Blake, Abby - Suddenly Bear (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Suddenly Bear (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“I was going to talk to you about it, but with Violet now in our lives I want time to spend with her. I want to be able to take a trip home to visit when I have time off from the hospital. I know I said I’d pay my own way, but I’d appreciate your help until I can pay you back.”

“Hell,” Declan said quietly into the phone. “It’s family money, Jay. And it was specifically put aside to pay for your education. You don’t need to pay us back. Just get qualified and come home.”

“Thanks,” Jayden said sincerely. “I’ll book a flight now and e-mail you the details.”

Declan hung up the phone, a strange mix of anger and guilt playing through his mind still. Jayden may be the reason Violet didn’t know she was a bear, but Declan should be adult enough to take responsibility for his own behavior.

He owed Violet an apology.

He stopped by the kitchen to grab the trolley of food he’d ordered, and then headed back to their private apartment.

* * * *

Brandon lay on the bed with Violet curled in his arms. She’d finally fallen asleep. Considering how relaxed and pliant she’d been after the most incredible orgasm he’d ever had the pleasure to witness, it shouldn’t have taken so long.

He glanced at the phone, wondering if he could call and talk to Declan without waking their sleeping mate.

Violet wriggled in her sleep, and he pulled her closer, wrapping himself around her, keeping her warm even though the room wasn’t exactly cold. It was unlikely that he’d be able to talk softly enough to make the call and still hold Violet in his arms, and since he wasn’t about to let the woman go, he realized he wouldn’t get to speak to his brother until the man came back into the room.

Guilt niggled at the back of his brain. Brandon knew he shouldn’t have pushed him. Declan hadn’t known much about Brandon’s previous excursion into the BDSM lifestyle, so he probably hadn’t been prepared for the spanking Brandon had given Violet. She’d taken it beautifully, her reactions pure and sweet and oh, so innocent, but in a most delectable way. Even though Brandon had been prepared to live a vanilla lifestyle with his mate, he’d been overjoyed to realize her submissive streak.

But he still shouldn’t have pulled Declan into a BDSM-type scene before the man had been ready. If Brandon knew his older brother as well as he believed, Declan would have had a slow, loving seduction planned for his mate long before he even met her. Guilt wound through him as Brandon realized that getting what he wanted may have damaged Declan and Violet’s relationship already.

He glanced down at his mate’s puffy eyes and silently cursed a blue streak in his head. He was still coming up with inventive ways to cuss at himself when he heard the elevator doors open. Since he, Declan, and Jayden were the only ones with passkeys to the private apartment, he didn’t bother to get dressed.

“Is she all right?”

“She was a little freaked by the way you left.”

“Sorry,” Declan said as he paced several steps back and forth. “I’m just…it wasn’t the way I planned it, but…holy fuck, when I slid into her ass, I felt like I was home, like I finally found where I belonged.”

Brandon smiled at his brother’s wonder. “I know what you mean. She’s incredible, and I promise you, she enjoyed every moment.”

“But I should have been more gentle, more patient. She’s our mate. We should have made it special for her, you know, memorable.”

“You think her first time being spanked to orgasm and having her ass fucked is not going to be memorable?” Brandon quirked an eyebrow, waiting for his brother to deny the obvious.

He didn’t disappoint. “I just mean it should have been…”

Brandon offered some suggestions. “Quieter? Softer? Less incredible.”

“Fuck off, that isn’t what I meant.”

“Yes, it is,” Brandon said, trying to keep his voice low so that he wouldn’t wake the woman sleeping in his arms. “You wanted to give her a romantic, sensual, boring introduction into sex with three bears. Think about who we are. What we are. It was never going to happen.”

It was only now that they were arguing that Brandon was beginning to realize that going with his gut and dominating Violet the way she needed them to was the only way they should have started their relationship.

If they’d begun any other way, it would have been a lie and made getting a satisfying sex life for them all a long journey of misunderstandings and misinformation. All three brothers felt the need to claim their mate, to protect her, to provide for her, and to dominate her sexually, and that wasn’t ever going to change.

And whether she understood it or not, it was what Violet wanted, too.

Of course, judging by the lady’s stubborn streak, dominating her anywhere other than the bedroom would probably get them castrated, but Violet had enjoyed what the three of them had done together, no matter what Declan had convinced himself.

But all the logic in the world wouldn’t change the fact that Declan was freaking out and Violet was hurt by his reaction.

Declan finally stopped pacing and came to stand by the bed, gazing down at the sleeping woman in Brandon’s arms. “I fucked up, didn’t I?” Brandon just gave him a crooked smile. “How do I fix it?”

“By being honest. By telling her what you’re feeling and explaining your earlier reaction.”

Declan looked so horrified anyone would have thought Brandon had suggested something akin to wrapping his dick in barbed wire. Brandon tried unsuccessfully to hide his grin. He’d known his whole life that his older brother didn’t “do” feelings.

“Any other suggestions?” Declan asked through tightly clenched teeth.

“You could lie down, wait for her to wake up, and seduce her the way you’d always planned.”

He nodded, a half smile forming on his face. “Okay, that sounds like a better idea.”

Declan stepped back to strip off his clothes, and Brandon rolled away slowly, careful not to wake Violet. His cock still throbbed with unspent desire, but, somehow, just knowing that his brother was willing to try and undo the hurt he’d caused their mate was enough to bring his arousal down to a low simmer.

“I’ll just go get some work done,” Brandon said quietly as he dragged on his clothes. Declan nodded as he pulled their woman into his arms and held her close.

* * * *

Violet woke in Declan’s arms. She had no idea how she knew it was him. She had no memory of him taking Brandon’s place, but she knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was Declan who held her.

“Hello, kitten,” he whispered as she rolled to face him.

“Hi,” she said shyly. It seemed so silly. Only an hour or two ago, this man had stuck his cock up her ass. She was pretty sure that took them past the awkward first-date stuff.

“I’m sorry,” he said quietly. “Can I make love to you properly this time?”

Last time wasn’t
She fought down a hysterical giggle as she wondered if she’d survive if they got around to actually fucking her properly. The last orgasm had practically fried her brain. Another one like that just might explode it.

He gave her a confused look, so she swallowed her humor and briefly pressed her lips to his. “Yes, my big, growly bear. Please make love to me.”

Declan leaned over her, framing her face with his hands as he pressed their lips together. He kissed her gently, slowly exploring her with his lips and tongue. She sighed into his mouth as his hands moved to caress every inch of her skin, the warm trail left by the touch of his calloused hands heating her blood. She wriggled to get closer, aching for more, aching for him.

He trailed kisses across her face, down her neck, his hand trailing lower as he caressed the sensitive skin on her hip. She smiled as his hand tangled in the curls at the apex of her thighs, his soft groan confirming what she already knew—she was ready for him.

“Kitten,” he groaned as he pulled his hand away. “I…” But this time she shushed him with fingers across his lips.

“I need you inside me. Please don’t make me wait.”

He groaned again, and kissed her hard. But he moved over her, pushing her legs wide with his knees, his hands stroking her hips and thighs as he aligned his cock with her pussy. She whimpered as he pushed in slowly, the agony of need rising ever higher as he kept the rhythm slow and sensual.

Impatience gnawed at her, her hips trying to move against his, even as his weight held her down. “Declan?” she asked, a plea in her voice.

“It’s okay, kitten,” he whispered as he continued to push into and out of her body in a steady rhythm. She wanted to growl as the gentle motion drew her orgasm near, but wouldn’t let her dive over the edge. He kissed her harder, his tongue thrusting into her mouth, his breath catching as she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him closer. She growled, damn near biting his tongue as she fought for his possession.

He pulled his head back, his eyes searching her face. “Brandon was right?” he asked cryptically.

“Right about what?”
And, hey, couldn’t they have this discussion some other time?

“About you needing to be dominated. That you loved your spanking, and wanted hot, hard loving.”

She laughed at his description, but nodded enthusiastically.

“Oh, thank God,” he said as he rolled over and dragged her on top of him without actually withdrawing his cock. “Ride me, kitten, while I play with these beautiful tits.”

She laughed, her worries evaporating like snow on a hot plate. She balanced herself with her hands on his rock-hard abdomen and lifted up, slamming back down almost immediately. He groaned when she did it again and again. He palmed her breasts, caressing and stroking the soft skin underneath before moving to her nipples and squeezing tight. She gasped at the incredible sensation, her pussy contracting around his cock in response, his groan answering her need somewhere deep inside.

She tightened the muscles again, as he took over her movements, lifting her up off his cock and then slamming her back down. Over and over he controlled her, his hips tilting to just the right angle, rubbing her G-spot on every stroke into her pussy.

“Play with your clit,” he told her, smiling when she did immediately what he asked. “Come on my cock, kitten.” She nodded, her orgasm already starting to pulse through her, her pussy gripping his cock, caressing the hard length as heat washed through every vein.

She smiled, practically purring as he rolled over again, pressing her to the mattress, fucking her harder and faster, thrusting that fat cock deeper into her pussy. She screamed as a second, more violent orgasm caught her by surprise, her womb throbbing, her thighs shaking, every nerve screeching in ecstasy.

He stilled. His cock throbbing deep inside her, his climax sending shuddering ripples through her body once more. Finally, completely spent, she dragged in a lungful of air, holding it in a moment before releasing it slowly.

“That was…” he said breathlessly.

“Fucking incredible,” she finished for him. He nodded, swallowing hard before rolling to the side and taking her with him.

They lay there a long while as they both caught their breath.

“Shower time,” he said as he levered himself to a standing position and then turned and lifted her into his arms.

“A girl could get used to this,” she said with a happy sigh. She glanced at the clock. “I’ve been here six hours and this is already my second shower with a handsome man. Wow, do I know how to plan a holiday or what?”

He swatted her backside, and then kissed her softly as she wriggled in his arms and asked him for more.

“Brat,” he said with a laugh and another kiss. “I can see many spankings in your future.”

She winked at him, glad that he’d gotten over the whole sweet-seduction idea. “Can’t wait,” she whispered as they stepped into the shower.

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Suddenly Bear (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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