Read Beautiful Illusions Online

Authors: Addison Moore

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Holidays, #Literary, #Literary Fiction, #Romance

Beautiful Illusions (26 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Illusions
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“Reese Abigail Westfield…”


I shoot a look to my father. Unless he knows something I don’t, my middle name is still Madelyn. But dad doesn’t dispute my misplaced moniker, he simply plasters that shit-eating grin on his face right alongside Beverly and the McCarthy’s.

A choking sounds emits from Warren’s throat, and for a second I think he’s going to puke all over my patent leather FMs, and if his speech is headed in the direction I believe it is, I’d welcome vats full of vomit.

“I guess what I’m trying to say”—he picks up my hand—“Reese, will you spend the rest of your life with me?” He pops open a small velvet box that appears from the inside of his shirt, and I’m equally unimpressed with his magician-like skills as I am with his ambush proposal. Not that proposals are ever
ambush, it’s just the prospective bride-to-be usually has a freaking clue things have escalated to a matrimonial level.

The crowd coo’s, creating its own lovesick brand of delirium as I’m momentarily blinded by the sparkler he’s wielding like a threat.

He dips the microphone away from the two of us a moment.

“Are you pissed?”

.” I hear my voice amplify over the lake like a gong, and the crowd erupts in violent cheers.

“You!” I try to snatch the microphone from him, but he passes it back to my father. “You’re an asshole,” I hiss into his ear.

Dad says something about champagne that sets the crowd off into another round of titters, but I miss it entirely because the only thing I hear is the sound of Warren’s balls exploding in my angry fist—or at least I’d like to.

The party shifts back to its pre-marital assault stage as the music gears up with an obnoxious song that gets the entire crowd moving.

“How could you?” I push Warren in the chest and sadly not one person witnesses the quasi violent exchange.

“What the
is wrong with you?” He grabs ahold of my wrist and whisks me off past the lawn to the dark area near the house.

“Do you really think our non-existent relationship is at that level?” I take the ring off my hand and shove it in his chest.

Warren stares at me for a very long time, his eyes filtering their disappointment into each of mine.

Oh my God. I stagger back a few steps. Obviously he does.

“But we’ve never even, you know.” I glance down at his crotch a moment.

“You’re the waiting kind of girl. I get it.” He comes in and lands a wet kiss over my lips. “And now that we’re engaged. I think the waiting should be over, don’t you?” His beer breath blows over me, and I’m getting a buzz by proxy simply off the fumes.

“Warren. I don’t think it’s going to happen. I just don’t think—”

“Look”— he knots up the front of my dress and yanks me in as if he’s about to beat the living shit out of me—“you and I belong together. Get your fucking head straight, will you? We’ve got a sixteen million dollar account riding on this evening. Just put on a happy face and stop acting like everything is always about
. Sacrifice a little for once. This is our damn company you’re about to take down with your silly little tantrum. This isn’t the time or the place.”

He shoves me away, and I struggle to regain my footing.

“You’re right, Warren, this isn’t the time or the place. But I have news for you, when you least expect it, you’ll be getting a new asshole,” it heaves out of me in a heated rush. “And
going to be the one to give it to you.”

I take off my heels and dive back into the crowd looking for Ace.

I pray to God I can explain everything. I pray to God I didn’t piss him off or worse, break his heart.

Come next week, I’m breaking my father’s heart, too.









The rocky mountain road is virtually abandoned as I follow the dirt trail all the way to the falls. I park the Cougar just shy of the towering pines and find a secluded clearing to set up the tent. There’s a campground back a good distance with shared restroom facilities, showers, and a snack shack. That’s what makes the falls the perfect place to spend an undetermined amount of time—the promise of indoor plumbing.

After Warren’s proposal, I couldn’t stand to hang around. My balls weren’t officially kicked in until Reese bleated out an enthusiastic
for all to hear. I’ll be reliving that moment in my nightmares for the next sixty years.

The logs call to me, so I start a fire and collapse right there on the dirt. I can’t help but wonder what could have happened if I had done what Brylee told me to do and let Reese in on how I feel. Three little words, I love you. That’s all. I could have walked away knowing I did all I could. I would have slept at night knowing she had the facts. And, if she still wanted to be with Warren, I would have been okay with that too—not really, but I could have faked it for about two minutes.

I pitch a rock across the field as the fireworks start over the lake. The screams and laughter from the crowd rise through the air and the cheerful lakefront only seems to exemplify my misery.

“Hey!” A girl’s voice calls from behind, and I turn to see the most beautiful sight in the world. “Well if it isn’t Reese Madelyn Westfield.”

She throws down a small duffle bag and falls into my lap, peppering my face with slow, lingering kisses. She tastes sweet like watermelon, and I’ll be the last person to stop her from loving me like this.

She pulls back and inspects me with a twinge of sadness in her eyes. “You know my middle name.”

“Does that impress you?” I wrap my arms around her as we look up at the fireworks lighting up the sky in shades of purple and blue.

“Everything about you impresses me.” She lays her head over my chest, her eyes drawn up to the sky in wonder. “You know I’m not marrying Warren, right?”

“You can marry whoever you want.” I don’t mean for it to sound as coldhearted as it does. “I’ll cheer you on.” I press a kiss over her temple. “I’ll always be there for you Reese, always.”

Reese looks up at me with those luminescent silver eyes, her dark hair framing her like a shadow.

“You left me,” she whispers.

My stomach tightens. She’s right. I hightailed it out of the there so fast I didn’t wait to listen to rhyme or reason. This was a summer thing I signed up for, what the hell right did I have abandoning her at the lake like some jealous pussy?

“Sorry. Guess I had my ego kicked in a notch.” First honest thought I’ve shared with her so far. It feels like a crack in the armor, and now, every feeling I’ve ever had wants to come streaming out.

Her eyes fill with tears. “He asked if I was pissed, and, when I said yes, he pointed the mike at me.”

Shit. I should have figured. “Warren always was creative.” My chest loosens. It feels like a five-karat weight has been lifted off, and, for the first time in an hour, I can breathe again. It still doesn’t make Reese mine, but at least she’s not Warren’s.

“And tonight”—she dips her hand into my shirt and I don’t stop her—“I’m hoping you’ll show me how creative

“You sure you want to do this?” My Adam’s apple rises and falls. Reese bears into me with those crystal clear eyes, and I feel like crap knowing she’s not really mine.

“Yes, I want to do this.” The sky fills with a pink canopy of stars that explode in quick succession. “There’s no one on the planet I’d rather do this with than you.”

There it is. That’s pretty damn close to exactly what I wanted to hear. Unless of course she’s just trying to get in my pants and I laugh a little at that one. The truth is, I’d never deny her a damn thing—for sure not my body.

I pick her up just as the grand finale sets in, but Reese never takes her eyes off mine.

For a second I think about running us over to the falls and tossing us both in the water to cool us off, but my legs move to the tent instead.

“Last chance,” I say, setting her down just shy of the orange structure.

She shakes her head, pulling me forward by the tip of my fingers. “There’s no way in hell I’m changing my mind.” Reese leads us into the tent and lands over the foam bedding I’ve laid out. “Comfy.” She shakes out her hair before pulling me down next to her.

“You sure you don’t want to wait for your wedding night?” I’m only half-teasing. If I’m going to try to sober her out of the idea, now’s the time to do it. “By the looks of things, it might be on the horizon.”

“Nice try.” She pulls off my shirt, and I hold back a smile. “Besides”—she leans in and takes a soft bite out of my ear—“I now declare us husband and wife. There”—she purrs—“welcome to your wedding night, Ace Waterman.”

“I would have pegged you for a big ceremony with lots of people to witness the event.”

“I told you I was a simple girl, and I meant it. Besides, all the important people are here—you and me.” Reese lands her lips over mine as if she were sealing a covenant. She tugs and yanks at her dress until it’s stuck around her shoulders.

“Let me help you with that.” I pull it off the rest of the way, and her hair rumples, sexy as hell. She bites down on her lip in her black lace bra, and my dick springs to life. Reese tugs off the rest of my clothes until I’m splitting the distance between us with nothing but a serious boner.

“Let me help
with that.” Reese tries to dive down over me, but I gently pull her back. I’m about ready to explode, and I want to bury myself inside her before I do.

My hand glides back and unhooks her bra, pulling it off achingly slow, my eyes never leaving hers. Reese dips her thumbs into her panties and slides them off in one easy move.

“Lay down.” I kiss her lips a moment. “Tonight is all about you.” I trail my lips down her neck, stopping to appreciate each one of her nipples on the way to her belly. I land my mouth over her stomach and listen as she gasps as if this were the pinnacle of the entire evening. I move my kissing efforts south until my mouth falls into the moist slick I’ve fantasized over for the entire last decade. The truth is, I’ve dreamed of doing everything with Reese for as long as I can remember and, tonight, in a small tent next to the falls, I will.

Reese pants heavily, clawing at my shoulder, writhing under my tongue as if the entire world were about to detonate with her.

“Ace.” She pulls out of my grasp, and I glance up at her with her lids partially closed, her lips parted just enough. “I want to do this with you.” She slips down next me, her hot breath searing over my chest.

I reach into my bag to pluck out a condom, but they’re all still safely sealed in the box. I had Gavin run into the general store this morning and buy a shitload of love gloves because I couldn’t figure out the math. He asked if I was stocking up for a sexual apocalypse, so I let him in on my weeklong love making plans with Reese. He said it sounded like heaven, and I assured him it would be. I would have bought them myself but the last thing I wanted to do was plunk them on the counter while Neva rang up the register.

“Can I see?” Reese gets up on one shoulder and watches as I roll it on. Her eyes drift up to mine as a wicked grin struggles to break free on my lips. This is it. The train has left the station—one last stop—Reese.

I dive down and land my lips over hers. Reese moans into my mouth—her legs already parting for me.

I’m going to love you Reese, I moan into the thought but I don’t say it. I already love her. I think it’s about damn time I admitted it to myself—and, if I get the balls, hopefully her.

Reese reaches down and guides me to her, a move I’m guessing she’s regretting since Gavin opted for the heavily lubed variety, which judging by how wet Reese is, we didn’t really need.

I run my cock over her warm slick nice and slow, teasing the both of us in the process.

Reese lets out a heated cry, and I’m about to lose it. I push in just enough and try to take it slow, but my dick is about to win this battle, and I hope to God I don’t hurt Reese in the process. I thrust in hard without meaning to then try to glide out slow as if that might make things better.

Fuck, she’s so tight.

“You okay?” I dive a kiss over her ear, and her breathing matches mine breath for heated breath. The way we’re panting you’d think we ran out of a burning building, but it’s the invisible flames that are making us breathless, years of pent up passion, on my part anyway.

“Ace,” she moans, pushing me in by the small of my back and I go with it, settling myself deep inside her. She clenches her body over my dick and I groan.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” I thrust into her again and again and lose myself in the bliss that is making love to Reese Westfield.

The words I love you beg to stream from my lips, but I don’t give them. I don’t dare ruin the moment.

This is heaven. Right here with Reese—the two of us together.

I’d like to think it was meant to be like this.

It is.


Head Over Heels





A groan strains from my vocal cords as Ace pants over me, quick and so beautifully dirty. His lids are partially closed as he glances at me. His lips widen into the idea of a smile.

BOOK: Beautiful Illusions
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