Read Beautiful Criminal Online

Authors: Shady Grace

Beautiful Criminal (6 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Criminal
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She kissed around his head, licking and sucking the bulbous tip before she drew him into her mouth.

Gabe cupped her face, gently guiding her back and forth along his shaft. “An angel with the devil’s mouth.”

A deadly smile curved his lips and it excited her. Clearly, he enjoyed what she did with her mouth, but Mima wasn’t planning on letting him finish there. She needed him inside her. In every way she could have him.

Feeling bold, she released him and stood up. Gabe watched, his sexy eyes glued to her every move as she gripped the bottom hem of her nightshirt and pulled it up and off.

“Fucking hell. You mountain women are dangerous.”

He pushed himself up to a sitting position. Now on the edge of the sofa, he pulled her against him, gripping her ass cheeks with his strong fingers. Boldly, he slid the tips of his fingers over the small of her back, and down the crack of her bum, making her moan in delicious rapture. He kissed her belly, drawing circles around her navel with his hot tongue. Then he skimmed a hand up her ribs, teasing her flesh along the way, until he pinched her nipple again. Mima let her head fall back and cupped his shoulders for balance.

Good God, he knew how to touch a woman.

“You’re beautiful. Perfect. You shouldn’t be messing around with me.”

His heartfelt vow cut right through her. But Mima didn’t care what he thought. This was about her need for pleasure. To be loved by a man, even if only for one night.

She moaned when he dipped his head and slid his tongue between her wet pussy lips. Instinctively, she spread her legs, allowing him better access to taste her. He ate her with a hunger only a man who knew his way around a woman’s body could. Thighs shaking, body quaking, she couldn’t stand anymore. She needed to sit on that beautiful cock and ride him until she screamed.

Mima pushed his shoulders until he rested against the back of the sofa. His gaze searched hers, hot and heavy with lust.

“These need to go,” she said, grabbing fistfuls of pant leg and sliding them off. He chuckled when she kicked them away and proceeded to crawl onto his lap.

“Naughty girl,” he murmured, grabbing her face and pulling her down for a kiss. He slid his tongue into her mouth, stoking the spark into a fiery flame.

Mima pumped his cock and positioned it at the core of her body. With a throaty moan, she sank down on his thick shaft and sealed their bodies as one. He filled her perfectly, deeply, creating an instant shiver of pleasure spiking through every nerve ending. She gripped his shoulders and rode him, grinding her body over him as if he held the key to fulfillment.

Tonight, he did.

Gabe groaned and gripped her hips, thrusting up deep and sure when she pushed down, fusing their bodies with a delicious friction. Mima arched her back and ground down harder, as he sucked her nipple deep into his mouth and rolled the aching bud between his teeth.

“Oh, God. Yes.”

The pulsing rush of an orgasm held her in its fiery grip. She gritted her teeth, so close to the edge of explosion.

“That’s my girl. Take it.” His fingers dug into her ass cheeks, encouraging her to take whatever she wanted, as hard as she wanted.

She skimmed her hand down her navel and slid her fingers desperately over her clit, stroking and pinching the sensitive nub until the quiver bloomed into something more tangible.

The orgasm blazed through her like a lightning strike. Mima cried out and fell against him, her body quivering and tingling in sexual madness. He held her tight, thrusting deeper, harder, before he gave in to his own shuddering climax. Gabriel stilled and he growled in the crook of her neck as he spent himself inside her.

They sat there, fused together, panting. Mima was too embarrassed to look at him after the way she’d reacted. They were nothing more than strangers who’d shared a few days together, and here she was, acting like a loose woman. Still, satisfied wasn’t a strong enough word for the way she felt right in this moment.

After a while, Gabriel pushed her back, a lazy smile curving his lips. She giggled, and her cheeks stung with a blush.

“I don’t know what came over me,” she whispered with a half smile.

He chuckled. “I don’t know, but I like it.”

She shifted on his lap, leaned down and kissed him softly, savoring his taste, his presence. “Gabriel?”

A long pause settled between them before he answered. “Yeah?”

“Take me to bed.”

She squealed when he hiked her up and over his shoulder as though she weighed little more than a can of paint, stood up, and laid a possessive smack to her bottom. He carried her to the bedroom and set her down on the bed. In the span of an hour, they’d moved from nurse and patient, to nurse and patient with benefits. Whether that was a good thing or not, she’d yet to find out.

He covered her body with his own, and Mima decided they’d deal with whatever this relationship was in the morning. For now, she was content to share her body with a man who knew how to use it. Her gaze met his and held as he drove into her, owning her with a raw hunger that made her feel wanted. Only when they’d found another heady release, did he settle in bed beside her and drew her close.

The quickness and ease with which they came together made her smile. She didn’t feel ashamed by what she’d done, quite the opposite. But as she welcomed his embrace and cuddled closer, she couldn’t help wondering about this mystery man named Gabriel, and what the days to come would bring.



Chapter Five


Mima’s eyes fluttered open and she stretched. An impish grin lit her sleepy face remembering the wild night she’d spent in Gabe’s arms. God, did he ever make love to her. He’d awakened her body to a level no man before him had even begun to reach. Every push, every moan and groan…all of it had given her a sense of belonging. He’d touched her as if he had the right, not tentatively, but possessively.

Two more days had passed since the first night they had sex. Weather around here had a funny way of snowing two people in. Although they passed the time leisurely, walking the property, caring for the dogs, and spending a hell of a lot of time in bed, she sensed he was agitated about something. Maybe he was worried he’d lose his job. Radio communication was limited to none in this rough weather.

But she didn’t feel so alone anymore, and that thought brought a smile to her lips. Yet when she reached across the bed to snuggle up to him, she felt nothing but blankets and his pillow.

She pushed up on her elbows.

Snowflakes floated down, blanketing the wilderness in white beyond the window. The yip and squeal of puppies playing outside marked a new day. What the day would bring, she wasn’t sure.

Thinking Gabe could be using the outhouse, she got out of bed, donned her nightshirt, and padded to the door. Coffee was the first thing on the menu as it was every morning. Before she reached the doorway, she heard his hushed voice. She stood behind the door, listening to the conversation.

“… It’ll be fine… I’ll get it… Is he pissed off?”

He must be using the radio. The voice on the other end sounded scratchy, and she couldn’t make out the other speaker’s words.

“I’m gonna need more time… No, she doesn’t know anything… Well, what do you expect me to do? Fuck.”

Her heart fluttered up to her throat. The conversation didn’t sound like a simple message to a concerned boss, and what did he mean by “she doesn’t know anything?” She blew out a shaky breath and walked out into the open space, keeping her gaze focused on the kitchen.

From the corner of her eye she saw him straighten. “Good to know,” he said loudly. “I’ll be in touch.” And he turned the dial to the radio off and set the receiver back in its cradle. “Good morning, beautiful.”

Despite her growing fear, the endearment brought a warm blush to her cheeks. She turned to face him, putting her worries aside for the moment, and offered him a winner of a smile. The last thing she wanted was for him to be aware she had a nagging suspicion he might get her into some kind of trouble.

Her gaze traveled down his naked torso. Once again, she saw the old battle wounds on his body, especially the nasty gash that started beneath his right nipple and disappeared into the waistband of his pants.
What did he do to be hurt in such a way?

Her brother’s pants hung low on his hips, giving him a sexy, lazy appearance. Almost enough of a distraction to forget what she’d heard.

“Good morning. Coffee?”

“Sounds great.” He smiled, and it made her all too warm inside. “I already grabbed a bucket of snow and put it on the stove to melt. I didn’t know what else to do from there.”

She giggled. “You city boys have a lot to learn about the bush, eh?”

“Never said I was from the city.”

A chill slid up her back, and she straightened. “No, I guess you didn’t.”
What am I doing?
Pulling a man out of a wrecked plane and nursing him back to health was one thing, but sleeping with him? She didn’t even know him. She closed her eyes and exhaled deeply, terrified of the danger she may have put herself in. There was
a lot
she didn’t know about him—which was partly her fault for not demanding answers.

Strong hands suddenly gripped her shoulders. Her heart pounded, but she kept a straight face. “There you go sneaking up on me again.” She let out a shaky laugh.

His hands skimmed down her arms, making her skin tingle. “I never meant to scare you. But a man has to be stealthy sometimes.” His hot breath seared a path on the back of her neck. She shivered. How could he scare her and turn her on at the same time?

“Everything okay with your boss?” She wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer. Maybe he’d be leaving now, or maybe she’d learn something she’d regret.

“Yeah. Could be another day or two before they can get me out of here…
I decide to leave.”

Mima spun around. “What?”

He shrugged, and his face took on a guilty expression. She stared at the sensual curve of his lips, how the bottom lip was fuller than the top. His five-o’clock shadow had thickened over the past few days, and she liked how the roughness of it contrasted with the sparkle of his earrings. Then she looked up to his eyes, which were hooded with clear desire.

“Would it be crazy for me to say that I like it here? That I like you? It’s been over fifteen years since I had a vacation.”

What could she say? That she didn’t know if she could trust him? She was confused. Yes, they’d shared a few passionate nights and days together, and, yes, she felt a wild connection to him. But after hearing that strange radio conversation, she didn’t know what to think.

“We don’t know anything about each other.”

Gabe leaned down and captured her mouth, nearly bruising her lips with his blazing kiss. A whimper tore from her mouth, and she succumbed, weak from the power of his possession.
Why? Why does he have to make it so easy to give in?

Gabe slid his hand past the hem of her nightshirt and lifted it past her waist. She sucked in a sharp breath when his fingers slid between her pussy lips, still slick from his loving the night before. Back and forth, he lit her fire. Mima gripped the kitchen counter, trapped between the wooden block and his hard body.

“What do you want to know about me?” he asked, pinching her clit between his fingers.

Mima gasped, momentarily forgetting the question. She pushed into his fingers, trying to get closer to that place of release. With each flickering caress to her sensitive clit, her body heated more, preparing itself for that pinnacle of ecstasy. God, his touch was so bad it was so good.

She sighed and closed her eyes. “I want to know everything about you.”

He played her chord harder, instigating a rush of heat and electricity, until her body shook and she fought to remain standing.

“Can I trust you?” He plunged a finger inside, crooking it up, stroking a place she didn’t even know existed. Instant pleasure surged through her bones, her nerves, rendering her into liquid fire. She clutched his shoulders and cried out as the orgasm hit her with a force to rival an apocalypse. He held onto her, driving his fingers deep and sure as she quivered and bucked around him, her heady juices trickling over his naughty fingers.

“Soon you’ll know everything,” he murmured, lifting his slick finger and tasting her juices.

“Oh, God.” To have him do that to her first thing in the morning electrified her mood. Mima dug her fingernails into his hard shoulders feeling drowsy with satisfaction.

“Then today’s a good day for a really good day.”

A deep chuckle rumbled from his chest. She panted, startled by her own weakness in giving in so easily. His smile was devilish—victorious even. And she knew at that moment she’d never say no to him. Whatever brought him here, and whatever made him want to stay, she’d allow herself to enjoy every minute. Why fight something so natural?

Gabriel flicked his tongue across her lips and whispered, “You can trust me, beautiful. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to, but I could give you everything you need.”

She looked down at the crotch of his pants, noting his straining erection. “Do you…um…do you want me to—”

“Nope. That was just for you. But I think you should show me how to make some good old-fashioned coffee.” His playboy smile made her traitorous body tingle with need all over again.

She blushed and pushed past him, trying to concentrate. She needed a safe distraction from this devil in canvas pants. “Would you do me a favor?”

“Anything, Miss Etu.”

“Could you—how do you know my last name?” She whirled around, stunned by his words.

Gabe stared at her with a thoughtful expression. “I saw the newspaper clipping about the accident.”

A rush of emotion consumed her. That article was the only evidence she had that once upon a time she was part of a loving family, and that it took only minutes for her to lose everything she held most dear.

“I see.” She swallowed the lump in her throat and filled the percolator with coffee grounds. “Well, you can feed the dogs while I get coffee and breakfast made.” She gave him her best teasing smile despite the ache in her heart. “If you plan to stick around for a bit, then you need to earn the trust of my dogs.”

BOOK: Beautiful Criminal
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