Blazing Love: A Hot, Romantic Suspense Series, Book 2 (The Carlisle Sisters) (4 page)

BOOK: Blazing Love: A Hot, Romantic Suspense Series, Book 2 (The Carlisle Sisters)
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“Blaze likes me and I’m not going to turn away from him to feed into Tracy’s delusions.  That’s not fair to me,” Jen said harshly.

“Can’t you recognize who needs a reality check?”  Beth asked.

“It’s not me,” Jen snapped as she walked away.

She grabbed her suitcase and pulled it into the bedroom.  Beth watched the door slam.  She moved to the terrace doors and stepped out onto the balcony to stare out at the crashing sea.

She ran her hand through her auburn hair and sighed.  Jen was only there to make as much trouble as possible.  She couldn’t see beyond her own selfish desires.

Beth had to think of something to keep Jen in check.  What that was she didn’t know.  She sighed with frustration.

“Lord!  What else could go wrong?”
 Beth thought gloomily.




Blaze followed Tracy as the hostess escorted them to their table.  He watched the gentle sway of Tracy’s hips as she walked.  He wanted to pull her back against his groin and let her feel his hot erection.

He wanted her to know how much of an effect she was having on him.  For Jen to think that he even be the slightest bit interested in her was ludicrous.  He only had eyes for the beautiful woman walking in front him at that moment.  Everyone else was just background noise.

The hostess stopped at a table that sat in the corner next to a large open window.  Blaze held Tracy’s chair as she sat then took the seat opposite her.  He surveyed the room as the server handed them their menus.

“Merci,” Tracy smiled.

“Would you like to order drinks?”  the young girl asked.

“Oui,” Blaze said.  “We will have a bottle of the ’96 Krug.  We’re celebrating.”

“Right away, Monsieur,” she said then hurried away.

“This table is perfect.  The breeze coming off of the ocean feels wonderful,” Tracy sighed.

“You look stunning,” Blaze complimented.  “I don’t believe I’ve told you how beautiful you are today.  Forgive me.”

Tracy smiled.

“Well, our conversation was rudely interrupted earlier,” she replied tartly.

“No worries.  I achieved my objective; although I must send Bethany flowers to thank her,” he smiled.

rather instrumental in maneuvering our alone time.  But she’s a fan of yours so she was happy to do it, much to Jen’s annoyance,” Tracy chuckled.

“Are you a fan of mine, Tracy?”  he asked, only half joking.

”How hard are you willing to work for my affections?” she asked shrewdly.

“I’ll do whatever it takes,” he responded.  “Are you issuing a challenge?”

Tracy thought for a moment.  She looked into his beautiful honey-gold eyes and felt herself drawn into them.  She had delivered a test and hoped with all her heart that he would pass it.

“Yes.  If you want my warm regards then you will have to earn them,” Tracy announced.

“Challenge accepted.  Just be ready to pay up when I win,” he grinned.

“That won’t be a problem,” she said softly.

The server came back with the champagne and poured each glass.

“Merci,” Blaze said.  He looked at Tracy.  “Are you ready to order?”

“I haven’t even looked at the menu yet,” she smiled regretfully.

He looked at the server.

“Nous donnerez-vous un instant?”  he asked.

“Oui,” she smiled then walked away.

“I asked her to give us a moment,” he explained to Tracy.

“I know,”  she said in awe.  “Were you constructed in a laboratory?”

“What do you mean?”  Blaze laughed.

“You’re handsome, your strong, you come to the rescue of damsels in distress when their resort is in trouble
you speak French?”  Tracy explained.  “Your almost perfect!”

“Almost?”  Blaze joked.

“Well, the fact that I didn’t hear from you for so long is still working against you.”  Tracy clarified.

“Well, I promised you I’d make up for that so give it some time,”  Blaze said.  “But what about you?  You’re beautiful, artistic and, considering you understood what I said to the waitress, you must speak French, as well.  Doesn’t that make
perfect, too?

“No,”  Tracy corrected him.  “It makes me someone who started taking French in 9th grade.  I guess I always had a feeling I’d end up here.  How about you?”

“It’s become a necessity in my line of work to speak several languages, French being one of them.”  Blaze explained nonchalantly.

“Of course.  Tell me about your work, Mr. James Bond,” she said breathlessly.

“Well, I’m not exactly a spy,” he grinned.  “If I was a
spy, you wouldn’t know it.  But why don’t we decide what we want to eat before I get into my occupation?  Do you mind if I order for you?”

“Not at all.  I trust you won’t order something that will make me barf,” she joked.

He laughed.

“You have my word,” he smiled.

The server came back and he ordered cognac shrimp with beurre blanc sauce, spinach soufflé and steamed mussels.  For dessert he ordered chocolate torte with blueberry wine coulis.  Everything was delicious and their conversation had been easy and natural.

When their table had been cleared, Blaze finally launched into a description of his work.

“I have worked independently as a covert collector of intelligence for the last seven years.  I started in this field when I was twenty years old.  It was quite by accident.  I happened to be in the right place to trip up an assassin who was running down the steps of the White House.  I was there on a tour with my Georgetown University sophomore class.  I had no clue who the guy was and I was mortified that I had tripped him.  It was all a horrible accident,” he explained.  “I was about to apologize to the guy when he was suddenly surrounded by the Secret Service and I was whisked off to the FBI, CIA and Homeland Security to be interrogated and then praised for my bravery.  I was shown the CIA headquarters and it was there and then that I got the bug to be a spy.  I asked how I could become an agent and the rest is history.  After about seven years of working for the U.S. government I went out on my own.”

“That’s fascinating,” Tracy said.

“Not really.  It’s not exactly like it is in the movies.  Just a lot of surveillance; sitting in dark hideaways for hours waiting for something to happen.  It’s not very exciting or glamorous,” he grimaced.  “But the actual apprehension of a criminal is still exhilarating which is why I continue to do it.”

“But it’s so dangerous,” she said quietly.

“Not so much if you’re careful.  There are risks, yes.  But I see those risks as an opportunity to excel,” he replied.  “And then there are the perks that certain cases bring.”

He reached out and took her hands in his, his eyes penetrating her to her soul.

Tracy wondered what would happen if they got together.  Would she be able to live the life of an agent’s significant other?  Never knowing for sure if he would be coming back home alive.  It was something to consider if things became serious between them; and he certainly acted like that was what he wanted.

“What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?”  he asked.

She was mesmerized by his smile and twinkling golden eyes.  How easy it would be to fall in love with him.

“Just thinking that you live a very adventurous life.  Mine seems boring in comparison,” she sighed.

“Are you kidding?  You just sold out at the Art de Magnifigance Exhibit!  I would hardly call that dull and lifeless,” he said in astonishment.

“I guess,” she said softly.

“What’s bothering you?”  he inquired gently. 

She looked down into her lap and remained silent.  Blaze had little trouble reading her body language.  She was concerned about his work.

“Don’t worry about me, Tracy,” he added.  “Nothing will happen to me; I won’t take any chances with my life.  I have too much to live for…now.”

“Promise?”  She lifted her lovely hazel eyes to him.

He squeezed her hands gently.

“I promise,” he swore.

He realized at that moment how much he wanted to keep that promise.  Tracy had become very important to him in a very short period of time.  He didn’t want to disappoint her and he didn’t want to be away from her.  He found that he wanted to spend every waking moment with her; and every
one, for that matter. 

He heard music playing and looked across the plaza to see people dancing in a rotunda.

“Come on.  Let’s dance,” he said happily.

He paid the check then they left the restaurant.  He grabbed her hand and towed her across the street toward the rotunda.  He pulled her into his arms and held her close as they moved to the soft, rhythmic music.

Tracy relaxed in his strong, powerful arms and laid her head on his muscular shoulder.  He was a good dancer.  He led effortlessly and she thought little of what her next step should be.  Once she realized how in control he was, she simply allowed him to gently guide her wherever he wanted her to go.

They were dancing under the stars and it was glorious.  Tracy peaked upward and saw the stars sparkling brilliantly.  They reminded her of the light that shone from Blaze’s eyes.  She hadn’t known him for very long but she was confident that he was the good, kind man that he seemed.  Her knight without the armor.

Tracy leaned into Blaze and he immediately pulled her closer.  She could feel his hard penis pressing into her.  She liked the long, full feel of it and wondered what it would be like for it to be thrusting into her.  She realized that she wanted that time to come between them, sooner rather than later.  And as she rotated her hips against him, he made it clear that he wanted the same thing.

“Keep that up and we’re going to have to find a place to be alone,” he murmured in her ear.

“Maybe that’s not such a bad idea,” she whispered.

He stopped moving and looked down at her.  He wondered if she was teasing him. He needed to be sure of what she was saying.

“Is this just playful talk or are you saying you want to have sex with me?”  he asked, cutting to the chase.

So, there it was—out in the open.  This guy didn’t mess around.  He looked into her eyes as he waited for her answer.

Tracy took her time answering.  This was an important question and it needed to be answered carefully.  Taking this step was big for her and she normally didn’t move so fast in a relationship.  Could she do so with Blaze?  She was definitely attracted to him; but was she ready to
with him?

“I’m not sure.  At least I’m not sure if I’m ready for that at this moment,” she said slowly.  “I shouldn’t have teased you as I did. I’m sorry.”

He stared at her for a moment then pulled her to his chest.

“Don’t be sorry.  I liked what you did.  You can tease me as much as you want,” he murmured.

He wondered how long he would be able to take her teasing.  He certainly liked it but how long would it be before he’d want more?  Hell, he already wanted more.

“You don’t mind?”  she asked in disbelief.

“No,” he groaned.  “It’ll just make it that much better later.”

Tracy heard the tension in his voice and knew it was because he wanted her.  She wasn’t that naïve.  In fact, she wanted him just as much.  And she
a grown woman, after all; not an inexperienced teenager.  What was she thinking acting like a school girl?  She threw caution to the wind and rose on her toes to kiss his neck.

He cupped her face and raised her mouth to his.  It was a gentle, feather-like kiss at first.  Then he used his tongue to trace her lips.  It was tender yet sexy and Tracy melted at his touch.

She parted her lips and his tongue entered with alacrity.  He needed no further invitation to explore the recesses of her warm mouth.  Tracy was amazed at his expertise and relaxed into the caress.  Then she kissed him back, seemingly fueling his aggression.

He lifted his head.

“Come on,” he grunted.

He grasped her hand and tugged her down the street and into a secluded courtyard of a splendid villa.  Tracy had little time to take in her surroundings as Blaze sank onto a stone bench, taking her with him in his arms.

He kissed her ruthlessly then eased her onto her back.  Coming down upon her, he kissed her neck as his fingers wandered all over her body.  Desire was flooding Tracy as she parted her thighs to better feel his manhood grinding against her, nearing explosion.

Damn!  How he wanted her.  She had gotten under his skin and was the only one who could satisfy his need.  Her fingers were gliding over his body; electrifying him to no end.  He wondered if she was even aware of how crazy she made him. 

His hand drifted to the hem of her skirt and pushed it upward.  She gasped as he trailed his fingers along her thigh, encouraging him to continue sliding his hand upward until he reached the apex between her legs.  His fingers slipped under her panties and she moaned as he slipped them into her wet pussy.

She felt so good to him and, if her moans were any indication, he felt the same to her.  She writhed beneath him and clutched his shoulders as he manipulated her sex with his thick, skilled fingers.  He looked down at her and wanted her even more when he saw how completely lost in passion she was.

But if he didn’t stop now he knew there would be no waiting.  He would end up taking her right there on that bench.  It took all of his will to remove his hand and not replace it with his mouth.  He pulled her skirt down and kissed her mouth briefly.

Tracy suddenly became aware of what was happening.  She blinked several times then raised herself up onto her elbows.  She looked at him and closed her eyes in mortification.

“Oh no,” she wailed as she lay back again, covering her eyes with her hands.  “I’m so embarrassed. And I’m sorry.  You must think the worst of me!”

“Don’t be ridiculous, sweetie.  We now know that we are compatible,” he said wryly.  “

She peered at him from between her fingers and he smiled.  She wished she could somehow melt into the stone bench and disappear.  Not ten minutes ago she had said how she wanted to wait and yet here she was jumping his bones.  She didn’t think she would ever be able to look him straight in the eyes again.

BOOK: Blazing Love: A Hot, Romantic Suspense Series, Book 2 (The Carlisle Sisters)
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