Read Black Magic Online

Authors: Megan Derr

Tags: #m/m romance, #Fantasy

Black Magic (35 page)

BOOK: Black Magic
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Instead, as Sorin just kissed him again, Koray let go of Sorin's shoulders, stifled his returning anxiety, and dragged his hands slowly down Sorin's body. Getting a generous feel of Sorin's chest was certainly no hardship, reminding him again that he would love someday soon to be the one tasting every bit of skin he could reach. For the moment, however, he focused on wrapping a hand around Sorin's cock, exploring it carefully, swallowing the noises Sorin made. He flushed with pleasure at knowing he was the reason Sorin made them and was determined to provoke more.

"Harder," Sorin said on a groan, and after a moment of hesitation, Koray obeyed, gripping his cock harder, moving his hand faster. Touching someone else was even more different than he had imagined, but he would do anything for more of those sounds, the needy, desperate look on Sorin's face.

When Sorin came in his hand, release spilling across their skin, Koray thought there was very little he wouldn't do to always be allowed to see Sorin look that way every day of his life.

Sorin kissed him again slowly, savoring, and Koray was more than happy to go along with it, hands curling around Sorin's hips, heedless of the mess. Finally, Sorin drew back, shifted to lie down alongside Koray, and pulled him so Koray lay nearly on top of him. He nuzzled Koray's cheek, nosed his hair. Koray snorted softly in amusement. "I think you only want me for my hair."

Sorin laughed. "Is that better or worse than apparently having a fondness for your habit of insulting me and calling me names at every turn?"

"Worse, because at least the fact I enjoy yelling at you balances that out. There's no excuse for being obsessed with my hair, paladin."

"Oh, I think I can get you to admit to a weakness before the day is over," Sorin said with a slow smirk, trapping Koray's hand where it had fallen to lay on his chest.

Koray glared at him, but it was hard to maintain it when he was enthralled, completely and utterly, with every single bit of Sorin, from his very fine chest to his silly smiles and stubborn ways, and most of all the way he made Koray feel there was no better place to be than exactly where they were. "Do not issue a challenge you have no hope of winning, My Lord High Paladin."

"I only issue challenges I intend to win, My Lord High Necromancer," Sorin replied, smirk growing, and he did not give Koray a chance to voice his scathing reply.


About the Author

Megan is a long time resident of m/m fiction, and keeps herself busy reading, writing, and publishing it. She is often accused of fluff and nonsense. She loves to hear from readers, and can be found all around the internet.


BOOK: Black Magic
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