Beauty (Fated Encounters) (8 page)

BOOK: Beauty (Fated Encounters)
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Tessa began stroking the light
hair on his chest, soothing him with her touch. She felt his muscles that had
tensed during the telling relax, and she took that as a good sign. “Is that why
you went into biomedical engineering?”

“I guess. Even if I can’t fix
what’s wrong with me, I can help other people.”

She lifted up so she could look
down at him. His eyes were closed, but she waited until he opened them and he
was gazing up at her before she spoke. “There is nothing wrong with you.”

He snorted. “You’re biased
because you love me.”

Tessa shook her head. It was
clear he was uncomfortable with the discussion, but she needed to make her
point. To make him understand that she saw he was beautiful...inside and out.

 “I see you, Drake,” she said,
her voice shaking with conviction. “I see the real you.”

Drake groaned as he took her
under him again, kissing her with all the emotions swirling inside of him. He
made love to her again, over and over, well into the early morning hours before
he finally let her rest. And when they both drifted off to sleep, their bodies
entwined together, he finally understood what love really was.




For the first time in Drake’s
life, he was at a total loss of words.

He sat at his desk in his office,
staring down at the sheet of paper in front of him—just as he’d been doing for
the last fifteen minutes. When he’d come up with the concept of writing Tessa a
special love note, the plan seemed like a good one.

Except now that it was time to
actually do it, he realized he had no clue what to say.

Since the first night they’d
spent together, he and Tessa had been inseparable. In the past, he’d ridiculed
people who were constantly contacting their loved ones whenever they were
apart, but he found himself unable to go the day without hearing Tessa’s voice
or sending her a message to see how she was.

It was almost sickening, he
admitted to himself.

As a man who’d never had a real
relationship, Drake found it surprising the way she slid into his life so
seamlessly. Tessa had accompanied him to business dinners and other work
events, using her social skills to smooth over questions he didn’t hear or
changing the subject to mask the problem if he’d missed part of the conversation.
She did so with such style and grace that no one seemed to notice. More than
that, since they’d started officially dating, she’d managed to completely
change his public image. Tessa seemed pleased with the progress. She wanted
people to see him as she did, to see the good in him, but he didn’t really

As long as he had Tessa’s love,
that was all that mattered to him.

With the planning portion of the
masquerade gala complete, Drake didn’t have any reason to participate any
longer, leaving the final details in Tessa’s capable hands. Although they lived
their separate lives during the day, their nights had been filled with love and
passion that left him astounded. Since the gala was only a week away, Tessa was
busy seeing to the final preparations for the event.

She was a nervous wreck, and so
was he...just not for the same reasons.

He and Tessa had formed some sort
of mutual truce when it came to talking about the future. For Drake, it wasn’t
that he didn’t want anything long-term. In fact, it was just the opposite. Hell,
he loved her, why wouldn’t he want to make a commitment to her? Tessa’s face
was the last thing he wanted to see before he went to bed, and the first thing
he wanted to see each morning when he woke. The love he felt for her seemed to
grow every day, and he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

He would tell her...just as soon
as he figured out a way to write this fucking letter.

“Drake? Do you have a minute
for...holy God.”

Drake looked up and glared.
Carter Soto wheeled into the room, and the expression on the man’s face was one
of pure shock. He moved his wheelchair closer to the desk, crunching over the
papers strewn all over the floor. “Is this some sort of eco-terrorist threat
that is supposed to help boost the technology sector? Because I gotta tell you,
with the amount of trees you’ve killed, you’ve got a good start.”

“Funny,” Drake said dryly. “I’m
busy. What do you want?”

“It can wait. What the hell are
you doing?”

“I’m...shit.” Drake picked up the
paper in front of him. He violently crumbled it into a ball and threw in on the
floor with the others. Shoving his hands into his hair, he tugged at it out of
sheer frustration. “I’m trying to write Tessa a letter.”

There was a long pause before
Carter spoke. “By hand? Why in the world would you want to do that?”

“Because. It’s supposed to be
romantic, damn it.”

Carter leaned over and reached
down to pick up one of the balls of paper on the floor. He took his time
smoothing it out, then read the words on the page. “This is supposed to be
romantic? Jesus, Drake. This is a written order telling her to marry you. You
call this a proposal? Epic fail, man. Epic.”

“That was just one of the
drafts,” Drake said defensively, then his shoulders slumped. “You’re right. What
the fuck was I thinking? I wanted to do something special for her. Tessa
believes in fairy tales and the happily-ever-after. I just wanted to give her
that...but I have no clue how.”

 Carter’s expression was
sympathetic, but his eyes were alight with humor when he said, “Well, this is
one way to do it. Have you considered just asking her?”

“Of course I have,” Drake

“I like Tessa,” Carter said. “She
obviously loves you. I don’t think you have to go through all this just to get
her to say yes.”

Mrs. Potts walked through the
open doorway carrying a folder containing a few papers for Drake’s signature.
Wisely, she held on to the folder with a tight grip as she made her way to his
desk. “Drake, I need your signature on these.”

“Fine. You can leave the folder
with me. I’ll bring it to you after I get to it.”

“Absolutely not.” She opened the
folder and pulled out one sheet, putting it in front of him on his desk,
waiting patiently for him to sign it. “You’ll sign these papers now, and I’ll
take them with me. I fear they’ll get lost amidst the chaos.”

Carter smiled at her. “Perfect
timing, Mrs. Potts. I think Drake could use your help.”


Carter laughed, then gave Mrs.
Potts a brief explanation of what was going on. Drake scowled as he tried to
ignore them. He got to work signing each page she put in front of him after he
looked it over. When he was done, he handed the pile of papers back to Mrs.
Potts. Taking the folder with her, she walked around the desk and took a seat
in one of the chairs facing him.

“You’re a good boy, Drake,” Mrs.
Potts said with a sigh, “but sometimes I worry about you. You can’t just order
the poor girl to marry you. Tessa deserves more than that.”

“I know!” Drake shouted. “Why do
you think I’m doing this?”

She raised a brow and sat
patiently until Drake muttered an apology. After he was done, she smiled. “Your
heart is in the right place, dear. But the way you’re going about this is—”

“A total failure? Crazy?” Carter

Mrs. Potts shot him a quelling
look, then turned back to Drake. “Now, as I was saying. I think your idea needs
a little work. Would you like some help?”


“The masquerade gala is in a week,
so that gives you some time to plan this all out. Here’s what I think you
should do...”





The room looked spectacular.

Tessa spent the morning and most
of the afternoon making sure that everything was ready for the masquerade gala
that evening. The venue didn’t need much, but they’d done what they could to
make it look absolutely perfect.

She and her staff had arranged to
have the circular tables covered with black tablecloths to offset the white
plates the meal would be served on. In the center of each table were three square,
glass vases of varying heights filled with water. Submerged in the water were
blood red roses held in place by tiny opaque stones, and floating on the top
were circular white candles waiting to be lit. They’d sprinkled red rose petals
around the base of the centerpieces, making each table look simple and elegant.

Tessa was just finishing the
final touches on a table when Eli and Jamie hurried over. “Go home, Tessa. I mean

“Oh, but I need to—”

“No,” Eli said sternly. “We’ve
got this. You have good people working for you that know what they’re doing.

“Don’t make me drag you out of
here,” Jamie threatened.

“You’re so strict.”

“Both of you should leave.” Eli
said. “Go do...whatever it is your kind does before a big event like this.”

Saying they would see him later, she
and Jamie looked around to make sure everything was being taken care of before
they left the building. Rolling her eyes, Tessa walked over to curb where Gus
was just getting out of the town car. “Don’t you have anything better to do
than wait around for me?”

Gus grinned at her. “Not really.
Come on, I’ll take you both home.”

He opened the back door of the
car for them, then he rounded the back of the car and got into the driver’s
seat. They dropped Jamie off before stopping at Tessa’s apartment building.

“I’ll see you later, Gus. You
better prepare yourself to see that dress Kelcie got for tonight.”

“I knew it was trouble when my
wife went shopping with you and Jamie.”

“You’re going to love it.”

“I’m sure I will. Hold on a second.”

Tessa waited as he opened the
passenger door and pulled out a large black box tied with a big red bow.
“What’s that?”

“A gift from Drake. Go inside,
Tessa.” He winked at her. “You have a ball to get ready for.”

Tessa could hardly wait until she
was in her apartment to open her present. She’d been so busy the last few days,
she’d barely seen Drake, even though she was practically living at his condo
now. They’d spent last night together, but it had given her pause when he said
he would meet her at the ball. She figured he simply knew she’d want to be
there early to make sure everything was perfect before the first guests arrived,
but it had still bothered her that he hadn’t even offered to escort her to the

Hurrying into her bedroom, she
set the large box down on her bed. She pulled at the big red bow, then lifted
off the top of the black box. She paused when she saw the card sitting on top
of the tissue paper. Picking it up, she opened the envelope and pulled out the
card. As she began to read, her chest felt tight and her heart began to pound.



the moment I met you, my life has changed. I may be a smart man, but there are
still basic concepts that have eluded me...until now. Like love. It is the
thing that dreams are made of, that lyricists write songs about, and what bards
have heralded about over centuries. It is the brightest light, like the first
star in the night sky. Like a burning flame against the dark. You have become
that light to me. You’ve changed the beast into a man, a man that loves you
desperately. If you come to me tonight wearing the dress inside this box, then I’ll
know you’re ready to be mine...completely. Belong to me, Tessa. Wear the dress.



Tessa impatiently wiped at the
tears streaming down her cheeks. God, she loved that man. She laughed as she
reread the letter a few more times, just to make sure she wasn’t imagining it.
How like him to give her a choice, then end the letter by issuing a command. No,
there wasn’t a choice. Not really.

Her fate had been sealed when
she’d met Drake.

Reluctantly, she put the letter
aside and pushed the tissue paper open to reveal a gorgeous red, satin dress.
It was a deep red, and she knew without a doubt it would perfectly match the
blood red roses decorating the ballroom. With shaking hands she reached out to
touch the dress, then looked over to her closet to see the black dress she’d
left hanging on the door that she had been planning to wear. The simple black
dress would allow her to blend in to the crowd, but it seemed that tonight she
wouldn’t be fading into the background.

Instead, she was going to be the
belle of the ball.




Tessa felt the sensual sway of
satin against her skin as she walked up the stairs to the ballroom, and barely
noticed the men and women running around the room doing last minute
preparations. She felt conspicuous in the red dress Drake had given her. It was
simple in its design, deceptively so, and had a vintage feel to it. The high
front draped over her breasts, hiding enough to make it look almost demur, but
the back was open, leaving her completely bare down to the small of her back.

When she’d first put the dress
on, she was worried about keeping the snug straps in place high on her arms,
but then she’d noticed the smaller black box at the bottom of the bigger one. She’d
been astonished to see the ropes of diamonds inside the box. It had taken her a
while to understand how it all worked. The two smaller chain of diamonds fit
around her neck and had been specially made to help keep the dress in place
where they attached to the straps at her shoulders. Along with the two shorter
strands, there were also two longer strands that hung down her back, creating a
four tier waterfall of diamonds over her bare skin.

It was the most amazing thing
she’d ever worn.

She paused at the top of the
stairs, reaching up to adjust the plain, black, lace masquerade mask she wore
over her eyes. The small orchestra they’d hired began to play from the stage that
had been set up behind the dance floor. Tessa turned as the beautiful melody
caught her attention.

And then she saw him.

Drake was standing in the center
of the black and white dance floor. He looked amazing in his tux, as if he had
been born wearing one. He wasn’t wearing a mask. He’d made it clear that he
wouldn’t be participating in that part of tonight’s entertainment, but he
didn’t need to. Drake had his own air of mystery about him. In his hand, he
held a single red rose. She knew without a doubt it was for her, and knowing it
made her heart sing.

Without looking, she set her
small purse down on the closest table and she drifted toward him as if in a
dream. Stopping when she was right in front of him, she met his gaze and saw
all the love he felt for her blazing from his blue eyes. He held out the rose
to her, and she took it with shaking hands.

“You look absolutely beautiful,
Tessa. You take my breath away.”

“It’s the dress,” she said
nervously. “Drake, I feel like I’ve walked into some sort of fairy tale. I feel
like a princess.”

“You’re my princess.”

Tears threatened as love
overwhelmed her. “And you’re my prince.”

“A slightly tarnished one if
that’s the case,” he said with a slight chuckle, then he sobered as he wiped at
the tear sliding down her cheek. “Don’t cry, sweetheart.”

“This can’t be real.”

“It’s real,” he assured her. “But
it isn’t complete...yet.”

Her eyes went wide as he took her
left hand in his and slid a ring on her finger. Fire flashed from the large
princess-cut diamond in the center of the ring. It was the most gorgeous thing
she had ever seen. “Oh, my God...”

 “Now, everything is perfect,”
Drake murmured before he brushed his lips against hers. He pulled her into his
arms, swaying gently to the music. “You’re trembling.”

Those bright blue eyes locked
with hers, and she felt like she was falling into them. “I can’t help it. You
overwhelm me.” She let out a breathless laugh. “You know you’re supposed to ask
me to marry you.”

A slow grin spread across his
face as he shook his head. “If I’d asked, you might have said no. It’s a done
deal. You wore the dress, Tessa. You’re mine, sweetheart. Now, everyone will
know it.”

Her hand trailed up to stroke the
back of his neck. “I love you, Drake, but sometimes you’re so stubborn. Ask


Her eyes narrowed playfully, and
she tried to hold back her smile. “Ask me.”

He let out a little sigh, then leaned
his forehead against hers and whispered. “Marry me, Tessa. Be my family.”

Tessa’s heart felt so full of
love for him that she couldn’t make him wait. “Yes,” she said, her voice
shaking with emotion as tears gathered in her eyes. “I would be so proud to
marry you.”

He pressed his lips to hers
again, this time lingering until they both wanted more. The sound of applause distracted
them, and Tessa pulled away to see Jamie, Eli and all of the staff helping with
the event gathered around them, cheering. Her eyes widened as her father
stepped from the crowd, and he leaned down to kiss her cheek.

“Congratulations, Tessa.”

She had to shake her head in
disbelief as she saw the grin on her father’s face. “Dad? Did you know about

“I sure did. Drake here asked me
for my blessing...well, sort of. Actually, it was more like he told me he was
going to marry you.”

Now, that sounded more like her

“We had a nice long chat about
you when you were sick with the flu.” Patrick Campbell cleared his throat. She
watched him shake hands with Drake. “Welcome to the family, Drake.”

Happiness made her feel like she
was floating. She felt Drake’s hold on her waist tighten, and she glanced up at
him. They shared a look of such intense heat, she went with him willingly as he
began to pull her toward the exit.

“Oh, no, you don’t.” Tessa
blinked as Jamie suddenly appeared, and she shook a scolding finger at them.
“You aren’t going anywhere, except to go greet your guests.”

Tessa chuckled as Drake muttered,
“And you call me bossy.”

“You are, but so is she. I must
be used to it.”

Over the next hour, Drake and
Tessa greeted guests like proper hosts. She noticed more than a few eyes lock
onto the engagement ring she wore on her left hand, and the looks of envy on
the women’s faces made her want to grin.

Seeing all the women in beautiful
gowns and men in tuxes wearing masks was a sight to remember. There was only
one tense moment since the ball began. Drake had been leading her around the
room, introducing her to groups of people as they went. When Drake introduced
her to Timothy McCormick and David Hills, her back stiffened, but feeling
Drake’s reassuring hand slide around her hip to pull her closer to him had her
relaxing again.

“We could use a good party,”
David said as he held onto his wife’s hand. “This week at work was pretty...interesting.
We had to fire two of our people. One of our associates found out her boyfriend
was cheating on her when his new love interest showed up with her father, who
was a new potential client.”

Timothy shook his head. “Let’s
just say it was a mess, but it’s all been taken care of.”

Tessa thought she saw the man
wink at Drake before they walked away. A nagging suspicion entered Tessa mind. “You
know, my ex works for their firm.”

“I know, and now he’ll be looking
for a new job.”

“Oh, Drake—”

Drake wrapped his arms around her
waist, pulling her closer. “You should know, I take personal insult when anyone
hurts someone I love. Now, let’s go home and make love all night.”

Tessa laughed. “Not yet, baby.
You’ve got a speech to give first.”

Drake scowled at that.

Ten minutes later, he was up on
the stage, standing in front of the microphone. Drake dragged Tessa up there
with him, declaring that if he had to give a speech, she was going to suffer
with him. They both held glasses of champagne in their hands, and he waited
until everyone in the crowd had taken their seats before he spoke.

“Thank you all for coming. We’re
here tonight to celebrate the new imaging system that Vidal Labs and Technology
is launching that will help detect cancer earlier, saving countless lives in the
process. Because of this, we’re asking for all of you to donate tonight to help
families who are fighting this terrible disease and to further cancer research,
so one day we can find a cure. There will be people walking around collecting
the donations throughout the night.” He paused before adding, “I know most of
you, so don’t be cheap.”

Laughter filled the room, and he
waited for it to die down before he continued. “On a personal note, I’d like to
thank my fiancée, Tessa Campbell, for putting this event together.” He raised
her hand to his lips to kiss her knuckles while surprised murmurs filled the
room. They shared an intimate smile before he raised his glass. “Thank you in
advance for your generous donations and supporting our cause. Everyone, please
enjoy your evening.”

People drank champagne and then
applauded as Drake and Tessa left the stage. The orchestra began to play again
in mellow tones as they took a seat at their table. The dinner was served, and
from the happy faces of the guests, it was obviously a hit. Just before the
dancing began, Jamie pulled Tessa aside to tell her that they had already
collected countless donations. Both women looked around the room with pride as
they surveyed all of the people laughing and enjoying themselves. They parted
ways as both women were claimed for a dance.

BOOK: Beauty (Fated Encounters)
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