Read Beauty in His Bed Online

Authors: L. K. Below

Beauty in His Bed (2 page)

BOOK: Beauty in His Bed
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“Well, Monique! Who is this?”

“This is my friend Amy. She’s visiting from New York.”

Holding out her hand, adorned with many rings, the young woman said, “I’m Emily. Nice to meet you. How do you like New Orleans so far?” Like Monique, she spoke with a drawl.

“It’s very pretty,” Amy said, even though she hadn’t seen much of the city in her cab ride over to Monique’s store. She’d been too preoccupied with brooding.

Putting her hands on her hips, Emily said, “You haven’t seen what New Orleans has to offer until you’ve had a tarot card reading.” Cocking her head, she called, “Danielle! Come out here a minute.”

The black curtain rustled, and out came another woman. This one wore a colorful blouse and skirt, with her hair covered by a scarf. As she viewed Amy, her eyes widened and she let out a squeak. Her hands fumbled with a hanging portion of her scarf as she hurried to draw it across her lower face, but not before Amy caught a glimpse of her mouth. Her features were identical to Emily’s in every way but one. One side of her upper lip was perpetually curled up in a deformity. From the way she’d struggled to cover it, she was acutely self-conscious of that fact.

Before Danielle could shrink back behind the curtain again, her sister waved her forward. “This is Amy. She’s new in town. I thought we could welcome her with a reading, to give her the flavor of New Orleans.”

Danielle hesitated, then said, “Three card?” Her voice was softer than her sister’s. Timid. At Emily’s nod, she disappeared into the back room.

“That’s not necessary,” Amy said, but Emily waved her off.

“Nonsense. You’re in New Orleans now, darlin’. Have you ever had a tarot reading?”

Amy shook her head, so Emily continued, “Then let me explain the rules to you. You need to think of a question, something important that you want answered. It can’t have a yes or no answer, and it has to have a timeline, but other than that, your question can be anything. Even something as simple as what you’ll find during your stay in New Orleans.”

Amy already felt like she was being put on the spot. She didn’t want to voice the other questions running through her mind, they all had to do with Tim. “That one’s good.”

Emily frowned, clearly about to prompt Amy to a different question, but her sister shuffled out of the back room. Danielle’s scarf was still firmly secured over her mouth, shielding it. As she set a pack of small cards on the counter, she said, “You’ll have to think of a question.”

“Emily already explained the rules to me. I know what I want to ask.”

Before she could voice her question, Danielle held up her hand. Unlike Emily, she wore no rings or bracelets. “Don’t tell me. Just think of your question as you shuffle the cards.”

Amy didn’t know how Danielle was supposed to answer her question without knowing what it was, but she shuffled the cards anyway. Once she was done, she handed them back. Danielle turned over the three on the top, spreading them in a line. As she narrowed her eyes, her pale eyebrows snapped together in a frown.

After a minute, she looked up. “Has something turbulent happened to you recently?”

Flabbergasted, Amy felt her mouth drop open. She craned her neck to peer at the cards. Did they show that Tim had broken up with her? All she saw was a bunch of swords and staffs. What did that mean?

Danielle continued, “I only ask because of these cards.” She pointed at the first two. “This one, representing the past, is the two of swords. You see how the figure is blindfolded? That could indicate that you were once blinded to something or someone. Even so, based on the figure’s position, you also felt defensive. Maybe you’ve felt that way for a long time.” She moved on to the second card. “But here in the spot representing the present, you have the six of swords. It shows that you’re running away from something. See the choppy water on this side of the boat? You’re sailing from something bad into calmer waters. That could be the reason you’re here in New Orleans.”

Amy didn’t look at Monique, she didn’t have to. Danielle was completely right, she was running from something. Her breakup.

When she didn’t say anything, Danielle pointed to the third and last card. This one was brighter than the others, with a yellow background and garland twining around four staffs. “This is your future, the four of wands. It indicates a celebration to come. Normally, this card means there will be a wedding in the future, but it could be any kind of party. A baby shower, a housewarming party, or even the celebration of an accomplishment.”

Unfortunately, Amy knew which one the card indicated. There would be a wedding in the future, it just wouldn’t be hers. Colleen’s voice echoed in her head,
Dan and I are getting married!

Why did she have to announce it now? No, Amy refused to blame Colleen for anything. She loved her cousin. Colleen deserved every good thing that happened to her. And Amy was sure Dan was good for her, even if she hadn’t met him yet. Well, they’d only been dating for a month. Maybe Amy should have made the time to meet him, but Tim had always wanted to spend their free time together. And she’d been happy to share her life with him.

Amy sighed softly.

Danielle’s quiet voice pierced her melancholy. “Why do you look sad? A celebration is a reason to be happy.”

Amy forced a smile. “I’m just tired from my flight,” she lied. “I am happy. Thank you. How much do I owe you?”

“Nothing,” Emily said with a laugh. “You’re a friend of Monique’s. Besides, we only charge for eleven card spreads. That one barely took five minutes.”

“Thank you,” Amy said, though she felt guilty leaving without paying for anything. Maybe the cards hadn’t held the answer she’d hoped to hear, but Danielle had still taken the time to read them. Amy would have to make a point of going back and buying something another day.

When she and Monique re-entered Sheer Passions, Amy pleaded, “Not to be rude, but I really am tired from my flight.” She hoped her friend wouldn’t catch her in the lie. After her tarot reading, she just wanted to be left alone for an hour or two, at least while her friend was still at work. She didn’t think she could force herself to be cheery to strangers. “Do you think I could crash at your place for a couple hours?”

“Sure thing, sugar,” Monique said. Producing a piece of paper, she scribbled down an address, an apartment number, and pulled out a keychain with two silver keys. “Make yourself right at home.”

After giving her friend a hug, Amy picked up her suitcase. “Thanks. I’ll see you later.”

With a twinkle in her brown eyes, Monique said, “Oh, not for a while, I don’t think.”

Shrugging inwardly, Amy exited the shop and waited for a cab on the curb. Once she hailed one, she recited the address on the paper and sat back, trying to stave off the wave of tears that threatened to overwhelm her. This trip was supposed to make her feel better. In fact, before she’d been reminded of Tim, she had felt better. A thousand times better. But now, she just felt…alone.

And unworthy. Why did Colleen have to get engaged
But Amy roughly pushed that thought aside. She wanted to be happy that her cousin had found someone. If she hadn’t just had her heart ripped out, she would have been ecstatic. She would have been celebrating with her.

Instead, she had retreated halfway across the country.

She paid the driver as the taxi pulled to a stop and hopped out, dragging her suitcase with her. Entering the red brick building, she took the elevator to the third floor and searched for Monique’s apartment. Once she found it, she let herself inside and shut the door.

This wasn’t what she’d expected Monique’s apartment to look like. Back when they’d been roommates, Monique had taken pride in decorating their room nicely. But her apartment was sparse at best. Amy saw no pictures hanging, not even a rug on the floor or a tablecloth on the table. Maybe she had recently moved into the place. After all, except for a pile of dishes by the sink, it was spotless. Monique was prone to leaving things here and there, especially when she was in a rush. She must be really busy down at the store.

Dropping her suitcase and toeing off her shoes, Amy crossed to the sink. Since Monique was letting her stay here, she might as well help out a little. Besides, cleaning always helped to take her mind off her problems. She tackled the dishes, letting the hot, soapy water soothe her. As she glanced around again, she noticed a line of beer cans on the counter. She didn’t understand why Monique drank the vile stuff, but she gathered them up and tossed them in the trash without another thought.

With the kitchen once again neat, she pulled her suitcase along behind her as she searched for the bedroom. Since Monique wouldn’t be getting off for a while, she might as well take a nap. She would be sleeping on the couch later, but she didn’t relish squeezing her frame onto it now. Instead, she opened the door to the bedroom and slipped inside.

This room, too, had very little decoration. Even the bedspread was plain black. But at that point, Amy didn’t much care. All she could think about was crawling onto the large bed. First, she needed to get out of these ridiculously tight jeans. Honestly, she didn’t know how she had let Hannah convince her to wear them in the first place. Finally wiggling out of them, she peeled off her socks and nudged them closer to her suitcase by the door. Then, clad in her baby doll t-shirt and her underwear, she collapsed onto the soft bed. She wasn’t worried about Monique walking in on her half-dressed. After all, she would be awake long before her friend came home from work.

She was only closing her eyes for five minutes, after all…



Chapter 3


Seb should wake her. Yes, that definitely would be the mature, responsible thing to do. He should wake Amy and show her around New Orleans or something equally innocent. He shouldn’t take advantage of her vulnerable post-breakup state, even if he couldn’t comprehend it. What man would give up a woman like her?

He certainly wouldn’t. As she squirmed in her sleep, unconsciously thrusting her chest into the air, he stifled a groan. Was he taking advantage if she’d knowingly waltzed into his apartment? Her black lace panties winked at him as she rolled over in sleep, gifting him with a view of her round, bare ass. God! A thong! Was she trying to kill him?

Here was a woman who looked more interested in seeing the different views of his bedroom ceiling than taking a tour of New Orleans. And fortunately, he could picture every erotic moment in loving detail.

Kiss her.
He grinned. That was what princes did in old fairytales, right? After everything he’d heard about Amy’s situation, he wanted to be her prince. The thought fanned his masculine ego, though with the lecherous thoughts swimming in his brain, he was neither honorable nor princely. The thought of being the man to make Amy smile held definite appeal.

Then wake her.

He crossed to her shoulder, thinking to shake her awake. But the steady rise and fall of her thrusting bosom gave him a better idea. If their encounter would turn carnal before too long, why not start it off with a bang?

The bed dipped as he slid onto it, but she didn’t wake. He took the opportunity to learn her body. His hands traveled over her bare arms, up her equally bare legs, and around the gorgeous mounds of her breasts. She was a goddess, and he was more than willing to begin his worship. He firmed his hand over her breast.

“Tim,” she groaned, arching into his palm.

What a blow to the ego.

She’s still sleeping. Don’t get your hackles up.
He would make her forget all about her ex-boyfriend. Before the night was through, his name would be the only one to grace her lips.

Those lush, plump lips… He shifted as he grew uncomfortably stiff. Time to do something about the desire fueling his thoughts.

He bent over her, thinking about nothing but sating his lust through a rousing kiss, but she shifted. Rolling onto her back, she spread her legs. Almost as if welcoming him home. He couldn’t pass up the opportunity.

Still a kiss, but now in a much more wicked place. A woman who looked as though she’d stepped out of his darkest fantasies deserved nothing less than being woken to wave after wave of ecstasy.

Moving to the foot of the bed, he nudged her legs farther apart, until they bracketed his shoulders. The pink folds of her pussy beckoned him, shrouded behind the black, lacy veil of her panties. He inhaled her musk. The sharp scent made his cock twitch and his mouth water. What would she taste like? Was she already wet for him? He tested with the tip of his tongue. The fabric separating her core was damp. Sultry and tangy, but only the barest taste. He wanted more.

He swiped his tongue against her again, seeking out the bud at the apex of her thighs. When she moaned, rolling her hips against him, he had to stifle an answering groan. Wishing he could rip aside the delicate fabric barring him from her core, he continued his ministrations, enlivening her more with each bold brush. As he latched onto her clit to suck, her eyes flew open.

“Oh, my…”

That was what he liked to hear.

Her gaze lowered from the ceiling to his face. Her feet scrambled for purchase on the bed as she scooted away. “Who the hell are you?” she exclaimed in the most adorable accent.

Soc au lait!
Hadn’t Monique said Amy would be expecting him? He recoiled, trying his best to pretend that he wasn’t drooling or ramrod stiff at the thought of nestling between her thighs again. It seemed he was in trouble.

BOOK: Beauty in His Bed
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