Read Bewitched for Pleasure Online

Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Multiple Partner Erotic Romance

Bewitched for Pleasure (3 page)

BOOK: Bewitched for Pleasure
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This was what she loved about living so far out in the country with only one way into her property. Privacy. She opened the belt on her robe and slid the silk panels wide before sliding it off her shoulders to land at her feet. She stood naked under the full moon with the water glistening on her skin. And just that quickly, the rain ceased. She blinked wet lashes up at the sky and laughed again as the breeze picked up and seemed to swirl around her. What the hell had been in that wine Chel had bought?

“Jesus Christ.”

Brenna spun around as Scott’s voice echoed through the air and found herself facing the three men who’d filled her thoughts far more often than they should.

“I… What… Are you really here?” she asked.

“We’d have been here sooner if we knew you liked to dance naked in the night,” Kyle said.

“I’m feeling way overdressed,” Travis added and shrugged off his leather jacket.

Brenna looked at them for a moment then shook her head and laughed again. “Fuck that wine is some good stuff. I’m not just chanting spells about you three coming here and having sex with me. Now, I’m hallucinating, too.”

She bent over and retrieved her robe from the ground. Masculine groans filled the air, making her giggle at how realistic it was. She straightened and glanced at them again. They hadn’t moved, not an inch. That’s how she knew they were part of her imagination. If they’d come across her naked, they would have turned their backs like the gentlemen they always were around her. Or they would have fled in the other direction, giving her privacy. These three just stood, watching.

She stepped onto the patio and blinked as she caught sight of the candle flames still burning. Her gaze flicked over her body. She didn’t look wet. She didn’t feel soaked, and her robe was merely damp as if from the moisture left after her shower. Had the rain been an illusion, as well? She shook her head, bent to blow out the candles again and walked inside, sliding shut the door and locking it once more. Coffee. Maybe she should be making coffee.

“Did she just walk away thinking we weren’t real?” Travis asked.

“Yeah, but I’m more focused on the ‘chanting spells to have sex with all of us’ thing she said,” Kyle said.

“She was naked,” Scott said. “Every fucking glorious inch of her. Naked.”

“Yeah,” Travis and Kyle agreed with a groan.

“So, I’m thinking we need to rethink our game plan,” Travis said.

Scott laughed. “Yeah, somehow I don’t think she’ll be picking between us.”

“Seems like she wants us all,” Kyle said, sounding a little stunned.

Travis grinned. “Seems like our little Bre is a kinky vixen.”

“A sexy as hell, kinky vixen,” Scott agreed.

“So anyone backing out, or are we sharing?” Kyle asked, getting to the heart of the matter.

“It’s not like we’ve never shared a girl before,” Scott reminded them.

“That was cheap sex,” Travis grunted. “Bre’s more than that.”

“Then I say we take a vote, now,” Scott told them. “We’re either all in, or we walk away.”

“What do you mean ‘all in’?” Kyle asked.

“We either agree to share and share alike. No jealousy. No pushing her to choose between us unless she seems to want to. Or we walk away. But if you walk away, there can’t be any hard feelings toward those who stay,” Scott answered.

“You’re staying?” Travis asked.

“Did you not fucking see the goddess who just walked away from us? I’m not going anywhere,” Scott grunted.

“I’m staying,” Travis added.

Kyle shook his head and sighed. “I’m in.”

“You hope,” Travis said with a chuckle.

“Damn straight,” Kyle agreed. “Any place she lets me.”

“So, new game plan?” Scott prompted.

“I’d say the first thing is to make her aware we’re not illusions or hallucinations or anything,” Travis snorted. “I thought Chel said they’d just had some wine.”

“We probably shouldn’t let her know Chel called and told us to head over,” Kyle stated. “I’m thinking that would be a bad idea.”

“Agreed,” Scott said.

Travis nodded. “If we do this, everything will change,” Travis warned. “Sex does that.”

“Did you see her?” Scott demanded. “I walked away once, when we were younger and caught her skinny dipping. I’ll never forget diving in and pulling her against my body, every naked inch of her. She fit perfectly. If she hadn’t moved so quickly, she’d have felt my erection.”

“She felt mine tonight,” Travis said then shrugged when his best friends looked at him. “I’m tired of waiting for her to give us a clue who she likes. And fuck, it seems as if she likes us all. It wasn’t mixed signals she was sending out. She wants the three of us.” He blew out a breath. “And damned if I want to wait any longer. If me having her means sharing with you two…” He shrugged again. “I’m okay with that. I just want her. I’ve always wanted her.”

Kyle bobbed his head. “I agree.”

“Then let’s go get her,” Scott said and led the way around to the front of the cottage.

Travis and his buddies had spent a few minutes knocking on her door when they’d first arrived. Then her laugh had sounded from the backyard, and they’d headed around. Travis hadn’t expected to find Brenna wearing nothing but the glow of the moon on her skin. Hell, she’d stolen his breath and left him rooted to the spot. And judging by the similar expressions on Kyle and Scott’s faces, he’d bet money they felt the same.

They lined up in front of her door, and Kyle did the honors of knocking. The curtain moved, and they saw her peek out at them. Her eyes grew round with surprise, and Travis couldn’t help waving his fingers at her. She squeaked and pressed the phone she held back to her ear. Moments later, they heard a screech.

“Brenna?” Scott bellowed through the door. “You okay in there?”

The curtain moved again, and she groaned.

“Oh, for God’s sake,” Kyle muttered. “Open the damn door, Brenna.”

The door jerked open, and she stood there with her robe tied tightly around her. “I… You… I don’t…”

She couldn’t seem to finish a sentence.

“We do,” Travis said and pushed his way past her, stepping inside.

Scott followed.

Kyle crowded Brenna away from the door, and when she finally released her grip on the frame, he eased the door shut then flipped the lock.

“I…” She swallowed as her gaze swung between the three of them. “I’ll go put some clothes on. Just be a minute.”

Kyle smiled, slow and easy. “Isn’t it a little late for that? We’ve already seen every inch of you.”

She groaned and buried her face in her hands. “Oh, God. I didn’t think you were really there.”

“Yeah, we got that when you continued the peep show by bending over and then walking in the house without saying anything to us,” Travis said.

“Oh, God,” Brenna moaned again. “This isn’t happening.”

Travis stepped closer to her. “It is, and it’s about damn time. I’m tired of tiptoeing around you, pretending I don’t want to get you naked and in my bed.”

“What?” she squealed. “You do not.”

He caught her hand and pressed it against the bulge behind his zipper. “Does it feel like I’m lying?”

Her fingers clenched around his dick, and he groaned, rocking into her grip. “Keep that up, baby, and we’ll all be naked with you spread across that dining room table as a sensual feast just for us.”

All four gazes skirted toward the table in question. Brenna bit her lip and looked back at Travis.

“Just say the word,” Scott said.

“I…” She shook her head, and Travis almost whimpered out loud when the word that came out of her mouth wasn’t a resounding yes. “Wait.”

“We’ve been waiting. Ten long damn years,” Kyle said.

“I had no idea you were interested in me.” Her gaze bounced among them. “None of you.”

“We knew you were interested. We just didn’t know which one of us you were looking at,” Travis told her, placing his hand over hers where it covered his cock. “It never dawned on us you might want all of us.”

“I don’t…”

She trailed off, and Travis grinned.

“Yes, you do,” Scott refuted before Travis or Kyle could. “You do, and now that we know it, we’re all on board.”

“What does that mean?” she asked.

“It means, you can have us—all of us,” Kyle said.

“Am I dreaming again?” Brenna murmured.

She looked so lost Travis couldn’t resist the urge to lean down and taste her lips. Both of her hands lifted to grip his biceps, and he tugged her closer.

“Does this feel like a dream?” he whispered against her skin.

“Yes,” she sighed.

Kyle slid behind her, trapping her between him and Travis. “Do you want to wake up?” he crooned in her ear.

Travis pulled back enough to see her eyes while Kyle kept kissing her neck. Scott moved closer, as well, and turned her face toward his kiss. Travis just held her against him and watched as his two best friends seduced their woman.

Their woman

The thought should have thrown him, but it didn’t. It sounded right. It felt right. She felt right. And they’d waited ten years for this moment—ten years for Brenna. He had a feeling she was going to be more than worth it.

He couldn’t resist the smell of her skin. With her head turned toward Scott, her neck was exposed to him. Knowing Kyle kissed along the other side, Travis leaned down and nibbled at her ear, then nuzzled along her nape. He slid one hand up to cup her breast, and when she moaned into Scott’s kiss, he flicked his thumb over her nipple.

Slowly, they turned her between them, each taking the time to taste her lips while the other two continued to stimulate her body. Travis was certain his friends were as worked up as he was, each focusing on the same goal—making Brenna want them as much as they did her. Travis knew a taste would never be enough. Before, he might have just watched her and wished. But now, with her skin still against his lips, there was no turning back.

“Do you want to wake up?” Travis asked her the same question Kyle had. “Or do you want to live the dream?”

Brenna couldn’t believe what was happening. My God! They weren’t hallucinations like she’d thought. They were here, with her. Holy shit! They were with her. She’d gone in a complete circle while they each took turns kissing her and stoking the flames of her desire. Travis was rocking his erection against her belly. Kyle’s cock was hard along her lower back while his lips were busy on her neck. Scott had his mouth over hers, stealing her breath with his kiss. And it was really happening.

Travis’ voice penetrated her thoughts with a question. If waking up meant leaving this behind then no. She never wanted to wake up. She wanted the dream.

“Are you sure?” Scott asked and made her realize she’d said her thoughts out loud.

“Be sure, Bre,” Travis said. “Because as soon as you say yes, I’m stripping you and putting you on that table to share.”

She shivered with anticipation. They surrounded her—Travis at her front, Kyle behind her and Scott at her side. There was no way she was walking away from a moment that she’d spent a lifetime waiting for. She nodded her head.

“Yes,” she murmured, then cleared her throat and answered more firmly. “Yes.”

True to his word, Travis swept her up in his arms and headed toward her dining room table. Scott and Kyle skirted around them and began moving stuff off the surface. She lost track of what they were doing when Travis spoke again and fully claimed her attention.

“I’ve waited too long to get my hands on you. I want to taste you from head to toe, and I will.” He bent his head and inhaled the scent of her hair. “Vanilla. You always smell like warm vanilla, so sweet and fragrant, I want to eat you up.”

“Warm vanilla sugar,” she whispered.

“What?” Travis asked.

She explained further. “The scent. I buy warm vanilla sugar at the mall—body wash, lotion and fragrance. It’s what I wear.”

“Good choice,” he replied as he nuzzled her check until she turned her head toward him. His lips brushed softly over hers. “We’re going to make you feel so good,” he vowed and took her under with another of his deep, thought-stealing kisses.

She gasped as he broke off and stepped forward, lowering her to the table. Either Scott or Kyle had grabbed one of the blankets from the couch and placed it on top. There was even a pillow for her head.

“Let’s get this out of the way,” Scott said and reached for the belt of her robe.

He held her gaze as he loosened it. He grabbed one side and Kyle grabbed the other, and they spread it wide, revealing every inch of her to their avid gazes.

“Fuck, babe.” Scott grunted. “You’re so beautiful.”

“Gorgeous,” Kyle agreed.

“Wet,” Travis stated and ran his fingers over the damp lips of her sex, making her groan. He brought his hand to his mouth and tasted her juices from his fingers. “Delicious.”

“I want,” Kyle said and leaned down until his face was just over her sex. He used his tongue to trace the seam of her pussy lips and moaned against her flesh. “So fucking good.”

“My turn,” Scott uttered.

Kyle placed one final sucking kiss at the top of her cleft, just over her clit, then lifted his head, licking his lips.

Scott held her gaze like a magnet, pulling it with him as he lowered his head. No tracing for him. He zoned in on her clit and tongued it vigorously, flicking and tapping over the distended bud before flattening his tongue over it and rubbing. She almost came off the table. She clenched her fingers in the blanket and cried out.

“Oh, God!”

“Babe, we haven’t even started yet,” Scott told her, then began trailing his lips up her stomach toward her breasts.

“Let’s just get a little more comfortable,” Travis said and tugged her down the table until her ass hit the edge and her legs dangled over.

Scott’s mouth skimmed across her nipple and ended up at her neck.

“Oh, yeah,” Travis rumbled. “Dessert is served.”

“So it is,” Scott agreed and nipped her softly with his teeth before sliding lower.

“Mhmm,” was all Kyle murmured before they began to devour her.

Lord, it was like nothing she’d ever experienced—better than any fantasy she’d ever had. Kyle worked one nipple while Scott nursed the other. Travis had her pussy lips spread and was working his tongue up and down, tracing her from hole to clit and back. There were so many sensations spiraling through her that she couldn’t focus on any one. They all blended until she floated in a sea of pleasure.

BOOK: Bewitched for Pleasure
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