyd probably would have laughed her out of the bedroom. But she certainly knew about them from all her surfing on the Internet. She’d figured at least she could learn about these things, toys to enhance sexual satisfaction, even if she had no one to use them with.

Her eyes widened when she looked at the metal balls. “Where did you get them? Are they…” No. she couldn’t ask him if he’d bought them when he was married. She clamped her lips together.

“Are they what, Molly? Believe it or not, I bought these for you. Just for you.”

She stared at him. “Since last night? But…”

He stroked a thigh, his fingertips light as feathers. Her inner muscles clenched.

“When the time is right I’ll tell you how long I’ve had them. And why. Last night I told you I’d been waiting a long time to be with you and I meant it. But for tonight, we’re just going to enjoy everything. All right?” He dusted his fingers over her nipples. “Are we good to go?”

Yes, yes, yes!

She wanted to shout it at him, but she settled for a nod. She wanted to ask him why they couldn’t discuss what he’d said right now, but with the ribbon of arousal winding through her, she couldn’t even form words, much less think.

He touched one of the tiny balls with a fingertip. “These here are extra special. They have a tiny vibrating tongue inside them for extra stimulation.” He bent and placed an open-mouthed kiss on her pussy, then straightened again. “Hold your knees, Molly, and pull them back to your chest. I promise you’ll love this.” He dropped his voice. “It’s all for your pleasure, sugar.”

She felt the coolness of the metal as he inserted the balls into her vagina, pushing them with his finger to seat them properly inside her. When he was finished, he took her hand and helped her off the table, giving her another brief but hot kiss. The tiny balls shifted inside her.

“It feels…strange,” she told him.

“A good strange?” he asked.

“Yes. Good. I think.”

He grinned, a hungry look on his face. “Walk across the room for me, Molly. Tell me what happens.”

She hadn’t taken more than four steps before she felt the balls sliding back and forth and tiny vibrations shimmering through her cunt. She had to stop and steady herself.

“Ohmigod!” She turned to look at him. “They make me feel…tingly.”

One corner of his mouth tilted up. “Tingly?”

“You know…” She was too embarrassed to actually tell him if she walked around with them long enough, she’d probably come without him even touching her.

But just like last night, he wasn’t letting her off the hook. “I want the words, Molly.” He walked over to stand in front of her, hands on her shoulders. “Does it make you want to have an orgasm? To climax?”

She nodded.

“Say it.”

“They make me want to come,” she whispered.

“I like to hear you say the words. It makes me hot.” He kissed her. “Now I think it’s time for me to grill the steaks.” He winked. “You can toss the salad.”

Her jaw dropped. “You want me to walk around with these…things in me? Fix a salad naked?” she glanced at the table. “Eat dinner where I just…we just…”

He nodded. “I do. Got a problem with that?”

She knew he was just waiting for her to object to something. And she sensed it wasn’t in an effort to humiliate her. This was some kind of test, and she didn’t plan to fail it. She smiled at him, although it was a bit shaky what with the vibrations humming insistently in her cunt.

“No problem.”

“Okay.” He let out a breath. “Salad fixings are in the fridge. I started the grill before I went to pick you up so it should be just about ready.”

If Molly could find one word to describe the dinner, it was
. For one thing, she was completely naked while Chance was still fully clothed making dark, erotic images flash through her mind. Every time she lowered her eyes to the surface of the table, it reminded her that they were eating on the very surface on which he’d just brought her to climax with his mouth. And just to disrupt her concentration even more, whenever she shifted in her seat, the little balls bumped together and the metal tongues inside them set off a fresh wave of sensations.

Chance ate his steak and drank his beer, keeping up a running conversation about nothing, but his eyes never left her nipples, which by now were so hard and swollen she wished he’d put his mouth on them and relieve the pressure. She wasn’t sure exactly how she ate anything at all, but at last Chance rose to clear the plates away and stack everything in the sink.

She was standing there, rinsing them off, when she sensed him behind her and felt a quick slap on her ass, a stinging that radiated through to her thighs and her pussy and sent those erotic little balls rolling around. Immediately her body was caught in the grip of a minor orgasm, every part of her shaking as her cunt muscles clenched and clenched and clenched.

BOOK: Back in the Saddle
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