Blaine, Destiny - Domination Plantation [Southern Plantation 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (3 page)

BOOK: Blaine, Destiny - Domination Plantation [Southern Plantation 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Heath watched Jenna with unusual curiosity. If Jules gambled on a guess, he’d bet it was the first time Heath saw Jenna through a man’s eyes. “Both of you behave,” Heath said once more, pushing his hand into his right front pocket and digging for keys.

“Don’t worry, we will, Dad.” Jenna said, emphasizing
a little more than what Jules thought was necessary.

How sweet. Tender, wasn’t it? Just perfect.

He seethed for a moment as he watched his brother say his good-byes. Fuck it. Jenna could call Heath her big daddy for all Jules cared.

wasn’t Jenna’s uncle.
might as well establish that straight from the start.

“I have no reason to worry about the two of you,” Heath said, crooking his finger toward Brogan and Jules. “Somebody needs to keep an eye on these two.”

“Come to Papa,” Brogan said, under his breath.

Jules snickered. “Careful.”

Serena checked them out. “Don’t worry, Daddy, they’ll behave. We’ll keep them in line.” She snapped a kiss on his cheek, grabbed Jenna by the wrist, and pulled her through the barn. “We’ll be up at the house unpacking!”

“She’s a baby doll,” Jules said, his gaze following them until they were out of sight. He wasn’t talking about his niece and Heath probably figured that much out for himself.

“Jules…it’s only a small favor. Leave her be.”

“You staying the night?” Brogan asked, flipping the barn’s main breaker and saving Jules the trouble of promising a blatant lie.

“No, I’m gonna head on home. I need to be there with Fiona. Our neighbors are sitting with her, but she’s not too fond of them. Old Miss Koontz has a terrible nose problem, and she rambles on about the community gossip. Fiona isn’t interested in hearing nonsense.”

“So Fiona is in a bad way?” Brogan asked, frowning.

“She’s gonna die, I reckon,” Heath said, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

Jules looked away. Heath wasn’t a man who let down his guard and cried. Trying to think of something to ease his brother’s pain, he said, “Well, we’re all dying from the moment we start living, and there’s nothing any of us can do about it.”

“This is a little different, Jules,” Heath whispered. “She’s suffering and all any of us can do is sit back and watch. I had to bring Serena here. She needs a break and Fiona wanted her to have a good summer, you know after graduation and all.”

“We’ll make sure she has the time of her life,” Brogan promised, shooting Jules a little warning with a set jaw and stiff upper lip.

Heath bowed his head and kicked at a pile of sawdust. “I reckon I best be going now.”

“We’ll look after the little women,” Brogan said. “You get on back to Fiona. Weatherman says travelers should expect flooding around Chattanooga. Hope you don’t run into the storm.”

They walked him to his overpriced vehicle. He was almost situated behind the wheel when he said, “Jenna is sort of hot, huh?”

Jules smirked. “There’s no ‘sort of’ to it. She ain’t lukewarm, Heath. She’s smokin’ and if she wasn’t your daughter’s best friend, you would’ve already noticed.”

He shook his head. “No, don’t think I would’ve. You gotta know what it’s been like for me and Fiona. I married the love of my life. While I still appreciate a good-looking woman, I don’t do much more than look. Thank God, until now, I always saw Jenna as a second daughter.”

“You need to go on thinking that way,” Brogan encouraged him. “Fiona is a good woman, and she’s a tough one, too. You remember that, Heath, before you give up on her. She’s a real fighter, always has been. Tell her we’re thinking of her.”

“Yeah, send her our love,” Jules added.

“Will do,” Heath replied. “Just…”

Jules waited for him to finish.

Brogan didn’t. “Just what?”

Heath tilted his chin toward the barn. “I know what goes on here at some of your parties. Every now and again, I talk to somebody from these parts. If you think you gotta have Jenna, at least do me one favor.”

“What’s that?” Brogan asked, smiling.

“Name it.” Jules should’ve kept his mouth shut.

“Don’t treat her like a cheap whore. She’s a good girl and I’d like to think I’m not leaving her with wolves.”

“You’re not,” Jules promised.

“Not at all,” Brogan added. “Think of us like gentle lambs.”

A few minutes later and several good-byes behind them, Jules and Brogan watched Heath drive away. The men stood side by side, their eyes fixated straight ahead on the gates at the top of the hill. Once Heath’s car disappeared, Jules let out a sigh of relief.

“Gentle lambs?” Jules asked, still looking straight ahead. “Since when?”

“Since we have a pretty young thing to entertain for the next thirty days. Brother, we’re going to make off like a woman and in the process lead Jenna straight to our bed.”

“Maybe you need to explain. I’m not much for acting like a member of the opposite sex.”

“Learn. We’re playing hard to get. If I read her body language right, we won’t frolic in the pastures all by our lonesome for too long.”

* * * *

“Jules likes you.” Serena ran the brush through Jenna’s hair. “I think he likes you a lot.”

“They both looked at my ass.”

Serena’s arm dropped to her side. Her brown eyes twinkled like milk-chocolate candies and her natural peach-colored lips curved in a smile. “Get out! Did they really?”

“Don’t sound so surprised. They’re your uncles. Not mine. I’m assuming you know they’re both players.” Jenna gnawed on her bottom lip.

“Jules and Brogan?” Serena waved her hand. “Nah. They think they are, but they aren’t. Not really.”

Serena stripped off the snug camisole she wore, unhooked her bra, and tossed the garment into her suitcase on a search for something more comfortable. “Serena, trust me. They know their way around a woman’s body. I imagine they’ve had lots of practice.”

“I don’t know,” Serena said thoughtfully. “I hate to think of them like that. They’re my uncles for crying out loud.”

Jenna dug to the bottom of her luggage, tugging and pulling shirts, shorts, and jeans.

“All right ladies,” Jules said, swinging open the bedroom door. “It’s time to put a summer plan in ord—”

Jenna gasped, grabbed several items of clothing, and held a handful of material against her chest. She kept her head down but felt his searing gaze licking her skin, stroking and caressing her with pure lust driving him.

“Good Lord, I’m sorry.” He didn’t move, so his apology proved futile. “Really, forgive me. I should’ve knocked.”

Since he didn’t, he should’ve left the room as soon as he realized a naked woman was on the other side of the door he’d just walked through.

“Uncle Jules! Out!” Serena screamed, marching toward him. “You’re embarrassing Jenna!”

“Do you mind?” she asked, keeping her eyes downcast when she first spoke, but lifting her head when she informed him, “I’ll just be a minute.”

“I’ll uh…wait in the hall.” He slowly backed out of the room. His gaze drifted across her shoulders and he worked his way up her neck before locking her in a completely desire-ridden stare.

He wore his titillating interest like a stamp upon his forehead. The impact she made on him was imprinted in his jeans. He sported an erection worth noticing, maybe even admiring.

A ragged breath slipped from her chest with the thought. Oh God, now he probably knew she was definitely interested in him, too!

Pausing before he exited the room, Jules asked, “Are you okay?” A devilish smile tilted his lips and Jenna saw a glimpse of the man she’d suspected lived within him.

“She’s fine!” Serena gave him a shove. “Now, go!”

“You’d better listen to your niece. I don’t have a problem dressing in front of my new uncles. After all, we’re family.” She was lying through her teeth, but after the gawking, she might as well give him something to think about.

“The hell we are,” Brogan said, joining Jules in the hallway.

Serena looked hurt. “Uncle Brogan! Jenna is our guest.”

“Yep, I reckon she is, but I don’t recall changing her diapers, giving her a bottle, or slinging her over my shoulder for a piggyback ride. Do you, Jules?”

“No. I don’t,” Jules admitted, clearing his throat.

Serena placed one open hand on her hip. “Uncle Jules,” she drawled, pointing with her middle and index fingers from his eyes to her own. “Look at me. Try to give Jenna a little privacy.” She attempted to close the door and place some needed distance between the males and the females.

“If she didn’t want us to see her, she would’ve turned the damn lock. Ain’t that right, Jenna?”

Interesting. Serena’s Uncle Brogan thought he was already on to her game. Little did he know. “I didn’t notice a lock.”

“You didn’t look,” Brogan accused.

“He did,” Jenna said, nodding at Jules and changing the focus from door locks to bodies. “Did you see anything you like?”

Jules swallowed so hard, his Adam’s apple moved up and down. “Let her put some clothes on,” he bit out.

Brogan obviously didn’t believe in wasting time. Since his brother had arrived first at the scene of the crime, he apparently didn’t want to vacate the premises without a taste of what Jules had already investigated.

Jenna really wasn’t the girl next door some men mistakenly believed she might be. She was a common tease and wore the title proudly for a reason.

Her father had been a cruel man. He’d arranged for her to spend time with a vicious fellow who’d ruined her dreams of a happily-ever-after, a man who’d provided her with quite an education. The lesson learned was one to treasure, one to value. At least after class was dismissed.

Men had their place, but not in her life.

She enjoyed taunting the opposite sex. They needed to know that just because they wanted something or someone, didn’t mean they could have it, regardless of the costs.

Her gaze shifted from Jules to Brogan. Yes indeed, she’d have a lot of summer fun with Serena’s uncles. She loved playing around, even though the effort was all strut and no sway.

By and large, she seldom found worthy players to even run the ball onto her field. This little Tennessee trip was the exception. She could already see the next thirty days turning into a month of good times.

Since she still held an attentive audience, she dropped her clothes, snatched a robe, and gave her hips a good shake as she marched to the bathroom. “I’m taking a shower. Serena, will you see if your uncles can let me have a little privacy?”

Serena laughed. “If you do that again, I guess I’ll have to excuse myself and give the three of you a little space.”

Brogan grunted. Jules sniffed.

Apparently they thought so.

Jenna crossed her arms over her chest and fiercely shook her head. Her hair tumbled across her shoulders and down her back. She turned slightly. “We won’t need much, Serena. Will we, boys?”

Jules’s eyes misted over with a screen of lust so thick, his appreciation of her pooled at the corners. “You’re trouble.”

“Want me to spell out how much of it I can bring?”

Serena started pushing them out of their room, laughing and shaking her head. “Dad will string you up like Momma strings green beans.”

“Better be careful, Jenna. Heath seems to think of you like a daughter. He looks at you and sees a child. All I’m seeing is one hundred percent woman,” Brogan said.

Jenna slammed the bathroom door. If Jenna pegged Brogan and Jules about right, then Serena was in for one hell of a lecture.

She spotted a radio on a nearby shelf. No sense in eavesdropping. She touched the dial and found a suitable station. Then, she cranked up the hot water, stripped off her lower half, and danced right into the large tile-covered shower.

* * * *

Brogan wrapped his large hand around Serena’s wrist and pulled her down the hallway toward the study. Jules stayed directly behind them. Serena realized they weren’t too pleased with their current arrangement, but she couldn’t empathize. She brought Jenna with her so she wouldn’t sit around all month and worry about her mother.

“Serena,” Brogan began, “I’m asking some of our friends to keep Jenna. The two of you can see one another during the day but—”

“No, Uncle Brogan! You don’t understand. Jenna isn’t what you think.”

“Oh, I’m pretty sure she is,” Jules jumped in, making his way to the wet bar.

How funny, Serena thought. He needed a stiff drink after the way Jenna worked him over. Serena wanted to laugh outright as he nervously fumbled with the decanter and then the lid covering the ice bucket.

“She’s the definition of what we don’t need living under our roof,” Jules continued.

“Why? Do you have a girlfriend? Are you afraid she’ll be jealous?”

“No, and you’re missing the point,” Brogan said. “What kind of gal just drops her top like Jenna just did?”

“One with a lot of confidence?” Serena suggested. “Oh good grief, it’s not like the two of you haven’t seen boobs before. What’s the big deal?”

BOOK: Blaine, Destiny - Domination Plantation [Southern Plantation 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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