Read Blackmailing the Billionaire Online

Authors: Marie Kelly

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #love, #lovers, #billionaire, #blackmailing

Blackmailing the Billionaire (3 page)

BOOK: Blackmailing the Billionaire
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Nodding, he stepped forward, “Fine... I
will” A finger flipped the long tail which hung down behind her.
“For a start... Most women do not wear ponytails... At least not
after the age of twelve” Joy gasped, her hand rising to pat her
hair, eyes daggers as he pointed to the collar of her jacket, “And
you are supposed to be going out with me on a date... Not attending
some job interview... Especially not in this outfit. I have seen
better sacks than this ‘suit’” Another gasp left her as he plowed
on, “And flatties?... Seriously Joy. You are not some six foot
model who could get away with looking a little shorter... How tall
are you?... 5’2... 5’3?... You need all the help you can get”

With her whole body rigid, she glowered back
at him. “And I suppose you could choose better, could you?” Carig
nodded as he moved around her, making for the direction she had
come, only one door open, he sure that it must be her room. Her
loud cries of protestation did not stop him as he stalked into her
bedroom, pulling open the old wardrobe. To her dismay he paused,
his eyes turning to her. “Good God... I like a challenge, but not
much to work with here”

Joy’s insides shrivelled as he pushed each
hanger aside, his look assessing each of her outfits, none of which
could be described as fashionable. Finally, he settled on a summer
dress, the soft buttermilk yellow a colour which looked good on
her. Pulling it from the dark interior he threw it onto the bed.
“OK... That was the best I could find... But you need clothes, and
lots of them”

Heat infused her cheeks as she glared at the
man before her. Was it only minutes ago that she had thought
herself to have judged him unfairly, that perhaps he was really a
sweet little pussycat, her lips twisting in a snarl. Well let that
be a lesson to her. Carig Calle was no pussycat; he was an animal
of a completely different species – a snake maybe. Drawing herself
up to her fullest height, sure that he was not intimidated, but
needing to seem stronger than she felt, she growled at him, “Well
tough. I cannot afford new clothes... So get used to it”

With a look of contemptuous arrogance, he
moved to the door, halting as he pointed to the dress, “Put that
on... And consider the clothes I WILL be getting you a gift.
However, if you think for one minute that you are going out with me
wearing any of those…”, his hand gesturing to the wardrobe,
“outfits... Then you are wrong. You said you wanted to mix with my
social group... Well guess what, sweetheart. They will laugh you
right out of the room if you turn up dressed in those”, and with
that he turned and left. Joy stood silently, her eyes staring back
at the empty space he had stood with stunned shock, his receding
footsteps the only noise to be heard.

Slowly the rage which held her melted away
as she sank onto the bed, her eyes staring intently at her hands.
What the hell was she thinking? Of course he was right. She was
some nobody farm girl who only ever bought a new outfit if she was
attending a wedding. His friends were bored socialites who had
turned shopping into an Olympic sport. Sighing, she lifted the
dress he had chosen, a soft smile on her lips. It had been her
father’s favourite too, the simplicity of it never aging as it
hugged her small figure before flaring slightly at the hips. With a
chuckle, she wondered if he thought it to be a retro copy of
similar designs worn in the sixties, not prepared to tell him that
it was an original, having belonged to her grandmother.

Taking a deep breath, she removed the suit,
pulling on the dress, her hand dragging her hair free of the band
to allow it to fall around her shoulders and down her back. Fishing
out the cream shoes which she wore with the dress, she pulled them
on, not sure that the small heels made much difference to her
stature, but hey, she needed all the help she could get – was that
not what he had said? Taking a last look in the mirror, she
steadied herself before once more moving towards the kitchen. If he
made another comment about her appearance, then so help her, she
would find a good use for the other thing left to her from her
grandmother. The skillet was certainly heavy enough to cause some
real damage to the arrogant billionaire.

Stepping once more into the kitchen, her
look challenged him to say one word, his head lifting as a slow
sensual smile spread over his features. “Well... So much better...
You look... Good” Giving him a shriveling glare, she opened a
cupboard, grabbing a glass before filling it with water, not
prepared to let him see how the compliment sent the strangest
sensation of pleasure running through her, the anger washed

Taking a long drink, she pulled herself back
together before once more turning to face him, her small chin
lifted defiantly, “Well... Wouldn’t want to embarrass you in front
of all of your judging shallow-minded friends” His lips twitched
again, real humour deep in his eyes, “That would be the ‘judging,
shallow-minded friends’ you seem so desperate to meet”, the soft
words making her curl her fingers around the glass. “Yes... well.
Like I said I have my reasons” Still drinking his coffee, his eyes
fixed on her, his whole stance relaxed, while she felt her insides
trembling. “Care to tell me what those ‘reasons’ are?”

Turning to rinse her glass, she shook her
head fervently, “Nope” His long sigh made her turn, his look now
serious. “I should tell you Joy, that I will be keeping a close eye
on you. I do not like this deal, not one little bit. But if I find
out you are up to something, anything that might harm my friends...
I will come down so hard on you, you will not know what day of the
week it is”

Joy pursed her lips, her head nodding
softly, “Understood” The two regarded each other before he placed
his cup on the table. “OK. I had thought to ask you to pack a
bag... But after what I just saw we will just make our first stop
somewhere to get you new clothes. Oh, and do you have a passport?”
Joy snapped to attention as she frowned. “Why would I need to
pack?” His finger trailed around the rim of the cup, a predatory
smile on his mouth. “Because Miss Reid, I have a hectic life which
involves my travelling around a great deal. Now you could either
accompany me... or I could just hook up with you when I am in town”
Her eyes widened, lips opening in surprise, “When are you going?...
Where are you going?” His arm came up in an exaggerated movement,
checking his watch, “Hmmm, in about five hours... Enough time to
get lunch and then my flight... And the ‘where’ depends on the
particular day”

Joy glared at the man before her. Was this
his attempt to shake her off, to pay lip service to the deal they
made? He was a busy man she knew, but it was vital that she stick
with him, did what had to be done. Taking a shuddering breath, she
fixed him with eyes full of determination. Time to pull up her big
girl pants and show him she was not going to be side-lined.

Pulling her phone out, she could see his
eyes narrowing as silently she dialed a number. “Hi Jan... I need
to go out of town, not sure for how long... Could you watch the
farm for me?” After a few seconds and the promise to tell Jan more
later she rang off, her look turned once more to his. “OK Mr
Calle... Ready when you are. And yes I have a passport”, Joy
satisfied to see the way his eyes hardened and his jaw

Standing, he moved towards the door. “In
that case Miss Reid, let’s go”, his arm outstretched for her to
lead the way. With one final glance around, she moved out of the
home she had grown up in, stopping only long enough to pick up the
small passport tucked neatly in the living room sideboard, the
sinking feeling hitting her that the next time she would see her
home, it would most likely be to pack up her belongings.

In the car the two were silent, both lost in
their own thoughts. Jan had been surprised when she called, her
worried voice once more questioning if she was sure, telling Joy
that they could find another way, Joy knowing that they never
would. Finally on the other end of the line her aunt had sighed,
she knowing that the woman was smiling as she promised to move into
the farm with Ricco. Joy knew that the farm would be in safe hands.
It had once been her aunt’s home, she and her father having grown
up on it. An image of little Ricco, his small hand reaching out to
the horses as he gurgled happily filled her mind, the importance of
her mission making her throat contract, Joy suddenly finding it
hard to breath, not aware as her face filled with pain.

“You OK?” Carig’s concerned voice returned
her thoughts to where she was, Joy pulling a shaky smile to her
mouth. “Sure... I’m fine”, looking once more back out of the window
as she surreptitiously brushed away the tear which rolled down her

The car pulling abruptly onto the grass at
the side of the road pulled her shocked face around to stare at
him, his mouth set in a solemn line. “W... What are you doing?”
Carig remained tight-lipped until the car pulled to a full stop.
Then, releasing his seatbelt he twisted to face her, his stony
expression making her eyes widen in confusion. “It is no secret
that I find this whole situation unacceptable. I am a busy man Joy,
and do not have time to accompany some needy woman with social
aspirations, but you backed me into a corner” His look was full of
anger, his eyes steely, “But... one thing I will absolutely NOT put
up with is lies. I asked you if you are OK, and already you are
lying to me”

Joy gulped, her look falling from his as she
felt her lips start to quiver, her nails digging into her palm,
fighting hard and losing the will to stop the tears which spilled
over her lids. The soft expletive which washed over her was quickly
followed by hands grasping her shoulders and dragging her against
his hard chest, his words soft. “I’m sorry. I can be such a jackass
sometimes. Just ignore me”

Pulling slightly back from him, she angled
her head to look into his concerned eyes. Why did he have to look
like he gave a damn? It was so much easier doing this when he
treated her like she was something beneath him, the way he had the
previous day. With sadness so clear in her tone, her voice
trembled, “I am sorry. I don’t want to take up your time... And I
can’t tell you why”, another sob escaping her lips. “But I have my
reasons Carig... And none of them have anything to do with ‘social
aspirations’ but they are important... So important” His brows drew
together in a frown. “Perhaps I could help you Joy. Whatever it is,
did you ever think that I could be of help?” Joy allowed her eyes
to drift over his face, sincerity written all over his handsome
features before she shook her head minutely. “You can’t”, the ghost
of a smile sitting on her lush lips, “But I appreciate your

Carig dragged in a long breath, his head
nodding. “OK. But I have to insist that from now on... No more
lies. If you can’t or won’t answer... say so” Swallowing again, she
nodded, her eyes once more growing bleary with tears. “I... I just
felt so sad. The next time I see this place... the place I grew
up”, her voice broke slightly, “The place my father lived... and
died – it will be to pack everything away... It will be so...
final... Like losing him forever”

A groan slipped from him, even as his hands
rose to cup her jaw, fingers caressing her cheeks as his look fell
to her trembling lips. Before she could say another word, his head
dipped, his mouth covering hers. Joy melted. Tasting his breath,
her lips parting in silent permission, his lips sliding harder
against hers as his tongue slid sensually against her own. His kiss
was tender, teasing, pulling a response from her along with a small
purr at the back of her throat. His hands slid to the back of her
head, pulling her even harder to himself, the kiss deepening,
becoming more demanding.

Joy could feel herself sinking under the
onslaught of his mouth, the taste of him, the feel of him, dragging
her deeper into pleasure. Not once did it cross her mind to push
him away, the need to be closer to him swamping her senses, her
body leaning forward, straining to get closer.

The bite of the seatbelt holding her back
was sudden, shocking her senses back to normality. Joy’s hands
moved to his chest, pushing him, even as her eyes flew open, she
not sure when they had closed, stunned disbelief deep within.
Carig’s fingers remained wrapped around her head, although he
pulled back slightly too before his forehead dropped to hers, both
speechless, the sound of their raspy breaths the only noise within
the small space.

Finally she was released, Carig sitting
back, watching her closely, a wry smile twisting his lips, the
unasked question in her eyes finally seeing him pull his seatbelt
back on. “That should show you that there are worse things that can
happen in life”

The unexpected words made her mouth open in
stunned shock before the gurgle of laughter rose within her,
breaking free as she began to first chuckle, then laugh, until
tears slid down her face. Carig also felt his lips twitch, the
tension in his features disappearing as he too laughed before
restarting the car and slanting her a smile. “Much nicer tears”,
his soft words making her look drop to her hands, a wistful smile
on her face before she looked back, a teasing glint in her eyes.
“Carig Calle... ’Reducing Women to Tears’ specialist” Carig could
not help the large grin which filled his features before he moved
the car back onto the road. “You have no idea”, his only response,
other than another small chuckle.

Sitting back in the seat, silence once more
fell over the two, each lost in their thoughts. Joy still felt the
way her heart beat erratically, not sure what had just happened.
Flicking a sideways look at the man beside her she chastised
herself. He had only wanted to stop her crying... Well, he had
succeeded. Now she knew why he was so successful.

BOOK: Blackmailing the Billionaire
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