Read Behind The Mask Online

Authors: Terry Towers

Behind The Mask (3 page)

BOOK: Behind The Mask
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Her face felt like it was on fire as she glanced away, turning her back to him. “I gotta go get changed,” she murmured, racing from the kitchen as quickly as her heels would allow her. She needed to get away from him and this situation. Maybe he was rebounding from Claire and hoping to get a quick taboo lay from his stepsister. She didn’t know. She didn’t know what kind of game he was playing, but what she
know was that she wanted none of it.

Chapter 3

“Trina. Hey, Earth to Trina.” Trina pulled her eyes from her untouched slice of pizza to meet Beth’s stare. “Have you heard a single word I’ve said?”

She shook her head. “No, I’m sorry, guys.” She looked from Beth’s concerned face to Gwen’s and then back again. “Just have stuff on my mind, that’s all.”

She’d avoided Brice like the plague after her little incident with him in the kitchen the previous evening. And succeeded, locking herself into her bedroom until it was time to meet Gwen and Beth at the Comic-Con. With any luck she’d be able to sneak in after the con without him noticing her. And if she was
lucky he’d be out for the night touring for a new chick to add to the notches on his bedpost.

So why did she feel a surge of jealousy at the thought of Brice with someone else?
I’ve got a
little crush. I saw him naked, loved what I saw, he was actually – sort of – nice to me and a crush
developed. No big deal and nothing I can’t ignore
, she coached herself.

“It’s Batman, isn’t it?” Beth grinned.

Gwen grimaced. “Oh no. Seriously?”

“No. Yea. Sort of.” She was about to thrust her hand in her hair in frustration when she remembered she was wearing the jester headpiece of her vinyl Harley Quinn form-fitting jester’s costume. The material clung to every inch of her body like a second skin.

Her thoughts seemed to have two points of focus today – Brice and Batman. One she was avoiding and the other she doubted she’d ever see again, although each time she saw a Batman walk by her breath caught in her throat, hoping it was him.

“Oh don’t. It’s creepy. Him following you to a deserted hall. Heaven only knows what could have happened if Beth hadn’t shown up!” Trina looked across the table at Gwen, dressed as a sexy blue-haired anime character.

“I gotta go to the bathroom,” Trina announced, pushing back her chair from the table.

“I’ll go with you,” Beth offered, starting to get up as well, only to be motioned back down by Trina.

“I’m fine. I’ll be right back. Finish eating.”

“But –” Beth started to get up again.

“You know I hate going to the bathroom with friends,” Trina said as she crinkled up her nose. “It’s weird.”

Beth relented and she left her two friends behind. She looked at the escalator and made the decision to go back to the main floor, to the hallway where she’d had the encounter with Batman the day before. It was silly, she knew that, but a part of her hoped he’d been watching her in the shadows waiting for a minute to get her alone again.

And then do what, rape you? Finish what he started before he was interrupted yesterday?
a voice in the back of her mind nagged. She dismissed the nagging voice.

At the main floor, she quickly made her way to the far end of the convention center and then down the hallway. She slowed her pace as she approached the bathroom door, disappointment weighing heavily on her heart.

Stupid. You’re acting like a stupid teenager.
She chuckled at herself and her unrealistic expectations.
I’ve been reading too many romance novels.

“You really shouldn’t be going off on your own,” a deep voice said from behind her.

“There’s dangerous people around, even here.”

Her breath caught in her throat as she turned to face him. Sure enough, it was Batman from the previous day.

She looked up and down the hallway to find both directions vacant; she couldn’t even hear the murmur of the thousands of guests of the convention. They were completely alone. Going off on her own and hoping to run into him again suddenly seemed like a foolish idea.

“Have you been following me?” A nervous laugh escaped her lips.


Her laughter stopped immediately as he stalked toward her, intensity flaring in his eyes. A part of her wanted to scream and run, but a more powerful part, the part that longed for his touch, forced her to remain where she was, allowing him to close the distance.


He stopped a few feet from her, crossed his arms over his chest and cocked his head to the side, eyeing her. A fleeting look of sadness crossed his eyes, to be replaced with determination.

“After seeing you as Poison Ivy, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. And now Harley Quinn? I think you were meant for me.”

The tension within her relaxed and she laughed again, a smile brightening her face. “Yeah.

Well, there’s a dozen Batmen out there, maybe I was meant for one of them.”

He closed the distance remaining between them with lightning speed. She took a couple of steps back and found her back flush against a pillar as he came to stand before her, bracing a hand on either side of her head, his dark stare capturing hers.

She could have easily slipped under his arm and made a run for the main area, but couldn’t seem to make herself move, as the desire within her flared up. She’d been thinking about his lips most of the day, when she wasn’t thinking about Brice’s naked body – the crass bastard. But thoughts of Brice were locked away as the feel of his body pressed against hers reminded her that the man who wanted and desired her was standing right there.

“What do you want from me?”

“I want everything, Trina.
.” The last word came out as a whisper as his lips ghosted across hers.

She closed her eyes and a shiver of anticipation rushed through her, followed by fear. Not of the man whose lips were teasing hers, coaxing her lips apart with his teeth and tongue, but of her inexperience. She knew virtually nothing about sex and being with a man, aside from what she’d read and seen in movies. Would he be able to tell? Would it matter? Would she even let it get to that?

“Stop… thinking.” The strain from his desire was evident in his voice, making her tremble against him.

Opening her eyes, Trina inhaled sharply as their gazes connected and the intensity of his stare rushed through her, igniting the ache between her legs for him. She timidly lifted her hands and placed them on the breastplate of his costume. Despite the thick plastic costume she could still feel his solid chest underneath.

“Stop. Thinking.” It wasn’t a request by him, but a demand.

She found herself helpless to deny him as his lips came crashing down on hers. The tenderness was gone as he claimed her, his tongue demanding entrance past her lips. She moaned softly, allowing him in, and moaned a second time as his tongue caressed hers.

All thought left her as her focus became the sensations rushing through her and the need between her legs. In the matter of seconds all her doubts and concerns faded away. He pressed her tight to the pillar, his hands lowering to her ass cheeks, cupping them.

The heat from his hands seeped through the vinyl and fuelled the fire raging within. A dampness began to form between her legs and she began gyrating against him, her pussy desperately needing relief from the sensations he was provoking. She didn’t give a damn who he was, or why he wanted her, because he was making her feel desire more intense than she’d ever felt before and it felt good – freeing.

When he pulled his lips from hers she was left panting, her vision blurred as her head swam with emotion. She blinked, then looked up and yet another shiver rushed down her spine seeing the feral need in his eyes.

“Who are you?” She didn’t realize she’d even said the words until a smile began to lift the corners of his lips.

“Now where would be the fun if I told you that?” Not waiting for her response, he grabbed her gloved hand in his and pulled her forward and with a quick look to the left and right of them, opened the women’s room door and ushered her inside.

“What if someone comes?”

“They won’t.”

She wasn’t so sure.

Grabbing her by the waist, he lifted her up and onto the bathroom sink. Before she had a chance to protest, he was unzipping her tight top and releasing her naked breasts. She made an attempt to cover her chest from his eyes but he grabbed her wrists and forced her hands away.

“You’re beautiful. You don’t need to be shy with me.”

“But, I don’t know you.”

His eyes lifted from her breasts and caught her gaze. “Yes, you do.”

She opened her mouth to protest, but there was a familiarity in his dark eyes. She knew him, but there was too much of his face covered. Too much to tell for sure.

“Let me see you.” She reached to remove his mask, but he stopped her.


Frowning, Trina was again rendered speechless. He knew who she was, why couldn’t she be allowed the same courtesy? Why did it matter? Although the knowledge that she knew him –

somehow – made her feel more secure with him.

“What did I just tell you?” he demanded, catching her chin in his hand and forcing her eyes to meet his.

She nervously chewed at her lower lip. “No thinking.”

“Good girl.” His lips claimed hers again as his hands covered her breasts. His hands were slightly callused, but strong, demanding. As he kneaded her globes, he began pinching and rolling her dark nipples between his fingertips. His touch was rough, sending jolts of light pain through her breasts, but the pain soon became pleasure, intensifying her need for him as her nipples became long swollen peaks.

The need to touch his warm, hard body beneath the costume became too much for her to deny. Her hands dropped to the front of his rubberized pants and with some effort undid the front. The costume around his groin was tight, but with great effort she managed to pull the front down enough that the only thing separating her hands from his large, swollen member was a thin cotton barrier.

She paused, her body freezing as she pulled away from his teasing mouth and tongue. A ragged breath escaped him as he stared down at her, patiently waiting to see what she was going to do. Her face grew warm and she lowered her eyes, scared he’d see her inexperience and no longer want her.

“It’s okay,” he whispered, taking her hands in his and guiding them to him. “Only what you’re comfortable with.”

Why he was being so calm and so patient she had no clue. It was as if he was reading her mind, or maybe he just suspected her fears. Either way she appreciated him not pushing. Licking her lower lip, she grabbed the waistband of his briefs and pulled it down, exposing his shaft, which was long and thick with a pearl of cum beginning to form at the tip.

Grasping his shaft, she found herself feeling empowered as he inhaled sharply at the feel of her hand clasping around him.

“Trina,” he groaned, lowering his head and running his lips along the side of her neck.

“I don’t even know your name.” But she didn’t really care, it felt too good to let go and be bad for once. She began to stroke him, running her hand up and down along him and growing more confident with each hiss and groan that came from his lips. She spread the pearl of cum along the head of his cock and then began stroking him harder, faster, wanting to see him come undone by her hand.

His lips moved lower, across her collarbone and then even lower. When his lips sucked in her first nipple she cried and her hand paused its stroking of him. Arching her back, giving him better access to her, she braced herself up with her free hand behind her.

“God baby, don’t stop.”

Spurred into action by his request, she became a woman on a mission. She needed him to come undone at her hand, needed it more than anything at that moment. His hips began to rock in her hand, fucking her hand as she stroked him.

Releasing her first nipple, he kissed his way across her chest to her second breast and sucked it into his mouth. The process repeated, a cry out of initial pain as his teeth nipped that quickly turned to pleasure, sending spike after spike of pleasure through her body to intensify the need between her legs. She was becoming uncomfortably wet, the vinyl costume keeping the moisture tight to her pussy.

“I need you. I need you so bad,” she groaned, surprising herself at her words. She wasn’t this girl; she was reserved and shy. She wasn’t the type of girl to give herself to a stranger in a public bathroom, but nonetheless, she was basking in the sensations he was provoking within her.

“Ahhh fuck!” He released her nipple and roughly reclaimed her lips.

Hooking a leg around his hips, she pulled him tighter to her. Tears formed in her eyes from frustration. Damn the tight costume! She longed for him to rip every stitch of clothing from her body and take the one thing she’d been keeping unclaimed all her life, but knew it would be next to impossible, there and then.

His cock throbbed in her hand and he pulled his lips from hers to look down at her. She could see the strain in his eyes, like he was holding back. That’s the last thing she wanted him to do.

“I’m going to come, baby. Stop now or…”

“Come for me,” she groaned before kissing him with every ounce of passion that was vibrating through her body.

“Oh fuck. Oh damn!” He thrust a final time in her hand and with a low groan he released. A forceful stream of cum came rocketing from him, coating her bare stomach and reaching as far up as the underside of her breasts.

“Oh my God Trina! What the fuck!” The squeal was all too familiar, ending the moment.

Closing her eyes, heat rose to her cheeks and she pressed herself against Batman
Glancing over his shoulder she saw Beth. Gwen standing behind her, attempting to push Beth out of the way to see why she was so surprised.

“I think that’s my cue to go,” her mystery man whispered to her, quickly putting himself away and carefully zipping up her top.

“Wait. What?” She tore her focus from her friends to him. “But, I don’t even know…”

He hooked his index finger under her chin and gave her a chaste kiss. “Don’t worry.” Not waiting for a response he turned and made his way toward the door. Her friends rushed into the bathroom and moved out of his way, allowing him to exit.

BOOK: Behind The Mask
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