Betrayal Bites (Tales of Sydney Sedrick Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Betrayal Bites (Tales of Sydney Sedrick Book 2)
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Before leaving, Blake said that he heard the rogues talk about Ley Lines and power points. The compound was situated over a demonic power point, an energy vortex that allowed the rogues to call forth demons from the Underworld. Once the demons were called forth, they were obligated to complete a task before being set free upon our world. The Judge was tracing the Ley Lines to the compound that originated from the underground royal palace located a few miles outside of the Kenosha city limits.

“Blake, so the rogues are calling forth these demons, making the demons beholden to them, but what for? What sort of task do they plan on making the demons perform before they are set free?” My mind was running wild with the possibilities. The rogues seemed to be focused on creating mayhem and destruction among all the vampires and werewolves. They also wanted to live without the rules the Elders and the leaders of the werewolf packs instilled upon them. They wanted to be their own bosses, but right now, they weren’t strong enough to carry out their goals without help from beings stronger than them, such as demons from the Underworld.

My guess was that’s what they wanted to use the demons they were calling forth for; they wanted to rid themselves of any governing body that hindered their lawless lifestyles. Could the rogues demand the demons, as their price for free passage into our world, to kill all the coven and pack leaders? I hoped not. Having out of control vampires and werewolves running amok would be madness.

“We’re really not sure yet, but it’s looking like they have something planned for the Blood Rites Ball. The Judge I ran into also believes that. Sydney, you should really reconsider and not go.” Blake used every opportunity to try talking me out of dealing with the vampires. He knew my obligations to them were just as important to me as my obligations were to the werewolf pack, but he didn’t like it.

Dale decided at that moment to hand me my mail. On the top of the stack sat a crimson-colored envelope. After opening it and pulling out a piece of paper made from thick card stock, I studied the blood-red ink glistening off the bright white paper. Blake leaned over my shoulder to see what had made me stop short. A grumble came from his throat.

“Sydney, I’m telling you that you should not go to that ball. The rogues are clearly brewing up something, and we don’t know what it is. It would be safer for you if you were far away from that ball. Having the Elders, members from the royal family, leaders from other covens, and the Judges all in one place? That’s going to be a very target-rich environment. If the rogues are going to make their move, the ball would be the perfect place and time to do it.” Blake’s forehead crinkled in frustration. I knew that look. He was going to say anything he could think of to try and talk me out of going.

“How are they even going to know where it is? Kieran put right on the invitation the location of the ball will be disclosed one hour before it is to start. The rogues will have a pretty hard time putting their plans in action if they don’t even know where the ball is going to be.” I put my hands up when Blake began to interrupt me. “Don’t worry. There will be plenty of people there to make sure nothing happens to me.” Blake didn’t need it pushed in his face that Kieran, the leader of the local vampire coven, made it his personal responsibility for my protection and safekeeping, so I kept that fun fact to myself.

Blake roughly readjusted the sling Dale made for his injured arm. “You hanging out with the bloodsuckers is bad enough. Having to sit around while you’re surrounded by the worst of them is going to drive me nuts. I’ll have Morris contact Kieran and figure something out. I’ll have him see if there is anything my pack can do to help with the security detail of the ball. Helping them keep you safe would be better than sitting on my hands doing nothing.”

The concern in his gorgeous, bronzed-gold eyes made my heart melt. Even though he insisted we were meant to be together, no matter how much I wanted to run into his arms and accept his mark, it wouldn’t be a good idea. Having a werewolf for a boyfriend would surely piss the vampires off.

Being the Selected meant having to stay neutral and not divulge secrets of one side to the other. In the recent past, the vampires and werewolves were able to work together to rescue me from the lightning demons, but that was pretty much the extent of their working relationship. Otherwise, they tended toward hating each other, both wanting to rule Kenosha for their own selfish needs.

With my being the Selected, I was the only one able to fulfill both of their prophecies that would enable them to dominate the other. If I gave my blood freely to the vampires, it would allow them to walk in the sunlight. If I mated with the heir to the werewolf pack, and a child was conceived, then that child would have complete control of their change, no longer being prisoner to the moon phases. That child, my child, would then be able to infect all werewolves through their saliva. Once that happened, all werewolves would be able to change on a whim. That would give them the strength, speed, and healing capabilities to wipe out the vampires.

As the Selected, it was my decision who I was going to help. I’ve decided to help both the vampires and the werewolves, by not fulfilling either of their prophecies. Neither species deserved to lord over the other. The decimation of the covens or the packs wasn’t an option in my book, so neither one would get any assistance from me on the matter.

I had to go to the Blood Rites Ball no matter how bad Blake wanted to keep me away from it. Since I received the invitation, my presence became required and expected. My worrying about being invited, or not, was over.

The last time Kieran had thrown a small gathering for the vampires, Aaron, Kieran’s second hand, had explained that if I didn’t show up, Kieran would personally come and find me. I didn’t particularly care for Aaron. He was an uptight, overbearing, jerk of a vampire, who thought he could boss me around, and he did it while wearing a fancy suit. Aaron had made it quite clear when he’d come to the store prior to the last gathering that Kieran’s invitations were to be seen as a summons, not a request. I had no choice but to attend the ball, not unless I wanted to be hunted by a very old vampire that I’d personally offended.

No, thanks.

I’d go.

Chapter 2

Dale and Blake continued to argue about whether or not it was a good idea for me to go to the ball. Since neither of them cared to hear what I had to say in the matter, I let them continue on while I went to the storeroom and rinsed out the bloodied towels in the sink. When the water was no longer tinted red from Blake’s blood, I hung them over the side of the metal washbasin and went back to see that the two men were still discussing my fate.

“Sydney, you would be safer if you allowed my pack to watch over you during the ball, at the pack house. You know my father would be more than happy to provide protection for you and your aunt. No one would dare harm you on our land. We could have dinner or watch a movie, if you’re up to it.” Blake wiggled his eyebrows despite the obvious pain he was in. Blood had started to seep through the white bandage Dale had adhered to his chest.

“Don’t you start with me, Mister. You know we can’t date, and you know why. So just get that idea right out of your head.”

He couldn’t be more adorable, or sexy. Thoughts of his hard muscular body pressed against mine kept flashing through my mind. I couldn’t help but laugh at the mischievous gleam sparkling in his eyes.

Blake made it obvious he found me physically attractive, but the idea of getting attached to the heir of the werewolf pack, only to be thrown to the curb once he got what he wanted, didn’t appeal to me. Besides, being the cause if the vampires attacked the werewolves because they thought I chose to help fulfill the wolves’ prophecy wasn’t something I was willing to risk. My actions as the Selected, especially those that involved either side, could result in dire consequences. I refused to further their hatred of each other, and I wasn’t about to be the cause of any more bloodshed.

Blake flung one of his hands up in exasperation. “You keep saying that, but you know as well as I do you really don’t mean it.” Then in a low, sensual growl, he said, “I’ve told you before, you can’t keep your arousal from me. Your scent is filling the room right now. It’s making me want to do things to you. Slow and pleasurable things. With my tongue.” His eyes glowed golden-bronze. He was as turned on as I was.

I spun around to see how close the mailman was standing to us.

Dale’s cheeks turned crimson. He had clearly heard what Blake said. It was bad enough Dale hung around much too long when he delivered the mail, making it more than obvious he had a crush on me.

Blake’s inconsideration ticked me off. He had no right making such intimate comments in front of the mailman. Blake had a lot to learn if he wanted to be with a woman like me. Thinking it was okay to make such remarks without repercussion spoke volumes about his domineering and animalistic nature.

His being a werewolf was no excuse.

With my arm extended, I pointed my finger to the door. “Blake, it’s time for you to go now.”

It wasn’t easy kicking him out of Morning Sun when he was physically hurt. I knew he was still trying to protect me, but I needed to get my head on straight before the afternoon rush came in. As long as he was there, I’d be able to think of nothing else but him. It was bad enough my parents thought my life was going nowhere because college just wasn’t my thing. It would prove them right if I couldn’t even run the store for Aunt Judith. I wasn’t willing to give them that kind of ammo.

Dale cleared his throat, slung the bag over his shoulder, and said goodbye.

“Thank you for all your help with Blake,” I said, giving him a warm smile. “We appreciate what you did. Oh, by the way, don’t even think we aren’t going to talk more about your healing abilities and why you’ve kept them a secret all this time.” I squinted my eyes at him. I wanted him to know I meant business. Truth was, I was shocked. Dale had never given off any type of sensations that my Selected senses picked up. I’d have to ask Blake about that. I could sense when vampires and werewolves were around. Why couldn’t I sense a witch who was part fairy? Or was Dale’s blood made up of something totally different?

Dale gave a shy smile, tipping his head in acknowledgement. “Yes, Miss Sydney. My family will be available should you ever need our services. If you find yourself in trouble at that ball, you get yourself right out of there as fast as you can. Be careful tomorrow night.” He gave Blake a nod and waited for me to unlock the store’s front door. After Dale left, Blake and I were once again alone in the store.

The room temperature was rising to where it normally did when a strong, healthy, pack wolf was in my presence. Blake must be feeling better. Before I turned away from the closed door, I felt Blake’s warm breath blow across the bare skin at the nape of my neck sending tingly sensations down the length of my body.

Swiveling slowly toward him, I peered up at his face. Golden-bronzed eyes glowed back at me with lust. “Sydney, you drive me insane with need, with feelings I’ve never felt before. It’s crazy that you don’t see we are destined to be mates. You should reconsider my offer. Spend tomorrow night with me. Please, don’t go to that ball. I could make it worth your while.” The heat of his breath on my skin further stoked my desire for him. I ached for him to touch my body with his big, warm hands.

Being so near to him, feeling the heat coming off in waves from his body, was difficult to endure and keep a level head. “Blake, you know I’m the Selected. It would be political suicide for us to date. Your pack doesn’t need us to make their feud with the vampires worse than it already is. We’re friends, and that’s all we can ever be.”

I veered away from him, busying my hands, turning the storefront lights back on to signal the store was open for business. I didn’t want him to see the sadness in my eyes. Blake was truly the first man in my life who made me feel deeply wanted. Besides sharing the same sense of humor, we had very similar values regarding life, family, and love. We would be perfect, not to mention the seriously hot physical attraction between us.

When he said he could smell the scent of my arousal, he wasn’t lying. Blake made my core moist just by looking at him, at his long, hard, muscular frame and imagining us being together. But it wasn’t meant to be.

How was I supposed to trust someone who talked about life-mates when we hardly knew each other? Sadness hit me hard when I thought of the possibilities of our future together, or lack of. I wasn’t too sure how far he would go to ensure our mating takes place. If we did become lovers, he would have a lot to gain. He was the heir to the werewolf pack. He would be greatly revered if he were the one to fulfill the prophecy and produce the werewolf child with the Selected who could control their werewolf change on a whim. Blake would be the one to free them from being slaves to the cycle of the moon. How long would Blake hang around after that happened?

Fate placed us in positions that made it too dangerous to even see if we were destined to be ‘mates’, as Blake said.

His warm hand gently but firmly squeezed my shoulder. “Sydney, we’ve talked about this before.”

Slowly I turned into his warm embrace, careful not to touch his injured chest, and leaned my forehead against his faintly stubble-covered jaw. “You don’t have to worry about my pack. They are already willing to do whatever it takes to keep you safe, and that includes fighting the vampires. Besides, I thought it was Kieran’s job to make sure nothing happens to you. If that’s true, then he wouldn’t let the vampires come after the wolves.”

“Yes, but I’m not so sure what all the other vampires would do if they thought they were being betrayed by the Selected. It’s an unnecessary risk neither one of us should be willing to take. People would die. Our family members would be in jeopardy. That’s not acceptable to me. It shouldn’t be to you, either.”

Dealing with Blake was exhausting at times. I suspected in part that it had to do with the internal fighting of my lust versus my common sense. I wanted him. My body ached for his caress, but my mind screamed that by being with Blake, only bloodshed would come. I would fail as the Selected, and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.

Blake leaned into me and gently pressed his warm lips on my forehead, releasing a tension I hadn’t known was there.

“Even though you are the Selected, that doesn’t mean you have to carry the weight of the world solely upon your shoulders. You are not responsible for what the vampires or werewolves do. Both species are violent by nature. War is coming, Sydney, it always does. There’s not much you can do to prevent that.”

I took a step back to gaze up into his eyes. Memorizing the angles, crevices, and single dimple on his right cheek was one of my favorite things to do. I shook my head. “That’s where you’re wrong. The balance between the vampires and werewolves does rest on my shoulders. If either of your prophecies is true,”—I put my hand up to stop him from insisting the werewolf prophecy was indeed not just a myth—“and I’m the Selected they speak of, my actions directly affect everyone. If by my decisions I can save one life, then that’s what has to be done. Being the Selected isn’t about being selfish. It’s about being self
, no matter what the sacrifices are.”

The rigidness of Blake’s back spoke his true feelings. Unlike vampires, who had to make a conscious effort to show humans what they were feeling, werewolves had trouble keeping their emotions under control and not express them through their body language. Their animal instincts and aggressive nature made them easy to read. The stronger the emotion, the clearer it was what they felt. Blake was no exception.

There was nothing to be said that could make Blake change his mind, or stop his advances. Every day he made it harder to resist his offer of more in our relationship than I’ve ever had before, with anyone else. The temptation was great, but I had to be realistic, especially since he wasn’t. I might not be a werewolf, but I could sense his growing desire and had to deal with my own lust and pent-up feelings toward him. The war raged within me each time we were near each other. It was growing harder to hold strong against all he promised.

Blake grabbed the bandage supplies and extra paste off the couch where Dale had left them and walked to the front door. “I’m going to the pack house to speak with Morris about the Blood Rites Ball. I’ll try to set something up with Kieran. We should be involved, as long as you insist on attending.”

I went over to the counter to pick up the white invitation with crimson writing on it. The ink’s resemblance to blood didn’t escape me. “Okay, but remember, Kieran won’t even tell me where the ball is to be held until one hour before it’s to start.”

He laughed. “He probably won’t be telling my father anything specific, either. If he lets us know at all, it will be a shocker.”

Blake left with a promise to check in later that evening before the store closed. I made him swear that he’d give me an update on what his plans were for tomorrow night. I had no doubt he was going to insist on being involved, whether the vampires liked it or not.

BOOK: Betrayal Bites (Tales of Sydney Sedrick Book 2)
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