Bears in Flight: Book Four - Supernatural Bounty Hunters Romance Novellas (7 page)

BOOK: Bears in Flight: Book Four - Supernatural Bounty Hunters Romance Novellas
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Chapter Seven

Mia frowned at the phone as her rabbit mewled in consternation. He was avoiding her calls, she just knew it. Oh lord, he was avoiding her – he wanted to break up, he wanted to leave her!

She felt her chest constricting and forced herself to breathe again. No, no, it was probably nothing. He was probably just busy. Maybe he was catching a skip, although as far as she knew he was actually up to date with them. She certainly hadn’t given him a new one.

Usually, even when he was out hunting, he would still stop to take a call from her. She remembered once that he had been wrestling with an alligator bounty and had called time out just to speak to her. Apparently, the alligator was too stunned actually to run.

She bit her lip and stared at the closed door of her uncle’s office. He had left abruptly with Logan and when Marcus returned he was still in a foul mood over Ling going away for the weekend. Ling had followed him into his office and tactfully shut the door. They’d been in there for forty minutes now. Mia just thanked god she couldn’t hear what was going on. There were certain things you didn’t need to hear your uncle doing…

However, she wanted to ask Marcus what he and Logan had been up to that morning, and she wanted to ask him what the heck her father had been talking to him about. If it was about her, she had a right to know. But, there was no way she was interrupting whatever was going on to ask.

Letting out a protracted sigh, she got up and went to the kitchen to make a cup of chamomile tea. That would calm her down; her little beast loved chamomile.

A few minutes later she came back out and was startled to find one of their other bounty hunters sprawled on her desk and flicking through the novel she had left there from lunch. Not just any novel - a steamy, bodice ripper.

She blushed as Stone looked up and winked at her. “Good book?” he asked huskily.

Ugh, Stone had no manners
. She stomped over and ripped it from his hands, stowing it away in her purse.

Stone was a six-foot-eight rhino shifter. He didn’t have Logan’s long legs, but he was easily wider and more muscled than Logan – and that was saying something. She understood that Stone enjoyed boxing in his spare time, but she had a feeling he didn’t exactly indulge in legal fights. In legal fights, shifters weren’t permitted to turn into their beasts; in underground fights the shifters did whatever the hell they wanted.

Feeling adventurous, she’d once suggested to Logan that they should go and watch him fight. She’d never seen Logan go so green so quickly. He told her it wasn’t for her and made her promise she would never go. Evidently, the fights were pretty brutal.

Stone was also an unbelievable flirt and a total man-whore. He was already on Marcus’ and Jackson’s shit lists for flirting with their respective mates. Although, Mia knew he only did it to piss them off. He also flirted with her and asked her out on dates whenever he got the chance, but she took no notice of him. She was pretty sure it was only a reflex to whenever he saw a female. Mia didn’t imagine that Stone actually wanted to take a rabbit out on a date. The two of them hardly went together.
Right, because she went together so well with Logan…

Her rabbit let out a disapproving chitter, and Mia refocused on the rhino currently draped over her desk.

With a resigned air, she asked him what in the world he wanted.

He affected a wounded look. “Sweetheart, can’t I just pay my favorite rabbit a visit?”

“Ummm hmmm.”
Like she believed that.

“And given that I’m here anyway, do you have any work?”

He waggled his eyebrows and in spite of herself she giggled.

Oh, she caved; she couldn’t stay mad at such a roguish look.

“Sure, here,” she passed him a file, “23-year-old lion shifter supermodel got into a catfight with her roommate.”

His eyebrows almost shot off his head. “You’re kidding?”

“Of course, I am!” she cried in between laughs. “It’s actually an 80-year-old who was caught shoplifting a turkey up her dress.”

“Funny, sweetheart.” He tried to frown in censure but it didn’t reach his twinkling eyes.

He flicked through the file for a few minutes before nodding and heading for the door. He turned back and smiled smugly. “Tell Ling I said hey.”

He chuckled and made his way out.

Mia felt a trill of disappointment and snapped at herself to get it together. Stone had seemed like his usual self, yet, for once, he hadn’t actually asked her out on a date.

It was so stupid, and her rabbit agreed vociferously. She didn’t like Stone that way; she would never date him. Yet, she was bent out of shape at the fact that he hadn’t made a half-hearted offer to take her out on a date that neither of them wanted. She just felt that if even the biggest man-whore in the whole of Playa Lunar didn’t want her, then why would anyone else? God, she was pathetic.

Maybe she was just feeling uncertain about herself because she was worried about Logan. Which was silly, Logan told her over and over that she was his mate. At least he liberally used the word ‘mine’ whenever they were having sex.

Freaking hell, she was needy. One phone call from another female and a couple of missed calls and she was falling to pieces. Yikes, if she were Logan she’d back off from the clingy rabbit too.

Nope, instead of going all fatal attraction, she was going to behave like an adult.
Ugh, she hated that movie – that poor bunny!

She whipped out her phone and texted Logan. She asked him if she was going to see him that evening, and she left it at that.

Resolutely, she put her phone back in her purse. Maybe she’d take a look at it in a couple of hours. Or perhaps an hour. Ten minutes?
Twenty seconds…

Darn it! Where was her willpower when she needed it?


Mia collected her mail and dragged her feet up to her apartment. She’d checked her phone every five minutes throughout the whole afternoon and hadn’t received a single reply from Logan.

She’d hoped that he would have called to offer her a ride home, but he hadn’t. Instead, she had begged a ride from Marcus and Ling, and pretended she couldn’t see what Marcus’ hand was doing on Ling’s thigh. Marcus was in a much better mood after spending a good two hours locked in his office with his wife.

Dejectedly, Mia took one last glance at her phone and almost screamed as it started ringing. She was disappointed it wasn’t Logan, but soon perked up when she saw it was Julian.

Although they didn’t see each other particularly often, they were close friends. Julian had started his own successful software company and did a lot of work-related traveling.

Mia eagerly answered. “Hey! How’s my favorite CEO?”

His warm chuckle resonated down the phone. “Can you really be called a CEO when you only have twenty employees?”

“Twenty employees so far,” she corrected him proudly.

“Could be twenty-one…” he murmured meaningfully.

They’d both studied computer sciences together, and Julian regularly offered her a job at his company. She was tempted –
very tempted
– but she knew that her dad would raise holy hell if she even tried to leave her current job.

“I wish,” she said with feeling.

Julian paused. “You okay? You sound a bit down.”

“I am a bit,” she admitted sadly.

“Problems with the boyfriend?” he asked placidly.


Julian let out a breath. “I’m out of town at the moment, but I’m back on Friday. How about we get together then?”

“I’d like that.”

“Cool, I’ll give you a call.” He hesitated for a second, “It was nice to talk to you; I feel like we hardly see each other anymore.”

“Same here, but then I’m not the jet-setting CEO…”

He snorted good-naturedly. “I fly coach, invariably squashed between two elephant shifters who fall asleep on me. Anyway, I better go – take care, Mia.”

“You too.”

She hung up and smiled. Just talking to her friend made her feel better.
Mildly so, anyway
. But just as quickly as her mood lightened it plummeted down again as she felt a prickling on the back of her neck.

Her rabbit scampered around nervously as Mia turned round. All she saw was her dimly lit hallway and the very tasteless female nude paintings on the wall. Honestly, she’d asked her landlord three times to get rid of them, but his niece was the artist, and he was convinced they ‘classed up the joint’…
They didn’t.

It was the strangest feeling; she was sure someone was watching her. Or had been, anyway. It was probably just her imagination.

She shook her limbs and tried to chase her unease away before opening the door to her apartment. She was a little surprised to find Logan there, but at least he had the sense to put the light on that night.

Mia shut the door and shucked out of her coat and shoes. Logan tracked her movements; silently watching her from his seat on her couch.

She stood in the doorway, suddenly shy. “Hi.”

“Hey,” he rumbled and gave her a heart-stoppingly handsome crooked smile.

Her rabbit just about swooned, and Mia inwardly groaned.
Silly little beast

“Where were you today?” she asked softly. “I tried calling…”

His impassive expression gave nothing away. “A friend of mine was arrested; I asked Marcus to bail her out.”

“Her?” Mia blinked at him;
was this the infamous Maya she’d been anxious about all day?

“Yes, her.”

“Do I know her?”

“No,” he said sharply, “and you don’t want to. She’s bad news.”

Mia sensed the tension coiling within him, but she couldn’t help her curiosity. “But you’re helping her, and you said she was your friend, she can’t be that bad.”

Logan scooted forward on the couch. “I didn’t come here to talk about her; I came here to see you.”

She worried the hem of her shirt between her fingers.
Why won’t he talk to her?
Why was he hiding so much from her? He knew her inside and out, but why wasn’t she allowed to get to know him? “Is she an old friend? Did you know here before you met me?”

His jaw twitched. “I don’t want to talk about her. What happened before I met you isn’t important to me anymore.”


“I said I don’t want to talk about it,” he snapped.

She flinched at his tone, and his face immediately creased with regret. “I’m sorry, baby; it’s just been a long day. Come here.”

He held out his big, strong arms, and she only hesitated for a fraction of a second before she ran to him. He easily curled her into his arms and nuzzled her neck, kissing and scenting her hair. Her rabbit sighed in ecstasy.

“You smell so good…” he moaned as his hands wandered over her body.

She couldn’t help the twitter of laughter she emitted as she felt his erection pressing against her leg. “You can tell me anything, you know,” she whispered.

Unexpectedly, he pulled back and looked at her warily. His eyes glittered whether in anger or desire she couldn’t tell. She would guess desire.
Or at least, she would hope desire.

His chest heaved as he stared at her. Emboldened, she slithered out of his grasp and slunk to the floor between his legs. She rubbed her hands along his hard, strong thighs.

“I love you, Logan.”

Her hands traveled up to his belt and nimbly opened it with her quick fingers. His eyes widened, with lust she was sure this time.

“There is nothing you can tell me that would make me stop loving you.”

She unzipped his jeans, and he inhaled sharply.

“And there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

In spite of everything, she blushed at finding him sans underwear. His face softened; he chuckled at her and tweaked a lock of her hair. She freed his cock and lovingly caressed him, smoothing her hands up and down his length.

He was hers, all hers.
Now and forever
. That thought sent her animal wild and tingles through her body. She bent over him and kissed the tip of his hard member.

He let out a throaty groan. “God, Mia,” he crooned.

She moaned at his delicious taste and sucked the head into her mouth, laving her tongue over him and swallowing his pre-cum.

Logan let out a keening growl and quickly grabbed her waist, pulling her back onto his lap. She straddled him and let out a surprised yelp as he ripped her skirt and panties away.
Oh, that was her favorite skirt…
He lifted her and swiftly impaled her on his engorged manhood. She cried at the sudden fullness but soon dissolved into breathy, little whimpers as he pulled her up and down his thick length.
Screw the skirt!

His eyes melted to the black of his bear; his face was set in furious lust as soft snarls escaped his lips. Mia pushed her tiny claws into his shoulders, not even breaking his thick skin. He mercilessly filled her over and over, growing hotter and harder inside, rubbing against her sweet spot.

BOOK: Bears in Flight: Book Four - Supernatural Bounty Hunters Romance Novellas
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