Billion Dollar Milkmaid: The Complete Series (6 page)

BOOK: Billion Dollar Milkmaid: The Complete Series
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“Mr. King?” she asked the silver-haired man expectantly.


“He’ll be in, in a minute.”


“What’s your name?”


If he responded, his words were lost to Amy. Sleep reclaimed her before she had time to process them.


When she woke she was in a dark room. She blinked once, then rubbed her eyes. She was laying on a bed, the covers pulled up to her neck. Underneath, the blanket she was completely nude.


Amy wondered if the man was the one who undressed her. The thought made her blush.


Mr. King seemed so possessive though, she could hardly imagine that he would allow him to do such a thing.


Still, there was the matter of Mr. King’s girlfriend. She had attacked Amy. What if Mr. King sided with her instead of Amy? It could mean that she’s out of a job.


Suddenly, she didn’t feel so guilty about having feelings for the silver-haired man. If Mr. King took the side of his girlfriend, Amy would stop seeing him.


It didn’t matter if their relationship was professional. She couldn’t give pleasure to a man that treated her in such a way.


Amy turned on her side, still unwilling to rise.


When she moved a voice beside her murmured. Amy froze. The voice startled her. It was a big bed and a dark room, she hadn’t realized that she wasn’t alone.


The figure rolled over; an arm wrapped around her and pulled her close. She could tell by the strong masculine arms that it was a man. But was it Mr. King or the man? Would handsome stranger just crawl into bed with her, though? Amy didn’t think so.


She snuggled in closer and ran her fingers through the man’s hair and down over his face. She felt high cheekbones, a sharp nose and a strong jaw. It had to be Mr. King.


“Feeling better?”


His voice made her jump.


“Hey,” he said, “it’s me.”


He put his hand on her face and ran his thumb over her lips.


Amy wasn’t sure how to react to Mr. King. She couldn’t see his face but he sounded genuinely concerned.


“I want you to know how sorry I am. Whatever it takes, I’m going to make it up to you. What she did- it’s inexcusable.”


Amy felt her heart race. Deep down, she hadn’t expected a full apology.


She snuggled in closer to him. His face brushed against hers. He had a slight five o’clock shadow that scratched her skin. It tickled her face making her smile.


There was something about being close to Mr. King that made the troubles of the evening disappear. Her headache was gone and his psycho girlfriend forgotten.


Amy pressed her breasts against his chest. Mr. King squeezed them gently, kneading the soft, milky tissue.


Amy moaned lowly and sighed. It felt amazing when he massaged her sore breasts.


She wondered how long she had been asleep. It had been a while since she was last alone with Mr. King. Her breasts felt fuller and rounder than usual.


Amy took his face and pulled it down to her chest. Mr. King found her nipple with ease.


It was as if they were old lovers, overly familiar with each other’s bodies and experienced in one another’s needs and desires.


When she felt his soft lips curl around her sensitive cherry nipple she squealed with delight.


His tongue tickled her as it passed over her areola. He began sucking gently.


A pleasant warmth spread throughout her breast and down her spine. She grinded her hips into Mr. King. His cock sprung to life hard against her thigh. She wanted him inside her, but thought it was best to let him finish first.


Amy ran her fingers through his hair and pushed his face into her chest. She smothered him with her breasts.


She wrapped a hand around his neck, forcing his face to her breast, while the other pulled his hair.


A low groan emanating deep his throat echoed through Amy. It was an animalistic, guttural sound that sent vibrations through her chest.


Amy rubbed her legs together impatiently. The sounds he was making triggered a need inside her she felt long deprived of. It was hard to quantify; it was a mixture of a need for intimacy and love, combined with long repressed sexual desire.


All of her inhibitions were slowly melting away. It was exciting, but dangerous. Where would this new path lead her? She wondered.


When Mr. King finished with her right breast he moved onto her left, without hesitation. He sucked harder now. It felt like he was building up momentum towards something.


Amy writhed and moaned with pleasure. Her whole body felt alive and electric.


With his lips firmly wrapped around her left nipple, his hand went down between her legs. He fingered her while sucking.


Amy gripped the mattress and cried out.


He pinched her clit and massaged her g-spot. It was everything Amy could do to stay still enough so he could continue feeding.


She felt unleashed. She wanted to roll him over, pin him to the bed and have her way with him, but some part of her kept cool and in control.


She allowed Mr. King to finish before grabbing him by the shoulders. She flipped him onto his back and kissed him. His lips tasted sweet like butter cream.


Her nails dug into his hard shoulders as she positioned herself over him. His cock parted the wet, juicy lips between her legs easily.


In one confident thrust he was inside her. Amy pushed against him, taking his cock deeper.


She sat up straight and rode him hard. Mr. King held her hips as she moved like a woman possessed.


The throbbing between her legs reached a fever pitch. Amy grabbed her breasts and kneaded them as she fucked Mr. King. The room was too dark for him to see, but she didn’t care.


He entered her over and over. She thought he was near coming, when he suddenly flipped her onto her back. He pulled out his cock and began rubbing it between her breasts.


Amy giggled and pushed her breasts tight, inclosing her full milky chest around his cock. It passed between them, back and forth.


Mr. King withdrew only to cum on her breasts.


He rolled to the side and turned on a small lamp by the side of the bed. The dim light shown on Amy’s heaving chest.


Mr. King wiped his cum off, then passed a finger over her mouth. Amy licked her lips and tasted his salty cum. She purred like a cat with cream.


Mr. King kissed her deeply. His tongue passed over her lips and inside her mouth. Amy could still taste the breast milk.


She moaned as he pulled away.


He kissed each of her breasts before settling in next to her. Amy laid on her back. Mr. King was stretched out on his side; his hand rested on her chest. His long soft fingers caressed her nipple and passed over and between her breasts. The motion was delicate and soothing; it made Amy feel drowsy. She fought to stay awake, they needed to talk about what happened earlier.


Amy didn’t know where to begin. She suddenly wished she knew his first name, addressing him as “Mr. King,” felt too formal, given the circumstances.


Amy wasn’t sure what the status of their relationship was, but to wake up in his bed felt like a good thing. It felt like they were growing.


As much as she hated to admit it to herself, she wanted to be his girlfriend. She wanted to hear him call her his girl.


Amy sighed and said, “And I don’t even know your first name.” She hadn’t meant to say it out loud. Her face felt warm; she knew she was turning red.


Mr. King laughed. “It’s Patrick.”


“Patrick,” she repeated. She said the words slowly, as if it was a precious thing to know his name.


“Your girlfriend-” she began.


“Anna Belle.”


Amy smiled to herself. Anna Belle would be furious if she knew Patrick had mentioned her real name. She was obsessed with secrecy. Given Patrick’s habits of stepping out on Anna Belle, Amy didn’t really blame her.


“Will she be back?”


Patrick sighed. “What do you mean ‘back?’”


“Are the two of you…still together?”


Patrick rubbed the stubble on his cheek. Amy wasn’t sure if it was a gesture of frustration or just habit.


“I don’t know…” His voice trailed off; a far away look clouded his eyes.


Amy was struck by the feeling that he was holding back something.


“She won’t be bothering you again. That’s what’s important.”


He wasn’t as confident as Amy would have liked. She knew she would see Anna Belle again. The thought sent shivers up her spine.


Amy’s head began to ache again. When they first met, she didn’t suspect Anna Belle of being the violent type, but here she was nursing a bad headache and a minor concussion.


“Where did I go wrong?” Amy said more to herself than to Patrick.


“You haven’t done anything wrong.”


Thoughts of the silver-haired stranger flooded her mind.


“Who was that gray-haired man? The one who-” Amy stopped herself. She didn’t want to remind Patrick of earlier that evening when she let the older man taste her wares. Patrick had become jealous and territorial, leading her off into a private room. At which point she’d been ambushed by Anna Belle.


Amy couldn’t stop herself from thinking that if she’d stuck with the gray-haired man the night would have turned out differently.


Patrick studied Amy’s face with a grave expression. “I assume you mean Hunter?”


“When I woke up on the couch he was there... I would like to thank him. He seemed nice.”


“Amy, Hunter is Anna Belle’s father.”


Amy felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. “Her fucking father?” Her voice was shriller than she would have liked.


“Yes. I thought you knew.”


“How would I know that? I didn’t even know your first name until a few minutes ago.” She jumped out of bed in anger. “Where are my clothes at?”


“Why are you mad at me?”


It was a good question.


“I’m just- it- it’s the whole situation.” Amy felt a sudden urgency to get away from the house. “I need time to think.”


“Are you sure you’re not pissed because your knight in shining armor turned out to be Anna Belle’s father?” Patrick’s face was cold and his words hinted at danger.


Amy was beyond feeling threatened by him.


“Pay me now.” She wasn’t sure where the words had come from, but money was the one element she had control over. “I want my money and a bonus for the shit I’ve had to put up with.”


Patrick’s eyes never left hers as he picked up a pair of pants off of a side table. He pulled out a billfold and several crisp one hundred dollar bills.


He held them out to Amy, but when she reached for them he pulled his hand away. She reached for the money again and he grabbed her wrist.


“How bad do you want it?” he asked.


“Fuck you.”


Patrick laughed and handed her the money. After a moment of hesitation she took it.

BOOK: Billion Dollar Milkmaid: The Complete Series
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