Read Big Girls Get the Blues Online

Authors: Mercy Walker

Big Girls Get the Blues (9 page)

BOOK: Big Girls Get the Blues
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He smiled wolfishly.  “Race you?”

We started pulling off clothes in a flurry.  “What’s the winner get?” I asked.

“Choice of starting position.”

I licked my lips, liking that prize.

I dropped my bra in triumph
, sitting perfectly naked on the bed

Quinn still had a foot in his jeans, his boxer briefs still on.

“Damn…” he grumped.

“Winner’s choice,” I breathed, and leaned back on the bed, spreading my legs and kinking my finger at him to come hither.

I was lying on Quinn’s bed…

“Whatever the woman wants,” he said, pushing down his underwear, his hard manhood springing huge and hungry from his short nest of black pubes.


Magically he had a foil wrapped condom in his fingers; but so did I.

He looked at me and then the packet.  “That’s too big,” he said.  “It’ll fall off.”

I peered down at his enormous manhood, and it twitched as if I’d tickled its head.

you need the extra large ones.”

He shook his head.

I leaned forward and tore open the wrapper with my teeth, just like he had the other day at my place.  He smiled.  And then his head snapped back as I rolled the latex sheath over him.  It fit perfectly.  Not so tight that the surface was glassy smooth.  No, this fit would allow some of
cock’s own delightful texture to rub against my insides.  I
would feel better for him

Or so Sue Johansson, that
Talk Sex
woman had said on a long ago episode.

I lay back on the bed and beckoned him once more.  I needed the man inside me, and now.  He obliged by stroking his cock, testing out the fit and feel of the larger condom—he smiled wickedly—and then crawled like a freaking panther onto the bed and atop me.  His fists held him above me as
kissed and licked his way up my body.  My legs opened wide, and I could feel how wet I was.  If I didn’t get him inside me soon, I burst into flames.

And just like that, the instant his lips met mine, his hard, condom clad
cock pushed into me, and my body short circuited. It was as if he’d plugged his cock into a wall socket.  My body tightened, as did my vagina.  It was still amazing how his heft and circumference could push and stretch me to accommodate him.

I wrapped my legs around his hips as they began to piston in and out of me.  And I was right
the new larger condom was amazing feeling; so much
texture and friction.  It was almost too much, until my feminine juices eased it somewhat.

Quinn’s eyes were closed as he pushed in and out of me, a look of being lost in bliss covering his face.  He looked like a man who’d just seen heaven—or at least had himself dick deep in it.

I felt myself warm all over.  Not just from the sex, but from the utter joy of bringing him so much pleasure.  That’s all I wanted now, was to give Quinn as much pleasure as I could.

Before he…

His eyes shot open, and he stared into my eyes as his body went totally still.  A wicked grin curled his thick, delicious looking lips.

“I almost forgot!” and he pulled my legs from around his hips and started to pull out of me.  I gasped, as if in pain—
y body didn’t want to give him up.
  And from the look of anguish in his expression, he felt the same way.

But he pulled out, his cock shiny from the condom and my juices.  I watched, bewildered, as he jogged out of the bedroom.  At least I got to see his magnificent derrière jiggle as
Man…he had a fabulous bottom.

A few beats later he was back, a mega-watt smile on his face, a can of Reddi
in his hands.

I leaned up, bristling at the idea of something cold coming in contact with me at this point.  “What’s that for?”

He stalked onto the mattress with me again, and I felt his weight effortlessly push my legs open beneath him, and his prick started to push into me…but not quite enough—a tease.  I put my hands against his chest, and could only see the slightest pink mar
, like the light of a star, where I’d stun gunned him.

He looked down on me and winked, and then popped the lid with his teeth—lord have mercy the man’s mouth had a lot of tricks and talents—and then leaned in and sprayed some of the fluffy, cold stuff on my right nipple.  I shuddered, not liking the cold feel at all.  And then he did the same to the left one.

He licked his lips as he surveyed his work.  “Desert,” he growled as his head dropped to my right breast and started to lick and suck the white cream off.
I moaned at the feel of hi
eating the Reddi Wip from me, and my legs just opened as my back arched.  That let him fall into me until his cock was as far inside me as was physically possible. 

Like a bolt in a lock, so intense and satisfying…but it made me want more…oh, so much more.

As he feasted on my breasts, he
slowly increased the speed of his deep thrusts inside me.  I licked his earlobe and then bit it playfully.  His hips pounded into me, and from there on you could hear nothing but our ragged breathing and groans, the muffled squeak of the springs under his mattress, and the friction caused sound of his cock forcing its way back into me after nearly pulling all the way out.

I was wrapped around him: arms, legs, vagina.  And I felt
something else, something so strange and intangible—but there—holding us together.

He gasped against my neck, and his hips started humping wildly into me.  He was close.

I already knew I was close.  I’d been desperately holding off my own climax with gritted teeth for the last ten minutes.

I full his lips to mine and feasted on his sweet, full mouth while his body tightened, every lovely muscle in him contracting, and finally he poured himself into me with jagged thrusts.

My big O slid over me this time, as if the ocean of my orgasm had been under me, holding me floating on its surface, and only now it pulled me gently under, to fill me with the fire that churned inside me, and then to quench it thoroughly at the same time.


My head lulled back on the mattress, every muscle in me going flaccid and loose from the wave of pleasure rolling over me.  I swallowed and opened my heavy eye lids.  Quinn’s eyes were shut too, and he had that dreamy expression on his face again.  A woman could become used to seeing that look on her man’s face

I coiled at what I’d just thought.  That he was my man.  Mine…

He opened his eyes and stared adoringly down on me. 

something deep inside me, something that didn’t have a lick of sense in her head, growled.

He let his weight push down on me, and he stared long and hard into my eyes, his fingers playing with my red curls, his cock still hard inside me.

Then his gaze changed and he looked pointedly at me.  “You’re coming back to the club, right?”

I shot him with a wary look.

He shifted his weight and pulled out just an inch, and then pushed slowly back into me.  “Do I have to fuck you until you submit?”

My well worn pussy convulsed at the thought. 

an interesting idea

But it was getting late.  The sun was waxing, the light of the city turning yellow and golden.  Soon the club would be opening, and if he was right—and I’d heard through the grape vine about the attendance of one of the Obsidian Butterfly’s shows—the place would be packed and busy as hell.

They needed me.  I knew it.  And it should have made everything better.  The best sex—yet again—of my life should have made everything better.  But it didn’t.

I still knew where this was all heading.

“Fine,” I said haughtily.  “Let me go home and shower, and I’ll be there in thirty minutes.”

He smiled wide, and he lowered himself to kiss me deeply, taking my will and my breath away.  And then he pulled his cock from inside me and lifted me up in his arms, carrying me to a closed door that had to be his bathroom.

“We can shower together…to conserve on water.”

I laughed.  I didn’t think we’d conserve water if we took an hour long, sure to be
shower together.  But it was his house…

I let my head rest on his shoulder as he pushed through the door with me in his arms.

I knew better.  I really did.  I’d regret this.  But just for now, I didn’t care.  I was with him, and that was all that mattered.



This is the end o
Big Girls
Get the Blue
.  I hope you enjoyed it and will review it on and


Don’t miss
in the series
Big Girls Like it Deepe
, Coming Soon


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But to tide you over, here are a few of my other erotic titles:


Making Him Want It: Conning the Billionaire

Making Him Want It 2: Conning the Billionaire (Callie’s Secret)

No Safe Words Here 1
--  An Erotic Murder Mystery Serial Novel

No Safe Words Here 2

No Safe Words Here 3

No Safe Words Here 4

Dark Surrender
(Vampire Erotic Romance novel)

(an Erotic Romantic Comedy novel)

One Too Many Men
(an Erotic Romantic Comedy novel)

Whatever You Want
(an Erotic Office Romance Short)


Copyright 2012, Mercy Walker



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BOOK: Big Girls Get the Blues
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