Read Bad Biker Stepbrother 3 Online

Authors: Michelle Black

Bad Biker Stepbrother 3 (5 page)

BOOK: Bad Biker Stepbrother 3
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“Keep watching,” he purrs against her shoulder.

“I can’t,” Mia whispers. “I’m going to be late for work if I do.”

Damon tsks in her ear and bites down on the fleshy part. Mia bucks under him as her body reacts. She feels a gush of liquid between her thighs and she knows she is going nowhere until this need has been taken care of.

Pressing her ass against his hard bulge, Mia rocks her hips and groans as he meets her movements. His fingers tug on her nipples, sending bolts of lightning through her body. “It’s okay; you won’t be late because we have lots of time.” Damon licks her ear as he talks.

“Mmm...lots of time,” Mia sighs. “Hours even.”

“Yes, hours,” his hand slides down to the top of her shorts. “Hours and hours.”

She knows she doesn’t have hours, but she does have a half hour she can spare. She had planned to show up an hour early for her first day at work, but she could show up a half hour early, too. Struggling with her button, she finally manages to undo the shorts. Damon waits patiently as she works on the button, but before she can pull her shorts off; his hand is under the fabric, tickling the soft patch of hair between her legs.

His fingers probe and rub as he tickles Mia’s clit. She shifts so her legs are wider, but the shorts restrict her movements. Groaning, she thrusts her hips forward and tries to offer him access to her clit fully. He chuckles against her neck and flutters his fingers against her clit again, teasing her.

Mia arches her back, and Damon nibbles on her shoulder; licking and biting the sensitive skin there. She cries out as her need builds, but still Damon teases her. Reaching between them, Mia grasps the hard bulge in Damon’s jeans. His scent flows to her, oil and all man from working all day at the garage.

Damon groans as she rubs his shaft through the fabric, and she smiles at how fevered his kisses become as she does. Damon’s other hand slides down to her hips, and he pulls the black shorts off of her, followed by her white panties. He stares at her in the mirror as his fingers plunge her depths and he slips one inside.

Gasping, Mia grasps his cock like it’s an anchor keeping her from floating away in her ecstasy. Her hips move of their own volition as she matches Damon’s strokes of her clit. He stretches her with his fingers and slips a third finger inside, thrusting deeper and deeper as he rubs against her g-spot.

Mia shudders in his arms as her orgasm washes over her. Gasping in an effort to draw in air, Mia smiles at Damon. “That was wonderful. I should really get ready for work.”

She takes a step away from her and he says, “Not so fast, Mia. I haven’t come yet.”

Turning towards him, she purrs, “Do you want me to get you off, babe?”

His eyes fill with lust and he grinds his teeth in an effort to control his libido. “No, I want to come deep inside of you.”

“Oh, I don’t think we have time for that,” she teases as Damon turns her back around and presses her ass against his shaft.

He reaches between them and frees his straining erection from his jeans, kicking them off along with his underwear. Pushing her forward, Mia places her hands on the dresser as she feels his cock circle her opening. Then, in a quick thrust, he is buried inside her to the hilt. Mia screams in ecstasy as his cock fills her. They still for a moment before they begin moving in perfect harmony. It is always like this, the rush, the need, the feeling of perfection between them.

Mia closes her eyes as the tension of her orgasm builds in her body. Damon kneads her breasts, pinching her nipples, as he surges inside of her. He bites at her neck and growls, “No, look into the mirror. Watch yourself come, Mia.”

Her eyes flick open, and she stares at them. She loves the way his dark, tanned hands look on her breasts as they sway from the force of his thrusts. Loves the way her body glistens with sweat from their lovemaking. But what really has her coming undone is the need and desire in Damon’s eyes as he stares into the mirror at her.

She watches him, her orgasm building, the coil becoming tighter and Damon watches her as his cock slides in and out of her. Their eyes are filled with so much emotion—love, desire, ecstasy, trust...before she can even explore those emotions, she is shattered, her orgasm crashing through her as she screams out her desire.

Damon bites her neck and she manages to keep her eyes open as she watches him come seconds after her. He yells out her name and she feels his seed coating the inside of her pussy, which flutters around his cock as he comes.

When they finally catch their breath, Mia smiles over her shoulder at him as he pulls out of her, “I should really get to work.”

“Stay home and quit the job. You don’t need to work there,” Damon murmurs against her neck.

She stills. She had thought this lovemaking was them overcoming this fight, but it was just Damon trying to get his way. “Damon, I am going to work tonight, and I am going to work there. I am not quitting.”

He pulls away from her and grabs his clothes. Mia turns and stares at him in disbelief. “Why are you being like this?” she asks. “You are working, and I never took you for a chauvinist who thinks a woman’s place is in the home.”

His eyes fill with anger and his jaw tightens. “I am not a chauvinist! I don’t want you working there because I don’t want drunk guys all over you. I don’t want to have anything happen to you if one of those drunk guys decide to do something more than just flirt.”

Mia’s eyes narrow, “And you don’t think I can take care of myself? I had lots of drunk guys pushing up on me in college and I handled” She bit off the last words, her voice rising to a yell.

“Look, Damon. If this is going to work between us, I need you to trust my judgement. I have trusted yours when you went out and did your thing in Chicago and look what happened there. I deserve a bit of trust, and you need to stop trying to control me!”

Damon turned away from her, “Fine, you want my trust; you can get yourself to work. You better hurry or you are going to be late.” With that, he headed for the door and the guest bathroom as Mia stood in the center of the room, completely shocked by his reaction.


“Did I lose you there?” Jake asks and Mia feels tears brimming in her eyes as she hears the echo of Damon in the question. He had asked her that very thing back in Chicago.

“Sorry, I was just thinking about Damon,” she says and turns to stock beer in the large fridge behind the bar.

Jake leans against the bar and cracks open a bottle of water before he says, “When am I going to meet this boyfriend of yours? I am beginning to think he doesn’t exist.”

Mia shrugs her shoulder. “I’m not sure. He doesn’t really like me working here at the bar so he avoids coming in. He’s the reason I shifted to day shifts despite the crappy tips. I can make so much more working nights, but he doesn’t want me at the bar after closing.”

“And you listened to him? Wow!” Jake says, “I really thought you switched to days because you saw they hired me.”

Mia laughs, her sadness taking a backseat to Jake’s teasing. He always made her laugh, and he was becoming a very good friend. She couldn’t help wondering how Damon would feel once he found out about her friend. They rarely spoke lately. He came home shortly after her every evening and then they ate together before watching a bit of television.

Damon was done with the gang and didn’t even associate with the friends he had made in Florida in his old life. He was home every night for her, but the problem was he wasn’t really there. They talked about the weather and things they were watching on television. He ate dinner, surprised her with flowers, and every night they made love before falling asleep. Mia always had tears in her eyes when she fell asleep.

It tore her heart to pieces every day and she wasn’t sure how to fix the rift that was between them. Oh, wait, she knew...she could quit her job and Damon would be happy.
But she wouldn’t be.

Sighing, she says, “As nice as you look, you just aren’t my type, especially since I have Damon.”

“Ouch,” Jake says, clutching his heart. “That hurts so bad. Here I thought I could steal you from Damon and you would ride away with you on my Harley. I did tell you I had a Harley, right?”

Her laughter fills the bar and she notices the men at the table glance up at them. The one who had spoken to her raises a hand to catch her eye. She nods, but she feels a shiver up and down her spine—there is just something about the man that really makes her uneasy.

“No, but I’ve seen it. Damon drives his own Harley so, in that area, you are both equal.”

Jake groans, “Damn, I thought that would be the winning card.”

Laughing, Mia shakes her head and turns to walk over to the men. As much as he flirts, Mia knows Jake isn’t interested in her sexually. He is just a friend, a sunny spot to her day...a sunny spot that was growing dimmer the closer she walked towards the bikers across the bar.

Chapter Five

Mia sits back on the large couch in the employee’s lounge and closes her eyes. She was exhausted and it is only the beginning of her shift. Why did she agree to take a double?

At the end of her shift, Tony, the bar’s owner, had poked his head out and asked her to work tonight since two of the girls had called in sick. She had agreed and Jake had taken the second shift. Although she should be out in the bar, Mia needed a few minutes to catch her breath after the phone call with Damon.

He had been livid when she told him she was working the night shift as well.


“Why the hell are you working tonight? Can’t someone else cover for you?” he asks and Mia winces at how harsh his tone is.

“No, everyone is busy and I figured I could use the hours.” Mia says as she stares into the bathroom mirror. Her eyes are red but no tears have fallen yet.

“We don’t need the money,” Damon says, his words clipped.

“I know. But you are the one that said we needed to look like we needed work. If I turned my boss down, it wouldn’t look that way.”

She could hear him pacing, but she wasn’t sure where he was. His breathing is heavy and the silence spreads between them as the seconds tick by. Is he really that upset?

“Okay, who is working tonight?”

Mia blinks in surprise, the anger is gone from Damon’s voice, “Ummm...Tiffany, Helen, myself, the bouncers Carl and Mike, and my friend Jake is working bar with me.”

“Jake?” he asks as Mia winces again. Damn, why did she have to introduce Jake in that manner.

“Yeah, I told you about him.”

No, I did not,
she thinks to herself at the exact time that Damon says, “No, you did not.”

Taking a deep breath, Mia explains, “He was hired a week after me, and we work the afternoon shift together. He usually waits while I tend bar. He’s really funny and a lot like you. I was thinking we could go out for drinks with him one night so you can meet him.”

Mia’s words ramble together, and she knows that she is nervous. She just isn’t sure why she’s nervous. She’s had guy friends before her and Damon got together.

“Should I be worried, Mia?” he asks quietly and, for a second, Mia wasn’t sure if she was hearing things.

Then her laughter fills the bathroom and the phone, “Of Jake? No, he isn’t my type for one and for the other, there is no one else but you for me.”

“Hmmm,” he says in reply. “Well, I suspect you’ll be home about when?”

“Around three. After the bar closes and we do cleanup, I should be home around three.” Mia says and despite his words, she can tell from his tone that he is not happy about it.

“Fine. I will probably be asleep when you get home. I’ll see you tonight.”

The line goes silent, and Mia knows he has hung up on her...without saying goodbye or I love you. Tears spring to her eyes and she spends the fifteen minutes before her shift crying in the bathroom.


“Mia?” Jake’s voice breaks through her thoughts and she wipes away the tears that are threatening to fall again. This was such a big mess, and she couldn’t see a way to fix it.

Looking towards the door, she takes a calming breath as Jake comes around the corner, “Are you okay?” he asks when he sees her.

“Yeah, just tired.” She manages a weak smile, and Jake narrows his eyes as he looks her over.

“Don’t look tired,” he says quietly. “Boyfriend trouble?”

Mia sighs and nods. “Yes, he wasn’t that happy about me working late. I am not supposed to have a late shift. This just makes him worry, I guess.”

Jake crashes down in the seat beside her and wraps his arm around her shoulders. He brings her into his chest and rubs her back. Mia stiffens for a second before she finally gives in and starts crying in his shirt.

“I don’t understand why he is so cold lately. It is like he regrets us being together because I’m not doing exactly what he wants me to do. It’s like I’m challenging him or something.”

“I doubt he regrets your relationship,” Jake says as he rubs her back. “I know Damon and...”

“Wait? What? You know Damon?” Mia asks and she pulls away from Jake, her eyes searching his confused ones.

“No, not personally,” he says, but Mia can’t help but wonder at the emotion in his eyes. She would swear that he was lying. “I meant, I know guys like Damon. The big man that likes to be in charge, right?”

Mia continues to study his face, but the emotion she saw a few seconds before is gone. Drawing her eyebrows together in an unasked question, she says, “Yeah, he definitely does like to be in charge. How did you know?”

“From things you said. I know guys like that...hell, I am guys like that,” Jake laughs as Mia shakes her head. “Oh sure, I come off as a gentleman with you, but that’s because you’re taken. If you weren’t, I would have pulled my attitude and had you falling all over me.”

“I didn’t think that would matter even though I am dating someone,” Mia says as she wipes at her tears. She was feeling better already, “You hooked up with Jill and she’s dating someone.”

“Yeah, but he isn’t an alpha male so I can poach. I have to look at things and weigh them before I go after a girl...namely, I look at whether I will be getting into a fight with the guy and whether I can really get the girl.”

BOOK: Bad Biker Stepbrother 3
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